Saturday 28 October 2023

Interview With Fashion Stylist Tahirah Goins-Nall

Hey there, you radiant stars and fashion enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered what a fashion stylist does and how to dress for success in life’s most special moments? 

Picture provided by Tahirah Goins-Nall

Well, we’re about to spill the sequin-covered beans! Prepare for a talk that will feel like discovering a unicorn in your own yard. Super magical! 😎

Ooh, I just love unicorns. They are such enchanting creatures. I saw one last week, drinking some water from the pond in our garden. πŸ˜πŸ‘»

Hey, I might be silly, but I’m not “jumping in a puddle with my ice cream” kind of silly! Especially ‘cause I almost never have ice cream. Also, we don't even have a pond in our garden. It’s like spotting a unicorn in my freezer! 🍦🍨

Stop with the unicorn stuff, and stop making readers hungry for ice cream! Today, we have a super stylish friend who says you’re too amazing to wear boring clothes every day! πŸ‘—πŸ‘’

Okay, she said it, not me, but I couldn’t agree more! Who wants to be boring, when you can sparkle, right? πŸ˜ƒ

This incredible person’s job is to help you feel you’re already living your dream life, just by wearing clothes you adore. πŸ‘ΈπŸ˜Š

Imagine every day feeling like your dreams are already real, and all because you dress like it! πŸ˜€πŸ‘—πŸ‘ 

So, if you are dreaming of that perfect partner, dream clients, or a higher salary, guess what? They are all taken. 😭

No, of course not. They can all be yours right now, just by dressing like the amazing person you’re destined to be. It’s like your wardrobe is a magic wand! πŸŽ†πŸ˜„

Let’s give a big fashionista welcome to Tahirah Christine Goins-Nall, an Elite Global Stylist & Confidence Coach. πŸ˜πŸ‘‹

She’s here to make you feel like the incredible woman you’ve always dreamed of being. And it all starts with a closet full of clothes you love. Get ready for some fashion magic, my friends! ✨πŸ‘—πŸŒŸ

Picture provided by Tahirah Goins-Nall

What is your name, function and the company you work for?  

My name is Tahirah Goins-Nall, and I am the CEO and Founder of ClothesPetals, a fashion styling and event company based out of Los Angeles, CA. 

How old are you?

29 years old

What kind of work do you do or what are you studying to be? 

I am a fashion stylist and event curator. I style my clients for life’s greatest moments while also showcasing beauty and fashion brands to clients helmed by diverse women. 

What made you decide to become a Fashion Stylist?

After 12 years of wearing a uniform throughout primary education, I went to the second-best dressed school in the country. 

A lot of people don’t know this about Howard University, but it is. Every day in class is like a fashion show. Our homecomings are notorious for being places of creative dress. 

When I first showed up on campus, I was unprepared. Completely. As a child, words were my medium. I was a storyteller. I was an advocate. I naturally assumed I would become a lawyer because of the way I worked with my words. 

Also, as the daughter of a former NFL player turned coach, I was used to covering up. Like most young women, my sisters and I matured early and were always around men. Naturally, I thought oversized and baggy were my appropriate sizes. Until I went to Howard. 

Never before had I been able to channel my creativity through my style. And never before had I been able to experience myself through the compliments of others. Doors open when you know how to dress. 

People seeing you in your full authenticity and radiance moves mountains, and it does so not because of the external validation—it does so because of the feeling we internalize and carry when we know we look that good.

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Yes. Maybe it’s my Taurus Sun, but I have always loved retail. I have always loved luxury. 

There’s such a difference in quality to clothes and brands that resonate with your individuality and creativity, and fashion is another untapped way of exhibiting your authentic expression. 

We deserve to indulge in ourselves, and I believe that all desires placed upon our hearts are meant to manifest. But, the trick is feeling worthy of them first. 

Picture provided by Tahirah Goins-Nall

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

This is a great question, because I find that as an entrepreneur, we do not celebrate ourselves enough. We don’t take the time to reflect on our successes or celebrate our achievements because we are so laser-focused on the next goal; on the future. 

My successes include creating a podcast, a course, growing my high-end, loyal clientele in Los Angeles, CA (a city you could say is saturated with fashion stylists), and growing my connections of resources and brand founders helming incredible beauty and fashion brands. 

I am most proud of the smaller beauty and fashion brands that I have been able to elevate among my clients, because as an entrepreneur, I understand just how far a referral goes for a brand founder attempting to grow and scale her venture!

I achieved these goals because I am big on vision boarding. I love creating visions and images of my future and putting them on paper, or Pinterest boards, because it makes a goal seem much more tangible—much more attainable and real. 

I’d say this coupled with my innate ability to network and love of building relationships has definitely carried my name and vision into rooms I have not yet stepped in!

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

Hire! I seek to expand my business by bringing on an incredible group of stylists and employees who are incredibly versed in Social Media, Digital Marketing, and Finance. 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing or jewelry?

Yes and no. The name of the brand piques my interest. The narrative and quality entice me to engage, to try, and then finally to recommend to my clientele. 

Describe your personal style of fashion?

My mom once told me in high school I was a “cute skater,” which is funny, because over time I have found myself to have grown and evolved to infuse elegance and feminine silhouettes with athleisure, or more relaxed and sporty styles. 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

My signature style truly evolved when I began understanding the importance of fit. As a young woman who matured early, I had to grow to love my body because I was used to covering up. 

I thought oversized and baggy were my sizes, until I realized they weren’t. When I learned to love my curves and how to dress my body appropriately, my style expanded and with it, my self-love and confidence to explore and push the boundaries on my signature look. 

In what way do you influence other people’s fashion style?

If you end up working with me at any point, you will see this quote everywhere. 

Our namesake is inspired by a quote by Christian Dior "Next to women, flowers are the most divine creations”. 

We are powerful and divine entities with unique and undeniable beauty. Just like a field of flowers, each is magically beautiful but each one is different. 

Women are the most powerful creatures on the planet and we deserve to reconnect with that power. To do this, I believe that we can take simple steps to feel very good about ourselves. 

Feeling good is a practice, and it starts with our personal brand and expressing our authentic aesthetic. We use it to navigate our environment, to make strides in our careers, and to make great strides in all areas of our lives. 

Picture provided by Tahirah Goins-Nall

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

Tailoring! I love that we have entered an era that is so polar opposite to the loungewear we grew so accustomed to during the pandemic. 

Suits, in all of their variations, are the perfect structure to add instant elevation, sharpness and neatness to uplevel an outfit, and provide statement to the wearer.  

Color! There are gorgeous colorways off the runway this season, and I adore the options. From bright vibrant hues to neutral earth tones, there is such an expansive variety in retail now that it makes livening up your wardrobe so easy.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Believe it or not, I find fashion to be so fun at the moment—but I realize that there are certain trends that my clients aren’t too fond of, and I find a majority of dissatisfaction within my male client pool with current menswear. 

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

I believe my style philosophy can be summed up perfectly by this quote, “Real style is never a matter of right or wrong, it’s a matter of being yourself on purpose.” – G. Bruce Boyer

Who is your style icon, and why?

I, like so many others, have fallen in love with Sofia Richie’s soft, feminine, luxurious style. It’s so simplistic and elegant and still sophisticated and fun! I aspire to have a wedding as beautiful as hers…with the same amount of outfit changes!

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

As we go into the new year, we are planning more of our Shop & Style parties—opportunities for clients to engage with brands, uplevel their style with 1:1 guidance, and network! 

Group shopping can be such an uplifting experience for people who are in support of you! Our first event is in partnership with Yelp as a “New Year, New You” theme in January. 

We would love, if you’re interested, to sign up and purchase tickets for the event! You can sign up for updates on our website,
- Would love to see you there! 

Picture provided by Tahirah Goins-Nall

Big thanks to Tahirah Goins-Nall for joining my fashion chat. It's so cool to know there are super pretty colors in style this season! In my opinion we need to see more color on the streets. πŸ˜‰

Now, my amazing readers, I've got an important mission for you. πŸ˜‰
Go peek at my past interviews with stylish folks:

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 21 October 2023

Interview with Fashion Model Vikki Lenola

Hey there, my lovely blog readers. Do you ever wonder what a fashion model and an animal rights superhero have in common? 

Picture provided by Vikki Lenola
made by Monika Tiedtke Photography

Well, let me tell you a secret. 🀫  

Today, we’re going to find out as we dive into a special interview with an amazing Fashion Model. πŸŽ‡πŸ˜Š

Picture this: you’re sashaying down the world’s most glamorous catwalk, dressed in the latest fashion, and strike a pose that could make even a peacock jealous. 😎

Sounds like a dream, right? Well, that’s the life of a fashion model! Now that you know, we can end the blog post. 😏

No, of course not. What if I told you there’s one fashion model who’s not just about looking fabulous but also about doing fabulous things for our furry, feathery, and scaly friends? πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒ

That’s right! We’re talking about the one and only Vikki Lenola, an authentic hero in the world of fashion and animal rights! πŸ¦πŸ‘—πŸΎ

Now, you might be wondering, “What’s so interesting about fashion and animal rights?” Well, my dear readers, you’re in for a treat today. 🍬😁

Hey there, get your hands off the screen this instance. There is no way you can have a sugary treat! It’s not in my blog plan, and I don’t want to be the “cavity culprit.” πŸ˜¨πŸ’‰

Imagine if you got hooked on those treats and kept coming back for more. 😬

Hmm, maybe it's not the worst idea, ‘cause that means more peeps reading my blog! Hey you there. Yes, you there, on the other side of the screen. Don’t you dare tell anyone I said that. 😈

Oops, I got distracted again. Let’s pretend this minor detour didn’t happen and get back to talking about those fabulous fashion models.  πŸ’ƒ πŸ˜„

Vikki Lenola isn’t your average runway superstar. She’s like the superhero of the fashion world, and she’s on a mission to make the world a better place for our animal buddies. 🐾 😍

So, get ready to enjoy, learn, and leap into the world of fashion, animal rights, and all-around awesomeness as we dive into our interview. It’s going to be a runway of fun and animal love, and you’re all invited to join the party! πŸŽ‰✨

Picture provided by Vikki Lenola

What is your name? 

Vikki Lenola

Are you on Social Media? How many followers do you have?

I’m on Instagram (193,000 followers), Facebook (583,000 followers), Threads (5,000 followers) and LinkedIn (I use this for business).

Do you work Full-time or Part-time as a Fashion Model?

In reality, there aren't many people working full time as a model in the fashion industry, and when they are the pay is either not good or not consistent or both. Plus, it is short-lived, even when you’re 5’10” like me. 

While I have a lot of modelling experience under my belt and I’m sure I could continue on as a model only, I’m happy to use my network that has snowballed over the years to work on other things. 

These days I’m focusing more on my public relations agency Lenola PR, my charity fashion event, and activism. I still model but it is not my main focus.

What made you decide to become a Fashion Model?

When I was a kid, I would watch a local show in the Toronto area about fashion. There was a woman on there who attended all the major fashion events and reported on them for the show. I found this fascinating and enjoyed seeing the different looks on the runway.

I probably could have done well as a teenager since I was tall from a young age, but life didn’t become stable for me until I was much older. In my early twenties I did some car show modelling. 

Then I got into sewing and started a bridal accessories business. Mostly all sorts of veils, but also other headpieces and bridal belts. My brand was the exclusive supplier for a bridal boutique in Cambridge, ON. I helped out with bridal gown alterations too. Plus, I was able to do custom dress pattern drafting based on just being provided with the bride’s measurements. This was back in 2014 when I finally got Facebook. 

Soon after, a woman who runs a fashion week basically made friends with me (probably in hopes to recruit me as a designer, lol) and I checked out their fashion week. When I was backstage, I kept getting mistaken for a model and I ended up walking for one of the designers. 

I got caught up with the glitz and glam once again and it went on from there! I’m still very good friends with that woman and her husband and they actually help out at my own fashion event now. 

How many hours do you spend modeling?

It depends on what you consider time towards modelling. If you count time on Instagram, too much! Lol. This time is needed though to build/ maintain/ grow your personal brand. I used to spend hours a day building my social media and searching for jobs. 

Other times I am travelling a lot between different cities. If you’re willing to do that you can have more work. Photo shoots can take 2-4 hours, runway shows are typically all-day events. Though these are not every day. It can also vary from month to month. 

Picture provided by Vikki Lenola
multi way dress by Diane Kroe 
plastic-fee vegan luxury handbag by Lost Woods

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Fashion is a tool for communication and is a big part of culture. It’s also important to take notice of fashion because of the hugely negative impact it has on the environment. 

I am especially concerned about the unnecessary exploitation of animals in the fashion industry in this day and age.  Billions of sentient animals are suffering immensely and killed every year because of it. 

It is hidden from society, which is deceiving to consumers who would never support it if they knew what was really happening. 

What are your successes and how did you achieve them?

There is no magic button, that’s for sure! The key to all of my success has been consistency and dedication. As a model I have walked for dozens of designers, including A-list celebrity designers like Rocky Gathercole (who has sadly passed since). 

There are countless features of me in many of the world’s biggest real magazines, news sites, and tabloids, from Forbes, to Playboy, to Elle magazine. I’ve also been a model on several fashion brand websites.

The things I am most proud of are related to my animal rights activism. I have done countless acts of activism as it’s what I want to dedicate my life to (saving the animals from suffering on a mass scale). 

I can mention a couple related to the fashion industry. One would be how I was the organizer for the PETA campaign against Canada Goose using fur in the Toronto area a few years back. 

Besides organizing, I also was in the new for being body painted like a coyote, wearing only underwear in the Canadian winter. Sometimes I did this after skipping sleep because I was also in school, and I don’t actually live in Toronto so it took me a while to get there, especially in the winter. I would be naked in freezing temperatures, sometimes while answering media questions on busy noisy streets, or while leading chants on the megaphone. 

My efforts were just a small part of worldwide collective actions from caring people and organizations. I was so excited the day that Canada Goose finally announced they would ban fur. The last few years has been a domino effect of major fashion companies and brands banning fur. Even some cities and countries ban either the sale of fur or fur farming. 

Another part of my activism related to fashion is being the Producer/ Director of The Vegan Fashion Show. It’s a charitable and educational nonprofit. All proceeds go to Animal Justice, the organization leading the legal fight for animal protection in Canada. 

We have educational elements all throughout, including the model casting which is an event on its own. In only a few days of the model casting being out, we’ve had hundreds of applicants. The first 10-15 minutes is an educational presentation. The models get a chance to appear on top tier fashion magazines. 

The event also has lots of fun elements like a game, prizes, a holiday marketplace, and live entertainment. I work on The Vegan Fashion Show year-round on a voluntary basis and also sponsor the public relations with my PR agency, Lenola PR. 

I am also fortunate enough to be an assistant producer of the fashion documentary SLAY. It is a film by Rebecca Capelli about animals used in the fashion industry. 

She visited countries around the world to get a holistic picture of what’s going on. It’s not graphic. I highly recommend anyone interested in the fashion industry to watch it so you can be informed. It’s available to watch for free on Waterbear Network. 

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I have just started thinking about changing the name of The Vegan Fashion Show to Next Gen Fashion Week. This is because I am a textile geek, and I really want to point out the innovative materials that can become solutions to the problems we see in fashion today. 

I also may be co-founding another nonprofit soon. A major nonprofit in the vegan movement recently recruited me to go to Germany multiple times this year to help with nonprofit strategies for early startups. 

I will definitely stay involved in the fashion scene. Even with my PR agency, I am excited to get the word out about vegan fashion brands. Or other types of vegan brands. Or models, creatives, and entrepreneur types. My clients are already remarkable and it’s an honor to serve them and share their stories with the world. 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you model clothing?

Sort of. I don’t want to be associated with brands that don’t align with my ethos. 

Describe your personal style of clothing?

Sometimes I can be bold, sometimes I just want to blend in. It depends on the occasion. I wear many hats… and therefore wear various types of clothing. 

Picture provided by Vikki Lenola

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look?

I don’t think I have a strong personal style per se, as I change it up as mentioned above. I do think my long amber colored hair is very me though. My bf once told me that the color of the autumn leaves reminded him of my hair. I thought that was so sweet, lol. 

I like to do strong poses and looks for pictures. I think sometimes when people only know me on social media the meet me in real life, they’re expecting me to have this larger-than-life, charismatic personality. I’m actually rather down to Earth. 

Side note story…. Last year I was at a vegan handbag launch party and I was having pictures taken with an animal lawyer who I really admire. I mean, people like this are heroes to me (and the animals). 

She was much shorter than I thought she was going to be. I randomly stared at her and blurted this out to her (I have no filter - I wear my heart on my sleeves). 

When I realized that came across as rude, for some reason thought I could patch things up by adding it’s because she’s such a strong speaker in the media, that’s why I was surprised she was so short… Yikes. 

Well anyway, I have the opposite problem when people meet me! I am not shy but I am certainly not hugely outgoing like people expect from me. 

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

Yes, and everybody active on social media does! I think people underestimate the impact they have on societal norms. I would really like to encourage everyone to be a responsible influencer. 

Please use your platform to pass on ethical, sustainable, and compassionate messages about fashion and lifestyle interests. Be the change you wish to see. 

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

I am more into long-term trend forecasting regarding what’s meaningful in culture. For example, as Forbes magazine pointed out, about my fashion event: 
“ The Future Innovations 2024 report by consumer trend forecaster - WGSN - identified 12 key areas of innovation. 

The Vegan Fashion Show has aimed to be prevalent in several, including: “Living With Intent: as people reorient their lives to focus on the areas and connections that count, they will seek more intentional products and experiences,” and “Multi-Species Thinking: a more-than-human design approach that considers the needs and rights of all of nature – including humans, animals and plants – will gain traction.”

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

I think that baggy, over-sized clothing is in right now and I am not a fan. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I like to wear casual clothing. Especially if I’m just at home or need to go to do errands quickly. But the over-sized blazers that make me look boxy… no thanks. 

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

At the model casting for The Vegan Fashion Show this year, one thing we are going to talk about is transparency. Models will be shown what transparency looks like, based on ethical vegan brands who clearly show videos and image of them with the people who make their clothes, and reveal the entire process including how the textiles are made. 

These brands also show evidence of the statements they make about sustainability. In contrast, they’ll be shown what green-washing looks like when fur and other animal material specialty designers say that their products are sustainable and ethical, and that the animals are treated well – without any evidence to back up their claims. The brands’ names will be blocked for privacy. 

This is how the idea for this topic came about. A few weeks ago I received a DM from a designer who specializes in animal products; all sorts of furs and skins from fox fur to lamb to alpaca and more. She asked me to walk for her at another large fashion event in the area. 

Unsurprisingly, she didn’t do her research and didn’t notice that my Instagram bio clearly states that I am an animal rights activist and Producer/ Director of The Vegan Fashion Show. 

I sent her a video of animals being skinned alive for fur. Later I received the email that she sends to all models she selected, and it was littered with false claims about being sustainable and ethical. 

The name of her collection even reflects this. She also says it’s a reflection of femininity. I was appalled to discover her website making these false claims and more on her website. It even says that her customers can feel good wearing the animals knowing that it’s ethical, that she works with the suppliers closely and makes sure the animals are treated humanely. 

Of course, there’s no evidence of that. She also says that she takes measures to reduce her GHG emissions in the production process – but if that was the case, she wouldn’t be selling leather since that’s one of the worst textiles by far for GHG emissions, among many other problems like being toxic. Later she emailed me to ask me to confirm if I am joining her. 

Green-washing like this designer is doing is very relevant right now; the EU recently banned green-washing.

The point here is to watch and pay close attention to what brands do, not just what they say. Truly ethical, sustainable, and compassionate brands don’t just talk the talk - they walk the walk. 

Picture provided by Vikki Lenola

Big thanks to Vicky for being awesome and answering my questions so detailed in this interview. You rock for being a superhero for animals' rights! 😍

Hey, when you've got a little free time, hop on over and check out the fancy fashion models I chatted with in their cool clothes on this here page!

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 15 October 2023

Create a Good Skincare Routine With the LancΓ΄me Multi LiftDay Cream - Anti Wrinkle Cream

Hey, beauty lovers! Do you have a good skincare routine, or are you still looking for a great anti wrinkle cream? 🦸‍♀️

Picture by Seadbeady

Do you ever wonder what it takes to create a skincare routine that leaves your skin feeling as fresh and radiant as a sunny morning breeze? 🌞 

Well, grab your magnifying glass and prepare for an exciting skincare adventure. We’re exploring beauty and skincare with a special product called RΓ©nergie Multi-Lift Day Cream from LancΓ΄me. πŸ’«

However, hold on to your hats (or moisturized skin), because there’s a twist! I didn’t just stumble upon this magical cream by chance. I stole it from the drugstore right around the corner. 😳

Did you truly think that? Maybe not, but oh boy, I wish I could’ve seen your funny faces when reading this! πŸ˜„πŸ˜‚

Nope, I received it courtesy of the lovely folks over at and they kindly asked me to put it to the test and share my thoughts. 😊

This means we’re not only going to explore the secrets of skincare excellence, but we’re also going to uncover whether this cream lives up to the hype. 😧

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to embark on a skincare journey that’s bound to leave you feeling like a radiant superstar!  πŸš€

Picture by Seadbeady

About the LancΓ΄me Multi Lift Day Cream - Anti Wrinkle Cream

This cream has a firming and lifting effect that restores a radiant, healthy appearance to the skin. This LancΓ΄me anti-wrinkle day cream helps define facial contours, gives the skin a lifted appearance, and promotes a firmer and tighter-feeling complexion. Suitable for all skin types, including dry or sensitive skin.

Moisturizing anti-aging cream with SPF 15
LancΓ΄me RΓ©nergie Multi-Lift Day Cream boasts a rich texture that intensely nourishes the skin, providing immediate comfort. Its texture is easily absorbed by the skin, and this skincare cream with SPF 15 also shields against UV rays.

Results of RΓ©nergie Multi-Lift Day Cream:

• Skin feels firmer.
• Wrinkles and fine lines visibly diminish.
• The skin achieves a lifted appearance.
• Protects the skin from UV rays.

Picture by Seadbeady

Usage Tips:

1. Apply in the morning and/or evening on thoroughly cleansed skin.
2. Apply the cream to the skin, starting from the center of the face and moving outward. Begin with the forehead, then the cheeks, followed by the chin, and finally, the T-zone.
3. Apply the cream with gentle massaging motions to allow the formula to penetrate the skin optimally.
4. Complete your beauty ritual by lightly tapping your fingertips on the face to firm and tighten the skin.

Picture by Seadbeady

For a good skincare routine:

Prep the skin in advance with LancΓ΄me's Advanced GΓ©nifique Serum. Use the serum as the 1st step after cleansing the skin. Visible results will appear in just seven days. The skin will appear more radiant, be well-hydrated, and feel wonderfully soft.

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the LancΓ΄me Multi LiftDay Cream

This magical, white goop dives into your skin faster than a ninja chasing a pizza delivery guy. It's like the cream has a secret mission to keep your skin from feeling like a greasy frying pan, and your hands won't turn into slippery banana peels either. 😬

I have a skin problem called Rosacea, which means I have to be careful with what I use on my face, but this stuff didn't cause any issues for me. 😎

I also like how it smells - it's kinda like a fresh sun lotion. After I used it, my skin felt really soft, like a fluffy cloud. πŸ’­πŸ˜Š

I'm definitely a fan of this cream, and I'm even considering trying that serum they're raving about. I mean, this cream practically gave my skin a high-five! πŸ‘

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on future posts and receive the next blog posts in your Email inbox  

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Want to be on my blog next time?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message.

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Saturday 7 October 2023

Interview with Fashion Designer Margo Perkins

Hey there, fabulous readers! Do you know what you get when you mix fancy clothes with being eco-friendly? πŸ€” Let's find out together as we dive into the world of this amazing fashion designer! 

Picture provided by Margo Perkins

I’ve got something exciting to share with you today, and it’s *a huge secret* how thrilled I am about it! πŸ€—

Oh my, you caught me on a lie. No, it’s absolutely not a secret. 😳

Although, I haven’t told you what I am thrilled about, so I can still tell you another secret. That way, it wouldn’t have been a lie. Are you still with me? πŸ˜•

Let me start with the one thing you know about me, and that’s the fact that I’ve always had an immense love for fashion brands that care about our planet. 😍

I mean, who wouldn’t want to wear clothes or handbags that not only make you look like a superstar but also help keep our Earth happy and healthy? πŸŒπŸ’š

So, imagine my joy when I had the chance to chat with this magnificent, sustainable fashion designer! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘—πŸ‘œ

I’ve been a fan of eco-friendly brands for quite a while, and I’ve been itching to introduce you all to this fantastic find. πŸ˜ƒπŸŒΏ

Today, we’re exploring cool clothes that are good for the Earth, made by a designer who wants you to look fantastic all year long. 😎

No secrets here, just pure excitement as we embark on this journey together! πŸ‘—✨

Picture provided by Margo Perkins

What is your name, function, and the company you work for?

Margo Perkins, founder of Margo Paige

How old are you?


What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be?

I run a sustainable brand that focuses on creating stylish, eco-friendly pieces that are multifunctional throughout the seasons.

What made you decide to become a Fashion Designer?

Seeing a need in the market that wasn’t present. I’ve found it hard to find great, sustainable pieces that are still durable and stylish at a fair price. 

It’s either marked as eco-friendly at a cheap price or eco-friendly at a high price-there really isn’t an in-between. I believe with all things, there is moderation and you don’t need to be high or low to get great pieces.

Is fashion important to you? Why?

At its most basic level, fashion protects our bodies from the elements. At a high level, fashion is self expression, not only in how it looks but also in how it is made and what that says about your ideals and what you think is important. 

Both levels are really important to me because they create confidence. What you put on your body represents not only how you want to look, but what you believe is the future for our planet.

Picture provided by Margo Perkins

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

Launching a company right before the pandemic hit and being able to survive. When we first launched, our sole product was our clear handbag line, which isn’t an ideal time to have launched a company whose product is based on a need for a large event. 

During that time, I was able to rethink my model and continue to lay the groundwork for coming out of it like shifting to sustainable products. We relaunched our products with new sustainable measures a year ago and couldn’t be more grateful for having the time to shift.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

Continue to grow Margo Paige into a sustainable brand that creates a community for those wanting to do better in their consumption habits and showcasing that small change in your daily
routine can make a big impact later on.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing or jewelry?

Great question. That depends on the brand and what they stand for. I try to seek out brands that align with my goals as a consumer: high quality, seasonless and taking action for sustainable measures within their own brand.

Describe your personal style of fashion?

My personal style is classic and timeless. I try to stick to neutrals, quality over quantity, timeless silhouettes and great accessories.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look?

I’ve always had a classic look from the start. I’m not sure where it started, but classic and timeless pieces I’ve always gravitated towards. The silhouettes are always comfortable, easy and always in style.

Picture provided by Margo Perkins

Do you have an influence on other people’s fashion style?

I’d like to think that is what Margo Paige is doing or what it can do in the future. I hope we can influence to buy better, wear longer and find a personal style through our reasonless basics.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

Cowboy boots are having a moment and it’s one I’m a big fan of. Cowboy boots are extremely versatile to style, comfortable and fun! I also love to see the button downs because they are a great staple to have in the closet and you can do so much with them.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Cargo pants. No one needs them unless you're hiking, fishing, or camping.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

If you don’t see yourself wearing the item 30 times, don’t buy it. Stick to pieces that you feel great in-no matter what the trend is. Lean towards classic silhouettes as basics and if you need a trend, look in accessories.

Who is your style icon, and why?

This might be cliche, but Princess Diana is a great icon. Princess Diana wore her looks confidently and taught that you can wear the bold colors, statement pieces and send messages through what you wear. Half the battle in fashion is being comfortable and confident in what you’re wearing, and she emulated that well.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Always consider what you're buying, what you're buying it for and how it came to be. I think if we thought more consciously about the origins of clothing like we do with food, we would have a better feel for fashion and overconsumption.

Picture provided by Margo Perkins

"Thanks a bunch, Margo, for telling me stuff! It's pretty cool that you're doing clothing fashion now too!" πŸ˜„πŸ‘—

Ah yes, about that secret. Give me another blog post to think about it, but first things first. If you are not done reading, you could check out some of my previous fashion designer interviews:

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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