Sunday 13 October 2024

50 Inspirational Fashion Quotes. Elevate Your Style Game With These Quotes About Fashion

Hi there! Ever wondered why we all seem so obsessed with fashion quotes? Why quotes about fashion seem to pop up everywhere, from Instagram feeds to coffee table books? 

Picture by Seadbeady

Maybe it’s because they let us feel a little closer to the style icons we admire, like we’re getting a sneak peek into their fabulous wardrobes—and, let’s be honest, their fabulous lives. ✨👗🌟

Perhaps it’s because we just need a quick, sassy comeback when someone questions why we’re wearing sunglasses indoors (‘It’s called *fashion*, darling’). 😎💁‍♀️✨

Whatever the reason, fashion quotes have become the ultimate accessory for those of us who live for style, sass, and a sprinkle of wisdom. 💃💖👗

It might even be a generous dash of wisdom—at least in my case. Just kidding, or not? 😜😄✨

I have to confess—I had no inspiration. I kept wondering what on earth to write about this time? It happens to the best of us. Doesn’t it? 🤔🤷‍♀️😅

Of course not, a seasoned autumn chicken like me would never stumble upon something like that. It’s because I came across some great fashion quotes, and I thought, ‘These would make a fantastic blog post!.  🐓💁‍♀️📚

Naturally, I *had* to share them with you. Who knows, maybe they’ll add a little sparkle to your day or give you a reason to buy that new pair of shoes (not that you need one, or that you need any justification). ✨👠💫

Hey wait, have you ever thought about what makes those fashion quotes so iconic? Is it the simplicity? The wit? The fact that it comes from someone we’ve all agreed is the epitome of chic? (Hint: it’s probably all the above.) 😉💬👗

All that is not important, except that these quotes offer everything from life advice to shopping justifications. And who among us doesn’t appreciate a quote that makes us feel like buying that extra piece of clothing is not only acceptable but necessary for personal growth? 🛍️💡💃

Now then, if you’re ready to dive deep into the best quotes about fashion and sprinkle a little fabulousness into your day, buckle up (preferably with a stylish belt). We’re about to take a walk down the runway of wisdom—50 quotes, 50 chances to feel inspired, laugh, and, most importantly, feel like the fashion icon you already are. 😌👠✨

Picture by Seadbeady

Fashion Quote nr.1: "Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life." - Bill Cunningham

   *Because let’s face it, when the reality of life includes meetings, deadlines, and small talk at parties, we need all the armor we can get—preferably in the form of a killer outfit.*

Fashion Quote nr.2: "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." - Rachel Zoe  

   *Which is perfect for those days when words feel overrated. Let your bold patterns, bright colors, or monochromatic vibes do the talking.*

Fashion Quote nr.3: "You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it." - Edith Head  

  *Dressing for success is the ultimate power move. After all, who says ‘future CEO’ can’t be a style statement?*

Fashion Quote nr.4: "People will stare. Make it worth their while." - Harry Winston  

   *Whether it’s sequins or sweatpants, just own it. If they’re going to stare, let them wonder, ‘Is that a fashion icon or just someone who really loves glitter?’*

Fashion Quote nr.5: "Fashion fades, only style remains the same." - Coco Chanel  

   *Trends come and go, but my commitment to ‘comfy chic’ seems eternal. Thanks for the validation, Coco.*

Fashion Quote nr.6: "I like my money right where I can see it… hanging in my closet." - Carrie Bradshaw  

   *Who needs a savings account when you have an investment in fashion items, right?*

Fashion Quote nr.7: "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." - Coco Chanel  

   *A good reminder that it’s okay if my ‘unique’ style isn’t everyone’s cup of tea—because it’s a whole pot of fabulousness to me.*

Fashion Quote nr.8: "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." - Coco Chanel  

   *She’s not wrong. Nothing beats a sunny day at the park... unless you’re wearing a new designer coat while enjoying it.*

Fashion Quote nr.9: "Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them." - Marc Jacobs  

   *It's all about the attitude you bring to the outfit. But hey, a little designer touch never hurt anyone, right?*

Fashion Quote nr.10: "I don’t do fashion. I am fashion." - Coco Chanel  

    *A motto for when you’ve had a particularly fabulous outfit day and want to remind yourself that you *are* the moment.*

Picture by Seadbeady
Skirted leggings from

Fashion Quote nr.11: "Over the years, I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it." - Yves Saint Laurent  

    *It’s about the attitude, not just the outfit—unless it’s an outfit with pockets, because that’s an attitude in itself.*

Fashion Quote nr.12: "Fashion is about something that comes from within you." - Ralph Lauren  

    *Translation: Go ahead and wear that statement piece. If you feel it, you rock it.*

Fashion Quote nr.13: "One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress." - Karl Lagerfeld  

    *The LBD: It’s basically fashion’s version of a get-out-of-jail-free card.*

Fashion Quote nr.14: "Fashions have done more harm than revolutions." - Victor Hugo  

    *Let’s be real—who hasn’t been betrayed by a new trend? Those low-rise jeans are still haunting me.*

Fashion Quote nr.15: "Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment." - Alexander McQueen  

    *Indeed. Fashion should set us free—not just from boring outfits, but from the idea that we have to dress a certain way.*

Fashion Quote nr.16: "Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered." - Giorgio Armani  

    *So true. But sometimes, it’s also about standing out *and* being remembered—preferably for all the right reasons.*

Fashion Quote nr.17: "A woman should be two things: classy and fabulous." - Coco Chanel  

    *Although, if you can only manage one today, ‘fabulous’ is a pretty solid choice.*

Fashion Quote nr.18: "Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers. And style is what you choose." - Lauren Hutton  

    *Because at the end of the day, it’s about making the trends your own—even if that means wearing last season’s must-haves.*

Fashion Quote nr.19: "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." - Marilyn Monroe  

    *Or at least conquer the grocery store in style. Close enough, right?*

Fashion Quote nr.20: "Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." - Coco Chanel  

    *Sometimes, less really is more. Except when it comes to clothing—then more is more.*

Picture by Seadbeady

Fashion Quote nr.21: "The joy of dressing is an art." - John Galliano  

    *And like any artist, sometimes you just have to go a little wild with the brush strokes (or accessories).*

Fashion Quote nr.22: "Fashion is what you buy. Style is what you do with it." - Unknown  

    *You could have the whole store, but it’s how you wear it that counts. Think ‘artist with a canvas’ but make it a closet.*

Fashion Quote nr.23: "When in doubt, wear red." - Bill Blass  

    *Or, as I like to think of it, ‘confidence in fabric form.’*

Fashion Quote nr.24: "Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn." - Orson Welles  

    *The ultimate fashion goal: unapologetically yourself, even if it means mixing prints like it’s no one’s business.*

Fashion Quote nr.25: "Fashion is like eating, you shouldn’t stick to the same menu." - Kenzo Takada  

    *Variety is the spice of life—and the reason my closet is overflowing.*

Fashion Quote nr.26: "Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends." - Kate Spade  

    *So true! Whether you’re five or fifty, there’s nothing like twirling in a new outfit and pretending you’re on a runway. Some things never change.*

Fashion Quote nr.27: "Style is a simple way of saying complicated things." - Jean Cocteau  

    *Who needs words when your outfit screams, ‘I’ve got my life together,’ even if you’re still figuring out how to fold a fitted sheet?*

Fashion Quote nr.28: "Fashion is what you adopt when you don’t know who you are." - Quentin Crisp  

    *I’d argue that it’s also what you adopt when you’re just having fun figuring it all out. Life’s a journey, and so is finding the right hat.*

Fashion Quote nr.29: "You can never be overdressed or overeducated." - Oscar Wilde  

    *The ultimate permission slip to show up in a ball gown to a coffee date. Hey, if Wilde says it’s okay, then who are we to argue?*

Fashion Quote nr.30: "Trendy is the last stage before tacky." - Karl Lagerfeld  

    *Which is why I like to stay a little ahead—or behind—the trends. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where people can’t quite tell if you’re being ironic or just fabulous.*

Picture by Seadbeady

Fashion Quote nr.31: "Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well." - Vivienne Westwood  

    *In other words, if you’re going to dress up, go all out. And if you’re going to lounge, make sure those sweatpants are the coziest ones money can buy.*

Fashion Quote nr.32: "Style is primarily a matter of instinct." - Bill Blass  

    *Which explains why some days my instinct is ‘high fashion,’ and other days it’s ‘I just rolled out of bed, and yes, this is intentional.’*

Fashion Quote nr.33: "Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live." - Gianni Versace  

    *Words to live by! And if what I want to express today is ‘comfort over everything,’ then so be it.*

Fashion Quote nr.34: "Fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not about brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you." - Ralph Lauren  

    *Like a little sparkle or a dash of ‘I know this looks good.’ Confidence makes any outfit pop—even if it’s just a cozy knit sweater. I love knit sweaters*

Fashion Quote nr.35: "I have four wardrobes full of clothes that I will never wear again, but I can’t throw anything away because I will become poor the minute I throw something away." - Ali MacGraw  

    *Relatable! You never know when you’ll need that neon crop top from 2004—it could be a retro revival any day now.*

Fashion Quote nr.36: "I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect—they are much more interesting." - Marc Jacobs  

    *Embracing imperfections is the new chic—it's not a flaw, it's a statement piece!*

Fashion Quote nr.37: "I love being called a fashion icon; it just means I’m fashionable." - Kanye West  

    *And isn’t that what we all want? To walk into a room and have people think, ‘Now, *that* is someone who knows how to dress.’*

Fashion Quote nr.38: "It’s a new era in fashion—there are no rules." - Alexander McQueen  

    *Music to my ears. If I want to pair stripes with polka dots, or wear heels with pajama pants, I’m just being avant-garde!*

Fashion Quote nr.39: "A woman’s dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view." - Sophia Loren  

    *Classic and daring, just like Sophia herself. Sometimes, it’s about striking that perfect balance between ‘wow’ and ‘whoa.’*

Fashion Quote nr.40: "Fashion is what one wears oneself. What is unfashionable is what other people wear." - Oscar Wilde  

    *Translation: If you’re wearing it, it’s fashion. If someone else is, well... that’s a whole different story.*

Picture by Seadbeady
Jeans Jacket from

Fashion Quote nr.41: "Style is something each of us already has; all we need to do is find it." - Diane von Furstenberg  

    *And sometimes finding it means a lot of trial and error (hello, fashion experiments), but hey, that’s half the fun!*

Fashion Quote nr.42: "Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing." - Alexander Wang  

    *True. Weekend wear reveals who you really are—whether you’re a ‘sweats and hoodies’ person or a ‘casual but chic’ kind of person (or both, depending on the weather).*

Fashion Quote nr.43: "Fashion is what you buy; style is what you do with it." - Unknown  

    *This is why it’s perfectly acceptable to wear a thrift store find and make it look like a million bucks. It’s all about the attitude, baby!*

Fashion Quote nr.44: "Shoes transform your body language and attitude. They lift you physically and emotionally." - Christian Louboutin  

    *Nothing says ‘I mean business’ like a pair of heels that make you stand three inches taller (and possibly wince, but that’s beside the point).*

Fashion Quote nr.45: "Elegance is refusal." - Coco Chanel  

    *Sometimes the most powerful statement is knowing when to say ‘no, thank you’ to a trend—and yes to timeless style.*

Fashion Quote nr.46: "Fashion is the part of the daily air and it changes all the time, with all the events. You can even see the approaching of a revolution in clothes." - Diana Vreeland  

    *You heard it here first—if someone shows up in revolutionary chic, something big is about to go down!*

Fashion Quote nr.47: "To me, clothing is a form of self-expression—there are hints about who you are in what you wear." - Marc Jacobs  

    *Which is why my sweaters say, ‘I value comfort, warmth, and hiding snacks in my pockets.’*

Fashion Quote nr.48: "Fashion is instant language." - Miuccia Prada  

    *Who needs words when you’ve got an outfit that says, ‘I’m here, I’m fabulous, and I know it’?*

Fashion Quote nr.49: "What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language." - Miuccia Prada

    *It’s all about first impressions, and in a world where everything’s fast-paced, your outfit is basically your business card.*

Fashion Quote nr.50: "Fashion is not about utility. An accessory is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity." - The Devil Wears Prada  

    *Accessories make or break a look—and if anyone doubts that, they’ve clearly never had their mood lifted by the perfect statement necklace.*

Picture by Seadbeady
Raincoat from

Ok then, there you have it—50 quotes that show fashion isn’t just about clothes; it’s about confidence, personality, and, most importantly, fun! 😊✨👗

Whether you’re strutting in heels or lounging in sweats, remember: fashion is about making a statement, and your style is your signature. So go ahead, express yourself—one outfit at a time. 😎👠💫

Ah, before I wrap things up—let me know which quote is your favorite! Personally, I’m partial to number 23, since red is my go-to color. ❤️👗🔥

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 29 September 2024

Interview With Fashion Model Bozena Zag

Hi there, my beautiful readers! Ever wonder what it’s really like to be a fashion model? You know, jet-setting to glamorous locations, landing modeling jobs left and right, and working with top photographers like it’s no big deal? 

Picture provided by Bozena Zag

Yeah, me too. I mean, the closest I ever got was posing for a family photo at the local fair, trying to look fierce while holding a goldfish I just won. But, as usual, I digress… 😏🐠🎡

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with the one and only Bozena Zag, a freelance model who’s been turning heads and strutting her stuff since 2014. 😎💃✨

Bozena isn’t your run-of-the-mill fashionista; she’s a small-town girl with big-city dreams, and she’s made them come true. All without an agent! 👗🚀🌍

Yep, she’s been booking modeling jobs on her own, traveling far and wide, and bringing her creative vision to life with some of the best in the biz. 📸👜🎨

Now wait, there’s more! Bozena dropped some wisdom during our chat: “The grass isn’t greener on the other side—it’s greener when you water it.” 💡🌱💧

Ok then, friends, if you’re feeling a little parched in your own life, remember to water that grass (or at least spritz it with some high-fashion sparkle) and watch your dreams grow. Just like Bozena’s career! ✨🌟🌷

Picture provided by Bozena Zag

What is your name? How old are you? 

Bozena Zag - 47 years old. 

Are you on Social Media? How many followers do you have? 

Yes I am on a few. Instagram 23k.

Do you work Full-time or Part-time as a Fashion Model? 

Full Time.

What made you decide to become a Fashion Model? Tell me about your journey.

I was always inspired to be a fashion model but initially lacked confidence and family support. 

After separating at age 36/37, with three young children and no clear direction, faced numerous challenges and rejections. Despite starting late and juggling motherhood, I persisted, investing in a mentor and working on my mindset. 

My  journey inspired others, proving that careers can begin at any age. Now, at 47 successfully working with agencies, launching courses, and sharing my story to motivate others.

How many hours do you spend modeling?

Modeling work involves more than just photo shoots; it includes online tasks such as early morning and evening work, booking modeling jobs, and consulting with advisors, all of which they consider integral to their modeling career.

Is fashion important to you? Why?

Yes it’s important to me. Fashion is vital as it boosts self-worth, fosters creativity, and mirrors inner beauty. It enables individuals to shape their surroundings and express how they wish to present themselves and their emotions to the world.

Picture provided by Bozena Zag

What are your successes and how did you achieve them?

My unwavering determination to pursue the vision despite numerous hurdles and slow progress. By continually pushing myself  and securing necessary resources, I gradually realized the long-held dreams. To me , success is defined by  persistence and the ability to see and feel the vision coming to life.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I’m living my  dream life, having achieved the goals of having children, traveling, and inspiring others. It is possible to pursue multiple careers or passions at any age, regardless of challenges. 

My  mission is to continue doing what I  love while helping and inspiring others, serving as proof that mindset and determination can lead to success.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you model clothing?

The quality, which I have always appreciated, that is important to me.

Describe your personal style of clothing?

Dressy classy-casual style that balances elegance with comfort. My  wardrobe includes fashionable workout gear, jeans paired with tank tops, blazers or cardigans, and dressy pants with comfortable shoes and dresses

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Spent  many years exploring various brands and designers but have not settled on a personal signature style, as I appreciate a wide range of designers and can't choose just one favorite.

Picture provided by Bozena Zag

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

No I do not.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

Love wearing long, slim-fit bellbottom jeans with a tank top, casual top, cardigan, or blazer, paired with comfortable flat shoes or heels, creating a versatile, business-like yet comfortable look for meetings and casual outings

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

There are no "worse trends" for me since everyone has their own style that works and feels good for them.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Key tips for optimizing your wardrobe: regularly edit your closet, hang everyday wear, curate a collection you love, elevate the look of outerwear, avoid non-returnable purchases, let go of unworn items, understand what suits your body type, and organize shelf-stacked items efficiently.

Who is your style icon and why? 

Victoria Beckham's unique, classy, and fashionable everyday style, appreciating her minimal makeup and natural confidence.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

The key to success is a positive mindset, self-belief, and inner peace, which attract opportunities. Though it may sound cliché, but it's proven effective.

Picture provided by Bozena Zag

A huge thank you, Bozena, for taking the time to answer all my interview questions! I truly believe it’s not a cliché—your confidence and positive energy are what really make you shine. 😊✨🌟

If you’ve got a moment, swing by and check out the amazing fashion models I had the pleasure of chatting with, all dressed to the nines, right here on this page! 😎👗💗

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 22 September 2024

Interview With Makeup Artist Wil Strayhorn

Hi There, my gorgeous girls and boys! Ever wondered if your makeup artist could also double as your brand coach? How about transforming your entire image while getting some much-needed wisdom on how to tackle life’s most complicated topics? 

Picture provided by Wil Strayhorn

Well, let me introduce you to Wil Strayhorn—a true expert at making people look and feel their best, inside and out. 😊✨💅

With a masterful blend of mindset coaching, image revamping (we’re talking hair, wardrobe, makeup—the works), and a knack for brand coaching, Will is the one-stop-shop for your ultimate glow-up. 😏💇‍♀️🎨

Hey wait, there’s more! Will doesn’t just stop at individual transformations. His podcast, *Let’s Face It w/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends*, dives deep into today’s most trending and controversial issues. 😎🎙️🔥

From personal growth and navigating love and relationships, to, let’s face it, everything in between, Wil’s thought-provoking conversations with expert guests will keep you hooked. 😄💭💞

Now, I must admit, this all sounds like something I’d be thrilled to try myself! After all, this *fall chicken* could definitely use a bit of a feather shine-up. 🐔💫🧖‍♀️

Who wouldn’t want to strut into the new season with fresh plumage and a sparkling new mindset? 🐥👗✨

If there’s anyone who can get us looking—and feeling—our absolute best, it’s Wil Strayhorn. Well then, who’s ready to jump right into this new Makeup Artist interview? 🤩💪🎤

Picture provided by Wil Strayhorn

What is your name, function and the company you work for?  

Wil Strayhorn, Transformational Coach, Let’s Face It (LFI)

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

I specialize in transforming individuals from the inside out, including mindset coaching, image coaching, which encompasses hair, wardrobe, and make-up, to name a few.

What made you decide to become a MakeUp Artist?

First, I was a hairstylist and ultimately became a make-up artist as a way to achieve my entire vision for a person’s transformation. 

Rather than having to hire someone to carry out what I “saw,” the time was ripe for me to empower myself as both stylist and artist.

Is beauty important to you? Why? 

Yes, it absolutely is. When people look their best, they feel their best. Harry Winston, a famed jeweller, once said: “People will stare, make it worth their while.” And that’s true—you ARE your walking business card. Whether it’s make-up, hair, attire, or more, people judge based on what they see.

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

I’m still becoming and as a person who started with ‘imposter’s syndrome’ it’s a major success that I’m still standing. COVID took a lot of my colleagues out—out of the field, out of business, and out of line. 

Yet, here I am, still standing, thriving, and excelling 30 years later. To do it, I always look for the possibilities in situations. I stay optimistic. I keep my eyes locked on the goal, not the barriers or distractions.

Picture provided by Wil Strayhorn

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

Have a team! I so desire a team to help scale my businesses to the next level. I’m energized by the opportunity to mentor, train, and coach others. I would love to recruit, hire, and manage a team one day. I aspire to teach globally.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy make-up?

No, not at all. I have a masters degree in marketing so I understand “branding.” Just because it’s name-brand or becomes a ‘household name’ doesn’t mean it’s superior. It’s just great marketing. It’s just knowing their customer, their needs, and targeting to their needs. 

Describe your personal make-up style?

My personal make-up style is a natural, soft glam with a kick. Basically that means that you will recognize yourself when you look in the mirror but no doubt see your BEST self.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

I found my personal style through trial and error. I studied heavily, watching and observing all “the greats” in the industry until I discovered my own approach, my own voice, and style. It has become my signature look. 

Specializing in natural looks—not traditional by any means—but a healthy balance between natural, sophistication, creativity, and a pop of tasteful flair.

Do you have an influence on other people’s make-up or clothing style?

Yes, by design—my business is image and mindset coaching. I aim to have an influence on other people’s make-up or clothing style, but do it in a way that it’s a true partnership where we’re co-creating their next best self!

Picture provided by Wil Strayhorn

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

Wow—that’s a great question because I do NOT follow trends by any stretch of the imagination. Trends are a money-maker. I teach people to find what works for them—that’s the trend. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. So rather than hunt for the next best trend, in my eyes we’re always looking for what works best for YOU.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

The exaggerated eyelashes that look like caterpillars on your eyes. Make-up should accentuate, never distract from.

What kind of beauty advice would you give us?

Great make-up looks best with great skin. So, while you can, take good care of your skin including stay hydrated, stay moisturized, and use sunscreen, no matter who you are. If you have any questions or need support, connect with an image coach like myself who can link you to an incredible network of skincare professionals.

Who is your style icon and why?

Tom Ford. Tom is a perfect mix of masculinity, style, and sophistication. The epitome of luxury.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Everyone can make effort any day. You can put on chapstick, lipstick, perfume, or sunscreen. Everybody’s not going to put on a whole face of make-up everyday. But even an old barn looks better with a fresh coat of paint on it (laughing).
Let’s stay connected and let’s face it:

Picture provided by Wil Strayhorn

Thank you, Wil Strayhorn, for sharing your incredible expertise and inspiring transformations! With your talent, we’ll all be making sure those stares are definitely worth it. Keep shining, and thank you for helping us do the same! 😄✨🌟

If you're craving more thrilling makeup stories, they're all set for you. Dive in and enjoy! 💄📖✨

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Thursday 5 September 2024

Looking for an Eyebrow Kit to Battle Eyebrow Loss? Try This Complete Brow & Conceal kit

Hey there, fellow brow enthusiasts! Are you grappling with eyebrow loss and wondering if there’s an eyebrow kit out there that can save you from looking like you’ve just walked off the set of a sci-fi movie?

Picture by Seadbeady
They do not have standard shipping to the US, but can look into how to arrange this.

That sounds pretty bad, doesn’t it? Perhaps you’re seeking for a Brows Kit that promises to turn your sparse arches into bold, fabulous brows? 😊💁‍♀️💄

Trust me, I feel your pain. At 50, I’ve experienced my fair share of eyebrow drama—thinning brows, a shingles scar that’s created its very own eyebrow desert. Not to forget the all-too-familiar feeling of eyebrow envy. 😩🔍

Well, hold on to your tweezers, because I’ve stumbled upon something that might just be the brow-saving hero we’ve been waiting for. Let me tell you more about the Easy Brows Kit I tried. 😏✨🦸‍♀️

This little marvel claims to tackle eyebrow loss with the grace of a seasoned magician and a touch of fairy dust. 🌟🧚‍♀️

Now, let’s see if this Brows Kit, they sent me to review, can help us achieve the brows of our dreams—or at the very least, make us look like we’re not auditioning for a role in a post-apocalyptic film. 🤔🎭🔥

Picture by Seadbeady

About Je Bent Prachtig (You are Beautiful)

You deserve to shine.

"You are Beautiful" is not just a project; we believe that every woman, regardless of the challenges she faces, possesses a unique beauty and strength. Our journey began with a profound personal experience and has grown into a global mission of love, support, and empowerment.

In collaboration with a network of experts and organizations, "You Are Beautiful" has evolved into a vibrant and growing community focused on support and empowerment. We're not only dedicated to offering innovative products like Easy Brows Eyebrow Stickers but also to fostering a space where women can share their stories, draw strength, and shine with confidence and grace.

With a gentle touch and a listening ear, we proudly introduce our first product, the Easy Brows Eyebrow Stickers—a simple yet powerful solution designed to create balanced and symmetrical eyebrows in just three steps. We believe that every woman deserves the opportunity to reclaim a refreshed appearance and a healthy glow, making it both possible and accessible for all.

Cosmi Cosmetics BV, the distributor of Golden Rose in the Benelux, has launched a groundbreaking product in February 2024: the Easy Brows Eyebrow Stencil Stickers. Paired with Golden Rose’s top products, the Easy Brow Essential Kit and the more comprehensive Complete Brow & Conceal Kit, this innovative solution allows you to effortlessly create full, natural-looking eyebrows in just three simple steps.

Golden Rose is a leading brand in the beauty industry, operating in 94 countries worldwide and renowned for its innovative and high-quality cosmetics.

Elif, the founder of Cosmi Cosmetics, designed the stencil stickers out of her passion for helping women feel confident and beautiful, regardless of their circumstances. Inspired by her mother, who lost her hair to chemotherapy, she aimed to provide a straightforward and effective solution.

Her mission is to make beauty accessible to everyone with products that are both innovative and compassionate. Under the motto "You Are Beautiful," Elif emphasizes that every woman, no matter her situation, is beautiful and deserves to feel that way.

Easy Brows is hypoallergenic and cruelty-free, making it suitable for everyone, including women dealing with hair loss due to chemotherapy, alopecia, or other causes.

Who is the Eyebrow kit for?

- Women undergoing chemotherapy
- People with alopecia
- Older women experiencing hair loss
- Women with skin conditions or diseases that affect or cause the loss of eyebrows
- Albino individuals (due to very light eyebrows)
- Women with physical limitations who find it challenging to apply makeup

Picture by Seadbeady

Our Mission 

Our mission is centered on providing simple yet effective solutions that can have a significant impact, especially in areas that are often overlooked, like the eyebrows. We have a deep understanding of the emotional and physical challenges women face during chemotherapy, alopecia, undiagnosed conditions, or hormonal changes.

We also recognize the quiet, often unnoticed struggle of over 85% of women who lose their eyebrow hair due to aging or over-plucking and are looking for ways to regain their confidence and self-worth.

Complete Brow & Conceal kit

Conquer eyebrow loss with the Complete Brow & Conceal Kit, your new go-to for restoring and creating natural-looking eyebrows. This kit includes everything you need to effortlessly achieve beautiful brows at home. Hands-free application, suitable for all skin types, and comes with 25 stickers for easy and hygienic use.

Follow our clear instructions and step-by-step tutorials for full, gorgeous brows.

Start your transformation today!

Choose your stencil,
Pick your color,
and get your Complete Brow & Conceal Kit delivered with a 20% discount!

Stencil Guide: Use our stencil guide to find the perfect eyebrow shape that suits your face. Not sure about your ideal shape? Order the mix (00 MIX Blue & Gold & Black).

This comprehensive kit includes:

Essential kit

- Eyebrow Stencils: Choose from 3 types, packaged in a set of 25 pieces.
- Eyebrow Pencil: Precise Browliner for accurately shaping your eyebrows.
- Eyebrow Powder: To fill in and perfect your brows.
- Eyebrow Brush: For applying and blending the eyebrow powder.
- Primer for Eyebrows/Eyeshadow: Prepares the eyebrow area and enhances product adhesion.
- Eyebrow Case: A stylish case (18x12x4.5cm) to conveniently store all your products.

Complete kit

All the items mentioned above +
- Concealer Brush: Specially designed for precise application of concealer.
- Concealer & Camouflage Palette: For concealing imperfections and perfecting the skin.

How do you create Easy Brows?

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 1: Primer

Apply a small amount of primer to the eyebrow area. This helps improve the adhesion of the products. Once the primer is applied, you can move straight on to the next step.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 2: Easy Brows Sticker

Fold the sticker in half; this makes positioning easier. Place the center of the folded sticker stencil at the top of your nose. Peel off the backing and press the sticker into place.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 3: Pencil and Powder

Gently fill in your eyebrows using the eyebrow pencil, following the shape of the stencil. Next, apply the eyebrow powder over the penciled-in brows. Fill in any gaps or lightly cover the entire stencil area for a fuller look.

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the Complete Brow & Conceal kit

I wanted to try the Easy Brows Kit because in my opinion it’s crucial to support women experiencing severe eyebrow loss. 😊💪💕

Whether due to chemotherapy, alopecia, aging, skin conditions, or physical limitations, this kit aims to make a real difference. It’s not just about beauty—it’s about helping those who need it most. 💖✨🙌

I have a special place in my heart for people with cancer, as it’s a deeply personal issue for me. 😔🎗️❤️

Cancer runs in my family: my father passed away from colon cancer at 47, both of his brothers also succumbed to cancer, and even the daughter of his youngest sister was affected. 😢👨‍👧‍👦

The impact of cancer continued with the loss of my mother, who passed away from cancer at 74. Given this, supporting those affected by cancer is incredibly meaningful to me. 🌸🎗️💔

Picture by Seadbeady

Now, about this Brows kit. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the result. My scar is barely visible anymore. The only thing that wasn't so simple was finding the right spot to place the sticker, but I suspect it's just a matter of practice. 😊📍🎨

They have a pretty natural appearance. The only minor drawback is that the eyebrow appeared a bit too dark, but that might simply be because I'm no longer accustomed to seeing full eyebrows in the mirror. 🤔🌑

By the way, this complete Brow & Conceal kit is now available for €99,95 instead of €125. The Essential brow kit can now be bought for €79,95 instead of €99.95. 😄💸✨

Remember, they do not have standard shipping to the US, but they can look into it, so don't hesitate to contact them. 😊✉️🌍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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