Wednesday 31 March 2021

Review about the Jouwbox - Chocolate Bars - Natural Products by Ekoplaza

Hi There..... Are you ready for some more natural products? Maybe you would like to know a bit more about the chocolate bars from my Jouwbox?

Would you? Great, then you are in for a treat. πŸ˜ƒ

Ah candy, it almost seems as if they are forbidden somehow lately. If you have kids, you had better not put any chocolate bars or sweet treats in their backpack. Beware of the bad bad candy. Never mind the wolf. 😏

It was so much fun distributing treats for my birthday at school when I was a young girl. I would always do this on the last day of school because my birthday was in July. It didn’t matter what you brought to school, everything was fine. Nowadays, giving candy or sweet drinks is out of the question. 😬

We didn’t get that much candy at home, though. I recall that now and then we would go to a small shop with our mom. We could choose a few pieces of candy for 1 BEF. That could be a few lollypops, some gummy bears, whatever we wanted as long as it was within the budget. I am not sure if it was a trick mom used to get us to go with her, but we didn’t really mind falling into her evil trap. 😁

Can you imagine getting candy for just one BEF? That would be about 0.025 euro or 0.029 dollars. If you would go to the candy store today, I bet you wouldn’t get anything for that amount. So hard to believe sometimes how much prices have gone up. That’s what you get when you are half an age, ah yes, and some free wrinkles as a (ripe) cherry on top. πŸ˜‚

Well, if you have a sweet tooth, and looking for some guilt Free Indulgence, I may have the answer for you. There were 3 chocolate bars in my JouwBox, and they are on the menu today. πŸ˜‹


So what does their website say about this candy bar? Dark, vegan raw chocolate with crunchy pecans and a kick of sea salt. Also contains Maca, an Andean carrot with many benefits, and a pleasant nutty flavor to complement the pecans perfectly. 

Thanks to the super fruit raw cocoa, this dark chocolate bar is a natural source of magnesium and rich in iron. Lovechock is 100% organic, vegan, plastic-free packaged, and made with the best raw cocoa according to our Direct Trade principle. Pure goodness that nourishes body, mind, and planet.

I am not that fond of chocolate anymore since my Gastric Bypass, but I liked this one. Probably because of the hint of salt and nuts, and it wasn't bitter at all. I ate a cube of this chocolate bar and then ate a Rafaello and how those flavors mixed in my mouth, just delicious. πŸ˜‹


So what does their website say about this protein bar? This tasty snack with a smooth texture is perfect for those who crave a chocolate bar and still want to keep it healthy. This bar helps you to get your daily amount of protein (between 1.2 and 2 grams per kilogram of body weight).

The protein bar promotes muscle building, is rich in fiber, and supplies your body with all essential amino acids. As you are used to from us, this top product is also completely vegan, organic, and contains no refined sugars. Enjoy it fully, without feeling guilty!

I thought if I can taste the Lovechock bar, why not taste this one also? The worst thing that could happen is an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Luckily it was not too bitter, because I dislike anything bitter. It reminded me a bit of French nougat, nice and chewy. Somewhat dry maybe, but truly a great guilt-free pleasure. πŸ˜„


So what does their website say about this dark chocolate bar? At Chocolat Stella, they care about cocoa. Within every step of the production process, they think carefully about the choices they make, and how they can achieve the best result. 

They don't just care about cocoa, but people as well. All Chocolat Stella bars are Fair Trade, guaranteeing a fair wage for the cocoa farmers involved.

This chocolate is really quite bitter. Not for the faint-hearted. You really have to be a fan of very dark chocolate if you want to eat this one. It is the perfect chocolate, however, for desserts or a delicious cup of hot chocolate milk. πŸ˜‰

And they lived happily ever after eating guilt-free chocolate. Haha, Isn't that a great fairy tale ending? 😍

Curiosity killed the cat, but since you are no cats, I can suggest you read my previous blog posts on this same JouwBox:

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Saturday 27 March 2021

Interview with Fashion Designer Mercedes Gonzalez

Hi There..... Don’t you think it’s a long time overdue I published another Fashion Designer interview? How about I give you some inside knowledge of the Fashion industry today?

Yes? I couldn’t agree with you more. No? Too bad, because there's a Fashion Designer Interview on the menu today. 😜

I know I am a mean girl. Self-knowledge is the key to wisdom, and since I have known this for a while, you can imagine how wise I have become. 😁

Sometimes, though, I feel as if I am the most stupid person on this planet. Maybe I am, and I only assume to be wise. Who will tell? You perhaps? 😨

I can be a real absent-minded professor sometimes. Thinking I am going to do something and then I get up, my brain goes blank, and I don’t remember what it was I was planning to do. Or asking my husband if he needs something from the supermarket. Then I get there and take home all kinds of things I don’t need, but forget the one thing I required. πŸ˜„

I used to have the same problem with cleaning. Before we moved here 4 years ago, we had a house with our living room, kitchen downstairs. On the first floor, 2 bedrooms, and one more bedroom on the second floor. 😊

I remember starting in the kitchen, for instance, then thinking this belongs in the bedroom. As I went to the bedroom, there would always be something that needed my attention. I would end up cleaning things all around the house but never got an entire room done. 😳

There must be more people like me. I can’t believe, or better, refuse to believe I am the only absent-minded professor. 😏

I wonder if Mercedes Gonzalez is like me? Probably not because she is the 52-year-old Director and Fashion Designer for Proof of Concept. 😊

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

I work as a fashion industry strategist and I own a boutique and brand. 

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

LOL, it’s how I make a living. 

What are your successes and how did you achieve them?

I have been in the business for about 30 years. My retail store and brand have both been profitable since they started. I have been successful because I don’t listen to business advice. 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

I love everything Prada even named 2 of my dogs after the brand. 

Describe your personal style of clothing? 

It all depends on my mood. It doesn’t fit one style. 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

On the bargain rack. 

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

I influence over 100 million dollars in OTB (the budgets retailers have).

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

You can look at my social media @mercedesgpc I just posted something today. 

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Dressing down for work. 

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

I only give advice on how to make money on fashion, not on what to wear. Ugly sells. 😊 #notjoking 

Who is your style icon and why?

Diana Vreeland, she wasn’t a pretty girl but had personal style. 

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

I also am an author of a fashion book called Chronicles of a fashion buyer.  

You should really check out her Instagram shop. She has a lot of cool Tees and very cute shirts. Thank you, Mercedes for taking the time to answer my questions. 😍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Wednesday 24 March 2021

Jouwbox - Special Ekoplaza Edition - Natural Products - Drinks

Hi There..... Do you like to take care of yourself? Do you like natural products? Are you a drinker, perhaps? 

Haha, just joking, the question is, are you a coffee or tea drinker? Today all revolves around natural products for drinking. Isn’t it the most enjoyable way to take care of yourself? Sipping a nice cool or hot drink can make you feel completely relaxed, right? 😎

Ah, I am such a picky person regarding drinks. The only things I drink a lot are plain water, green tea, and fruit tea. Once a day I also drink half of a small bottle of fruit juice. I am not at all fan of coffee, and not from alcoholic beverages either. Hard to believe, right? 😏

My dad didn’t quite understand that. When we became teenagers, he wanted his 3 daughters to learn to drink beer for starters. I think it was a Stella we first tasted. Yuck, nope, way too bitter, so not my cup of tea. 😡

My sisters liked it, so why not me? What was wrong with me? Perhaps it was just the question of finding the right drink for me. He would always be in a good mood when he found something new that he thought I would like. I tasted all kinds of white wine, red, rose. 😝

He would say, perhaps you should taste this red wine then, you will like it, I am sure. He would always smile, happy he had found the right drink this time. Nothing was further from the truth. 😩

Ah, he said, I know, maybe you are more a fan of stronger drinks like whisky or cognac. Oh my, I remember the taste of cognac in my mouth as if it was yesterday. I couldn’t help spitting it out as soon as I tasted it. So disgusting, yuck. Crazy, I know, that's just me, a crazy old spitting woman. 😁

After a few years of having tasted almost anything from alcoholic beverages out there, he gave up. For the longest time, I thought I was the only person in the world that doesn't like alcohol. Maybe there really was something wrong with me. 😱

What time is it? Ah yes, time to talk a bit more about those natural products from my JouwBox. Some drinks in particular.


So what does their website say about this tea? Blossom Love is a delicious green tea with jasmine and elderflower. The lavender and elderflower complete the bouquet so that you can enjoy this soft, floral tea intensely. The ingredients are 100% organic and you can drink this tea any time of the day to relax.
Honest tea selected with care and produced sustainably. At Cleos, we know where, how and by whom our tea is made. In this way, we not only guarantee tea of the highest quality, but we also contribute to a better world. Reasonable prices, equal opportunities for men and women, and a sustainable and organic production process, that's our aim.

I am a sucker for a good cause and that's why I am going to say that I love this tea. Haha, no, no worries, I am really giving my honest opinion, I truly am a huge fan of this tea. 😍

Normally I drink my green tea with a half spoon of honey and some lemon juice. This tea was excellent already, and with my honey and lemon, it was just perfect for me. One of the best green teas I have ever tried. I swear that it's the truth, nothing but the whole truth. πŸ˜‹


So what does their website say about this coffee drink? Do you like aromatic coffee? With a lot of milk? Does it have to be 100% vegan? With a hint of coconut? Do you like innovative packaging made from responsibly produced raw materials?

Here comes your special cappuccino: With fine coconut milk and strong coffee. From Arabica beans. 100% organic from carefully selected plantations. Guaranteed without genetic engineering. All that's left now is ... Shake well and enjoy - at home or on the go!

I already told you I don't like coffee, so I gave this one to my husband. Sorry to say, he didn't like it. You could taste coffee in it, but it was quite bland, he said. Could be a question of taste, of course, because he likes his coffee pretty strong. 😞


What does their website say about this ginger shot? A refreshing and medium-strength, high-quality ginger shot that improves and strengthens your immune system. It is packed with vitamins and antioxidants and it will give you an instant boost! 100% organic and cold-pressed, no additives, just a natural good taste.

Contains only natural sugar from the cold-pressed ingredients.
Anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing, and rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
We work with organic farmers who supply us with their 2nd sort of fruit and vegetables for the production of our delicious Frankly ginger shots.

I was afraid to taste this ginger shot because I suspected it would be way too spicy and wouldn't taste very nice. When I tried it, I can't say the flavor was great, but it wasn't bad at all. Even more so, I can easily imagine that lots of people will like it. It tasted somewhat like a slightly sour apple juice, but a little spicier. The taste lingered on my tongue for a few hours, though. πŸ˜…

That's it for today, my lovely readers. If you are curious about my first review of this new JouwBox, check out this blog post

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Saturday 20 March 2021

Where To Find Some Cool Gifts For Women - Beauty Gift Guide with 19 items

Hi There..... Would you like me to share some cool gifts for women again? How would you feel about a beauty gift guide?

Don’t tell me it doesn’t make you happy. Be Brave. Stay here. Take it like a man. 😁

As I told you a few blogs ago, I was contemplating sharing a gift guide more frequently. Another thought was I would limit it to just cool gifts for women because 80% of my readers are women. Last time I created a Fashion gift guide, so the plan is to make one on Fashion one month and another on Beauty the next. 😊

Beauty brings up a lot of mixed emotions for me. For a long time, I couldn’t bear the look of myself in the mirror. The last few years when I started having a lot of mobility problems, the only way the scales pointed was up. πŸ˜’

Every diet I started ended up in disaster after a while. My head just wasn’t in the right space to start another diet. Not being able to do what others of the same age could do, made me quite depressed. This resulted in a whopping 108 kilo on the scales. 😱

3 years ago I decided on a Gastric Bypass, and I haven’t regretted it for one moment. I only regret not having it done sooner. I can look at myself in the mirror again and feel so much better, except for a few wrinkles here and there. 😏

Spoken of mirrors, let's get this show on the road. Here are those cool gifts for women I promised you.

Headzone Lighted Make-up Mirror

This Make-up Mirror was created by optical experts to bring the latest lighting technology and product design into your beauty routine.
11 highly accurate color settings provide light as close to natural sunlight as possible. From soft and warm to bright and vibrant, you’ll be able to see your true colors for flawless touch-ups.
Soft, diffused light from our LED panel eliminates the harsh glare and shadows you typically get from embedded LEDs and light strips found on many ring lights and mirrors. 
This allows for a brighter light that doesn’t blind you while in use.
Most importantly, the light is built above the mirror, not into it, allowing you to position it independently in a way that mimics the direction of light in the real world.
A brushed aluminum lid and soft-touch chassis make GO an elegant solution to a problem so many of us face when fixing our makeup on the fly.

Skin Care Bundle Package $34.84

Talisa from Freedom Creators Co has expanded to making Natural Skin Care, Beeswax Candles, Soaps, and Organic Teas because she believes it is very important what you put in and on your body. She only uses High Quality, Natural ingredients from trusted resources to ensure that you are getting the best product that you can't find anywhere else! 

Skin Care Bundle Package choice of  3 Skin Balm Types! -Sweet Tang (Orange & Vanilla)-Lavish Lemon (Lavender & Lemongrass)-Rosey Mint (Rosemary & Peppermint)-Plain (Unscented). Best Value for you! Ingredients: Coconut Oil Shea Butter Grapeseed Oil Beeswax Essential Oils That's It! Safe for all skin types and face For dry skin, eczema, diaper rash, and more! 6oz Jars last 6-9 months!

NETT Exfoliator £25.00 (approx. $35.00)

The NETT Exfoliator is originally from Ghana - where it is known as a ‘sapΙ”’ - a unique exfoliation sheet that has been an essential part of the bathing culture for a very long time. The unique texture is perfect for maintaining smooth, soft skin and the length and shape are great for getting to those hard-to-reach places.

Furthermore, the exfoliator dries quickly after a shower avoiding any mold or mildew, and can be thrown into the washing machine to refresh. The NETT will last for up two 2 years, making it a sustainable choice.

Simply add your favorite soap or shower gel and use it in the shower or bath - don’t forget to moisturize afterward. 

Every NETT is sourced directly from market stall holders in Ghana at the market price. When you support NETT you support the local Ghanian economy. 

CAMI $75.00

All our products are crafted from bamboo, a soft breathable fabric that has natural antibacterial properties. Bamboo outlasts a fabric such as cotton in keeping shape, strength, and durability. 

A bamboo product can last three times longer when cared for properly. Textile manufacturing has a significant environmental impact, so wearing what you have longer is one of the best and easiest things you can do to make your clothing eco-friendlier.

Structured wireless cami can be worn instead of a bra. 
Built-in shelf bra with adjustable shoulder straps 
Soft bra cups for a natural silhouette (*sand color does not include soft bra cups) 
Wash cold, hang dry  
Composition  95% genuine bamboo, 5% spandex

Castile Wash + Reusable Bottle Set $30.00

At Beast Brands, we create personal care and grooming products for Beasts of all kinds. Our all-in-one Tame the Beast® body washes, shampoos and conditioners, soaps, lotions, and shaving supplies feature arousing scents and energizing properties, and are produced in the U.S.A. with globally sourced ingredients. Their stimulating scents are derived from all-natural, intense botanicals you can feel—good stuff from the earth like eucalyptus, ginseng, guarana, green tea, pomegranate, bakuchiol, and moringa.

We’re earth-friendly (check out our reusable, infinitely recyclable Beast Bottle and smell-coming scents packed with sustainably sourced ingredients), intimacy positive, and celebrate all Beasts. Whatever skin you’re in, our products aim to make you feel happier there.

This set upgrades your sink routine in one easy step. Castile soap is an all-in-one hand and body soap that's good for you and the environment. You'll discover so many uses for this deceptively simple soap formulation that you may want to have a set in every room. Plus the garage. 

What you get:
Castile Unscented Liquid Soap Refill
Hand Wash Beast Bottle


Traditionally used in Morocco for centuries, Argan Oil has been named Liquid Gold due to its insanely good ingredient components and quick absorbency. 

Rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin A, linoleic acid, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, Argan Oil is amazing for skin protection and nourishment. To top it all off, this oil absorbs quickly so you know all the good stuff is sinking beneath the top layer of your skin and actually working.

Did we mention that all of our lip balms actually use USDA Organic Argan Oil?

This USDA certification means our lip balms are... 

Produced without excluded methods (e.g., genetic engineering), ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge. 
Produced per the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances 
Overseen by a USDA National Organic Program authorized certifying agent, following all USDA organic regulations.

The ultimate Moroccan Magic experience featuring 8 Lip Balms (Lemon Thyme, Lavender Vanilla, Coconut Almond, Rose, Peppermint Eucalyptus, Manuka Honey, Elderberry & Manuka Honey, Unscented) + 2 Lip Salves (Coconut Almond, Rose). All are made with USDA Certified Organic Argan* and Essential oils.


It's time for a makeup call: Cosmetic bags need to be replaced almost as often as your foundation does. Your girlfriends will thank you for this super chic replacement. 

Its size and convenient inside pockets make it the perfect bag to store makeup, travel toiletries, jewelry... Whatever any girl-on-the-go might need. The Makeup Call Bag is an especially thoughtful gift for anybody traveling to your wedding from out of town.

Each striped bag comes in your choice of four colors. You can also have each bag personalized with your bridesmaids' initials or name in your choice of 19 different colors – free of charge!

Dimensions: 4" W x 11.5" L x 8" H.
Features: Made from durable canvas with vegan-friendly leather accents, a 12-inch wide zipper opening, 5-inch deep inside zipped pocket and free personalization.
Materials: Canvas. Faux leather
Care Instructions: Spot Clean. Air Dry.
Embroidery Options: May be embroidered with a single block initial, a three-block monogram, or a name (max 12 characters). 

Lip Rally $14.00

At Ada Lip Beauty, we champion the belief that change starts from within.
Our health - mind, body, and spirit - is the foundation of returning Good back into the world.
The best thing you can do for everyone and the world is to love yourself first. When that happens, the light from within you flows out and affects everyone you cross paths with.
The effects, thereafter, are exponential - a chain reaction. 

Our lipsticks are named after daily affirmations. Every time you pick up a tube and read it, we want you to say it to yourself and believe it.
Speak it. Believe it. Be it.
We hope that with each new day you find your voice, speak your truth, and remember who the f*ck you are.
Free your lips.

Refresh and rejuvenate your pout with Lip Rally - an exfoliating, nourishing vegan lip scrub made from natural sugar beads, cocoa seed butter, shea oil, and jojoba oil. In the form of a chapstick, Lip Rally provides easy application and no dirty finger double-dipping. Live another day to fight the good fight against the injustices of the world around you. Speak up. LOUD.

Pure Papyrus Roll-On Fragrance $45.00

Used for thousands of years by the Egyptians as a fragrance for both men and women, this crisp, clean scent will quickly become your favorite. Replace your current cologne or perfume with this essential oil that will linger on the skin all day long.
Roll-on bottle of 100% pure papyrus essence oil
All Anuket fragrances are natural and cruelty-free
No alcohol or other additives
10ml / .34 fl oz

Papyrus oil is the cold-pressed oil obtained from the Cyperus Papyrus plant and worn as a fragrance. Papyrus grew bountifully on the banks of the Nile River in ancient Egypt and was used for numerous things, such as baskets, sandals, reed boats, and most notably as a form of paper writing material. 

The oil obtained from the plant was used as a perfume, most often for men. However, it was believed that Cleopatra herself also wore a form of papyrus oil as part of her beauty regimen. Because it has a very clean, crisp, fresh scent, today it is considered a unisex fragrance and is admired by both men and women alike.


M.S Skincare is a luxury skincare and lifestyle brand built on the core belief that we all have the power to make a difference with our choices. Since our founding in 2012, our mission has resided in creating products that not only allow you to cultivate radiant and healthy skin but also to source ingredients and packaging ethically and responsibly. We have one planet, and we choose to treat it with kindness and compassion.

Activate profound radiance with a vital blend of oils known to naturally stimulate rapid resurfacing of the skin. 

Skin renewing Immortelle and Carrot Seed oils are recognized for their luminosity-enhancing properties which promote even skin tone, fade blemishes and lessen the appearance of fine lines. Vitamin C-rich Rosehip and brightening Sandalwood oil promote collagen and elastin for a deep, healthy glow. Balancing and highly potent, this skin-enhancing formula creates instant luminosity. 

Taut® Premium Collagen Powder $65.00

Collagen is the building block for youthful and healthy skin. Around age 25, our body's production of collagen slows dramatically. After we turn 30, our body starts to lose 1-2% of our collagen every year.  By age 40, our body has lost up to 20%. 

This gradual loss in skin collagen results in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and eventually sagging skin, with a lack of radiance and glow. No wonder we say, "Collagen is all that stands between you and wrinkles."

Each Taut® Premium Marine Collagen Powder sachet contains 1,500mg Marine Collagen Peptides, Hyaluronic Acid, and Grape Seed Extract to support your skin's structure and promote healthy youthful skin.*  Also helps to strengthen hair and nails.*  

Take 2-3 sachets/day to help support and maintain your youthful skin.
Each box Includes:
60 sachets Taut® Premium Marine Collagen Powder

Rest Cream for Sleep $34.99

By using state-of-the-art technology and scientifically proven methods, we’ve infused a concentrated form of magnesium chloride, essential oils, and potent herbs into one awesome and incredibly effective health-supporting moisturizer. 

No more waiting for a pill to “kick in” in order to feel better. Just massage it in and wait for the magic to happen. And best of all? You won’t smell like your grandma’s medicine cabinet because Rooted In's Creams are made with an incredible blend of restorative essential oils, each chosen for their ability to relax the body and mind. Plus, they smell really, really good.

If you have trouble sleeping, then you’ll love the peace you get from our powerfully effective Rest Cream.

Yeah, we know. You’ve tried everything on the market to help you sleep at night…and we’re guessing you haven’t been too pleased with the results. All that ends here.

The world’s most gentle and effective cream for sleeplessness, racing thoughts, and twitchy muscles.

Promotes serene sleep
Hydrates skin with moisturizing butter and oils
Non-toxic & natural formula
Gentle yet totally effective

Sun Damage Repair Serum $29.99

Developed through modern holistic biochemistry, our skincare products are purely beneficial for humans and the planet. Made with only certified organic and superior quality mineral ingredients.

UV rays break down collagen and create free radicals that damage skin cell DNA and cause visible skin aging like sun spots and wrinkles. To reverse sun damage, this potent yet gentle anti-aging regenerative serum was created by our Stanford biochemist to repair + renew skin and slow the aging process at the cellular level.

Antioxidants C and E synergistically fight free radicals that cause sun damage. Vitamin A stimulates skin cell production, and essential fatty aides improve skin tone and texture. Naturally treats melasma, hyper-pigmentation, and age spots on the face and hands. Natural Vitamin E shields skin against future UV exposure.

Formulated to reduce the appearance of fine lines, repair the skin’s surface, restore elasticity, and protect against future sun and pollution stressors that lead to wrinkles. Beta carotene and Carotenoids detoxify cells and increase cell turnover while essential fatty acids rebuild and strengthen skin cell membranes. Vitamin D ensures proper new skin cell development. The serum penetrates into deep layers of skin where Vitamin A and C stimulate collagen production, repair damaged tissue, and improve skin moisture levels.

This lightweight oil goes deep to moisturize, while Vitamin E removes redness and inflammation caused by UV rays, acne, eczema, and rosacea. Vitamin A evens out skin tone and pigmentation for brighter, more radiant skin. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) energizes and regenerates cell structure and protects cells from future oxidative damage. Vitamin C naturally encourages cell turnover and brightens dull skin.

An overnight facial and hand serum with botanical oils to repair sun-damaged skin at a cellular level. Naturally reduce sun spots, wrinkles, acne scars, and fine lines.

Amaranth Hair Serum $44

Bios blends organic, wildcrafted and food grade ingredients with therapeutic grade essential oils selected for their aromatic qualities and medicinal properties. Each item is made by hand in their Brooklyn studio and distributed in collectible glass apothecary bottles produced with up to 40% post-consumer content. They favor locally grown and harvested botanicals and donate a portion of proceeds to sustainable urban agriculture initiatives in the New York City area.

This non-greasy, flower-infused conditioning formula tames flyaways and frizziness while boosting shine. Made with lightweight, all-natural plant-derived extracts and oils which protect hair from humidity and seal split ends. 

The all-natural blend of botanical oils and extracts
Smooths, conditions, and seals split ends 
Protects from humidity and frizz
Can be used for varied styling effects, from curls to blowouts
Uplifting floral aroma - delicately scented with sacred lotus, white grapefruit, palmarosa, palo santo, and vanilla 


4 - 3.5oz Bath Bombs
For the ultimate in clean beauty, freshness and perfectly natural, Mom Bomb offers its Naturals four-pack bath bombs.  Four 3.5 ounce bath bombs are made with the purest of ingredients and beautifully colored using only the highest quality mica.

Green “Float” - fresh minty peppermint calms the mind and quells anxiety while promoting focus.  
Blue “Whimsy”- earthy lemongrass essential oils allow your mind to wander to the place where you are free to be just who you are, no judgments. 
Purple “Security”- lavender essential oils and nourishing coconut oil for comfort from the inside out. 
Orange “Freedom” - ylang-ylang will boost creativity so that when you taste that sweet freedom, nothing will stop you.

Every dollar of profit we make benefits our own non-profit, We support moms in crisis with grants towards restorative services like meals and laundry so that moms in crisis can be present where they are needed most.

Γ“leo MagnΓ­fico R$ 129,90 (approx. $24)

Five high-quality natural oils, vitamins, and beautiful skin: Petit Miracle's Γ“leo MagnΓ­fico is a powerful combination of omegas and antioxidants, with a light texture and easy absorption. It rescues the skin’s luminosity and softness with just a few drops, improving the appearance of fine lines and strengthening the skin’s barrier.

Its special selection of ingredients makes the Γ“leo MagnΓ­fico ideal for all skin types: it’s rich in antioxidants that not only help to combat the elements responsible for the visible signs of aging but can also soothe, help reveal a more youthful appearance and revitalize the skin. 

100% natural Rosehip, Grapeseed, Jojoba, and Apricot Kernel oils along with Squalane, vitamin E & vitamin B5 make a clean formula that regenerates, suitable for sensitive skin, with no fragrance added.

London Brow Must Have Brow Kit Bag £29.99 (approx. $42)

The London Brow Company is an independent, family-owned, ethically motivated company, dedicated to promoting the use of hypoallergenic, environmentally responsible products that have a minimum impact on the ecosystem both in their use and in their manufacturing process. 

Where possible, all raw materials are plant-derived and obtained from renewable sources. We operate a strict policy whereby none of our raw materials or finished products are tested on animals. All bottles, containers, and packaging contain optimum levels of recycled materials and are themselves recyclable. 

To have perfect brows you need some must-have essentials in your make-up bag
Create brows of dreams with our luxury mini brow bag with some gorgeous London brow essentials.
The London Brow Bag comes with some of the latest innovations in brow care to help create your dream brows.

This bag includes :-
1 x London Brow Gel
1 x London Brow Growth Keratin Boost Serum
1 x Rose Gold Mini Handbag Tweezers
1 x Dual-ended Brow Perfection Brush
1 x Cotton London Brow Company Make-Up Bag


Clean Beauty Cult started out in 2015 with 5 simple products under a different name (The Portland Girl). We’ve loved using our skincare studio as a base for testing and growing our product line. What better way to see how well a product works than to test it on the clients who come to see us every month for skincare services? If that’s not accountability, I don’t know what is!

We needed to create a line of skincare that met our artisanal standards, balanced the skin, and just as importantly, didn’t break the bank (and we think we’ve done just that!)

This enriching evening primrose oil cream is rich in gamma linoleic acids which are known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and their ability to improve skin elasticity and combat infection. Great for Acne, Rosacea, signs of aging, Eczema, and skin ulcers. Scent Free.

USAGE: Dab and spread onto your face after you cleanse, exfoliate and tone your skin!

Luxury Press-On Nails - Polka Dot $18.95

Design Inspiration
Inspired by a piece of antique Victorian era black lace collected from Portobello Market, London.

Product Information
Mismatched Design (Two Hands Different Nails)
Shape: Short Square
Finish: Gel

What Is Inside
30 Nails in 12 Sizes, Non-Damaging Adhesive Strip, Prep Sponge, Manicure Stick, File

Quality Control Approved
Snocca Nails are made with premium quality ABS plastic resin that is super slim yet strong to give you a perfect manicure instantly with a seamless natural look and a comfortable wear experience. 

Step 1  Select the best fitting Snocca Nails. 

Step 2  Use the enclosed prep sponge to remove excess oils from your nails for better adhesion. This step helps to extend the wear time significantly!  

Step 3  Select the best fitting glue-less adhesive and apply it to your nails. Customize the length and shape if necessary. 

Step 4  Peel off the protective film. Align Snocca Nails at the cuticle and squeeze firmly for 20 seconds. Customize the length and shape upon your preference. 

That's all for today, my lovely readers. If you are curious, here is a link to my Fashion Gift Guide from last month.

Do you have a business of your own, and would you like a spot in my next Fashion or Beauty Gift Guide? Maybe you could join my Facebook group to get a message when I am looking for shops. I am only going to feature your shop in my Gift Guide, a maximum of once per year.

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Want to be on my blog next time?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at