Wednesday 29 July 2020

Haven't they learned by now - funny story by Seadbeady

Hi There..... Are you a fan of story telling? Would you like to hear a funny story?

I sure hope so..... Because I really can't help myself..... Weird things happen to me sometimes..... I am not always in full control..... There is some outer source that drives me from time to time..... It is called..... The brain 😂

My funny story is somewhat based on the most recent developments here in Belgium..... We are having our second Corona wave and they have strengthened the rules..... No more fun shopping..... You are supposed to go shop on your own and the maximum time is half an hour..... I was talking about it to my physiotherapist when my mind started spinning..... And this is the result 😁

Haven't they learned by now - funny story by Seadbeady 😍

Seadbeady had been restless all morning..... She just needed to go out.
'Mom'..... 'Yes Darling'..... 'I really need to go. I just can't take it any longer. I am fed up with this lockdown. If I don't get out today I swear my head is gonna explode'..... 'Come on dear, you know it's dangerous out there'..... 'I know mom but I'm bored stiff. I am going and that's final'

She took her bike out and put on her mask, and off she went to the center.....Halfway she had to stop to get the damp of her glasses

'Darn'..... She said..... 'I forgot to put on the shaving cream'

The shaving cream would have kept her glasses from fogging up while wearing a mask..... She left her bike in the cycle parking and hurried to the Shopping Mall..... Seadbeady didn't lose time window shopping..... She went straight to her favorite store..... It shocked her that some elderly people were chatting in the middle of her path.....  They were not wearing their masks properly..... She wanted to avoid coming too close to them 

'Really'..... She thought..... 'Haven't they learned by now'

But she didn't let it get to her..... She was determined to get herself that new outfit she needed..... So she took a basket and a timer and popped into the shop..... There were so many cute outfits in this new collection that she completely lost track of time..... She finally decided to go and fit some things

'Ok'..... She thought..... 'First I am gonna try on this gorgeous pink T-shirt and if I am lucky it will be a perfect match to this white skirt'

She had been so preoccupied that at first, she hadn't even noticed her timer going off..... It made an unbearable sound

'Oh My God'..... 'No'..... 'Not now'..... 'I haven't even tried on my skirt'

She promptly put everything back in her basket and rushed out of the fitting booth..... As she looked up she noticed all the people around eyeballing her

'Did she take up all her time'..... She overheard an old lady asking her husband..... 'I think so'..... He replied..... 'The Youth of today'..... 'Haven't they learned by now'

The end 😀

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Wednesday 22 July 2020

How my Gastric Bypass turned my life around - Finding Ways To Lose Weight

Hi There! Are you looking for ways to lose weight? Have you ever considered a Gastric Bypass?

I don't have to lose weight, at least not anymore. Did you know that I reached my highest weight of 108.06 at the end of 2017. And if you want to know I am 1.65 m high. Not many people know that about me. But my Gastric Bypass turned my life around 😬

Picture by Seadbeady

How I gained weight

But how did I put on so much weight in the first place. I blame it on a lot of things, but the most important one was that I was an emotional eater. Meaning that I ate more when I felt down, stressed, or alone. 😭

It usually came in an instant and at that moment I just had to eat something. Mostly unhealthy foods like a sandwich with Nutella or when I was off to work a chocolate eclair fresh from the baker. Or I would go to the ice cream parlor on my lunch break 😳

The problem of GUILT and SHAME

I didn't want anybody to see me eating either at those moments. I always felt as if everybody was looking at me and I just knew exactly what they were thinking. Well, at least I thought I did. In my mind, they were thinking. Stop eating you are fat enough already. Stop eating before you explode 😞

picture from OpenClipart-Vectors on Pixabay
The problem was that I kept wanting to eat more because of my low self-esteem even sometimes until I felt as if my button would pop off my jeans. 😳

And when I was finished eating all those things. All I was left with was guilt and shame for not being strong enough and giving in to my needs. 😢

You can guess what happened. My scales went up and down like a yoyo. I actually used to love to play with a yoyo when I was a young girl 😏

Looking for ways to lose weight

I had great periods too though. I really can't count how many diets I tried out. Some of them worked. Other's not so much. I lost about 24 kilos once with weight watchers. 😃

Although going to those meetings often discouraged me sometimes. Hearing from others how they didn't follow their diet very strictly and still losing more than me. 😕

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that when comparing to others I always lost less weight than them even though I would follow the diet more strictly 😵

Picture from whocaresaboutit on Pixabay 

I already noticed that when I was a teenager. I, my mom and my 2 sisters all went on the same diet. Eating not much else than salads every day. 😬

After a week my oldest sister had lost 3 kg. My mom and youngest sister about 2 kg and I only lost 1 kg. I can't explain why but it has always been like that for me. Not particularly encouraging. Right 😢

Thinking about Gastric Bypass Surgery

But after years of struggling, I had actually almost given up. I just had to live with the fact that I was never going to get rid of those extra kilos. If it wasn't for someone suggesting I do the ultimate thing. A Gastric Bypass Surgery. I really didn't think that would be an option. That would be super expensive. And the question is. Would it solve my problem 😲

Picture from Nina Garman on Pixabay 

So after letting the idea simmer for a while. I needed my mind to adjust to this crazy idea. I went to my friend the internet and looked up some information about it. What exactly was this thing. How much would it really cost and what did other people say about it 😦

I decided to make an appointment with a Gastric Bypass Surgeon and ask him all the questions I still was left with. 😧

It seemed I would qualify for the surgery and that my Health insurance would cover almost all the costs because there were enough arguments (Diabetes type II and lots of joint problems) on why I would need this surgery.That really gobsmacked me but in a good way 😃

Picture from OpenClipart-Vectors on Pixabay 

After my Gastric Bypass Surgery

I will never forget the date. 25-01-2018. That was my first step into a new life. The first weeks weren't easy. All I could eat were liquid foods without sugars and low on fat like soup, yogurt, milk, or quark. 😖

Then after a week or 2, you can slowly start incorporating more solid foods like bread, stewed fruits, and then later on some meat. Ah yes, no fizzy drinks either especially not in the beginning. I actually don't drink them anymore. I just don't like the taste of them no more 😋

I learned that it's different for everyone. Some people can't eat things like steak. Others have problems with fries. I myself have problems with things containing somewhat more sugar. 😞

I solved that by skipping them from my diet and now I totally have no sugar or chocolate cravings anymore. 😁

I occasionally eat a small piece of cake at a birthday or another way for me is combining them with fruits. Like a pancake with fruit. I do eat more of the fruit than pancake though. The natural sweetness from the fruit does not pose any problem to me  😀

There are some things though  I have to warn you about. When I mean that you won't be able to eat a few things anymore. 😘

It's just if you do there will be consequences (dumping) like heavy cramps, feeling unwell, heavy sweating, feeling dizzy, and sometimes painful vomiting. 😵

I have only had the vomiting once in these past 2 and a half years because I abide by the rules. You can have the same dumping effect when you eat too much or too fast. Or from drinking right before or after meals. 😣

Don't think your life will ever be the same because it won't. You have to maintain a good and varied diet and you need to take vitamin supplements for the rest of your life. Your portions will maybe be half or even less of what you used to eat 😉

For me, that's the price I am willing to pay. I am never going back that's for sure. I have been on a stable weight between 68 and 69 for over a year now. It took me a while to find what worked best for me, but I think I found the right balance now 😍

I wrote this because I felt that I needed to share this with you. Now that my story is out. Tell me yours 😚

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 18 July 2020

Best Tips on where to find Sustainable Jewelry - BeKoffee Handmade Jewelry

Hi There..... Do you like coffee, handmade jewelry, or both of them? What about sustainable jewelry?

I love handmade jewelry but never drink coffee..... But I can't say I dislike coffee..... At least not anymore 😁

Am I talking in riddles..... Great, that was my intention.....  But riddles are there to be solved..... Right 😄

But first things first..... I want to tell you about the surprise I got just 2 days ago..... I received a package in the mail..... Don't you just love surprises..... I do so I was pretty curious to find out what was inside..... But as we always do nowadays because of the virus..... Just to be safe..... We get the mail or packages from the postman and leave them to rest for a day..... Did you know that the virus can survive up to 24 hours on cardboard? 😟

So yesterday I unpacked my surprise..... And my excitement grew even more..... Ok, there is no way around it..... I just have to show you why..... One part of the surprise to pique your curiosity 😋

You got to see more than I did when I opened the box..... This is what I saw..... A box filled with a lot of burlap bags 😉

So I unpacked a little further and laid all those cute little bags out in front of me 😃

That's quite a collection..... Right..... Wouldn't you love to get a surprise package filled with handmade jewelry like that..... I am sure you do..... So I am not gonna keep you in suspense any longer..... It was a gift from BeKoffee 😍

I can hear you thinking..... Yes, I do..... I have a sixth sense..... It picks up vibes from miles away..... You are thinking 'What is this BeKoffee that I have never heard about'.... Am I right..... Or am I right 😂

It's a Portuguese brand of handmade jewelry and other fashion accessories that are made of coffee grounds..... No not ground coffee of course..... But the waste product from brewing coffee..... This way they contribute in a positive way to the economy..... Calling for less waste by giving a new meaning to coffee grounds..... I just love that so many people are trying to make us more aware of our ecological footprint 😊

And there is more..... Their handmade jewelry is inspired by nature and human activity too..... Inspired by Portugal and the best it has to offer..... With cultural details from the North to the South of Portugal and their islands..... I know you are on the edge of your seat now..... Curious to see what was in all those other cute little bags  😁

That was an extra gift from them..... A piece of exfoliating soap of ground coffee..... Haven't tried it out yet but it won't be long before I do 😀

The 2 above are souvenirs..... They could be a great reminder of a trip to Portugal..... I do plan to go there one day..... Not too far away from Belgium and they have a Mediterranean climate..... Just perfect if you ask me 😄

Now, don't you be mean and ask me what I like most..... I really wouldn't know which one to choose and I actually don't have to either..... So many beautiful pieces but I am only writing one blog post..... Am I being mean myself maybe..... No worries..... That's not me..... You will be seeing a lot of those pieces pass by on my Instagram account..... And I will be tagging them too so you can easily find their Instagram..... First one will be in a few hours from now 😊

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

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Wednesday 15 July 2020

Great tips for shopping based on zero waste concept

Hi There..... Do you feel safe?

I have to say..... I don't feel that safe..... Not as much as I used too..... Before this crazy virus came into our lives..... Who knew that it would have such an impact on our lives 😟

Things were getting brighter here in Belgium..... But in the last few days, the number of infected people has been going up again..... I really don't want to have to go in lockdown again..... Some people don't seem to take the rules serious and I really don't get that..... Maybe it's me that's crazy but as Kevin Spacey said 'Sometimes it's the crazy people who turn out to be not so crazy' 😁

Although they did tweak the rules somewhat over here..... You now have to wear your mask in every shop, mall, supermarket, musea, library,..... Practically everywhere inside..... So I was pretty stoked to receive this gorgeous mask from MagicDesignbyElyssa 😄

Pretty fashionable right..... Aha you are jealous now, aren't you..... I bet you would like to know all about this shop..... No worries, I am not gonna keep it to myself 😃

Here's a side view from the mask..... It feels really comfortable and it even comes with an activated carbon filter..... And I think it's so very pretty..... If I have to wear a mask I would rather have one like this than a plain and boring white mask..... Although not the best idea if I would want to rob a store maybe..... They might recognize my mask in an instant 😎

Elyssa's Etsy shop is built on zero waste concept..... Sounds great right..... But what does it mean..... This is what Wikipedia says about it..... The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of all products, packaging, and materials, without burning them, and without discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health..... I know you might have to read it twice to fully understand..... But I think that's quite cool and really admirable 😍

They hand create their items custom made..... they have designer printed T-shirts, hoodies, mugs, face mask and all kinds of other things..... Let me show you a selection of some of the things you can find in her shop 😄

Sunglasses 100% UVA and UVB protection

Fully Printed Phone Case for iPone models

Washable Kids Face mask with filter pocket

Deckchair Sling, sun lounge chair, picnic

Hoodie Dress, Jumper Dress, Relaxed Fit

Washable Face Mask with Activated Carbon Filter

Neck Gaiter

Toddler Tee, T-shirt Big Brother

Quarantaine Magic Mok Gift

You know..... It may come as a surprise to you but Elyssa knows things about you..... I am not joking..... She really does..... She knows that you are unique..... And she wants to inspire your life with the magic designs printed especially for you 😍

By the way if you would like to more about her masks..... Just read her blog post about it

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

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Saturday 11 July 2020

Tips on Great Skin Care Products from Kneipp

Hi There..... Are you going crazy?

I got you with a weird question again..... Why would I ask something like that..... It's just that I am going a bit crazy from this constant hand washing 😵

But on the other hand..... Better safe than sorry..... Getting this ugly Coronavirus is not an option..... Right 😃

So you can imagine my enthusiasm when I was asked to try out a new hand cream and cream shower from Kneipp..... Now don't tell me you have never heard of Kneipp..... But that's not such a big problem..... As Loretta Young said 'What you don't know intrigues you more than what you do know'  😉

So let me tell you some more about Kneipp in general..... It's never too late to learn something new..... Their products are developed under the guidance of experienced scientist and they work in close collaboration with internationally renowned academic institutions 😄 

Did you know that..... I actually didn't know myself but I do know their products are great quality 😊 

And do you know what is also great about their products..... That thanks to special methods, they do not need to use preservatives in their products..... And this way we know that if we use them our natural skin flora is protected and the environment at the same time..... That's pretty cool if you ask me 😎

Ok..... that's enough of the chit chat..... You can always find out more about Kneipp when you click here..... I know you are anxious to know about this cherry blossom range 😃

I was already pleasantly surprised by their look as I opened the box..... So let's start with the hand cream..... What do they say about their product..... The caring vegetable formula of the Kneipp Cherry Blossom Hand Cream, with valuable cherry blossom extract, intensively moisturizes the hands..... And you can use it every day as much as you need it 😊

Ah, of course, you would like to know my opinion about it..... Really? Cool..... During this period of Corona, I noticed that my hands felt much drier than usual due to the washing..... That's why I was so very happy with this hand cream..... The cherry blossom smells delicious, I could spread it evenly and my hands were nice and soft afterward...... It was the first time that I tried a Kneipp product and I am definitely going to buy this cream again 😍

I am so sorry..... I can't say anything bad about it..... Actually, I can but then I would be telling you a lie.... And if there is one thing I am not it's a liar 😇

Now that I got that off my chest we can go on to the next..... The cream shower..... What do they say about it..... Treat yourself with the soap-free cream shower Kneipp® Cherry Blossom...... The nourishing cream shower with cherry seed oil and cherry blossom extract pampers your senses and gives your skin a wonderfully soft feeling..... A soft floral fragrance to always have a spring feeling 😄

The cherry kernel oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants and promotes the natural production of collagen..... The cherry blossom extract has a calming effect on the skin and pampers your senses with a seductive soft fragrance..... All in all, the perfect combination that gives your skin a wonderfully soft feeling..... Sounds fantastic..... Doesn't it..... And on top of that, it's a creamy PEG-free and sulfate-free formula 😃

Hey..... Wait..... What about meee..... Don't tell me you don't want to know about my being in the shower 😋

It actually felt a bit weird when I put this cream shower on my hand..... I was thinking it was so soft..... The softest product that I ever used in the shower..... So I was really curious if it was gonna give me a clean feeling..... And surprisingly it did.....And as I told you before I am really fond of this cherry blossom fragrance..... But the smell wasn't overpowering..... Which in my opinion is a good thing..... It didn't really foam very much but my skin immediately felt nice and soft afterward..... I didn't even have to use my body lotion that evening before I went to bed 😁

All's well that ends well..... And if you now feel the urge to go buy some of their products...... There is only one thing I can say about that..... Go for it..... Nope, no Affiliate links here..... Nothing to gain for me..... Just my honest opinion 😍

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Wednesday 8 July 2020

Where can I find some stunning handmade earrings

Hi There..... Do you like jewelry?

What a stupid question..... Right..... Who doesn't like jewelry..... I suppose there will be some people who don't but most of us do 😃

Ok..... I have another question for you..... Do you like handmade?

I do..... I am a big fan of all kinds of handmade items and as some of you know I am very creative myself..... There are a lot of good reasons I could mention why you should choose handmade over machine made..... It's a labor of love..... Every piece is unique..... The artist will be thrilled when you choose to buy from him or her..... I could go on naming reasons for hours but there's a good chance you could fall asleep reading..... And I still have a lot to tell you 😄

But first I wanted to show off these earrings I received from Curpic..... Gorgeous..... Right..... No, I wasn't talking about myself but about the earrings of course 😀

I know that you probably haven't heard that name before..... It's Susana's Etsy shop from Ireland..... She is inspired mostly by nature and animals..... She likes to create special things and her main goal is to make her customers happy..... What more could you want 😃

And it wasn't just the earrings but also the way they were packed..... In a beautiful white box

They could be the perfect gift for someone..... A Christmas gift maybe..... What? Too soon..... Ok, that may be just a tiny bit too soon..... But as Franz Liszt said 'Beware of missing chances..... Otherwise, it may be altogether too late someday'  😍

But before you decide to buy these..... Let me show you some of the other beautiful handmade items she has in her shop 😃

Mint green natural granite summer earrings

Handmade autumn earrings, burgundy flower

Autumn Leaf necklace - Woodland Autumn Fall leaf necklace

Blue moon and white leaf pattern earrings

RHEA shell fan polymer clay sea earring

Small canvas painting - Spring sakura Fuji landscape

Christmas Gingerbread House Necklace

Square Portugal blue tile earrings, azulejo blue tile

DAPHNE in mint green Starfish polymer clay

She also created a 15% coupon code for you..... Isn't that great.... So when you do think of buying something from her shop just follow the link below to immediately get the discount 😃

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

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