Saturday 14 December 2019

What good cause to support when you are an Animal lover? part 2

Hi There.....Are you a fan of animals in the wild?

As I told you in last week's post I am for sure.....and that is why I wanted to write this week and last week's blogs about good causes involving animals. Just follow this link to go to last week's blog post if you are curious to know what it was about.

It's a win-win situation because you get to satisfy your curiosity and I get an extra reader for that post haha πŸ˜‰

So as promised this week I will be telling you some more about the WCC or Wildlife Conservation Society πŸ˜„

It seems they were already founded back in 1895 as the New York Zoological Society. The Wildlife Conservation Society was one of the first conservation organizations in the U.S. They had a clear goal from the beginning to advance wildlife conservation, promote the study of zoology, and create a first-class zoo. 

Did you know they have five zoos already.....The Bronx Zoo, Central Zoo, Queens Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, and New York Aquarium.

I know some of you might say that a zoo is not the right place for an animal.....and they are right in a way because an animal should be free in the wild. I think nowadays people are much more aware of that fact and the wellbeing of an animal should come in the first place. 

But these Zoos are working hard together with scientists in the field to save wildlife. Field staff report back their observations of animal behavior and need in nature, which in turn bolsters animal wellbeing in the parks πŸ˜ƒ

But it goes much further than just a few Zoos.....their goal is to conserve the world's largest wild places in 16 priority regions, home to more than 50% of the world's biodiversity.

Their strategy for 2020 is to maintain the WCS's historic focus on the protection of species while developing an ambitious plan to engage with the rapidly changing world. 

They say that the challenges are greater than ever but with the focus, dedication, and passion of a committed staff.....combined with a unique mixture of field, zoo and aquarium expertise they will continue to set the bar for science, conservation action, and education that has driven their success in protecting wildlife and wild places for over a century.

The WCS envisions a world where wildlife thrives in healthy lands and seas, valued by societies that embrace and benefit from the diversity and integrity of life on earth.

That doesn't sound like an easy task but it makes me glad to hear that people are willing to work hard to make this dream come true πŸ˜„

Although I don't want those big animals too close to my bed.....I have a hard time sleeping as it is.....I don't want to wake up hearing things running around in my home. Who knows I might happen to walk into the lion's den instead of my own den πŸ˜‚

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊


  1. Thanks for sharing this interesting and beautiful blog post. I am really impressed the way of your writing and grip on the topic. If in future i decided to promote anything i will surely contact you.

  2. What a lovely post, this is so helpful! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!

  3. I love going to the zoo! Next year we're going to NY and will probably visit the zoo there!

  4. Interesting... I'm also lover of animals... Thanks for the post

  5. Thank you so much for sharing these resources! Giving back to animals in need makes me so incredibly happy!

  6. Wat een prachtige foto van die giraffe bij die boom zeg! Echt schitterend. En dank voor de informatie.

  7. I’m so glad you shared this I was looking for a good animal related cause to support. These ones sounds wonderful!

  8. Zo fijn! Ik hou echt van dieren dus organisaties als deze maken mij blij!

  9. This is such a beautiful post and it gives us an eye opening to everyone that not only human need a support but also an animals too. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  10. Thanks for writing about the zoos. We visit zoos wherever we travel. We're in Chicago and even took a 2 day trip to visit the Omaha Zoo (and that's an 8 hour trip each way). This is definitely a cause worth giving to.

  11. That sounds like such a great cause to donate too. I love that they are using zoos as places for rehab for animals rather than capturing healthy animals to bring to zoos.

  12. I love this cause. Now if only they would outlaw hunting these gorgeous creatures.

  13. I love supporting animals and this is a great cause to support. Thank you so much for sharing it with us x


  14. I'm amazed with zoo animals. Hopefully, they are all out in the jungle where they truly belong.

  15. My friend is a super animal lover. I am gonna send this to her!

  16. This is a wonderful ! I love hearing about animals !

  17. Vroeger vond ik dierentuinen erg leuk, maar nu vind ik het echt zielig voor de dieren. Gelukkig zijn er wel nog goeie instanties!

  18. Aw wat een prachtige beestjes. Maar ik zou ze ook inderdaad niet vlak naar m'n bed willen zien, haha.

  19. Wat een mooie foto’s. Ik ben ook dol op dierentuinen. Ook ben ik in NY geweest, maar niet naar de dierentuin. Iets voor een volgende keer

  20. I am definitely an animal lover and i love going to the zoo !!! what a fascinating post !

  21. Wat zijn ze goed bezig en wat je zegt, ik vind dierentuinen soms een beetje te klein voor de dieren, maar je hebt bijvoorbeeld een zoo in San Diego (San Diago Zoo Safari park, niet die in San Diego zelf, die is vrij klein) en daar hebben de dieren zo ontzettend veel ruimte, dat vond ik echt prachtig en alle dingend ie ze er naast doen war wij en zij van kunnen leren, alleen maar goed!

  22. Wow ik ben helemaal gek op dieren. Die foto's zijn prachtig geschoten.

  23. Wat een prachtige foto's. De zou ik zeker thuis wel willen ophangen.


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