Saturday 24 June 2023

Popcorn Maker Delights - Elevating Homemade Popcorn to Perfection

Hi There! Are you ready for a kernel-poppin good time and making homemade popcorn in the Gadgy Popcorn Maker?

Picture by Seadbeady

Microwave popcorn. We've all been there, eagerly waiting for those kernels to explode, only to end up with a bag of sadness. It's like watching a movie with a disappointing plot twist. 😕

I've had my share of both non-popping corns and movies with plot twists that make you go, "Wait, what?!" 😲

Before I tell you more about this homemade popcorn maker, let me share a little secret with you. I've been around the block a few times, and let's just say I'm no longer in my prime. 😁

I've reached that stage in life where I can't quite decide if I'm more of a fall chicken, still vibrant and colorful, or if I'm leaning towards winter, with a touch of frost on my feathers. 😨

Life's full of uncertainties, but one thing's for sure—I've got plenty of stories to tell! 😁

Picture this: me, in the kitchen, wielding a pot and balancing an asbestos plate on a gas stove. It was like a funny circus act, with popcorn flying and a few eyebrows getting singed. Who needs a movie when you can create your own slapstick masterpiece in the kitchen? 😂

Ok, that's somewhat exaggerated. The only accidents that happened were inside the pot with burned popcorn. 😄

That's all in the past, so grab your popcorn-enthusiast squad, dim the lights, and get ready to munch on some seriously delicious homemade popcorn. Time to test the Gadgy Popcorn maker, I received in exchange for my honest opinion, from Slaapwijsheid - Slaap Beter, Slimmer & Dieper. 😍

Picture by Seadbeady

About the Gadgy Popcorn Maker

Are you looking for a way to make crispy and tasty popcorn, just like in the cinema? The Gadgy Popcornmaker produces delicious popcorn easily and quickly! Your friends and family will love it when they are visiting for a birthday or a movie evening!

Ready in 3 minutes

You don't have to preheat the machine and only need 3 minutes to prepare 130 grams (5 liters of popcorn), enough for the whole family and for every party! During the popcorn-making process, keep the top's black cap off to allow proper ventilation for the warm air! When the popcorn is ready, you can put the black cap on and remove the bowl by turning it 180 degrees. As a result, you'll have the popcorn conveniently placed in a bowl, featuring heat-resistant handles on the side.

Picture by Seadbeady

Silent and evenly heated

The popcorn machine operates with minimal noise. The stirring rod evenly distributes the corn (and butter) across the machine's surface, guaranteeing that all the popcorn is heated thoroughly and ready simultaneously. For proper heat distribution, it is important not to preheat the machine, and the black cap should only be placed on the bowl after the popcorn is popped.

Easy to clean and store

The popcorn maker is very easy to clean because of the non-stick coating and the design makes it very easy to store.

For the whole family

Ideal for the whole family. Perfect for a movie night, a snack to offer your visitors, or just for yourself because it is delicious!

Picture by Seadbeady

Add tastes

You can add butter, syrup, sugar, salt, or herbs after you have put the corn inside the machine. You can even put the butter in the container on the machine, where it will melt and fall on top of the popcorn. The popcorn machine disperses it over the popcorn.


- Stil in use
- Easy to clean thanks to the non-stick coating
- Easy to store thanks to the smart design
- Handles are heat resistant
- Popcorn is ready in 3 minutes
- The upper part of the machine can be used as a bowl
- All flavors and herbs can be added to the machine
- 800 Watt
- 220-240 Volt

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the Gadgy Popcorn Maker

Using the machine is a piece of cake. It's also easy to assemble. There's very little that can go wrong with that. With a flick of a switch, the machine works its magic. 😁

With a maximum capacity of 130 grams of corn, this popcorn maker can produce a generous amount of homemade popcorn, making it perfect for larger servings. The best part is, you can make any version of popcorn you want, low-sugar, low-fat,... 😋

Also, while it is crucial to follow the instructions in the user manual, which recommend leaving the popcorn in the machine for an extra 10 to 20 seconds after all the corn has popped before rotating the baking tray with the bowl to prevent potential injuries, it is worth noting that, in my personal experience, even just a 10-second wait can sometimes lead to the popcorn layer sticking and burning on the non-stick plate. 😕

Cleaning the popcorn maker is a breeze, even if you've used oil or butter, as it can be easily and quickly cleaned. Just take care when handling the non-stick plate, treating it similarly to how you would treat a non-stick pan. 😄

Gone are the days of uncertainty and risk when using my non-transparent pot for popcorn. Now, I can confidently wait for my homemade popcorn to be ready without the need to shake the pot or worry about burning the kernels. 😍

Oh yes, before I forget, it tastes like the real thing. 😋

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 18 June 2023

Interview With Makeup Artist Bobbie Riley

Hi There! Are you a fan of great makeup looks? Would a new makeup artist interview appeal to you?

Picture provided by Bobbie Riley

Watch as brushes create magic with color on faces! Yes, that’s an order. I am not joking. Sit down and read! 😈

Did it work? Did you listen? Tell me in the comments, because otherwise, I’ll never know. 😩

Would you be so cruel as to keep me wondering for the rest of my days whether you scrolled on to read about the makeup looks in this next makeup artist interview? Questions need to be answered, don’t you agree? 😦

That brings back a memory of a significant question my husband and I had when our children were teenagers. I’m sure many of you have experienced a situation where someone rings your doorbell and then runs away. 😁

It’s not too strange, unless it happens almost every day, both during the day and at night. Indeed, even during the late hours of the night. That’s why we were confident it wasn’t our children playing tricks on us since they were vast asleep. 😍

The truth finally came out just a few days ago, almost 15 years later. At a family dinner, our kids confessed they had made an agreement with the neighborhood kids to ring our doorbell whenever they saw the chance. 😲

In hindsight, I can tell you there were some truly ridiculous moments when we would rush to the window in the middle of the night to see who it could be. 😂

Enough about me. Grab your favorite lipstick and prepare for a wild ride! We're about to dive into a world where faces become masterpieces, where makeup is the ultimate magic trick, and laughter is the best highlighter. 😊

Picture provided by Bobbie Riley

What is your name, function, and the company you work for?  

A: My name is Bobbie Riley. I’m a Makeup Artist and I work for myself, Bobbie Riley Beauty! 

How old are you?

A: I’m 28 years old and I began my career at 17 

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

 A: Mostly Commercial, editorial, and film 

What made you decide to become a Makeup Artist?

A: Well, I was kind of pushed into it. I never saw it as a career but more as a hobby… I actually didn’t really know I could make a career out of it at first. 

Is beauty important to you? Why?

A: Beauty is very important to me, but more in the way of the inner beauty that radiates from us because it holds power in a feminine sense. 
Picture provided by Bobbie Riley

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

A: Honestly, to be working with the clients/brands I do now is just so next level…little me is bursting (haha). I achieved them through perseverance, practice & creating my wave when nobody believed in my work or how far I could take this, I had to!… working in the industry definitely required a ton of blind faith. 

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

A: Create products, do more in the education field, and give back to other artists somehow as artists before me have given to me! 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy make-up?

A: it’s not the name of the brand but the quality that matters to me most.

Describe your personal make-up style?

A: I love a natural beauty honestly… I like to keep my glam pretty soft so I’m pretty intense with my skincare routine daily and nightly. One of my besties, Elle, upkeeps my lash extensions, which makes it easier to just throw on a little concealer, foundation, blush, a lip and just keep it moving! 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature makeup look? 

A: Sheesh, well, it’s definitely grown over time, as my makeup experience did. At first, I laid it on thick but as I’ve become more comfortable with my features, I have embraced the natural me and I love to let her shine through my makeup look. So you’d typically find me with a little pop in the eye and a very clean editorial look. 
Picture provided by Bobbie Riley

Do you have an influence on other people’s makeup or clothing style?

A: That’s a significant question. I don’t really look at whom I influence or who's following, so I don’t know. I just go with what feels good and what makes me feel stylish & beautiful. 

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

A: My favorite trends lately are bushy brows, blonde brows, sun-kissed blush on the cheeks/nose, dewy editorial skin, over glossed lip/eye, the cool festival eye decals & cut crease eyes. 

What in your eyes are the worst trends at the moment?

A: Cringing, (while I say it because I know everyone else is really into it) I am just not very into the 20s thin brow…. There are very few occasions I’d want to throw it into the look. Too many layers of foundation or a hyper highlighted under eye. 

What kind of beauty advice would you give us?

A: Take care of your skin and wear sunscreen. The better health your skin is in, the better the makeup will look and sit. 

Who is your style icon and why?

A: Agh, my style icon for like ever has been Rihanna. I love how she mixes girly with a tomboy flare! There’s always something odd but satisfying added to her looks, whether it’s crazy, sexy, cool, or all three! 

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

A: Thank you for having me. It’s always fun to share my beauty thoughts! 

Picture provided by Bobbie Riley

Thank you so much, Bobbie, for taking part in my makeup artist interview. I also love those cut crease eyes, but it's evident that your skills in creating makeup looks far surpass mine. 😉

Do you feel like doing some more reading? Check out some of my previous Makeup Artist interviews:

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 10 June 2023

Revitalize Your Self-Care Routine with the BeReal Jade Eye Mask

Hi There! Are you someone who values self-care and wellness? 

Let me tell you some more about the Jade eye mask from BeRealwear (they ship to UK and USA only) a friend of mine sent me.

Picture by Seadbeady

As we all know, life can be a wild rollercoaster ride. It’s filled with endless to-do lists and responsibilities that make self-care feel like an elusive dream. 😢

That’s sad, isn’t it, but here’s a little joke to add a sprinkle of laughter: Why did the self-care guru bring an eye mask to the rollercoaster? Because he knew how to “ride the waves” of life in style, even in the wildest loops and twists! 😂

Well, I suppose our bodies are like smartphones—we can’t live in low-battery mode forever! It’s time to plug in, recharge, and unleash our inner superpowers. I wonder though which body part this plug-in might be. 😏

Imagine a special place where you can get away from all the chaos and enjoy complete peace. I truly wonder if such a place even exists. 😦

Still, BeReal Skin and Beyond understands this perfectly. That’s why they created a range of fantastic products to help you relax, reconnect, and regain energy. These amazing products will give you a boost and help you find a sense of calm and tranquility. 😊

With their eye mask and self-care tips by your side, you’ll be ready to conquer any obstacle that comes your way with a cool and collected mind. Time to put on your imaginary cape, strike a superhero pose, and get ready to conquer the world with the power of self-care! 😉

Picture by Seadbeady


The Cool Touch of Jade:

Jade stone, long revered in various cultures for its healing properties, offers a naturally cool sensation when applied to the skin. Unlike synthetic materials, jade provides a refreshing touch that helps to soothe and relax facial muscles instantly. Imagine the sensation of a cool breeze gently caressing your skin as you indulge in a moment of tranquility.

A Treat for Your Eyes:

To enhance the refreshing experience, you can place the jade eye mask in the fridge for a few minutes before use. Cooling the mask intensifies its soothing effects, making it an extra special treat for your eyes. When you wear the chilled jade eye mask, the delicate skin around your eyes will feel invigorated and rejuvenated, providing relief from fatigue, stress, and tension.

Soothes and Relaxes Facial Muscles:

The jade eye mask's gentle pressure and coolness work in harmony to alleviate tension and relax facial muscles. Whether you're dealing with a long day at work or simply want to unwind, this mask can offer a spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. By wearing it for just a few minutes, you'll notice a significant reduction in facial muscle tightness and an overall feeling of calmness.

Picture by Seadbeady

Reduces Puffiness and Wrinkles:

One of the most coveted benefits of using a jade eye mask is its ability to minimize puffiness and diminish the appearance of wrinkles. The cool temperature of the jade helps to constrict blood vessels, reducing inflammation and puffiness around the eyes. Additionally, the gentle massaging effect of the mask stimulates blood circulation, promoting a healthy and youthful complexion.

A Holistic Approach to Beauty:

Beyond its cosmetic benefits, the use of a jade eye mask aligns with a holistic approach to beauty and well-being. Incorporating self-care rituals into our daily lives not only improves our physical appearance, but also nurtures our mental and emotional health. The act of taking time for oneself, coupled with the soothing properties of jade, can create a serene space where you can find balance and rejuvenation.

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the eye-mask

I found that using this jade eye mask is a great way to relax and refresh your face. When I touched it at first, I thought it didn't feel so cold, but it does when you put it on your eyes. 😎

It's even better when you put it in your fridge for a few minutes, especially when it's 30°C, like here in Belgium at the moment. 😅

Perhaps I am biased, but it gave me an instant sense of calmness, and I felt my muscles relax. Almost makes me fall asleep again when I put it on as I wake up. 😴

Picture by Seadbeady

You can also use it mid-way through your skincare routine. As you know, always wash your face first (blah-blah-blah), and then apply your go-to eye cream. 😃

Then you throw on the stone eye mask and let it sit for about 15 minutes. It's the perfect time to scare your family members with your "rocking" new look! 😁

If you feel like reading a little longer, check out my previous blog post about BeReal:

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 3 June 2023

Where To Find 28 Cool Gifts For Women And Men - Beauty Gift Guide 06/2023

Hi There..... Fed up with endless online searches for affordable but cool gifts? 

Perhaps what you need is a new beauty gift guide?

Compilation by Seadbeady

Well, this is your lucky day. You’ve hit the beauty jackpot! And don’t worry, I won’t ask you to share your winnings with me... unless those winnings are an endless supply of chocolate. In that case, I might reconsider! 😏

No, of course not. Chocolate can never tempt me. It could in the past, before my Gastric Bypass, but not anymore. Still, I might reconsider taking your winnings. 😄

Hold on to your makeup brushes because I’m about to unveil an incredible beauty gift guide! It’s packed with 28 mind-blowing cool gifts that’ll make everyone go “Wow!” 😎

Whether you need a jaw-dropping surprise for your bestie, a sleek treat for your sweetheart, or just want to spoil yourself a little, I’ve got you covered. 😊

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about covering you with chocolate. Though I have to admit, that sounds like a pretty fun idea! 😂

Hey, stay focused. This is not the time to get a snack, even though I might have inspired you. 😋

Join me on a journey of affordable elegance, where beauty reigns supreme and everything is under a magical 150.00 dollar! 😁

Hold tight, my dear readers, for this new beauty gift guide filled with cool gifts, because the enchantment is about to unfold!  😍

Italica 30 ml $109.00

Picture provided by

Discover the intoxicating charm of Italica, a part of the Casamorati collection. Warm and full-bodied, Italica opens to creamy top notes of almond and milk, warmed by hints of spicy saffron and leading to a sweet heart of bourbon, vanilla, and irresistible toffee. 

Notes of deep sandalwood and white musk provide a classic base for this fragrance. The classic Xerjoff Casamorati packaging has been reimaged with a focus on sustainability while retaining the references to the Liberty style that distinguishes the brand's history.


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An all-in-one bioactive amino acid cleanser with impressive capabilities. This diligent and gentle cleanser effectively rids the skin of impurities, pollutants, and makeup while promoting detoxification.

Its exceptional serum-like consistency undergoes a luxurious transformation into a velvety micro-foam. This process not only conditions the skin but also provides gentle exfoliation and encourages the turnover of skin cells, resulting in a flawless complexion. After just one use, your skin will appear brighter, more plump, and thoroughly hydrated.

Fueled by the potent Youth-Restoring Orpheus Flower Cell Peptide Complex®, a bioactive mineral complex, a groundbreaking and gentle exfoliating lime pearl, as well as extracts of snow mushrooms.

Recommended for those with dull, acne-prone, normal, or oily skin types.

For Men: Skin Restoring Body Butter Cream $36.00

Picture provided by


A potent body cream brimming with natural and organic goodness. Eight carefully selected natural oils and butters, rich in essential vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants, deeply nourish your skin, providing relief from irritations and chronic conditions.

For optimal results, apply this vegan body butter both morning and night after your shower to experience its hydrating and healing benefits. It's also a great choice after sun exposure and outdoor activities, featuring a delightful scent that you and those around you will appreciate.


This vegan body butter harnesses the power of natural and organic oils renowned for their moisturizing and curative properties. It penetrates the deeper layers of your skin, delivering instant hydration and, with continued use, reinstating your skin's health, softness, and suppleness.


Gentle enough for sensitive and all skin types, this body butter is an excellent choice for both morning and evening application. It ensures your skin remains soft and supple throughout the day. It's not just a body moisturizer for dry skin; the longer you incorporate it into your routine, the less you'll require, leading to a lasting, positive transformation for your skin.


This formula is vegan, gluten-free, and certified cruelty-free. Comprised of 100% plant-based ingredients, it provides a wealth of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids crucial for reducing skin discolorations, boosting collagen production for firmer, smoother skin, and retaining moisture within the deeper layers of your skin.

Bel Essence instantly imparts an anti-aging rejuvenation to your skin, and with consistent use, this body butter will soften troublesome dry patches on your legs, arms, hands, feet, and chest, enhancing your skin's appearance and restoring its overall health.


Picture provided by

Netty Karma Cosmetics was established in 2021, dedicated to producing vegan and cruelty-free products.

Introducing a remarkable 6-color eyeshadow palette! These eyeshadows are known for their long-lasting, crease-resistant qualities, offering vivid and bold pigments. This palette includes a range of shimmers and glitter shadows for a dazzling eye look.

Everything You Need For Dip Manicures at Home $65.00

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Introducing our groundbreaking Dip Powder Starter Kit, the ultimate solution for achieving salon-quality nails in the comfort of your own home! Say farewell to conventional polishes and welcome a faster application process and enduring results.

Discover the seamless blend of gel and acrylic in our Dip Powder system. It's meticulously crafted to offer you flawlessly beautiful nails that not only impress but also last.

Embrace the potential of Dip Powder and take your nail game to new heights.

Experience the convenience, resilience, and allure that only our starter kit can provide. Prepare to capture attention with your exquisite, salon-quality nails, all from the convenience of your own home!

Kit Includes:

Step 1: Primer
Step 2: Base Coat
Step 3: Activator
Step 4: Top Coat
Cuticle Oil
Nail File
Nail Buffer
Cuticle Pusher
Dusting Brush
Four 1 oz. Dip Colors
Pink Travel Case

24K Orogold Luxe Day Cream - Anti-Aging $88.00

Picture provided by

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): A luxurious anti-aging cream infused with soothing botanicals and potent antioxidants.

Ideal for: Dry and dehydrated skin types.

Key Ingredients: Gold, White Tea Extract, Organic Chamomile Extract.

Quantity: Each container holds 45 g / 1.6 oz.

Infused with the opulence of gold, OROGOLD's 24K Deep Moisturizer is specially crafted to bestow your skin with a soft, radiant, and million-dollar appearance. 

This rich moisturizer deeply hydrates, enriched with gold microparticles that swiftly permeate your skin, providing it with an inner pampering that leaves it feeling soft, pliant, and naturally luminous.

Daily Repair Serum $40.00

Picture provided by

Our Daily Repair Serum functions as a potent elixir for your skin, featuring the formidable antioxidant qualities of Rosehip, Borage Seed, Carrot, and Argan oils.

This formulation acts as a protective shield against environmental damage, saturates your skin with moisture, and harmonizes your complexion. As a versatile anti-aging serum, it accommodates all skin types without leaving behind any greasy residue. A mere few precious drops are all it takes to unleash its full potential.

Key Ingredients:
- Rosehip Seed Oil: Packed with Vitamin C, promoting brightness, firmness, and minimized pore appearance.
- Borage Seed Oil: Rich in Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), known for reducing redness, inflammation, and enhancing skin firmness.
- Carrot Seed Oil: Enriched with Pro-Vitamin A, aiding in dry skin healing and moisture equilibrium.
- Argan Oil: Abundant in Vitamin E, supporting scar reduction and delivering hydration.

This serum pairs harmoniously with our Antioxidant Hydrating Face Cream.

Skinnies Instant Thigh Lift $19.95

Picture provided by

"Attain Sky-High Thighs!" Erase Cellulite and Elevate Drooping Knee Skin

Skinnies Instant Lifts originated from the creative mind of Penilopee LaRosa approximately a decade ago. Her inspiration came after sustaining a hip injury that left her dealing with embarrassing cellulite on her legs, prompting a continuous quest to conceal them.

When conventional creams and elixirs failed to provide a solution, she ingeniously devised a method to effortlessly elevate and smoothen the skin. This innovative technique involved the use of specialized body tape equipped with a patented center, designed for a comfortable lift and secure hold of excess skin.

The application is as simple as peel, place, lift, and you're good to go. Additionally, these innovative lifts can be concealed under shorts, keeping them discreet from view. 

What further enhances their appeal is their compact and sleek design, which distinguishes them from the bulky, heat-inducing traditional fabric compression shapers such as Spanx.

Personalized Floral Flower Garden Cosmetic Makeup Bag £4.99

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Sending a customized makeup bag as a gift is a wonderful gesture to express your gratitude and affection. Whether it's to commemorate a birthday, an anniversary, or simply to convey your feelings, these presents are guaranteed to bring a smile to her face.

Our collection of personalized makeup bags offers a wide array of styles and color options, allowing you to discover the ideal one for the special lady in your life. With our personalized makeup bags, you can be confident that your gift will possess a one-of-a-kind and distinctive quality.

Featuring a soft and high-quality texture, a contrasting black zipper, and measuring 15 x 24 cm, these makeup bags are as stylish as they are practical.

Amino Molecular Repair Treatment $48.00

Picture provided by

This innovative bond-building product effectively counters the effects of damage from heat, chemicals, and sun exposure while simultaneously restoring hair from within.

Incorporating a combination of keratin and collagen protein, along with their respective amino acids, our S42 Amino Repair Complex is an essential for individuals seeking to achieve hair that is not only intelligent, robust, and full of character.

Blue Light Multi-Purpose Beauty Balm €70,95

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The Sublime Balm represents a facial balm carefully crafted with a blend of exotic oils and butters, featuring the exceptionally rare and precious tomato oil, renowned for its high lycopene content, offering skin hydration, softening, and protection. Additionally, it contains natural phytosterols and bisabolol, which play a role in the restoration and safeguarding of the skin's protective barrier.

This opulent, versatile formulation serves as an ideal moisturizer, night balm, and eye balm. Furthermore, it seamlessly transforms upon contact with water, making it an exceptional makeup remover and a gentle cleanser.

The Sublime balm is enhanced with powerful antioxidants like astaxanthin, fermented willow bark, contributing to exceptionally radiant skin, and blueberry extract, which acts as a shield against blue light, safeguarding the skin from environmental stressors.

With each application of the Sublime balm, anticipate your skin to achieve the perfect balance of moisture, a visibly smoother texture, and a sublimely revitalized appearance.

Essentials Starter Bundle $69.00

Picture provided by

Are you in search of the fundamental elements to initiate your quest for healthy, luxurious hair?

Our Essential Starter Bundle offers the ideal set to introduce the revered practice of hair oiling into your hair care regimen.

This bundle serves as your gateway to an authentic hair oiling ritual, beginning with a soothing scalp massage and culminating with the use of our scalp massage comb.

The Essential Starter Kit promises to pamper your scalp and hair, facilitating scalp rejuvenation and promoting hair regrowth, ultimately leading to a more robust and healthier mane.

Included in this kit are the following components:
1. 13 Blend Pre-Wash Hair Oil Treatment
2. Wooden Scalp Massage Comb
3. Mega Volume Vama Satin Scrunchie

Mycelium Glow: Vitamin C & Mushroom Brightening Serum €73,95

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Presenting our illuminating serum, an opulent and featherlight fusion of four distinct mushroom extracts and Vitamin C, meticulously crafted to bestow numerous advantages upon your skin.

Enriched with Maitake Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom, Chaga Mushroom, and Cordyceps Sinensis, our formulation achieves the following:

1. Illuminates and revitalizes dull skin.
2. Shields against environmental and UV-related damage.
3. Alleviates inflammation and redness.
4. Provides essential hydration and moisturization.
5. Reinforces the skin's innate protective mechanisms.
6. Enhances the appearance of aging signs and uneven skin tone.

The outcome is a radiant, more vibrant complexion with a sumptuously smooth texture.

MAROTTAMD CBD Pure Facial Oil  $56.00

Picture provided by

Introducing a flexible and lightweight facial oil enriched with hemp-derived CBD, which combines innovative technology with the tried-and-true properties of Sea Buckthorn Oil. This formulation also incorporates argan oil, renowned for its high linoleic acid content, delivering softness and deep moisturization.

Contained within a 1 fl oz amber glass dropper bottle, the advantages of this product encompass:

1. Addressing concerns such as acne, blemishes, and breakouts.
2. Offering anti-aging benefits while soothing redness and irritation.
3. Supporting wound healing, including post-procedure treatments like micro-needling and laser therapy.
4. Demonstrating potent anti-inflammatory properties, suitable for all skin types and ages.
5. Designed for use on both the face and body.

Key Ingredients:
- 250mg CBD (anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties).
- Sea Buckthorn (rejuvenates, plumps, and is rich in Vitamin A).
- Retinol.

This facial oil is a versatile solution that combines CBD's remarkable qualities with Sea Buckthorn and argan oil, making it suitable for a wide range of skin types and concerns.

Recover Topical Hemp Oil Extract $25.00

Picture provided by

Pinpoint problem areas effortlessly with our rapid and convenient CBD serum! This product is the ideal solution for addressing discomfort on the move, adding an extra layer of recovery to your daily self-care regimen, or soothing your body post-workout.

Support your body's recuperation with our Recover CBD Serum, and discover why it stands out as one of the most exceptional CBD topical choices currently available.

Recover Topical Hemp Oil Extract (CBD) Serum (500mg/30ml).
Ingredients: Organic sweet almond oil, organic jojoba oil, hemp oil extract (CBD), lavender essential oil, tea tree oil, fenugreek oil, rosemary essential oil, vitamin E oil, botanical terpenes.

This versatile serum offers targeted relief, whether you're on the move, enhancing your daily self-care routine, or aiding post-workout recovery. It's infused with a carefully curated selection of ingredients for an exceptional CBD topical experience.

MATRIXYL 3000 Collagen-Boosting Serum $40

Picture provided by

Innovative Collagen Serum Solution Engineered to Address Wrinkles.

Our Micro Dart Treatment Boosting Serum is designed to synergize seamlessly with our Micro-Dart Patches, enhancing the patch effects and accelerating collagen production within the skin matrix and dermal layers.

This robust anti-aging serum serves as a powerful agent, contributing to skin firmness and the substantial reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, ultimately resulting in a more youthful, taut complexion. Notably, this anti-aging product is suitable for both dry and sensitive skin types. Although effective on its own, combining it with our Micro-Dart patches yields the most impressive results.

Multi-purpose Ointment - Large Jar (9OZ) $79.99

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Bid farewell to dry, itchy, and irritated skin. Our Multi-Purpose Ointment is specially crafted to not only moisturize dry skin but also to create a breathable yet waterproof barrier, facilitating the healing process for cuts, rashes, and irritations. It acts swiftly as a remedy for eczema and psoriasis flare-ups.

This luxuriously smooth natural ointment boasts organic certification, is free of petroleum-based ingredients, and is hypoallergenic. It's gentle enough for infants and children, with countless mothers attesting that they can't do without it.

The larger jar represents the original version of our globally acclaimed Multi-Purpose Ointment and stands as the most generous format available. At just $5.50 per ounce, it offers the best value on the market, outshining competitors who charge between $8 and $10 per ounce.

Shower Gift Box 

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Enhance your shower experience with the delightful array of Beessential's natural moisturizing products, adding a touch of refreshment and luxury to your daily routine. Not only that, but it also serves as a splendid gift for your loved ones, allowing them to revel in the benefits of natural ingredients while indulging in self-care.

1 - Shampoo:
Select between Beessential's Sulfate-Free Honey Shampoo or the invigorating Beessential Peppermint Tea Tree Oil Shampoo. These shampoos cleanse and rejuvenate your hair, promoting its health and luster. Infused with the goodness of honey, moisturizing hemp seed oil, and invigorating mint essential oils, they provide a volumizing effect thanks to the added Protein, Yarrow Root, and Stinging Nettle.

1 - Conditioner:
Opt for Beessential Honey Conditioner with Pure Hemp Oil or the Peppermint and Tea Tree Conditioner. These conditioners are enriched with soothing, hydrating honey and nourishing botanical extracts, making detangling and hydrating your hair a breeze. The result is hair that's soft, smooth, and easily manageable.

1 - Bar Soap:
Indulge in Beessential's Handmade Natural Bar Soap, available in eight delightful varieties. Crafted with natural ingredients like pure honey, oatmeal, yogurt, dead sea mud, coffee, and essential oils, including hemp and olive oil, this gentle bar soap expertly cleanses and nourishes your skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and well-moisturized.

1 - Body Cream:
Explore the luxurious Beessential Hand & Body Cream, available in three captivating scents: lavender with Bergamont, Grapefruit with Rosemary, and Unscented. This cream combines the goodness of beeswax, honey, and shea butter to deeply moisturize and hydrate your skin.

1 - Lip Balm 3 Pack:
Delight in the Beessential Lip Balm 3 Pack, featuring three natural nourishing lip balms to keep your lips soft and well-hydrated. Choose from a range of flavors, including Honey, Peppermint, Orange Ginger, Lemon Lavender, Cinnamon, Coconut with Lime, Rosemary Mint, Naked, and Vanilla.

Water Oil Skin Prep $64.00

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Crafted to provide hydration, lubrication, and protection to your skin without imparting any dense or oily residue, this airy facial oil doubles as a serum. 

Regular application of Water Oil aids in diminishing the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to a more youthful and revitalized appearance.

Enriched with nine nurturing oils, Japanese Spring Water, and peptides, Water Oil gently revitalizes and reinstates your skin's innate luminosity, resulting in a complexion that feels velvety, flexible, and radiantly glowing.

KeraFactor Scalp Stimulating Hair Treatment $49.00

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The KeraFactor Hair Treatment functions as a dual-action product, akin to a 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner. It employs a distinctive blend of conditioners and growth factors, meticulously designed to exfoliate and invigorate the scalp while stimulating hair growth. This results in hair that appears fuller, gains more volume, and enjoys enhanced overall health.

Each 100ml bottle contains ample product for daily use, lasting at least one month. 

Simply use a small, pea-sized drop, create a lather, and gently massage it into your scalp. Allow it to sit for one minute before rinsing. For individuals with substantial hair, it is recommended to initially use regular shampoo and then apply this product as more of a specialized scalp and hair treatment. Finally, condition your hair ends with your usual conditioner.

"Ultimate Hawaiian Spa Day" Gift Set $100.00

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This gift set comprises:

1. Kona Earth 100% Kona Coffee: Cultivated on a single estate in the fertile volcanic soil of Kona's coffee belt, these premium beans undergo micro-batch roasting to perfection and are shipped directly from the farm. It's the freshest cup of Kona coffee you'll find.

2. Coconut Coffee Scrub: This invigorating scrub combines ground Arabica coffee, raw sugar, Pacific sea salt, green tea extract, and coconut extract, resulting in a heavenly aroma and skin that's incredibly smooth. The roasted and ground Arabica coffee gently exfoliates and stimulates blood flow while enhancing skin firmness. Raw sugar serves as a gentle skin buffer, maintaining moisture levels. Natural coconut oil provides both antibacterial properties and deep moisturization, all with a delightful tropical scent. Pacific Sea Salt brings a calming and soothing effect, improving circulation and helping to prevent dry skin.

3. Coffee Scrub Soap & Shaving Bark: This luxurious handcrafted soap features a blend of liquid and ground coffee. It harmonizes the antioxidant and exfoliating qualities of coffee with the moisturizing and skin-soothing attributes of coconut and olive oil. It's presented as a long-lasting bar in an attractive bamboo dish designed to preserve the soap's longevity, keeping it clean and dry.

4. Thankful for You Candle: A timeless soy wax candle, expertly poured into a sleek black metal tin with a matching lid. The scent transports you to the shores of Kona with notes of carnation, lily of the valley, hyacinth, oakmoss, and wild musk.

5. Kona Earth Chocolate: A gourmet dark chocolate crafted from 75% cacao, originating from our farm in Holualoa on Hawaii's Big Island. Each 2.2-ounce bar is carefully hand-poured and segmented into bite-size squares, perfect for savoring this delicious treat.

 Mini Power Couple $28.00

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Compact yet potent, this pair harnesses the potential of lactic acid (an AHA) and retinol ester to effectively exfoliate and illuminate the skin, resulting in a visibly smoother and more radiant complexion. When used in combination, these two products unveil a skin that is visibly brighter, smoother, and offers a more even appearance by reducing the visibility of dark spots and discoloration.

Valued at $41.
The kit includes:
- Good Genes Lactic Acid Treatment (0.27 fl oz / 8 ml)
- Luna Sleeping Night Oil (0.17 fl oz / 5 ml)

Please seek guidance from your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or nursing before using these products.

Our products are free from sulfates, parabens, gluten, soy, phthalates, fragrance, and are suitable for vegans.

Terrafique Bakuchiol Serum for Face $12.99

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RETINOL ALTERNATIVE - Provide your skin with an irresistible transformation using this hydrating substitute for a retinol night serum, tailored for your facial needs. Embrace it as your skin's closest ally, and awaken to a complexion that exudes youthfulness and radiance.

Suitable for All Skin Types - 
Terrafique's anti-aging serum has been meticulously formulated to caress your facial skin, presenting an alternative to the conventional retinol serum. It is versatile enough to cater to all skin types, and its gentle composition ensures suitability for even the most sensitive skin.

Simplicity in Application - 
This serum serves as the perfect moisturizing solution for those seeking straightforward skincare. By simply incorporating a few drops into your daily skincare routine, both morning and night, you effortlessly awaken to a more radiant version of yourself.

Anti-Aging Solution - 
If you're tired of feeling disheartened by the state of your skin, it's time for a transformative change. Invest in your skin's well-being with Terrafique's Bakuchiol Hydrating Face Serum, a powerful anti-aging solution designed to rejuvenate your complexion.

Unrivaled Freshness - 
Maintain your skin's velvety texture and suppleness with our vitamin C-infused facial serum. This moisturizer is enriched with essential vitamins, enabling you to unveil a youthful radiance.

Age Reviving A4 Gift Box $130

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Introducing an early anti-aging skincare range crafted with DERMAFIRM's patented Astasome® (featuring patented Astaxanthin composite) and Terrabiome, created through traditional fermentation techniques. This specialized formula is designed to address the initial signs of aging, such as dullness, rough skin, and reduced skin elasticity, ultimately promoting a radiant and vibrant complexion.

In Full Sizes:
1. Age Reviving Essential Toner A4 - An anti-aging toner that serves as the initial step in your skincare routine, enhancing pore elasticity and delivering essential moisture to your skin, resulting in a smoother complexion.

2. Bio Correcting Ampoule Astasome A4 - An anti-aging ampoule that minimizes pores and enhances skin elasticity, promoting a firmer and more resilient complexion.

3. Age Reviving Emulsion A4 - An anti-aging emulsion that imparts firmness and enriches the skin with vital nutrients, fostering a smooth and supple texture.

Joy Body Scrub $18.00

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Rejuvenating & Silkening Body Scrub
Indulge your skin's yearning for a velvety, well-moisturized, and replenished surface with this invigorating body scrub boasting a delightfully sweet and tangy essence.

The zesty aroma of essential oils in this product not only elevates your spirits but also invigorates your skin. Natural sugars act as gentle exfoliants, sweeping away roughness, flakiness, and impurities while simultaneously leaving your skin feeling softer and immaculate. The outcome is skin that gleams and beckons to be caressed.

How to Apply/Pro Tips
Post-shower, massage the body scrub in a circular motion, starting from your neck and working your way down to your toes. Rinse with warm water, avoiding the use of soap. Allow your skin to air dry naturally and savor the delightful fragrance, appearance, and texture. Take a moment to admire your smooth and radiant skin in the mirror. 😊

HYDR-8 Essentials Kit $128.00

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A trio meticulously crafted to deeply nourish hair and provide an instant transformation for damaged locks. Tailored for dry and lackluster hair, this kit is geared towards mitigating breakage, with results that include up to 15 times enhanced hydration and hair strands that are three times stronger after just a single application*. The secret lies in Karmatin™, our vegan alternative to keratin, which binds to hair to reinforce strands and combat frizz.

Witness a remarkable metamorphosis as your damaged hair is revitalized into smooth, manageable tresses through the potent effects of hydration. Developed for dry to severely parched hair, the HYDR-8 Shampoo and Conditioner, along with the Deep Moisture Repair Hair Mask, work diligently to lock in intensive moisture that remains steadfast. Powered by Karmatin™, a vegan silk substitute to keratin and silicone, this compound forms bonds with the hair, imparting strength and taming frizz. This regimen is the ideal solution to curbing breakage and resuscitating dry, fragile hair, leaving your locks with an unmatched, glass-like radiance.

Key Advantages:
- Experience up to 15 times enhanced hydration after a single use*
- Attain hair strands up to three times stronger after just one application*
- Enjoy frizz reduction that lasts up to 72 hours*

This Kit Encompasses:
- HYDR-8 Hydrate and Repair Shampoo
- HYDR-8 Hydrate and Repair Conditioner
- HYDR-8 Deep Moisture Repair Mask

Makeup Therapy™ Colour Palette £26.00

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Unlock the potential of our Makeup Therapy Colour Palette, immersing yourself in a realm of easily blendable, intensely pigmented eyeshadows. Conceived as an homage to adult coloring books and our founder's personal connection to makeup as a form of therapy, this palette boasts a collection of 12 matte shades and 4 shimmering shades, perfect for everyday makeup or for crafting stunning, colorful looks.

The palette's thoughtfully organized layout, with neutrals, vibrant hues, and shimmers segregated into distinct rows, ensures seamless navigation for all users. What sets us apart and fills us with pride is the inclusion of a unique QR code on the palette's back, which, when scanned, grants access to a video offering both visual and spoken color descriptions for each of our shades.

Highlighted Features:
- A Formula Known for Its High Pigmentation and Blendability
- Exclusive QR Code Providing Visual and Verbal Shade Descriptions Alongside an Educational Video on Product Usage
- Intuitively Organized Palette Arrangement (Light to Dark Shades, with Shimmers in a Separate Row for Enhanced Usability)
- A Diverse Range of Eyeshadow Colors
- Vegan and Cruelty-Free Formula
- Free from Parabens, Sulphates, and Phthalates
- Competitive Pricing for Wider Accessibility

Explore the Beauty of Shades

Sandalwood Full Size Kit With Shaving Brush $120.00

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The "4 Elements of The Ultimate Shave" come beautifully packaged and are perfectly suitable for presenting as a gift.

This set comprises pre-shave oil, shaving cream, a pure badger brush, and a calming after-shave balm. Offered in a range of captivating scents and priced at $60, this kit is an excellent choice for men who value a sophisticated grooming ritual, thanks to its top-notch products and elegant presentation.

You may wonder why the beauty gift guide decided to call it quits? 

Because it finally found its perfect match: the "beauty-rest" and is taking a well-deserved nap! 😉

Now isn't that the perfect time for you then to check out my previous beauty guide?

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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