Saturday, 18 April 2020

Are you new at beading? Start beading with this Free Peyote Triangle Pattern

Hi There.....Have you ever done beadwork?

I have done quite a lot..... And I still have to do a lot..... You may be thinking..... Why? Simple because I have a closet full of beads..... Those little buggers are so very addictive 🙃

But I thought to myself..... Why on earth should I go through this alone..... Why not rub it off on a few others here..... That's an evil plan, I know..... But I just can't help it..... I blame my mom and dad..... They are the ones that made me..... I had no say in it 😈

So if you are a bit like me..... Evil..... Come and join me in spreading this addiction..... And start by trying out this pattern to make this Magical Triangle 😋

Here is an example of what we will be making
Picture by Seadbeady

Pattern Peyote Triangle

I always use Toho or Miyuki Delica beads because, in my opinion, they get the best results..... To make it easy it is best to work with 2 different colors of beads..... We will call them A and B

Step 1 

On a comfortable length of thread pick up 3 beads A and go through them again to make a ring as shown on the drawing below

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 2

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead. I have made the beads from the previous drawing light grey and the newly added beads black.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 3 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.
Picture by Seadbeady

Step 4 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.
Picture by Seadbeady

Step 5 

Now we need to step up to the next round by going through the first A bead added in step 2.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 6 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 7 

Pick up one bead B and go through the next A bead. From here on the newly added B beads will be red and the ones from previous rounds will be pink.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 8 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 9 

Pick up one bead B and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 10 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 11 

Pick up one bead B and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 12 

Step up to the next round as you did in step 5

Step 13 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Step 14 

We will add 2 beads B instead of one now.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 15 

Repeat this for the rest of this round and step up to the next round as you did before

Step 16 

In the next round we will add 3 beads B instead of 2 and so on

Step 17 

You can make it as big as you want - to end it you make a round by just adding one bead A on the 3 corners.
There is a lot you can do with these..... You can make them into earrings or make several triangles and put them together to make a bracelet 😃
But was is most important is that you have fun making them..... Show me yours when you finished it..... Your triangle of course 😁
One more thing..... Don't come crying to me if you get addicted..... I did warn you 🤣🤣
Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day
Renata (Seadbeady)
Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 
Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 


  1. Beading is new to me. I guess this is a great way to learn new hobby.

  2. My kid loves beads. I have to show her this.

  3. Beading is new to me too and have always been interested. Thank you for sharing your review.

  4. looks very helpful! makes me want to try it!

  5. I have never done this before, it looks a bit difficult to make, but at the same time I kind of want to give it a try. Thanks for sharing.-Sedija

  6. It looks complicated. I do want to try it.

  7. Nice! I have tried to do this before and even bought a lot of diy packs to create different stuff haha

  8. a great hobby to learn during this lockdown time.

  9. This looks a little difficult but still I am going to give it a try

  10. Deze activiteit ken ik niet :-). Is wel leuk om te doen voor de creatievelingen onder ons, ook leuk om met kids samen te doen. Ik ben niet zo crea.

  11. Oh wow ik ken dit helemaal nog niet, super leuk en creatief!

  12. Oh wauw, wat komt daar nog veel bij kijken zeg. Kan het zijn dat je goed in wiskunde moet zijn om dit te kunnen?

  13. Wat heb je dat prachtig gedaan wat een goed eindresultaat. Ik ga het proberen.

  14. Looks cool! And great for a hobby, but i don't think it is something for me! But i like people being creative with all sorts of materials.


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