Sunday 8 December 2019

What good cause to support when you are an Animal lover?

Hi There.....Do you love animals?

No???.....Impossible how can you not love animals???

I have always had a heart for animals......except for bugs.....they only bug me 😁

My big love has always been cats but I love all kinds of animals. I just love watching the National Geographic Wild Channel.....Especially the documentaries about the big cats.....After all, my zodiac sign is Leo 😉

That is why I wanted to dedicate this blog post to a good cause for animals. Maybe at the end of this year, some people might be persuaded to give to one of the causes I selected.

The first one I would like to share with you is The AAP or Animal Assisted Projects

They started up in 2017 because they saw what friendship between pets and people could do. They found a solution for pet owners who don't want their pets to be at home alone all day.....who want their pets to get some extra affection.....who want their pets to get some extra care......who want to make someone happy by letting them take care of their pet......who want to create a better bond between people and pets.

Their solution is the plus-owner.

I can hear you thinking up to matter how far you are.....what the heck is a plus-owner 😄

It is someone of 55 or older who has time during the day to take care of an animal.....who wants to enjoy the company of an animal of someone in the neighbourhood.....who likes to bond with this animal......who likes to chat a bit with others and feels at home in a group of people who have a heart for animals.

Since this is a Belgian cause I am actually thinking about doing this

Some of you might know but I have a lot of joint and muscle problems and it's impossible for me to work at the moment because that comes with a lot of pain. 

3 years ago we moved out of our house to an apartment with everything on the same floor to make things easier for me. That also meant that we couldn't keep animals anymore. Weird as I still choke up talking about this......needless to say that was pretty hard for me since I had to give my cat away to someone else. I do still yearn to give some cuddles to cats. Having it softly purr on my lap or give me soft bites in my neck or toes.

Haha yes I did have a cat that softly bit me in my toes to remind me of giving him his food 😂

But let me show you a picture of our new pet since we moved.

Isn't he the cutest ever.....he is not noisy at all and doesn't make a mess 😁

Ok enough about me let's get back to the cause....You see combining pet owners and plus-owners is not the only thing they do......they also find pets to be very valuable in therapeutic centra. 

Dogs and cats have the ability to get through to people that have mental or physical disabilities. They send out people to these places with pets to give those people a special experience that benefits their mental wellbeing.

You may find me a little cheesy but that warms my heart 😄

In order to contribute to a better society, they would also like to share their knowledge so they offer training about this relationship between man and animal.

I just love knowing that there are so many people out there with a heart for animals.....don't you?

As a reward to their plus-owners and volunteers, they organize excursions, lectures or workshops in order to mix business with pleasure.  

If after reading this you feel like becoming an active member of this organization by becoming a volunteer or an ambassador.....don't hesitate to contact them for more information.

Next time I will share some information about another good cause I found interesting - The Wildlife Conservation Society 😃

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day

Renata (Seadbeady)

Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊


  1. i love animal, they are so good and nice

  2. Hihi cute one! I love animals! I have two cat's myself! They are my little fur babies.

  3. Oh I love this! I typically support the rescue I work for! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us!

  4. I have to admit, I don't really support any animal causes despite being a dog-lover. I mean, I haven't adopted but I've never bought a dog really. All my pets were given to me.

    But I totally support your cause. And I think I should direct more effort to helping animals.

  5. Superleuk! Wat een origineel idee toch!

  6. That's a great cause. Good luck with it.

  7. It is a great cause, I wish best of luck. Helping animals is very important.

  8. I totally support these.

    I hate people those who are involved in all these animal abuse.

    Please let me know, If I can be of any help.

  9. I've never heard of a service such as this! What a great way to keep pets company when the owner has no time.

  10. This is such an amazing cause! I wish you all he luck in the world.

  11. First time to hear about this service and it is so nice that there is kind of service that protect animals welfare. Good luck to this great cause!

  12. I love animals and volunteer at the local animal shelter. I work with shy/fearful cats and it's always wonderful when a senior adopts one.

  13. I am allergic to the hair and dander of most household pets so have never actually owned one. I'm sorry to read about your illness and hope that being a plus-owner works for you.

  14. I can't say I'm an animal lover because I don't like cats very much. I like dogs better and some animals in the zoo.

  15. Thanks for sharing! I have always been an animal lover and have volunteered and worked at local SPCA's and it always broke my heart that someone would give up such beautiful, loving animals!

  16. AWWWWW This is such a good cause :) It sad when you see things like this happen to animals.

  17. I love this cause. And also a big animal lover. I have a cat and dog at home.

  18. I try to visit and help out at a local animal shelter every once in a while.

  19. Wij hebben een hondje dus ik houd wel van dieren, maar ik doe eigenlijk nooit goede doelen op dit gebied.

  20. Great post! We try and help out at the local shelter whenever we can, thanks for sharing!

  21. ik ben een echte animal lover en dit is een mooi doel!

  22. Goed initiatief. Ik houd van dieren!

  23. Ben gek op dieren, dus zeker een heel mooi initiatief

  24. Mieke | Miek's Mind13 December 2019 at 08:05

    Haha wat grappig, ook leuk om in je tuin te zetten bij een boom of struik ofzo

  25. Een heel goed plan, ik ben zelf thuis en merk hoe fijn onze kat dit vindt en ook helemaal aan mijn aanwezigheid gewen dis. Ik denk voor ouderen die wel graag een lange wandeling willen maken elke dag, maar geen hond zo een plus-owner top zou zijn.

  26. Ik houd enorm van dieren, heb er al 4 geadopteerd uit het asiel!


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