Saturday 11 May 2024

Interview With Makeup Artist Eiyeda

Hi There, makeup lovers! Ever heard of a makeup artist who works wonders with her brushes? And have you seen her latest makeup look? It’s like a masterpiece come to life!

Picture provided by Eiyeda

You know, I’m just a regular makeup lover, trying to paint my face with the finesse of a Picasso and the precision of a surgeon. ðŸŽĻ🖞️

Alas, more often than not, my makeup adventures end in disaster! I’d stare into the mirror, face resembling more of a paint palette than a masterpiece. ðŸ™ƒðŸŽ­

Oh, the horror! There were days when my under eye line resembled a roller coaster track, and my mascara seemed to have a mind of its own, wandering off to places unknown. ðŸ˜ąðŸĪŠðŸŽĒ

That’s exactly how I feel! I often get lost in my thoughts while writing, too. Wait, did I really just compare myself to mascara? ðŸ˜‚ðŸĪ”

Also, there have been times I’ve had to summon a cotton swab rescue mission to rectify my makeup mishaps, just like a valiant knight rescuing a damsel in distress! ðŸ›Ą️ðŸ‘ļ💄

Hey, aren’t knights supposed to be men? Perhaps I am that damsel in need of a makeup rescue! ðŸĪ”ðŸ›Ą️ðŸĶļ‍♀️

Now then, one day, I stumbled upon the mesmerizing work of a makeup maestro named Eiyeda. ðŸ˜ðŸŽĻ✨

Her creations were like spells cast upon the canvas of her face, transforming her into creatures of the night and otherworldly beings. How did she do it without making a mess like I always do? ðŸŒŒðŸ§™‍♀️💄

With determination bubbling in my heart (and a trusty pack of cotton swabs at the ready), I reached out to Eiyeda and asked if she’d like to share some secrets on my blog. ðŸĪĐ💄📝

You know what? She said yes! I was over the moon, feeling like a makeup mishap survivor, finally finding the light at the end of the tunnel!  😄🌙🌈

Now come along, dear readers, on this adventure as we explore the world of makeup magic with Eiyeda. ðŸ’„ðŸ”Ū📖

Maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally learn some tips on how to create stunning looks without turning my face into a battlefield of smudges and smears! 😎😍ðŸĪž

Picture provided by Eiyeda

What is your name, function, and the company you work for?  

My name is Eiyeda

How old are you?

I am 30 years old

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

I am currently working in a health insurance company, helping people.

What made you decide to become a Makeup Artist?

I started by streaming on Twitch with horror makeup, that wasn't really that great, in homage to my mom who loved horror films. Then I focused solely on Instagram and since then I've been trying to improve my makeup.

Is beauty important to you? Why? 

The only beauty important to me is the beauty of the heart. Physical beauty is not important because the face ages, physical beauty is superficial. The beauty of the soul is the most important because the soul never veils.

Picture provided by Eiyeda

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

Getting up every day. Managing to smile every day is a success for me because a day without smiling is a day wasted. I try to plan my day, invest myself fully in social networks.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I would love to no longer have to get up and work for someone. My dream is to make a living from my passion for makeup and social media. I would like to have more people benefit from my work.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy make-up?

No way. However, I am uncompromising about the quality of the makeup. I am especially looking for cruelty-free brands that are not tested on animals and which are qualitative.

Describe your personal make-up style?

I like to express who I am through my makeup. I never represent a character. As you can see on my Instagram, I always try to create characters inspired by my imagination and bring them to life.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Finding my style was complicated. After a long search, I've finally found my calling. Create characters, bring my imagination to life. I don't really have a signature look. I'm proud of all my creations.

Do you have an influence on other people’s make-up or clothing style?

I don't think I'm famous enough for that, lol, but one day maybe yes, and I'd be honored.

Picture provided by Eiyeda

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

You know, I don't really follow trends. It's not my cup of tea.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Doing what everybody else does.

What kind of beauty advice would you give us?

Do what you like, don't follow others, do what suits you and most importantly, be happy with what you do.

Who is your style icon and why?

My mother is and will remain in my eyes the most beautiful icon. She always had the gift of combining her clothes, her makeup looks, and creating a genuine work of art. 

I loved watching her put on makeup when I was little, and today I am proud to pay tribute to her. I hope she can feel proud of me because of that.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Never give up on your dreams, even if it's hard, even if life brings you to your knees. Believe in yourself and you will get there.

Picture provided by Eiyeda

Thank you immensely, Eiyeda, for agreeing on my interview. I find your makeup looks incredibly impressive. ðŸĪ—😍👏

Hey, if you're not ready to pause your reading journey just yet, why not take a peek into the delightful conversations I shared with some fellow makeup artists earlier? If you're craving more captivating makeup stories, they're eagerly waiting for you to join. Dive right in! 📚✨

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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  1. Victoria Prasad12 May 2024 at 08:00

    Wow! She is so talented! I love that she agreed to sit down and share about herself and her work. What an inspiration! Thank you for sharing the details of your interview. Great read!

  2. That's interesting. I'm sure many people would want to be make up like that today.

  3. Wow! You're so talented! I love the spooky and creepy vibes.

  4. I love love love the photos here. I used to be a photographer, and as such met a lot of makeup artists for the models.

  5. Renata, loved your interview with Eiyeda! 💄✨ Her perspective on beauty and self-expression is inspiring. Can't wait to see more of her magical creations!

  6. What a fun interview! It's always nice to read about how someone got interested with now their current passion(s). I love her perspective and her creations are equally beautiful and stunning!

    Maureen |

  7. Corrina ; so this is really art
    Verry coulorfull I like it

  8. These pictures are great! Eiyeda is very talanted.

  9. This is so amazing! I love the first photo. So good that is looks like a mask!

  10. What a colorfull make up art

  11. Her creativity is very scary and colourful too. Perfect for the tribal movies too.

  12. Wow! Eiyeda is creating absolutely gorgeous art on her clients' faces. Everything is so precise and beautiful.

  13. I love all of the unique looks like Eiyeda has created! What a true talent - incredible!

  14. This looks good and refreshing. I am having some friends over this weekend and would love to serve this. Thank you for sharing how to do this.

  15. Wow she is so incredibly talented. I'd love to learn just 1/100th of what she knows!

  16. Wow, I was so much impressed by the first picture of Eiyeda. She is so much talented.


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