Thursday 31 March 2022

Interview With Fashion Designer Angelina Mahany

Hi There..... Would you like to learn some more about a fashion designer who makes women’s lingerie?

Have you ever owned a piece of handmade women’s lingerie? I haven’t. When I saw what this fashion designer offered, I just had to share her interview with you. 😊

The bras and panties from when I was a young girl weren’t half as pretty. Most of them were plain white with not much detail on them. Well, perhaps they were for the wealthier families, but not for us. Not that we were poor, but if you have a household of 2 adults and 3 girls, you don’t have access to expensive clothing. 😢

Getting your first bra was something to look forward to. The lady from the store would come into the booth and take your size. It was so enjoyable to get your first piece of women’s lingerie. 😍

No, of course not. I didn’t enjoy a single moment of it. Wonder if you would like to stand half-naked in front of a perfect stranger. That would mean I am a prude. 😳

Am I? I was extremely shy, which didn’t help. Such occasions would make my face turn as red as a tomato. It must have been quite a delightful contrast between my red face and the whiteness of that bra. 😂

Ok, I wanted to tell you about this fashion designer. She is Angelina Mahany, the owner of a luxury handmade lingerie e-commerce boutique. The store is called Angie’s Showroom. 😍

How old are you?

I am 32 Years Young 😊

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

I am an owner of an e-commerce store, so basically, I do a lot of things: planning, marketing, finance, logistics, production, hr, advertising, designing, etc. 

I am delegating some parts of my job a lot of things are on me. I graduated from Business school with a major in Corporate Management, and I also have a Master’s degree in Marketing.

What made you decide to become a Fashion Designer?

I am not 100% designer, I just always wanted to be a part of the fashion world. I have a good knowledge of good quality products, materials, and the difference between luxury and cheap brands. I always wanted to have something on my own, a brand. 

However, my education was in business and marketing. I didn’t know how to create things on my own. I had a vision, and I just found people (lingerie contractors) who could help me to make the vision a reality. 

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Yes, truly important. I grew up in Moscow, and I was a ballet dancer for half of my life. My parents and I traveled a lot. We always bought clothes, shoes, and accessories abroad, mainly in Europe or in the U.S. 

In ballet school, we had costumes for our performances, beautiful gowns, and tutus. We also had classes about the history of costumes and how they changed over time. 

Later on, when I moved to France to study marketing, fashion became even more important. France, like Italy, is the center of fashion. Brands are everywhere. We had professors from luxury brand companies too. It was all over us. We all dreamed of working for a luxury brand. So answering your question, fashion was always around me, since childhood it was important to me. 

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

It is a tough question because I can’t divine my successes or failures. Business is full of good and bad things, sometimes more bad than good. I think my success is that I keep going and do not give up even when it’s hard. 

Also, my success is that I started my own business, and I keep investing my money, time, and energy in something that I believe in and trying to grow it. Every year we have more wholesale orders, more retail clients, more collaborations. It’s nice to see that people like my products.  

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

It used to be the case. But nowadays I love to find small businesses, and purchase something “unique” from them, especially if it’s a sustainable brand and the materials are organic. 

I wish we could use all organic materials in the lingerie business. However, normally it’s more expensive to buy from small businesses than to buy something from Zara or Michael Kors. But I like to support the owners, and I know how hard it is sometimes. 

Describe your personal style of clothing?

My style had changed a lot over the past 5-to 6 years because of my life changes: climate, my work, becoming a mom, not going to the office, weight gain/loss, etc. 

I used to like office style, straight classy dresses, jackets, pants and, of course, heels. Now I like more casual long bohemian dresses, tunics, long shirts and jackets. I do wear dresses a lot… No heels for me anymore lol. But what I still keep are accessories. I love jewelry, handbags, and shoes. 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

I am not sure. One of my projects besides Lingerie is a personal shopper. I shop a lot for my international clients. So, I know trends. I go to the stores every week, 2-3 times a week, and I guess during my shopping time for clients, I started slowly changing my personal style. 

Again, everything changes depending on your lifestyle. My life changed 360 degrees, from corporate life to being a business owner and working from home. I feel like I need to be more comfortable now because I move a lot and not sit at the desk but still look like a woman. I don’t like wearing yoga pants everywhere. Even if I go to the playground with my kid, I still wear something nice. It’s just me. 

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

I would say yes. As I mentioned, I shop for my clients. They always ask me where did I get this necklace, dress, shoes, etc? So, I assume they like what they see. I work with some Italian factories, and I sold clothes from Italy to my friends in the States, and they got compliments too from their friends. I always pick things thinking if I would wear them? If I like it, then I take it. 

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

I like high waist pleated skirts, especially with a gradient color. I think I’ve got 5 of them this season. They are perfect for spring/summer but also for autumn/winter if you match them with a long oversize shirt, cardigan, or sweater. 

I also like long shirts to match with a short vest, leggings, and combat boots. The neon trend in handbags and clothes is wonderful too. I think bright electric colors will be in trend in 2022 too.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Oversize sport suits hoodies and track pants. I have a couple of them myself. It’s very comfortable to travel or walk in the park, but just not flattering to the women’s body. And the weirdest trend for me is pajamas that style icons wear outside.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

I would say find your style, look at your personality, your lifestyle, then at some trends, magazines, and people around you. You would notice similar styles and don’t be afraid to mix and match colors or textures. Don’t be boring 😊 The most important at the end is to feel comfortable and like yourself.

Who is your style icon and why?

I guess I live a bit in the past, but I love Audrey Hepburn's style. She was always so classy, elegant, and beautiful. Actually, if we look at her outfits nowadays, a lot of them are still very trendy or will never be out of fashion. 

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

I realize very few ladies own proper lingerie. Lingerie, when worn by you, where there is this glorious feeling, this confidence that builds from the inside because you know you look outstanding and only you know this. I am here to remind them that beauty begins underneath. So… what is underneath now? 

Thank you so much, Angelina, for taking the time to answer my questions. That Vivienne pajama set is pretty cool. Curious to see if people will comment on what they are wearing underneath. 😉

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Sunday 27 March 2022

Where To Find Unique Acrylic Paintings - My painted Ladies

Hi There..... Are you a fan of art, or do you practice art, maybe? Have you ever made acrylic paintings?

I haven’t, but I have made art with pencils, ink, soft pastels, watercolor, and even oil painting but never tried to make acrylic paintings. You may wonder why on earth not? 😦

Well, starting as a young girl, I took several art classes until I had enough and stopped. Perhaps it was just not my thing? 😕

I love art, but it brought me things I just wasn’t looking for. Am I talking in riddles? Perfect, that was my intention. 😏

In the last art classes I took, there was this foolish man who literally had an eye on me. I was working on a drawing in soft pastel, and I didn’t even notice he was drawing my portrait. 😶

I took it as a compliment that he found me interesting enough to draw. If only it would have been just that. Next lesson, I could feel his eyes on me again, and the next, and the next. 😵

At the annual New Year’s celebration, everybody had been drinking wine, except me. So there I was, in the middle of a bunch of drunks, when he asked me for a kiss. Who was I to break his heart, so we passionately kissed for a few minutes? 😎

Ah, did you believe that? Come on, you have been reading too many romance novels. I declined, and that was the last time they saw me there. 😳

End of story, so high time to tell you about Kim, my Instagram friend, who makes acrylic paintings. 😍

About Kim

I’m Kim, a full-time artist currently working on a visual story of the lives of three friends in acrylic paintings. The “My Painted Ladies” series shares the unique experiences these colorful girls find in life… My aim is for viewers to find their own life connections with My Painted Ladies. This creates a more personal connection between the viewer and myself.  

I have created 43 acrylic paintings that I have professionally scanned to be made into different sized vinyl prints. Along with the prints, I create spiral notebooks, vinyl stickers, notecards, and Christmas cards. 

I am currently working on a My Painted Ladies’ coloring book, which I hope will be available this summer. My dream is to continue the ladies' adventures.

How it began

I just started My Painted Ladies in December 2019, right before the pandemic started in full force. Ever since my childhood, I have been creating art. I received a BFA from Wright State University in 1998 and in 2004 received a Master’s in Art Education at the University of Dayton. 

After teaching art for 10 years, my husband encouraged me to retire from teaching and work entirely on my artwork. This had been a dream of mine for a long time! 

The inspiration

What really inspired me to create My Painted Ladies was memories and what an important part of life they are to us. Memories connect us in different ways and are like a blueprint of a person’s being. 

Future events

Right now I’ve been accepted to the Americana Festival, 27 N Main St, Centerville Ohio on July 4, 2022. Hopefully, it will happen, because I was so disappointed in 2020 and 2021 when the Art vendors got canceled because of covid-19. 

Thank you, Kim, for sharing your story with us. I have been following you on Instagram for a very long time and see how you progressed. I admire your painting skills. Just click this link if you also want to follow her on Instagram. 😍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Wednesday 23 March 2022

Interview with Fashion Stylist Sahra Brandt

Hi There..... Are you ready to learn some more about the fashion industry? Ah yes, I have another interesting fashion stylist interview today. 

As I was writing, I was wondering what other bloggers would write on this topic. You can never guess what I found this way. Don't even bother to try, because it's so unbelievable. 😵

Still, it's true, pinky swear. I typed in on bing (similar to google) 'fashion stylist interview', and there it was. My blog post on Medium about the interview with fashion stylist Laurie Brucker Amerikaner. 😍

I sometimes forget, but usually a few days after I have written a blog post, I also publish it on Medium. Ah yes, as I told you before, I am a regular absent-minded professor. 😏

Nobody is perfect, and that is just perfect. How boring would life be otherwise, and how little would I have to tell you, if not about some of my mistakes? 😂

Enough about my flaws. Let’s see if 32-year-old Sahra Brandt has something more interesting to say. I bet she does. 😍

What is your name, function, and the company you work for?  

Sahra, owner of Shop the City.

What kind of work do you do or what are you studying to be? 

I’m a wardrobe consultant and personal stylist. 

What made you decide to become a Fashion Stylist?

My family always tried to push me another way, but I have always known I wanted to work in fashion. I put myself through fashion school in New York City and then worked as a buyer. When I met my now-husband, we moved to DC, which is not a very fashionable town. 

I took an entry-level job at a law firm because it felt like what I was supposed to do there. Except that it wasn’t fulfilling. In 2017, I went back to my passion and invested in myself, so I launched Shop The City!

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Absolutely! It’s an amazing form of self-expression, especially for me. I can say who I am and what I’m about without opening my mouth. 

What are your successes and how did you achieve them?

I’ve had some amazing successes, but I think 2021 as a whole was a great success; I styled 14 photoshoots and 5 of which were covers, including one for Vogue India! 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

I don’t think so. It’s the quality of the fabrics and the design and silhouettes of the clothes. And, of course, the fit! 

Describe your personal style of clothing?

I like to describe myself as a style chameleon - I tend to vibe off of what my clients’ style is. Some days I’m a modern minimalist, some days I’m a full-on edgy punk, and other days I embrace my mom style. 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Finding your personal style is trial and error; trying on pieces and personas to find what feels most “you”, as well as following a range of people on socials to find what speaks to you most. 

In what way do you influence other people’s clothing style?

Can I speak for other people on this? I’m not sure I can but I can try! I find clients really taking what I have to say to heart; it can be something as innocuous as my personal preferences on contrast stitching in jeans or certain types of shoes. I understand, as a professional, I hold a lot of power with my words and try to be conscientious about that. 

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

I’m LOVING kelly green, chunky lug sole loafers for an edgy-meets-darling trend, and crochet pieces for an effortless summer moment. 

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

The open front/sternum pieces - they only work for a specific body type. And neon; again, you need a very specific skin tone and probably a tan to pull this off, so it doesn’t work for everyone! 

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Invest in quality basics; update your whites often, find pieces that make you feel like the most confident person in the room, and wear those to the ground. Don’t only shop the sales racks. 

Who is your style icon and why?

Oh gosh, I feel like I have so many! Carrie Bradshaw definitely; a perfect mix of carefree and trend-forward, yet timeless. Bella Hadid always looks amazing and is at the forefront of trends, though I know we owe that to her stylist. And so many people on the street wearing their looks with confidence inspire me!

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

I work virtually and in person for clients in California! I also post style tips and tricks on my Instagram. If you’d like to follow me

Thanks, Sahra for filling in my interview questions, love the quilted bag you showed on your Instagram. 😍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Tuesday 22 March 2022

Tips to adopt a kitten - My story about the first days with Ninoe

Hi There..... Would you mind if I would go completely off topic for once? Do you like cats? Do you need tips to adopt a kitten?

Today I want to tell you the story of my new stray cat, Ninoe. For five years, we lived in an apartment where we weren't allowed to keep pets. This year in January we moved to a new apartment, and there was no restriction against pets this time. 😊

I am a huge cat lover, but my head said no more. The voice of reason said, "you will not adopt a kitten". Nobody loves to have hair scattered all over the house, clean up vomit, clean the cat's litter box or ask family to take care of your cat when you're on a holiday. 😦

My heart argued, a house just isn't a home without a pet. Cats can be very loving. They say that stroking a cat can have a calming effect and reduce stress. Nothing better than a curled-up, purring kitty on your lap to make you feel wonderful. 😍

Both my mind and heart could have argued for a very long time if I wouldn't have decided myself. 😜

What to decide?

Ok, I suppose you know by now that the heart can be stronger than the mind, so a few weeks after we moved, the search for a new cat friend began. 😀

At first, I wasn't sure whether to adopt a kitten or a one or two-year-old. My 6-year-old granddaughter, who is also crazy about cats, would no doubt want to come over, so I would have to take that into consideration.

Picture by Seadbeady - Ninoe day 12

I didn't want my granddaughter to return home with a big scar on her face or something like that, so I decided it would be better to adopt a kitten. It wasn't as easy as we thought, because a few years ago, the rules on buying or selling pets in Belgium changed. 😬

The sale and purchase of animals are subject to several regulations

Dogs may not be traded unless they have been tagged and registered legally
All breeders must be registered and must comply with legislation
Neither cats nor dogs may be sold anywhere on the public highway
Public advertising or publicity is prohibited
Belgian pet shops may not sell cats and dogs
Anyone wishing to buy a pet cat or dog must go to an animal sanctuary or breeder. No animals can be sold to anyone under the age of 16 without the express permission of their parents or guardians.

Where would I get my kitten?

That meant I would have to either find an official breeder or go to a pet sanctuary. I asked my friend, Google, where to find a cat breeder. After a few hours of browsing, I found that most of the kittens would cost me at least 1.000 to 1.500 euros. They were no stray cats but all purebred cats, so they were more than worth it. 😁

Are you crazy? Did you really think I would do that? This time it was neither my heart nor my head, but my wallet that was against it. Besides, it felt much better to rescue a stray cat longing for her forever home. 😊

It took me a while to find my perfect match, but then I saw a picture of Marieke at Zoetjes & Snoetjes (Sweets & Sweet Faces). It seemed she had already been adopted, but they mailed me a few other kittens that needed a home. 😉

Picture by Seadbeady - Ninoe day 1

Ninoe immediately stood out for me. I had a strong feeling she would be the one for me. She was a stray cat, and they found her in a cellar behind some garbage together with her 2 little brothers, so she was not at all used to being around people. She was 4 months and a half and had been living with her foster parents for 3 weeks now. 😃

About Zoetjes & Snoetjes

Zoetjes & Snoetjes VZW was founded two years ago to offer a solution for the placement and rehoming of mostly stray cats.

Stray kittens are cared for in a homely atmosphere, which makes it easier for them to integrate into their new home after adoption.

We do not have a release policy, so the kittens often remain in shelter for a long time, but experience has taught us that shy, aggressive, FIV+, leucosis cats also have a great new future with the right approach.

Adoption conditions at Zoetjes & Snoetjes

The adopter agrees to care for the cat in a humane and responsible manner under the animal welfare and animal protection legislation of the adoptive country and thus provide sufficient exercise in accordance with breed and age. Provide sufficient good nutrition and good housing, including sufficient shelters, several comfortable resting places, levels for climbing, scratching opportunities, and clean litter boxes.

The adopter may not intentionally harm the cat. The adopter will have the cat vaccinated under the applicable regulations and, in case of the cat's illness, guarantee appropriate veterinary treatment.

The cat may not be used for commercial purposes.

Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw provides the cat with a pet passport and a chip. 
Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw registers the cat in the name of Adoptant upon adoption. In the event of a change of address, the Adopter will have the chip registration adjusted within three days at the competent (government) service and will inform Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw of his new address.

Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw states in the passport the vaccinations administered: cat disease, cat flu, supplemented with FeLV (leucose).

The adopter expressly agrees to give the cat the necessary rest after transfer so that the cat can get used to the new environment, people and animals. Adopter is aware that a cat may need a long adjustment period and will give the cat a minimum of three months adjustment time. The adopter can call on the Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw aftercare responsible for help, guidance, and parenting tips free of charge.

What if medical problems arise after adoption? These aftercare measures apply up to 1 month after the adoption.
Zoetjes en Snoetjes vzw cannot be held responsible for abnormalities or illnesses that it was not aware of at the time of the transfer.
The adopter contacts the Zoetjes en Snoetjes vzw aftercare manager by e-mail or telephone.
De Zoetjes en Snoetjes vzw aftercare manager examines which steps are necessary, possibly in consultation with the contractual veterinarian.
Zoetjes en Snoetjes vzw only pays for treatments, consultations and prescribed medication carried out by the contractual veterinarian. Payments from other veterinarians are not eligible for reimbursement, nor are they deducted off the adoption fee (see 6. and 8. of this contract).

After transfer, the Adopter is responsible for all potential damage caused to or by the cat, regardless of the cause, as well as for all expenses incurred for the cat, including (urgent and necessary) medical costs.

The adopter must take the necessary measures not to lose the cat and to avoid going missing. The cat should be kept indoors until it is sufficiently acclimatized (with an absolute minimum of 8 weeks after arrival). If the cat should nevertheless escape, this must be reported immediately to Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw and the competent government services (including the police). Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw will assist Adoptant where possible in locating the cat.

Adopter informs Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw if the cat has passed away.

If the cat can no longer stay with the Adopter, Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw will look for temporary shelter and a good new adopter. The adopter gives Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw a minimum of fourteen days after receipt of the required waiver. Until the cat is handed over, the Adopter will continue to care for the cat in accordance with this agreement. There is no refund of the deposited contribution. Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw will always take the cat back.

Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw respects your privacy. By signing this contract, the Adoptant agrees that Zoetjes & Snoetjes will process his personal data in a file that will only be used for legitimate purposes within the framework within which Zoetjes & Snoetjes vzw operates. The personal data of the Adopter will not be communicated

to third parties or commercialized unless the Adopter gives permission to do so. The adopter has the right to inspect and correct his data and will send a written request to that effect to

Picture by Seadbeady - Ninoe day 3

Day one - Meeting Ninoe

It was about 5 in the evening when we left to see if Ninoe would be a match for us. I know it's crazy but it was about an hour's drive to get to our destination. A few days ago, I had looked up where we would have to go and thought it was not that far. Ok, I admit, it was my mistake, but crazy people do crazy things. 😁

They had put Ninoe into a cat carrier to make sure she didn't go into hiding when we would come to see her. Perhaps not the best idea, because when the lady took her out, she struggled herself out of her grip and took off like lightning. 😯

It became quite a goose chase, and you could see she was terrified. I asked if I could give it a try to calm her down, and believe me or not, it worked. She allowed me to pet her, and I immediately knew she was the one. 😍

Day 2 - Into Hiding

As we woke up in the morning, we couldn't find her at first. She had gone into hiding in a small space and stayed there for a very long time. We didn't get much chance to go near her, because she didn't trust us one bit. I wouldn't trust a large hairy monster, so it's only fair that she didn't trust us hairless monsters. 😏

Ninoe growled, ears flat and rotated sideways. I got worried because she hadn't eaten since she came home with us. In the evening, she got very vocal and explored everything, very wary of every move we made. 😧

Perhaps she was looking for her cat friends or the family she had been with for 3 weeks. We tried to calm her down, but nothing helped. It was only the next day that I read it is best to ignore this. 😄

Picture by Seadbeady - Ninoe day 5

Day 3 - Carefully petting for the first time

After another very vocal night, because we left her all on her own in the Living room and kitchen, she had gone in hiding again. Just like the last morning, it took us a while to find her. This time, she was hiding beneath my keyboard on top of the seat. 😊

I sat on the ground close to her and she hissed, but I blinked my eyes several times to make her feel at ease. I gave her a few pieces of cheese crust and got to pet her. Sounds stupid, but I was quite happy with the little progress we made. 😉

When the evening came, she started looking around and calling out to her friends. Her new refuge had become the chairs underneath the table. The weird thing was that she was unapproachable over there. 😦

Day 4 - First time purring

She had been fairly loud again during the night, so my husband went to the living room to have a look. He opened the door, and she made herself look tall and hissed at him, and then ran away. 😕

When we got up in the morning, our little stray cat had found a new hideout. It took us very long to find her this time. Finally, we saw her, completely curled up underneath the blanket hanging over my keyboard. 

I carefully pushed her away onto the seat beneath the keyboard without lifting her, because I knew she would get scared if I would do that. Just like the day before, I slowly tried to put my hand underneath the blanket to reach her. She let me pet her, and even started purring. 😃

In the evening, I lured her out with some wet cat food. It took her a while to find it but she cleaned up her bowl in no time. Ninoe was a lot quieter this evening but still on the prowl, trying to find her former stray cat friends and family. 😮

Day 5 - Getting used to us

The night had passed by without too much noise, so we managed to sleep a bit more. There was no search when we got up this morning because Ninoe was back on the seat underneath the keyboard. Such a shame, because I love solving puzzles. 😏

She didn't budge from that seat until eight in the evening. We knew we weren't to disturb her too much, because she had to get used to us still, but during the day, we could lift the blanket and pet her a few times, purring included. 😍

You should see her then because she curls up into all kinds of positions, never had a cat quite like that. So darn cute to look at. This is a small video I took off her that day. 

It was Monday evening, so I went to practice with my band. I am the singer of the band, so I can get very vocal too, just like Ninoe. My hubby told me she had come out of hiding a lot more and sat on the chair right next to him. That was until he made a sudden move, of course. 😏

Picture by Seadbeady - Ninoe day 11

Day 6 - On the prowl

Next morning we found her again on the same spot beneath the keyboard. We could lift the blanket and pet her without her making too much fuss about it, as long as we didn't make any sudden movements. 😉

She also eagerly accepted the small treats we gave her. During the day, she came out of hiding a few times to explore everything again and even play with a few toys. Still, we had to be very careful not to startle her. 😊

Day 7 - The visit

Quite early in the morning, I woke up from the doorbell ringing. My hubby was already up, but I had a pretty awful night, so I was still in bed. It was our daughter and granddaughter coming for a visit. 😍

Not for us, but for the cat, of course. If it had been their choice, they would have been there the first day, but we wanted Ninoe to get used to us first. 😃

As the night before, she was hiding underneath the blanket of my keyboard. I told them both to blink with their eyes and slowly approach her, and to my surprise, she let them both pet her. It felt like a step backward though, because she stayed in hiding far longer than the previous days. 😟

Tips if you want to adopt a kitten or young stray cat

1. Try to put yourself in her shoes, picture how she would feel.  
2. Make your home cat-proof: enough hiding places, cover up things like electrical cords, medication, poisonous plants, or any other hazards.
3. If you have enough space in your home, you could leave her in a separate room for 24 hours. Knock on the door before you come in, not to scare her 
4. If you are dealing with a terrified cat, you had better prepare yourself. Perhaps wear long sleeves and gloves or other protective clothing. She might even attack you, so be ready for the worst.
5. Do not stare at the cat, because it can make your cat feel uneasy and turn away to relieve tension created by the stare. In short, avoid eye contact or otherwise blink your eyes regularly.
6. Make sure to feed her at a set time. Giving her food and treats will make her trust you.
7. Don't try to pet her if she doesn't trust you yet. 
8. You will make progress, but prepare for a step backward too. It's like trial and error, and you will soon learn what she likes, and how to gain her trust
9. Cats use body language to communicate. If you want to know more about that you can check out this link.

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Wednesday 16 March 2022

Interview With Fashion Designer Oscar Udeshi

Hi There..... Are you a fan of men's fashion? Would you like to learn more about a fashion designer for menswear?

I know 80% of my followers and readers are women, but perhaps you are married, and looking for some special men's wear fashion? You may not need it right now, but pretty soon the wedding season is coming again, and you might want a brand new suit for your hubby. 😊

Promise you won't say I told you, but have you thought about what could happen if you buy him something new? Ah yes indeed, you get back what you give. Huh, no, not menswear, of course, but who knows? There may be a new outfit in it for you. 😏

Ah, talking about men's fashion always reminds me of the diet coke break ad. Although it has nothing to do with fashion, on the contrary, it's all about a shirtless construction worker. 😋

Ok, now I have your attention. You can check it out if you follow this link. One is never too old to look at well-built shirtless men, and no reason to keep it all to myself. 😉

It's just like in the song 'Dirty Ol’ Man' of the Three Degrees, "That you can look but please don't touch". Or just like my dad used to say to my mom, my eyes are meant to see, and even though he was a faithful man, he didn't look the other way when a beautiful woman crossed his path. 😄

My mom also had a saying about good-looking men, though. It's quite hard to translate because it was in Antwerp slang (van een schoon tafel kunde ni eten), but the meaning behind it was that a handsome man might not bring food to the table, or provide for you. I often begged to differ and replied, you may never know. 😁

Enough about my past. Let's see what Oscar Udeshi, the 47-year-old fashion designer behind Udeshi answered to my interview questions. 😍

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What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

Design ready to wear and tailor bespoke and made to measure menswear.
I am a truly modern tailor who designs soft, lightweight, comfortable and exquisitely crafted clothing and accessories to take clients from the beach to the boardroom and beyond.

What made you decide to become a Fashion Designer?

I always enjoyed working with my hands and love the act of creation. It's wonderful seeing in a relatively short amount of time the result of one’s ideas and hard work turn into a finished product that can be worn for decades or just one night. What we create affects other people, and what they feel when they are wearing one of our lightweight soft pieces.

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Fashion is how you dress and how others perceive you, which affects your relationship with them. It is also how I portray or represent myself and reflects my moods and outlook on life.

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What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

Aside from still going strong after two decades, I guess having that grit and never giving up, and constantly coming up with new ideas, never being static.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

As I mostly make my own, I don’t buy clothing that often. When I do, I look for quality, good design, durability, and fit, of course. I find those with certain brands, and not others, so the name is somewhat important, but more important is what it stands for. This is also why our clients come to us.

Describe your personal style of clothing?

I prefer soft, unstructured clothing that is light and comfortable, and almost weightless. Also, I like my clothes fitted and shaped, but not tight. I prefer solid colours and experiment with textures more than patterns, so everything is a little more nuanced. It should take time for someone to notice my ensemble and all the little details, just like one’s character.

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How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

At my age, and what I do, people may have expectations, I certainly do, of how I look and what that represents. After decades, I found what works for me. It has to be chic, smart, comfortable, practical, and hopefully, look like it has been put together effortlessly.

When I am not wearing a three-piece suit, it is usually a pair of bespoke khakis or jeans, a fitted shirt, and a soft unstructured jacket. 
That way I am always “dressed”, smart and am prepared for almost any social interaction during the day. I dislike having a “signature” look, as that can also be limiting, and people grow, so what I liked and who I was as a teenager is not necessarily who I am now. 
It is also nice to surprise people now and again.

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

As I make their clothing and have done so for two decades, I would say so. Some have taken bolder decisions because of our house style and our experimentation with fabrics, and others have gone the other way where they don’t need to think about what they wear anymore as everything fits them, their lifestyle, and they can combine everything together.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

I’m enjoying the embrace of colors following lockdown—it is nice that everything doesn’t have to be black. It’s also great to see a renewed interest in heritage pieces and fabrics. 

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Trying to mix formal tailoring with athleisure wear. You have three distinct categories of clothing that have different and competing requirements. It just looks like a mess, in my opinion.

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What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Buy better but less. There is no point in having a bursting wardrobe that one never wears. Far better to buy quality that one can wear time and time again. This takes up less space in your wardrobe. The quality garment will last far longer and it is much better for the environment.

Who is your style icon and why?

There is no one person who represents my style. If there was, then it would be their style and not mine. I am partial to the American actor Steve McQueen’s wardrobe in the original Thomas Crown Affair. The casual wear looked effortless, and when he put on a suit, everyone knew he meant business. Everything looked like it should. Nothing was out of place.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

If you have to justify the purchase of an item, then it is probably better if you don’t buy it.
Fittings for bespoke clothing can be undertaken in Marbella, London, and internationally during trunk shows. Contact Oscar to arrange a fitting and consultation by emailing or calling +34 671 789 771. 

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Thank you, Oscar, for filling in my questions. I bet my hubby would love that olive green suit. 

You can follow Oscar on Instagram
Or on Facebook
If you are looking for more reading material, because you are bored out of your mind? (you never know) Check out these previous Fashion Designer interviews.

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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