Saturday 29 July 2023

Sustainable Fashion and Eco-Friendly Fashion Practices - Part 2

Hi There! Are you ready for a second part about sustainable fashion and eco-friendly practices?

Composition by Seadbeady

Guess what, my fashion-forward friends and eco-warriors alike! There is no time like the present. 😄

It’s like Alice Morse Earle said; “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.” 😁🎁

Ooh, I love a great present. Must be for my birthday tomorrow. Although I am dreading it somewhat. It’s got the number 6 and a 0 in it, and it’s not 06. You get just one attempt to guess my age. 😏

I’ll make it easy and give you the answer already. It’s 60, way past a half century, so I’m definitely not an eco-friendly spring chicken anymore. 😖🐔

There are some positives, though. At 60, you’ve unlocked the “Super Wisdom” power-up, allowing you to give the best life advice to anyone who asks (and sometimes even when they don’t ask!). Like, let's say, about sustainable fashion. 😉

You know why? Because I’ve been through so much, and I know how to handle all sorts of stuff like a boss! 😜

Whenever a challenge tries to mess with me, I whip out my special “I’ve been there, done that” attitude, and Bam! That’s my secret weapon to tackle anything that comes my way! 💪🤠

I might be older, but I’ve got this super funny side too, and my jokes can make anyone giggle! They say laughter makes you feel younger, so I’m like a super duper kid at heart! 🤣💕

So, watch out, world, because this 60-year-old is ready to rock and roll with all the wisdom and humor she’s got! Time to show everyone that being 60 is just a number, and I’m still the coolest cat in town! 😎🐾

Well, this cat is ready for a super cool sequel to our sustainable fashion extravaganza, and I hope you are, too? 😨

Get your eco-friendly accessories and green beanies ready because we’re diving back into the fabulous world of “Sustainable Fashion: The Sequel”! 😍

Picture provided by Manuel Dreesmann

Manuel Dreesmann's Vision on Sustainable Fashion

Manuel Dreesman, a Barcelona-based fashion house that's pioneering a visionary approach to sustainable fashion design and production. 

The creative force behind Atelier Madre is Manuel Dreesmann, a designer who is rewritingthe narrative of luxury fashion. 

Dreesmann's background in both design and business has allowed him to bring a fresh perspective to the industry, particularly in the realm of sustainability and customer engagement.Atelier Madre's design philosophy eschews fleeting trends in favor of enduring appeal and functionality. 

Picture provided by Manuel Dreesmann

Each piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, prioritizing timeless design principles that ensure each product not only stands the test of time but remains fashionable for a lifetime. 

Furthermore, thebrand's products are thoughtfully crafted through a harmonious fusion of cutting-edge minimalistic design principles and time-honored craftsmanship techniques, embodying Atelier Madre's commitment to delivering items that seamlessly blend contemporary aesthetics with the rich heritage of traditional artisanship.

One of the brand's most innovative practices is its just-in-time production model. Atelier Madre maintains no more than a single SKU in stock within their showroom at any given time. When a product is sold, a new one is crafted on the spot, eliminating overproduction and deadstock issues that plague many fashion companies.

Picture provided by Margo Paige

Margo Paige's Vision on Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion is about quality over quantity. Choosing pieces that last longer, can be worn in different ways, and be multi-functional is one of the first steps towards a more mindful closet.

Instead of fast fashion pieces (where the clothing and style last only a short time), consider a few higher quality pieces with a classic style that will stay in fashion quickly. 

Picture provided by Margo Paige

Using fewer pieces often and for longer means that your wardrobe can go further because you are buying less and using more. 
Choosing items that match more options in your closet is a good first step - our clear handbags match just about any outfit. 

When they have reached the end of their life, they can be returned to Margo Paige through the Take Back Program, where the material is recycled and reused again. These bags are made from recycled PVC and faux leather, available in crossbody, purse, and backpack styles.

Picture provided by Cinder and Salt

Cinder and Salt's Vision on Sustainable Fashion

Sustainability & fashion don’t often mix, which is why at cinder + salt we strive to create apparel that will last as long as our customers want to wear it. Sustainable apparel needs to withstand hundreds of washes, decades of wear and be easy enough to repair or repurpose. 

We design with longevity in mind and that starts with sourcing; we search for the most eco fabrications, quality construction and longevity of the knits. We design our prints in a similar way, focusing on simple, timeless imagery that stays fun and relevant with age. 

Picture provided by Cinder and Salt

Our printing process is no exception, and we pride ourselves on using reclaimed inks, solar power and creating zero waste in our production.

We are always working to inspire our customers to rethink how they treat the waste in their lives. Many of our accessories and decor products are crafted from our production waste, like our plushie ornaments that are stuffed with fabric and thread scraps. 

We provide inspiration & resources for our community to engage in environmental activism with ease. As an apparel brand, for us, it’s not just about the apparel, it’s about being true to our company values in every aspect.

I would like to express my gratitude to the three brands for their contributions to this blog post. 😍

If you are thinking; "Ooh, I wish I would have been in this blog post", no worries. 😉

You can still contact me to share your view in a minimum of 150 words to a maximum of 200 words on how your brand does an effort to contribute to eco-friendly or sustainable fashion. 😃

No time like the present to check out my previous blog post on this subject: 

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 22 July 2023

Interview With Fashion Stylist Reginald Ferguson

Hi There..... Would you like a peek behind the scenes of men’s fashion? Perhaps you have been waiting for a new fashion stylist interview? 

Picture provided by Reginald Ferguson

Yes? Ooh, perfect, that’s all I wanted to hear. You might have noticed I am only publishing a blog post once a week at the moment, or not? 😨

The reason is that I have noticed in the past few years there aren’t that many views on my blog throughout the summer. 😢

I just don’t understand how people can prefer being outdoors instead of inside reading a great blog post about things like men’s fashion and fashion stylists, or anything else. 😧

Ok, I admit, my skin is also somewhat more tanned than otherwise because I’ve been outdoors more. What’s not to like about a cool drink underneath a parasol? 😎

Hey, hey, guess what? You can totally grab your trusty laptop and join the fun as we dive into the super-duper interview with my fresh and fabulous fashion stylist! 😁

No excuses, buddy! If you want to know all the cool stuff, go explore these style secrets with me! 😏

Let’s dig in and discover the hippest men’s style secrets together! 😍

Picture provided by Reginald Ferguson

What is your name, function and the company you work for?  

Reginald Ferguson, Owner/Founder: New York Fashion Geek.

How old are you?

I’m in my late 40s.

What kind of work do you do or what are you studying to be? 

I’m a Men’s Fashion Consultant.

What made you decide to become a Fashion Stylist?

The short version: I was helping a friend of mine upgrade his look. Over Thai food (my payment at the time), he asked me if I could “Do this for real, would I do it?” I said, “I guess.” He offered to create my website and the rest was history.

Is fashion important to you? Why?

It absolutely is. Because clothing is communication and no matter what people say, they judge you so be at your best.
Picture provided by Reginald Ferguson

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

Launching my Men’s fashion consultancy and seeing it grow, slowly but surely. Through hard work, luck and prayer.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

Write for a Men’s fashion magazine or blog. I definitely have something to say.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing or jewelry?

No. The quality is what matters.

Describe your personal style of fashion?

Well, that question is contradictory because you have style and you have fashion. They are not equivalent. My personal style is classic menswear during the week and a prep/HipHop melange on the weekend. All through an African American New York City lens.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Through time, trial and error. My signature look.

Picture provided by Reginald Ferguson

In what way do you influence other people’s fashion style?

I’m not sure if I influence anyone’s fashion or style but I certainly raise the bar high based on my appearance.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

I like the resurgence of the 80s/90s style since it was my era. I especially love seeing Zers rocking concert t-shirts and wondering if they know the music of the artist.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Some semblance of a dress shoe top (oxford, wingtip) with a white sneaker bottom. Yuck.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Know your dimensions. There is no excuse not to know your sizes. I’ve known them since grade school (though they have changed).

Who is your style icon, and why?

My late Grandfather. He was my direct male example. He taught me how to tie a tie, he taught me how to shine my shoes (heck, he taught me how to shine my shoes). He epitomized classic menswear and my foundation is from him. Thank you Grandpa.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Always be fly.

Picture provided by Reginald Ferguson

Thank you, Reginald, for taking part in my fashion stylist interview. I wouldn't mind getting paid in Thai food either. 😉

Now dear readers, there is something important I would like you to do. 😉

Check out some of my previous fashion stylist interviews:

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 16 July 2023

Where to Find 32 Handmade Gifts For Women and Men - Etsy Gift Guide 07/2023

Hi There..... Have you been looking endlessly for fantastic vintage goodies and mind-blowing handmade creations? Perhaps you can find something great in this new Etsy gift guide?

Composition by Seadbeady

Are you bored with the same old gifts that make you yawn? Perhaps, similar to myself, you aren’t looking for something fancy-pants with loads of personality and charm? Simple is better, right? 😧

Hold your horses, my friends! Don’t even think about blaming me for this baffling idea! I’m innocent as a puppy, I tell ya! 😜

Okay, okay, settle down, everyone! Listen up, ‘cause I’ve got a super-duper secret to spill. However, guess what? I’m not gonna make you wait around, playing guessing games. Nope, not me! That’s just not my style. 😇

That would mean I’d have to end my blog post here and wait until the next one before I spill the beans. 😁

But you know what? Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to keep you hanging, all curious and eager for more. 😜

Imagine a blog post that leaves you on the edge of your seat, waiting anxiously for the next one. Oh, the suspense! 😏

Hm, nope, that’s not the way, at least not for me, so let’s cut to the chase and dive right in my peeps, cause I’ve got a juicy secret to share! 😄

Gather ‘round and get ready for a story that’s gonna blow your socks off! It’s gonna be epic, my friends! 😃

Once upon a time, in a land where crafty wonders ruled the roost, yours truly was a superstar, Etsy seller! Can you believe it? 😲

Yep, you heard that right! I had my very own online shop, and through it, I made tons of online pals who taught me the Etsy ropes like no other. 😍

That’s why, once a year, I serve you this gift guide filled with handmade gifts and vintage goodies. It’s my way of sharing the magic and awesomeness I discovered. 😀

Ok then, grab a snack (the more the merrier, I say!) and come along with me as we embark on an amazing shopping adventure through this fresh Etsy gift guide.  😊

Silver Earrings With Long Leather Fringe $67.76

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Montana deer leather fringe accompanies a delicate touch of genuine Kingman turquoise and sterling ear wires in crafting these earrings, rendering them weightless and suitable even for those with delicate ear conditions.

"Frequently, it's necessary to ascend to significant heights to comprehend one's own insignificance." -- Felix Baumgartner

Irrespective of your grasp on your own scale, these lengthy earrings will amplify your style, endowing it with a larger-than-life quality.

In the preceding year, Buckaroo Bling has frequently played host to avian visitors. These birds conveyed messages to us, motivating the embrace of new horizons and the spirit of flight.

Consequently, these earrings, fashioned resembling elongated avian figures, have found their place within our Free As A Bird compilation. Select the hue of the bird that resonates most with you, and allow this exquisite earring pair to serve as a perpetual prompt to unfurl your wings and ascend ever higher each day, regardless of your stature.

Our recommendation: opt for the bluebird or robin variation for blondes, brunettes, and raven-haired individuals; choose the eagle or raven rendition for redheads; opt for the chickadee style if you have dark hair; and consider the sparrow design if you're blonde.

Forest waterfall art $15.72

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Set of 3 Waterfall Art Prints
In search of printable wall art that beautifully captures the essence of nature? Your quest concludes with the set of 3 waterfall prints!

This collection encompasses stunning waterfalls set against forest backdrops from three distinct locations: Switzerland, Germany, and North Carolina. Whether your aim is to infuse a hint of nature into your home or office, these prints are an impeccable fit for any environment.

Delivered as digital downloads, this set of waterfall prints offers a trio of images, ideal for creating a gallery wall arrangement that enhances your living space. Whether you envision them as canvas renditions of natural landscapes, smaller prints gracing your entryway, or captivating additions to your living room decor, the waterfall pictures provide versatile options.

Don't delay—place your order today and take a significant stride toward crafting a serene sanctuary within your home or workplace!


Four high-resolution 300 dpi PDF files are provided:
- A 4x5 ratio file suitable for printing at sizes 8”x10”, 16”x20”, 40x50cm
- A 3x4 ratio file designed for printing at sizes 12”x16”, 18”x24”
- A 2x3 ratio file tailored for printing at sizes 8”x12”, 10"x15", 12"x18", 16"x24", 20"x30", 24"x36"
- An international paper size file intended for printing A4, A3, A2, A1, 50x70cm

Natural Slate Sign with House Name $62.94

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Greetings, I'm Ben, and I specialize in crafting artisanal house signs within the rustic confines of my repurposed cow shed in the idyllic Kent countryside. My creations, meticulously fashioned from enduring and organic materials like slate and granite, are masterpieces designed to withstand the test of time. 

Every aspect of my craft receives meticulous attention, and I'm at your service for any inquiries, custom designs, or assistance you may need with your order.


Your chosen text will be meticulously hand-engraved onto your slate sign before being elegantly painted in the hue of your preference. This meticulous process ensures a premium finish that's not only resilient but also impervious to the elements. Remember to handle your sign with care to ensure its continued longevity.

I extend a selection of five deeply engraved and painted color alternatives: white, gold, copper, silver, red, and an unpainted natural grey that showcases the inherent beauty of the material.

For your convenience, each of my signs is outfitted with pre-drilled holes and accompanying screw fixings. Should you prefer your sign without pre-drilled holes, simply let me know prior to or after placing your order through our messaging system.

Trio Stacker - Minimalist Triple Point Spike Ring $54.45

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Trio presents a slender and featherweight stacking ring, boasting a minimalist concept highlighted by a trio of subtly angled tips. Embrace it as a daily must-have or choose it for enhanced tranquility of thought.


Trio is crafted using 316L stainless steel and coated with a choice of 18K yellow gold, rose gold, black, or simply stainless steel (without plating).


Trio Point/Spike Lengths: 5.5 mm
Trio Beveled Edge Lengths: 3.6 - 3.75 mm
Trio Band Thickness: 2.5 mm
Trio Weight: 3 grams
Additional Features: Stabilizing Side Supports
U.S. Ring Sizes: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Sport Trio on any finger for a versatile everyday ring or opt for your index or middle finger for an added sense of tranquility.

Trio offers a smooth tactile experience and is readily available without necessitating retrieval.

Clench your fist while wearing Trio on your index or middle finger to ensure its secure placement and stability.

This minimalist ring, Trio, proves to be an ideal companion during workouts, errand runs, or even international travel. While it's stackable, its individual presence is substantial enough to shine alone.

Scoop Buddy $10.88

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Fed up with the annoyance of litter spillage?

Scoop Buddy seamlessly affixes itself to any type of litter box, securing your bag in position. Bid farewell to untidy litter spills right from the outset.

Say Goodbye to:
- Bag collapses
- Litter scatter
- Disordered floors
- Soiled hands

Scoop Buddy emerged from the ingenuity of cat owners, tailored precisely for fellow feline enthusiasts. Cease the chaos during your cleaning routine and transition to scooping with the assistance of Scoop Buddy!

Trinity Cleanser Smoke Cleansing Stick $24.20

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Purify the realms of your mind, body, and spirit from negative energies, fostering an atmosphere of inner serenity and lucidity.

This bundle has been meticulously curated using sustainably sourced, premium-quality herbs like sage, cedar, and lavender, renowned for their purifying and soothing attributes.

Infuse your sacred space with an aura of tranquility and unity through air purification, ridding the environment of negative energies, while the elevating fragrances work to foster emotional equilibrium and mental clarity.

Apt for those seeking to revitalize their inner essence and propel a stream of positive energies throughout their life journey.

Accompanied by clear quartz to further amplify mental focus and emotional equilibrium.

This trinity of cleansing elements proves especially beneficial after disagreements, as a prelude to your day's initiation for cultivating affirmative intentions, or following significant occasions.

Embark on the journey today, and relish the sensation of revitalized vitality and equilibrium.

Embark on a voyage through the transformative potency of our smoke cleansing bundle, and in doing so, encounter a newfound equilibrium and consonance within the tapestry of your existence.

Save the Planet Soy Wax Scented Candle $49.62

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Discover solace within the comforting embrace of our Tundra candle, designed to provide a haven for relaxation within the confines of your home. Permit yourself a moment to inhale deeply and relish the harmonious fusion of sandalwood and lily of the valley, gently intertwined with nuances of white heliotrope and jasmine petals. This aromatic symphony is adept at tranquilizing your spirit and steadying your thoughts, making it an exquisite conclusion to a bustling day.

Encompassing a resolute dedication to safeguarding the Earth's wildlife, we present an assortment of candles, each embodying six distinct designs representing the planet's biomes: Desert, Forest, Freshwater, Grassland, Marine, and Tundra. With every candle procured, a protective shield is cast over 40 square meters (430 square feet) of jeopardized habitat, as a result of our collaboration with the World Land Trust. Our combined efforts have already secured over 5 hectares of land, marking an impressive milestone in our mission.

Meticulously composed, our candles are conceived from 100% premium soy wax, sourced from non-GMO origins and completely devoid of pesticides and herbicides. Paired with hand-crafted natural fragrance blends hailing from Europe, their purpose extends beyond mere illumination. By invoking well-being and encapsulating the essence of our planet's diverse biomes, they usher you closer to nature, seamlessly melding your surroundings with the Earth's intrinsic vitality.

Goddess Cameo Necklace $34.94

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Indulge in the allure of yesteryears with our exquisite vintage-style Cameo necklace, showcasing a meticulously detailed portrait of a Grecian Goddess. The cameo finds its elegant abode within an ornate pendant of vintage design, gracefully suspended from a necklace connector that exudes beauty.

This necklace emerges as an emblematic offering, tailor-made for aficionados of vintage-inspired Victorian and Gothic jewelry. A perfect gem for occasions spanning from vintage weddings and period cosplays to uniquely captivating prom ensembles, or simply as an expression of spontaneous appreciation.

Among our offerings, three captivating finishes await your selection: silver-plated brass, antiqued brass, or black enameled brass, each poised to amplify the necklace's charm.

Furthermore, the array of three cameo color variations beckons:
- Faded wine & white
- Orange & ivory
- Pink & white

Within the dropdown menu, you hold the reins to choose your preferred finish and hues, tailoring the necklace to resonate perfectly with your taste.


The intricate pendant of the necklace is meticulously fashioned from silver-plated or enameled brass, boasting dimensions of 40 mm (1 1/2 inches) in length and 24 mm (slightly less than 1 inch) in width. When choosing the silver variations, you'll find a stainless steel cable-style chain that is resistant to tarnish, accompanied by a lobster clasp closure and an extension chain. For the bronze-finished chain, it bears an antiqued brass quality, while the black enameled chain presents itself as enameled brass. Rest assured, these chains are free from both nickel and lead, prioritizing your well-being.

Girls Just Wanna Have Sun $19.36

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Introducing our chic and contemporary accessory pouch, boasting a T-bottom design that embraces both style and utility. This pouch features an invigorating and empowering message: "Girls Just Wanna Have Sun." A vibrant testament to your carefree spirit, this pouch is your perfect partner for summer escapades, whether you're venturing to the beach, lounging poolside, or simply basking in the warmth of the sun.

Elegantly crafted, our accessory pouch marries fashion with function. Its interior offers ample space to house your essentials such as sunscreen, sunglasses, keys, phone, and more. The T-bottom structure imparts added stability, enabling the pouch to stand upright and granting effortless access to your belongings.

Designed with a delightful beach-themed aesthetic, this pouch captures the essence of summer effortlessly. Adorned with a captivating print showcasing the empowering phrase "Girls Just Wanna Have Sun," the fabric is both vibrant and durable. It's an accessory that mirrors your affection for sunny days and the light-hearted energy they bring.

Beyond its utility as a travel organizer, this pouch transforms into a splendid gift. Whether bestowed upon a close friend, a cherished sister, or a beloved someone, the accessory pouch is certain to elicit smiles. A versatile and thoughtful gesture for birthdays, holidays, or any significant moment.

Seize the chance to express your adoration for sun-drenched days while staying impeccably organized. Enhance your summer essentials with our "Girls Just Wanna Have Sun" T-bottom accessory pouch, which offers varying sizes suitable for an array of purposes. Embrace its versatility as a pencil case, cosmetic travel bag, or more. Constructed from enduring materials with a zipper closure, this pouch is designed to last.
- 100% Polyester
- Interior features non-woven laminate
- Available in multiple sizes

Silver toe ring $67.37

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Enhance your summer ensemble with this captivating silver toe ring, a versatile addition to any wardrobe. Handcrafted from premium solid sterling silver, the band boasts a width of approximately 7mm. Its surface has been thoughtfully adorned with a delicate copper chevron motif achieved through a gentle hammering technique. 

Designed for ease and comfort, this adjustable ring is created to suit most toe sizes. Furthermore, its charm extends beyond just toe adornment—it can effortlessly transition into a stylish midi or knuckle ring.

A fusion of metals creates a visually appealing contrast, combining the elegance of 925 sterling silver with the warmth of copper. With a width of approximately 7mm, it truly captivates attention.

Arriving with its own gift pouch, this accessory is prepared to delight and make a splendid present.

Crochet Handbag $67.76

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Elevate your carrying experience with this sophisticated crochet handbag/tote from NutmegCottage. An essential addition to your collection, this accessory seamlessly transitions through every season.

Its versatility knows no bounds. This well-crafted, fashionable purse suits an array of purposes. It can adeptly house your wallet, essentials, and function as a convenient shopping tote or tablet holder, perfectly accommodating an 8-inch tablet.

For the creative souls, it serves as an excellent carrier for small sewing or crafting projects.

Dimensions: 11 3/4 inches wide by 11 inches high.

Expertly hand-crocheted by me using 100 percent acrylic yarn in Buff (Beige), this handbag/tablet case boasts an alluring textured design. It features dense cluster stitches and is equipped with a top handle. Notably, it remains unlined.

The bag's facade is graced by a crocheted flower applique fashioned from 100% cotton crochet thread in Black and Fudge Brown. A yellow seed bead takes center stage in the flower's heart. Maintenance is a breeze: a gentle hand wash with mild detergent is recommended.

Pair Vintage Cocktail Glasses $33.69

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Discover a captivating fusion of vintage Mid-Century Modern (MCM) and retro treasures, encompassing jewelry, glassware, ceramics, and more.

Presenting a striking set of Vintage Cocktail Liqueur Glasses— a harmonious blend of past eras. These glasses feature an elegant and elongated twisted stem design in a mesmerizing amethyst hue, reminiscent of classic liqueur sherbet cordials. Originating from 1960s Blefeld Portugal, these glasses remain in an impressive state of preservation, marked by their very good condition. Standing at a height of 14.5cms, they encapsulate the charm of a bygone era with timeless allure.

Wooden Napkin Rings $14.22

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Infuse a touch of nature into your dining experience with these meticulously crafted wooden napkin rings. Elevate your table setting by coordinating them seamlessly with napkins, ensuring flawless table service.

Indulge in the appeal of this finely fashioned, handmade set of napkin rings, comprising 6 pieces.

Each napkin ring boasts a thickness of 15 mm (0.59") and encircles with an inside diameter hole of 36 mm (1.41"), ensuring a snug fit for your napkins.

Crafted from durable birch, these napkin rings are available in four distinct finishes:
1. Rich black stain complemented by an oil finish.
2. Earthy brown tone treated with a nourishing oil finish.
3. The inherent charm of the natural wood, enhanced by an oil finish.
4. Embracing its natural hue, delicately coated with a beeswax balm for added luster.

This collection lends an air of elegance to your dining table, while also offering an exceptional gifting choice. Celebrate the blend of aesthetics and functionality with these wooden napkin rings, a symbol of understated refinement.

Flannel Pillow Cases $10.89

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Prepare yourself for the chilly season ahead by adorning your space with this charming floral flannel pillowcase. The fabric is crafted entirely from 100% cotton flannel, artfully constructed using the jelly roll pattern. The upper section features a delightful shade of blue, while the flange presents a steadfast yellow hue.

The reverse side echoes the pristine white aesthetic, adorned with an equally charming floral motif. The pillowcase exhibits meticulous craftsmanship, with double seams ensuring sturdiness. Prior to its arrival, the fabric has undergone a pre-wash to accommodate any potential shrinkage.

Tailored to fit a standard-sized pillow, its dimensions are 19.5" x 30". This offering pertains to a singular pillowcase, originating from my smoke-free residence. It's an embodiment of comfort and elegance that's ready to grace your home during colder times.

Roll With It of Bounce Classic Dating Edition $36.29

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"Roll With It or Bounce" introduces an engaging activity that encourages meaningful conversations to unfold. This game proves to be a source of genuine amusement, as it delves beneath the surface to foster deeper connections among players. The enjoyment is amplified, particularly when libations are part of the equation.

If libations are involved, it's crucial to maintain a sense of responsibility. Despite the game encompassing 83 authentic scenarios, it's worth noting that libations might be consumed rather frequently.

While our intention wasn't to create a party game, it has organically assumed that role. To fully immerse in these conversations, we recommend engaging with individuals who possess outgoing personalities. Those who are unafraid to be candid are the best contenders. Interestingly, regardless of initial dispositions, even reserved individuals tend to become outspoken in no time. It's all part of the fun, so worry not! Just ensure you don't invite individuals who might dampen the energy.

Please exercise caution: The discussions might escalate in intensity. This game is intended for ages 17 and older. Consumption of alcohol is appropriate for those aged 21 and above.

Handmade Daisy Mug $48.39

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Unveiling the perfect enhancement to your morning ritual: our Handmade Ceramic Coffee Mug adorned with Daisies and a Gold Handle!

Meticulously crafted with devotion, this 10 oz mug is an essential acquisition for aficionados of coffee who hold an affinity for distinctive, artisanal ceramic pieces, and possess an admiration for daisies and gilded accents.

Each mug is meticulously handcrafted, rendering each one distinctively unique, ensuring that yours stands out as an exclusive creation.

The harmonious marriage of daisies and a gold design lends an air of grace and allure to your morning indulgence in coffee or tea, initiating a positive aura for the day ahead.

Moreover, with a capacity of 10 oz, this mug flawlessly facilitates the commencement of your day with a gratifying sip of your beloved beverage.

The Baxter Midnight Blue Leather Laptop Sleeve $240.00

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Exterior: Genuine Full Grain Cowhide Leather, Naturally Milled.
Interior: Lined with Cotton Twill.
Fastening: Equipped with a Leather-Pulled, Two-Way Zipper featuring a Three-Sided Closure.


Accessible Slip Pocket.
Convenient Trolley Strap.
Chrome-Finished Accessories Resistant to Rust.
Completely Padded for Enhanced Protection.


Card Organizer.
Able to accommodate a MacBook Pro with a size of up to 14 inches.


Width: 10”
Length: 14”
Height: 1”


Presenting a classic, completely padded laptop sleeve crafted from cowhide leather, exuding a timeless appeal and boasting an iconic silhouette that effortlessly caters to all individuals and their everyday needs.

This laptop sleeve, designed to withstand wear, is both robust and lightweight. It features functional chrome accessories, a two-way zipper facilitated by a leather puller, a convenient trolley strap, and an internally stitched card holder. The matte soft leather enhances the sleeve's allure, making it equally fitting for travel and professional endeavors. Its versatility makes it an excellent companion for various occasions.

Iliad and Odyssey Print Set $50.70

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Iliad Odyssey Print Set, Homer Quote Posters

An ensemble of harmonious minimalist Homer prints awaits, consisting of a duo of posters: The Iliad, featuring a 'chess piece' rendition of the Trojan Horse line art, and The Odyssey, adorned with paper boat line art. Each epic's inaugural line is elegantly showcased in quote form, offering an original method to infuse a hint of ancient Greece into contemporary living spaces.

Select from a palette of green, blue, yellow, or pink tones — for a personalized blend of colors, the option to procure individual posters is open, allowing for a mix-and-match approach that suits your taste.

Museum-quality Giclée print:

• Heavyweight 200 gsm
• Natural white matte finish
• Fade-resistant archival inks

Handmade frames:

• Free framing service! (ready to hang)
• Solid, FSC-certified wood
• Shatterproof perspex
• Width: 2 cm/depth: 2.2 cm

Magic Weave Pure Pashmina $169.00

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Directly from the skilled artisans of the Kashmir Valley, we present a handwoven 100% Pure Pashmina Shawl.

This opulent shawl embodies luxury and has the remarkable ability to instantly elevate any ensemble, unveiling the inherent delicate elegance within you. It's a versatile piece suitable for any occasion or celebration.

With its fusion of tradition and modernity, this Pashmina/Cashmere Shawl encapsulates the essence of both worlds. The wrap is meticulously handcrafted by artisans proficient in the age-old technique of Pashmina/Cashmere weaving, employing wooden handlooms to weave these captivating masterpieces.

• Condition: Brand New
• Material: Crafted from 100% pure Pashmina/Cashmere (Genuinely authentic, devoid of any blend with Viscose, Silk, etc.)
• Weave: Exhibits a Medium Weave, painstakingly woven on Wooden Handlooms.
• Thread Count: Medium
• Texture: Exudes a Delicate Softness

Maine Kelp & Sea Salt Bath Scrub $42.35

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Embark on a journey of natural indulgence and opulence with Nautical Farms Kelp & Sea Salt Body Scrub, a harmonious fusion that invigorates both the beginning and end of your day.

Crafted with precision, this blend combines Maine sea salt, enriched with kelp powder, poppy seeds, and pumice sand, all synergistically working to exfoliate and tenderly soften your skin. Our proprietary seaweed oil, handcrafted in-house, takes over as a luxurious moisturizer, imbuing your skin with a plump, rejuvenated feel.

A delicate whisper of lemongrass imparts a naturally pristine fragrance, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and buoyant. Immerse yourself in this transformative experience, reconnecting with the boundless ocean while lavishing your skin with the care it truly deserves.

Recommended for lavish body treatment, this offering comes beautifully housed within a black matte glass vessel, crowned with a raw wooden lid that's ready for repurposing.

Walnut Elephant $47.19

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Artisan-Crafted Wooden Elephant Sculpture

These meticulously handcrafted wooden elephant sculptures stand as exquisite tokens of artistry and make for remarkable gift items. Although we're certain you'll consider having one gracing your own home decor. These charming elephants will find a comfortable abode on your mantel, bookshelf, or even within a nursery. Each piece is skillfully fashioned from Baltic birch europly, enriched with the lustrous veneer of walnut.

Derived from the inspiration of our craftsman's late grandmother, Doris, these sculptures embody the simplicity and elegance she cherished. Elevating the perception of this whimsical creature, the elephants' sleek and straightforward design infuses a touch of sophistication. These gentle giants radiate an air of refined style and grace.

As splendid gifts for expecting families or exceptional adornments in any living space, these wooden elephants are crafted from Baltic birch europly, while their walnut faces emanate a smoothness and deep color, enhanced by an oil and wax finish.

Presented in three distinct sizes - small, medium, and large - or available as a complete set, they offer a touch of timeless allure to any space they inhabit.

Artmark Blue Speckled Vase $33.88

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An 80's-early-90's contemporary disc-shaped vase with an enticing speckled blue deco-inspired design. Its dimensions approximate 9" in width, 8.5" in height, and 3" in depth. Pristine condition, devoid of any chips or cracks.

In regards to shipping, we endeavor to process most orders on the same day or the following, ensuring swift dispatch. Our commitment to environmental responsibility is evident through our practice of reusing and repurposing various boxes, thereby reducing our carbon footprint. Rest assured, your item(s) have been meticulously packaged to ensure their safe and secure delivery to you.

20MM Hoop Earrings $175.45

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Seeking to infuse your daily appearance with a hint of opulence? Your quest ends here, with our exquisite collection of 20mm gold hoop earrings.

These alluring hoops are presented in two luxurious variations: 14K white gold or 14K yellow gold, allowing you to select the metal that resonates best with your personal style.

Featuring an elegantly slender design, these hoops prove to be an ideal choice for your everyday ensembles. Elevate your attire by pairing them with an elegant evening gown, or opt for a relaxed, casual vibe by teaming them with jeans and a classic T-shirt.

No matter the occasion or your chosen ensemble, rest assured that these 20mm gold hoop earrings will seamlessly introduce an element of glamour and sophistication to your look.


Each piece is meticulously crafted upon order, granting you the opportunity for personalized touches. Should you wish to tailor these earrings to your preferences, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to bring your visions to life, whether that involves amplifying their size or embellishing them with diamonds.

Composition: Crafted from pure 14k yellow gold
Dimensions: 2 x 20mm

Illuminate Your Journey with the Firefly Scout Illumination Kit $84.70

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Embark on a profound odyssey of personal growth with the Firefly Scout Illumination Kit. This comprehensive journal, tailored for the adventurous soul, is meticulously crafted to lead you toward a life that radiates genuine fulfillment.

Encompassing themed guidebooks, thought-provoking prompts, transformative exercises, and genuine encouragement, this kit stands as your unwavering companion as you tread the path to self-discovery and lasting contentment.

The Illumination Kit is the creation of an introspective and empathetic Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), meticulously fashioned to aid you in navigating the intricate tapestry of life. It encompasses everything necessary to embark on your journey towards deeper self-awareness, allowing you to acknowledge and celebrate the facets that make you truly unique.

This kit assumes the role of a trusted ally throughout your voyage of self-discovery and personal evolution. Whether you're seeking to break free from stagnation, steer your life onto a different course, or simply delve into the depths of your own being, this journal emerges as the ultimate instrument to guide you through the process.

Within its pages, you'll uncover four meticulously curated guidebooks, each meticulously composed. They tackle a range of themes, from establishing foundational practices that provide grounding and self-awareness, to envisioning your future, savoring moments of tranquility, and plotting your journey of growth and self-support.

These guidebooks serve as navigational aids for your expedition, empowering you to make deliberate choices and shape a life in harmony with your values and aspirations, drawing from the 'aha' moments derived from my own experiences.

Date Ideas For Couples $27.82

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An innovative date ideas box tailored for couples seeking fresh and exciting date night suggestions! This date ideas box serves as an impeccable gift for couples or your cherished significant other on various occasions, such as:

- Valentine's Day
- Anniversaries
- Bridal showers
- Wedding gifts
- Birthdays
- Spontaneous gestures of affection


More than 72 date ideas - ensuring you're covered all year long!
A perfect balance: Half of the ideas are tailored for outings, while the other half are designed for cozy indoor experiences. This flexibility allows you to choose according to your daily mood!
The date idea cards are neatly packaged within a storage-friendly box for your convenience.

NEW Pink Checker/ Pink Gingham PickleBall Paddle $96.79

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NEW PINK PICKLEBALL PADDLE. Cute aesthetic Pickleball paddles. Looking for a new hobby to try this year? Give Pickleball a try. A unique and fun valentines gift.
Face: Fiberglass
Textured Surface
Core: Polypropylene (Polymer) Honeycomb
Skill Level: Beginner - Professional
Weight: 7.75 OZ
Length: 7.638"
Height: 15.591"
Grip Length: 4.82"
Grip Circumference: 4.5"

Vintage Printable Wall Art $15.40

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Elegant Black and Beige Abstract Line Art Painting. This series of digital artwork is an excellent match for spaces with Wabi-Sabi, Boho, Farmhouse, Scandinavian, or Japandi aesthetics. It's an impeccable modern, minimalist addition that harmoniously complements your vintage gallery wall décor.


*1:1 ratio file to print:
Inch: 6x6, 12x12, 16x16, 24x24, 36x36
Cm: 15x15, 30x30, 40x40, 60x60, 90x90

*2:3 ratio file to print:
Inch: 4x6, 6x9, 8x12, 10x15, 12x18, 16x24, 24x36
Cm: 10x15, 20x30, 30x45, 40x60, 60x90

3:4 ratio file to print:
Inch: 6x8, 9x12, 12x16, 15x20, 18x24, 27x36
Cm: 15x20, 30x40, 45x60, 60x80

*4:5 ratio file to print:
Inch: 8x10, 12x15, 16x20, 24x30
Cm: 8x10, 12x15, 40x50, 72x90


Real Carnelian Crystal Gift Set $34.85

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Step into the realm of healing crystals! Embrace the Handmade Polished Carnelian Gemstones Gift Set Collection For Beginners, meticulously curated as an ideal stepping stone for those new to the world of crystal enthusiasts.

Within each set, you'll discover a collection of seven meticulously chosen, premium-quality polished carnelian stones, all meticulously hand-crafted with an infusion of love and dedication. Carnelian, renowned as a 'stone of motivation' and a catalyst for creativity, has been cherished by healers across centuries for its ability to realign and rejuvenate the body's energy reserves. It's also believed to offer a shield against negative energies and an elevation of spiritual consciousness for its wearer.


✔Embarking as an ideal introductory ensemble, the Handmade Polished Carnelian Gemstones Gift Set Collection For Beginners is a reservoir of unparalleled positive energy and transformative healing capabilities.

✔Seize the opportunity today and commence your voyage toward a more harmonious and rejuvenated lifestyle.

✔This comprehensive set encompasses:
◾ A Single Selenite Round Plate, measuring 3 inches
◾ An 8mm Carnelian Bracelet (7-7.5 Inch)
◾ One Polished Carnelian Tumble
◾ A Singular Raw Carnelian
◾ A Carnelian Pendulum

Zella - Cedar wood trellis for houseplants $54.45

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Introducing the elegant trellis wooden plank support that effortlessly adapts to your growing plants. Experience the ease of simply attaching an extension as your plant flourishes, making it a preferred choice for nurturing climbing plants.

Capable of extending up to an impressive 5 feet in height, this innovation offers a low-maintenance alternative to traditional moss poles, eliminating the need for constant moisture. Designed to accommodate pots exceeding a 2-inch diameter, it caters to a variety of plant sizes.

This versatile solution perfectly suits an array of climbing plants, including aroids, monsteras, philodendrons, and commonly vining plants like pothos. The functionality of this plant stake isn't limited to these varieties—it's equally effective for Hoyas, shingling plants, or any cascading plants seeking an additional boost.

Regular Kit Includes

2x Base Units, 2x Extension Units, 2x End Caps, 8x Clips

Grande Kit Includes

2x Base Unit, 2x Extension Unit, 2x End Cap, 8x Clips

This climbing plant support can be used OUTDOORS.

Design Inspiration

Drawing inspiration from the Zamioculcas zamiifolia, or ZZ leaf, these wooden trellises are crafted to embody its essence. Every wooden trellis, tailored for climbing plants, boasts an individuality bestowed by its distinct grain pattern, ensuring it stands as a captivating focal point within your home.

Old Fashioned Cocktail Kit $18.15

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Hailing from the heart of NYC, Cocktail Kits 2 Go stands as the pioneer of travel-sized cocktail kit boutiques. Our mission revolves around enhancing the happy hour experience through an infusion of simplicity and portability into the realm of crafting cocktails and mocktails.

No matter your preference for sweet or dry concoctions, Cocktail Kits 2 Go grants you the flexibility to construct your cherished cocktail, be it amidst your airborne travels, road journeys, or the comfort of your home. Perfectly tailored for virtual happy hours, each cocktail kit serves up to 4 drinks, inviting you to relish them in the company of a friend. By seamlessly combining the ingredients and incorporating your preferred spirits, you're all set to raise a toast to the occasion. Cheers to a delightful experience!

Giraffe Baby Gift Hamper $33.12

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Hooray, a new bundle of joy has arrived! Embrace the perfect way to extend a warm welcome to this precious addition with our Enchanting Giraffe-themed hamper, brimming with adorableness and affection.

Discover the treasures nestled within our Giraffe Baby Gift Hamper:

Enchanting Giraffe
A cuddly 15cm giraffe plush companion

Customized Ceramic Money Box
We invite you to grace the box below with the recipient's name for a personal touch that resonates. Dimensions: 10cm in Height x 8cm in Diameter.

Kindly share the child's name to be incorporated into the personalized area. Our gift hampers additionally feature a space for a gift note, which can be included within the same personalization box.

11 Spices Chai $19.36

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Beyond being a mere tea, our chai embodies an exquisite 7-star encounter, whisking you away to a realm of joy and allowing you to revisit treasured memories.

This spiced chai extends a meticulously curated experience tailored to American palates. With each bag, we lavishly infuse a harmonious fusion of eleven herbs and spices alongside meticulously harvested Assam Black tea, culminating in a cup that overflows with opulence.

Our spices undergo a process of dry roasting to elevate their flavor profiles organically, ensuring a remarkable taste devoid of additives, even the natural ones.

Sayonara, folks! It's a wrap for this year's Etsy shop gift guide. We're outta here! Hey, don't be a gloomy Gus! Even though this year's is done, fret not! More awesome gift guides are on their way, ready to rock your world! 😁

Cheer up! If you're still feeling down, why not take a peek at last year's gift guide, which is also filled with loads of handmade gifts and vintage goodies. 😊

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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