Sunday 2 June 2024

Interview With Fashion Designer Diane Kroe

Hey there, fashion-forward friends! Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a fashion designer? Now what goes into making those super snazzy outfits you see strutting down the runway? 

Picture provided by Diane Kroe

Well, hold on to your glittery belts because today, we’re diving headfirst into the fabulous world of fashion design! 😎👗✨

Picture this: A bustling studio filled with colorful fabrics, sewing machines humming like busy bees, and one seriously stylish lady calling the shots. 🎨✂️

Doesn’t that sounds super cool? You guessed it! I am talking about myself this time. 😁🎉

Are you crazy? Then again, I have had my fair share of experience behind the sewing machine. I’ve had a few moments of mishap, but also some greatness. 🧵😅

Still, I am no designer. I rely on patterns from books or magazines. Oh Yes, even those end up in disaster sometimes. Hey, isn’t that part of the fun?  😄📚✂️

Now, join us as we explore the highs, the lows, and the sheer creativity that comes with the territory of fashion design! 🚀🎢🎨

Let’s kick things off with a couple of burning questions: What’s it like to be a fashion designer? And how does someone go from doodling dress designs in their notebook to strutting their stuff on the catwalk? 🔥👗👠

Sit down with us, and Diane Kroe, to uncover the secrets behind her incredible journey through the wild and whimsical world of fashion design. Trust us, folks, this is one interview you won’t want to miss! 😉🎩✨

Picture provided by Diane Kroe

What is your name, function and the company you own?  

Diane Kroe - I design and manufacture Travel Refined Fashion. If you love travel, packing light, or just want to feel comfortably chic and prepared for life’s wonderful possibilities, then I’m your favourite designer. 

What kind of work do you do?

I’m a fashion designer. 

What made you decide to become a Fashion Designer?

I met a fashion designer when I was 14 and knew right away that I wanted to be just like her. After school, I began working for her in her boutique, and when I graduated from high school, I began working at her factory and studied fashion at night school at Ryerson and Seneca. I became her assistant designer, and she taught me the business of fashion first hand.  

Is fashion important to you? Why?

Fashion is a universal language. It’s how we communicate with each other without using words. 

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

My greatest success is managing to stay in business for close to 30 years. Fashion is considered one of the most difficult industries in the world to be successful at. How I achieved this was learning the business first by working for others and minimizing my chances of making mistakes before I branched out on my own. 

In the world of fashion, mistakes can be very expensive. Also, I survived 3 recessions and a pandemic where fashion and food (restaurants) were the first to go out of business. 

I achieved this by recession proofing my business by minimizing overhead and maximizing profits by running a tight ship and never overproducing. I have mastered the less is more business model, and this reflects the aesthetic of my brand. 
Picture provided by Diane Kroe

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I also love to travel and discover unknown places. I enjoy shooting my designs in exotic locales and hope to find more time to grow this part of my brand by promoting destinations for my clientele to discover. 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing or jewelry?

I prefer discovering brands that are hidden treasures and mixing luxury brand pieces with the practical. I love fashion juxtaposition. 

Describe your personal style of fashion?

Less is More. Effortless elegance. A woman should never look like she’s trying too hard…especially today with plastic surgery and exaggerated body altering trends. Fashion is the same way, in my opinion understatement and maintaining a natural body aesthetic sends a universal message of quiet confidence. 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look?

When I was young, I studied in the National Ballet, then later modern dance and jazz … I fell in love with the flowing comfort of dance wear. My signature style is comfort and elegance. If I feel restricted in an outfit, I won’t wear it. 

Do you have an influence on other people’s fashion style?

Of course… everything I create is to make my customers prepared for life’s wonderful possibilities in both comfort and style. 

Picture provided by Diane Kroe

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?  

Running shoes with practically everything. I love that the younger generation aren’t ruining their feet in stilettos like my generation. 

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?  

Midriff revealing tops. After having babies, it’s not a flattering look on most women. Though in today’s world, women are rejoicing their bodies no matter what shape or size, and I support that. 

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?  

Buy less and choose well. It’s time to put an end to fast fashion and support smaller fashion brands that use ethical practices. Also, support vigorously brands that respect animal rights who don’t use any animal byproducts in their collections.  

Who is your style icon, and why?

I have always loved Norma Kimali. She was a pioneer in the world of introducing dance wear textiles into both designer and mainstream fashion. 

What do you like most about being a successful fashion designer?  

Nothing makes me happier than creating clothes for my clientele and making them feel prepared for whatever adventures come their way. This is what keeps me driven to keep doing what I love to do. 

Picture provided by Diane Kroe

Thank you, Diane, for taking the time to answer my questions. I totally understand how designing clothes for others makes you happy. 😊👗
I know time is valuable, but if you can spare a moment, check out these previous interviews with fashion designers. ⏱️👀

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 25 May 2024

Sustainable Fashion: Why Fashion Retailers Can’t Afford To Dismiss Online Sizing Technology!

Hey there, fashion friends! Are you ready to discover how sustainable fashion can revolutionize sizing technology for fashion retailers? 🌿👗

Do you know what’s worse than biting into a cookie and finding out it’s chocolate chip instead of raisin😬🍪😳

Hey, don't give me that look! I can't help it if I like raisins more than chocolate. Some of us just march to the beat of a different snack! 😜

Now then, have you figured out what's worse? I'll tell you. Buying clothes online and discovering they don’t fit! 😱 👗❌

I’ve had this happen with a pair of boots I bought online. They were too tight, but I forgot to return them. 😖🥿

They sat in my closet for ages, gathering dust. Luckily, I could sell them second-hand. But what a hassle! 🤦‍♂️😳

Fear not, dear readers! There’s a superhero on the horizon, and it’s called Online Sizing Technology. 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️ 

It’s like a magic mirror that tells you exactly what size you are and which clothes will make you look fabulous. ✨💃

All you have to do is answer a few simple questions, and Voila! You’ll know your body shape and the perfect size for you. 🤔💬

Now, why should fashion retailers jump on this tech train? Well, let me tell you a little secret. It’s not just about making sure you don’t end up swimming in a dress or squeezing into pants that are too tight. 👖🤫

I remember when I was a teenager. You had to suck in your tummy super tight to squeeze into those jeans, but after a bit, they'd stretch out. I can't imagine feeling squished like that every time I put on pants! 🙈👖😅

Nope! This nifty technology can also help retailers be kinder to our lovely planet and make shopping online a breeze. 🌍💨

Shingo Tsukamoto from Makip, the fashion wizard, explains how retailers can polish their green credentials and make shopping as fun as a trip to the candy store. 🧙‍♂️🍭 

Buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of perfect fits and happy planet vibes. It’s going to be a wild and stylish ride! 🎢😎

Picture of  Shingo Tsukamoto provided by Makip

Sustaining The Trend: Why US Fashion Retailers Can’t Afford To Dismiss Online Sizing Technology!

The average US consumer discards 81.5 lbs of clothes each year - that’s eight standard-sized trash bags, per person, going to landfill or worse, incinerated. 

This marks a depressing, yet significant contribution to the 60% of the 32 billion globally produced items of clothing that end up clogging up landfill - equivalent to 650 garments being thrown away every second.

The desire to wear ‘the latest’ fashion item has intensified the already out-of-control throwaway culture, with many items being worn just seven to ten times before being discarded!

However, US consumers are actively seeking out sustainable alternatives. 

The US sustainable fashion industry grew to $7.8 Billion USD in 2023, as planet-conscious consumers became increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the fashion industry and their purchasing habits. 

Shingo Tsukamoto, President of online sizing technology specialist, Makip, explains how US retailers can improve their sustainability credentials and make the online shopping experience more enjoyable for consumers.

Combatting the return culture
In 2023 alone, incorrect size/fit represented 53% of the reasons why clothing is returned. 

This is significant when you consider that the next most popular reasons for returns were due to color (16%) and the item(s) being damaged (10%).

This is surprising because retailers have the option to use highly accurate online sizing technology, which not only ensures that online shoppers choose the right size the first time, every time, but it is proven to reduce returns by at least 20%.

Picture made by Seadbeady with AI tool

Implementing accurate sizing technology on retail websites provides shoppers with increased confidence, therefore eliminating the need for multiple shipping and return cycles. 

This consequently reduces the impact of carbon emissions associated with return transportation and processing, not to mention the reduction in garments needed or used. 

The use of online sizing technology not only improves the shopping experience but also reduces the need for retailers to keep large volumes of stock. 
Reduce Returns and increase sales; what is stopping you?
As the fashion industry embraces sizing technology and educates consumers about the benefits of a ‘virtual try-on’ experience, the industry will not only reduce the waste it generates but also further its dedication to delivering eco-conscious solutions that resonate with modern consumers.

Feature-rich, accurate and user-friendly sizing technology has the potential to significantly reduce clothing returns by an average of 20% and increase the decision to purchase by 2.5 times.

Industry leaders, policymakers, and consumers alike must join forces to drive systemic change and promote sustainability in fashion. Collaboration is key to implementing effective solutions that address environmental challenges and foster ethical practices across the industry.

The journey for change continues 
The US is making strides to align fast fashion with more sustainable practices through initiatives like new legislation and the use of advanced technology. While challenges remain, there is a noticeable shift toward more responsible practices in the fashion sector. 

The ongoing journey emphasizes the need for continuous efforts from both consumers and industry stakeholders to continue on the path towards greater sustainability and drive systemic change.

I'm not in the habit of accepting guest post, unless I feel it could be interesting for you, dear readers, so I hope you enjoyed. 😊📝

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 19 May 2024

Interview With Fashion Stylist Raquel Macias

Hey there, fashionistas! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your very own fashion stylist? Or maybe you've dreamed about the magic of personal styling that makes you look and feel like a superstar?

Picture provided by Raquel Macias
Well, today, we’re off on a super fun adventure, all about fashion and feeling fabulous. 😄👗✨

Guess what? Finding the perfect fashion expert for our interview was like searching for a unicorn in a closet! 😲🦄

I looked high and low, almost like hunting for a missing sock in the laundry. 🧦🔍

You see, hunting for those missing socks makes me crazy, and knowing that I keep all the missing halves in a dedicated drawer makes my hubby even crazier! Hm, perhaps we’re the perfect pair then. 😁💕

No, I am not wandering off topic today, because finally, I found the most amazing fashion stylist! 🎉👗✨

We’re meeting an international style expert and wardrobe curator (that’s a fancy way of saying they’re a clothing magician!). ✨🎩

This fashion superhero knows all about personal styling and making people look like the coolest, most outstanding versions of themselves. 🦸‍♂️😎

They help people dress up so they can feel super confident and ready to take on the world. It’s like having your own fairy godmother, but with even better taste in shoes! 😉👠🌟

Whether it’s picking the perfect shirt or finding shoes that make you want to dance, our style expert is here to help us look and feel our best. 👕👠💃

Let’s dive into the world of fashion fun and get ready to sparkle! 😍✨🎉

Picture provided by Raquel Macias

What is your name, function and the company you work for?  

My name is Raquel Macias, I’m a Style Expert and Wardrobe Curator. I am self employed/ have my own company. I am also currently serving as one of South Coast Plaza’s expert stylists.

How old are you? 


What kind of work do you do or what are you studying to be? 

I am an international style expert, and wardrobe curator who specializes in elevating your image to look, feel and become more successful.

What made you decide to become a Fashion Stylist?

My journey into the world of fashion and personal styling is deeply rooted in a personal battle that lasted seven challenging years.

In the throes of adversity, I found solace in the transformative power of personal style during my health struggles with cancer, anemia, and fibroids. 

The hospital became an unexpected runway where I discovered the strength that comes from expressing oneself through clothing.

It was during those tough times that I realized the impact personal style could have on one's mental and emotional well-being. 

Fashion became my armor, providing a sense of control and normalcy when everything else seemed uncertain.

Style became my shield against external critics and a source of personal empowerment. I want to share that ability, this tool with other women, and men.

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Nicky Hilton said “Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it.”

I agree. Fashion is external, it’s trendy, ephemeral. Style is you, it is a visual representation of who you are, your values, your ambitions… 

So to me, yes, Style is very important in the sense that it is a valuable tool to help you feel more like yourself, more confident, and empowered. And that unleashes all sort of opportunities, and propels you to success.

Picture provided by Raquel Macias

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

I was an accomplished style expert in Portugal, I styled for amazing photographers, worked closely with magazines such as Cosmopolitan, dressed celebrities for TV, and the red carpet.

At age 38 we decided to move to the USA, uprooting our family, and my business. Starting over is hard at any age. But starting over when you’re approaching 40, without knowing anyone where you’re going, is extra challenging.

So I’d say that I have been privileged to have had several highs throughout my career but achieving recognition in this sort of second act of it, has been very rewarding.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I would like to get even more involved in the community and further assist women in difficult life stages. Image is often relegated to last on your list, when you’re struggling but actually that is often the thing that keeps you down, longer.

I would also like to have my own TV show. In conversation with clients and friends, I find that people are tired of “trash” TV, shows that exploit the worst in people, and are designed to put everyone down. I would like my own version of the “Fixer Upper” but for style, and building self esteem :)

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing or jewelry?

The quality is the most important factor. Quality of design, materials, finishes, craftsmanship, etc. Some brands are know for that quality which makes them good allies, as they make the client feel confident in their purchase. That said, I never recommend buying just for the sake of he brand.

Describe your personal style of fashion?

I am casual chic, European meets America type of style. My go to look is jeans paired with an elegant, tailored blazer, high heels, and a leather bag.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Through self discovery, trying different things, and always saying true to what feels right to me. It also helps that I have a PhD in Image Consulting, and so I have not just the talent, and good eye but the actual techniques to know what works, and doest work for each body type, color palette, style, lifestyle… and why.

I’d say my signature style is stylish with ease. No matter the situation you’ll always find me put together, and accessorized! I like to mix textures, colors, and styles. That’s what separates an okay outfit from a great one. 

In what way do you influence other people’s fashion style?

I advise my clients on what to buy, what to wear, what to shop so I’d say I influence them greatly. They trust my know-how, and my judgment and I don’t take responsibility lightly.

Picture provided by Raquel Macias

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

High waist everything, rosette appliqués, 90’s minimalistic.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Super short shorts and mini skirts. I think they’re unflattering, and not something to wear outside a runway unless you’re an artist performing on stage. 

80’s excess. Being from the 80’s I can tell you we’ll look back on these photos with regret in another couple decades, ahah. But the very worst has to be the comeback of the low-rise… it’s a hard NO for me.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Don’t overlook your image. It’s not superfluous or vain to care about your look. People will judge you regardless so use that to your advantage. Learn what works for you, build a personal style that reflects what you want to communicate about yourself, to the world. And look for help. 

A stylist isn’t just for celebrities, and runways. Everyone can and should work with a stylist. It will cut your learning curve, and give you clarity within your wardrobe, and yourself. 

It’s a wise investment in your person and your future. Oh, and have fun getting dressed! If it feels more like a chore that fun, you definitely need help.

Who is your style icon, and why?

In a way, my mother. She always did a lot with very little resources. I always saw her do her nails, put on heels, do her hair. 

The little things that make a huge difference. We always looked groomed, and clean, even when money was short. I knew it was important.

Also Audrey Hepburn, and Coco Chanel for their roles in humanitarian efforts, and changing the world for women, respectively.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

My approach to styling is not just about following trends; it's about understanding your unique personality, lifestyle, and aspirations, and creating a lasting wardrobe that is a reflection of yourself. 

Your wardrobe should be a happy place, and getting dressed in the morning should be fun.

Picture provided by Raquel Macias

Thanks a million, Raquel, for tackling my interview questions. I totally agree on the high waist. It is my absolute favorite! If it had a fan club, I'd be the president! 😍👖👑

By the way, if you ever make that TV show, be sure to let me know. I'd love to watch. 😎

Time is precious, I know, but if you can't resist sneaking in an extra moment of reading, check out these past interviews with fashion stylists! 🕒📖👗

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 11 May 2024

Interview With Makeup Artist Eiyeda

Hi There, makeup lovers! Ever heard of a makeup artist who works wonders with her brushes? And have you seen her latest makeup look? It’s like a masterpiece come to life!

Picture provided by Eiyeda

You know, I’m just a regular makeup lover, trying to paint my face with the finesse of a Picasso and the precision of a surgeon. 🎨🖼️

Alas, more often than not, my makeup adventures end in disaster! I’d stare into the mirror, face resembling more of a paint palette than a masterpiece. 🙃🎭

Oh, the horror! There were days when my under eye line resembled a roller coaster track, and my mascara seemed to have a mind of its own, wandering off to places unknown. 😱🤪🎢

That’s exactly how I feel! I often get lost in my thoughts while writing, too. Wait, did I really just compare myself to mascara? 😂🤔

Also, there have been times I’ve had to summon a cotton swab rescue mission to rectify my makeup mishaps, just like a valiant knight rescuing a damsel in distress! 🛡️👸💄

Hey, aren’t knights supposed to be men? Perhaps I am that damsel in need of a makeup rescue! 🤔🛡️🦸‍♀️

Now then, one day, I stumbled upon the mesmerizing work of a makeup maestro named Eiyeda. 😍🎨✨

Her creations were like spells cast upon the canvas of her face, transforming her into creatures of the night and otherworldly beings. How did she do it without making a mess like I always do? 🌌🧙‍♀️💄

With determination bubbling in my heart (and a trusty pack of cotton swabs at the ready), I reached out to Eiyeda and asked if she’d like to share some secrets on my blog. 🤩💄📝

You know what? She said yes! I was over the moon, feeling like a makeup mishap survivor, finally finding the light at the end of the tunnel!  😄🌙🌈

Now come along, dear readers, on this adventure as we explore the world of makeup magic with Eiyeda. 💄🔮📖

Maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally learn some tips on how to create stunning looks without turning my face into a battlefield of smudges and smears! 😎😍🤞

Picture provided by Eiyeda

What is your name, function, and the company you work for?  

My name is Eiyeda

How old are you?

I am 30 years old

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

I am currently working in a health insurance company, helping people.

What made you decide to become a Makeup Artist?

I started by streaming on Twitch with horror makeup, that wasn't really that great, in homage to my mom who loved horror films. Then I focused solely on Instagram and since then I've been trying to improve my makeup.

Is beauty important to you? Why? 

The only beauty important to me is the beauty of the heart. Physical beauty is not important because the face ages, physical beauty is superficial. The beauty of the soul is the most important because the soul never veils.

Picture provided by Eiyeda

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

Getting up every day. Managing to smile every day is a success for me because a day without smiling is a day wasted. I try to plan my day, invest myself fully in social networks.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I would love to no longer have to get up and work for someone. My dream is to make a living from my passion for makeup and social media. I would like to have more people benefit from my work.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy make-up?

No way. However, I am uncompromising about the quality of the makeup. I am especially looking for cruelty-free brands that are not tested on animals and which are qualitative.

Describe your personal make-up style?

I like to express who I am through my makeup. I never represent a character. As you can see on my Instagram, I always try to create characters inspired by my imagination and bring them to life.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Finding my style was complicated. After a long search, I've finally found my calling. Create characters, bring my imagination to life. I don't really have a signature look. I'm proud of all my creations.

Do you have an influence on other people’s make-up or clothing style?

I don't think I'm famous enough for that, lol, but one day maybe yes, and I'd be honored.

Picture provided by Eiyeda

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

You know, I don't really follow trends. It's not my cup of tea.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Doing what everybody else does.

What kind of beauty advice would you give us?

Do what you like, don't follow others, do what suits you and most importantly, be happy with what you do.

Who is your style icon and why?

My mother is and will remain in my eyes the most beautiful icon. She always had the gift of combining her clothes, her makeup looks, and creating a genuine work of art. 

I loved watching her put on makeup when I was little, and today I am proud to pay tribute to her. I hope she can feel proud of me because of that.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Never give up on your dreams, even if it's hard, even if life brings you to your knees. Believe in yourself and you will get there.

Picture provided by Eiyeda

Thank you immensely, Eiyeda, for agreeing on my interview. I find your makeup looks incredibly impressive. 🤗😍👏

Hey, if you're not ready to pause your reading journey just yet, why not take a peek into the delightful conversations I shared with some fellow makeup artists earlier? If you're craving more captivating makeup stories, they're eagerly waiting for you to join. Dive right in! 📚✨

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 4 May 2024

How to Master Style Versatility - Sol Sister Sport - Skirted Leggings and Womens Skorts

Hi There, my fashionable readers! Have you ever considered rocking bike shorts in a more stylish way? Are you familiar with skirted leggings or womens skorts?

Picture by Seadbeady

You know those days when it’s super warm outside, and you wanna ride your bike, but then you’re like, “Hmm, should I wear leggings or a skirt?” 🌞🚲👗

For all I know you might be like, “Who cares what people think? I just wanna have fun!” Well, guess what? I get it! 🤷‍♀️🎉😄

Now, don’t doubt it. I possess a bit of common sense. 🤔🧐

This not so spring chicken still has some semblance of wisdom within herself. Come to think of it, not just a little. 🐔📚👵

Ah yes, I understand you always want to look your best, no matter what. Ok, a skirt is way more fashionable, right? 👗💋

Ooh, but then, there’s that feeling when you see someone riding their bike in a skirt and you’re like, “Whoa, hold on! Put some pants on before you fly away!”? Yeah, we’ve all been there. 🙈👖🤣

Funny thing is, I never had that problem growing up because my dad thought bikes were way too dangerous, so we never got one. Still, fear not, because I’ve got an exceptional solution for you! 🛴🤔

Imagine riding your bike with all the wind blowing in your hair, feeling like a superhero. Now wait, there’s a twist! 😎🚴‍♀️💨

Stay tuned to find out more about how to get a 15% discount at Sol Sister Sport, who sent me these fashionable womens skorts, and skirted leggings for my opinion.  🚴‍♀️✨👗

Picture by Seadbeady


Sol Sister Sport was designed with women in mind who desire to bask in the sun without compromising on style. The timeless, cozy, and practical Sol Sister Sport Skort empowers you to seamlessly transition from work to play or vice versa, depending on your dynamic lifestyle. Team it up with a workout top, then switch to a cute t-shirt or vice versa.

In the Sol Sister Sport Skort, you'll always exude confidence, thanks to its flattering lines and the ingenious 2-in-1 legging design. Moreover, the Sol Sister Sport Skort offers ample cover-up, ensuring worry-free outdoor activities in every season by shielding you from the sun's rays.

From the tennis court to the golf course, from biking to gardening, from yoga to pilates, the versatile Sol Sister Sport Skort accompanies you everywhere. With the Sol Sister Sport line, the possibilities for enjoying this athletic apparel are boundless.

So, indulge in some fun. Infuse your wardrobe with a SMILE and grace your workout style with elegance. We eagerly anticipate seeing you soon!

Picture by Seadbeady


At Sol Sister, we adamantly reject the societal constraints imposed on women, particularly those of a certain age. We firmly believe that regardless of age, women deserve to exude youthfulness and vitality both on and off the metaphorical stage of life.

The concept of "enclothed cognition" suggests that our clothing directly influences our thoughts and actions. We aim to revolutionize this idea so that every woman, regardless of age, can feel as radiant externally as they are internally.

As two women who have grappled with finding athletic wear that aligns with our identities, we are dedicated to crafting apparel that seamlessly blends refined elegance with contemporary flair. Our goal is to empower ourselves and every woman to feel self-assured, invigorated, and effortlessly graceful.

We are confident that when you slip into a pair of our 2-in-1 skirted leggings, you won't just feel motivated—you'll be eager to tackle the day head-on.

Join the Sol Sister movement—embrace your age, celebrate your beauty, and boldly challenge the norms with style, poise, and unwavering confidence.

Picture by Seadbeady

Womens Skorts - Bike and Skater - Short and Sassy!

A sporty and cozy bike-short combination, featuring a shorter attached skirt for a day filled with enjoyment and comfort. The pockets serve as a bonus for storing your essentials like phone, keys, and credit cards. The skirt measures 12 inches in length, while the inseam on the leggings is 9 inches for medium size, with a variation of approximately 1 inch for other sizes. Crafted from 75% Polyester and 25% Spandex, these shorts lack additional bike padding.

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the Womens Skorts - Bike and Skater

Okay, brace yourselves for a bit of truth-telling. I’m about as graceful on a bike as a giraffe on roller skates. 🦒⛸️

As I told you, growing up, bikes were like mythical creatures in our household. You heard about them, but you never actually saw one. 🚲🐲🏠

Fast forward to today, and here I am, attempting to ride a bike gracefully. 😅😬

Still, fear not, because I’ve got a secret weapon up my sleeve, or should I say, around my waist? Enter Sol Sister Sport's womens skorts for biking or skating. 💪🩳

Now, let me tell you, these skorts are like the magic carpet of biking attire. They’re comfy, they’re stylish, and they make me feel like I can conquer the world – or at least the bike path.  😌🌎🚴

Well, if you happen to catch a glimpse of me wobbling down the street with a mix of terror and determination on my face, just know that it’s all thanks to these skorts. 😳😬

All because when you look good, you feel good – even if you’re one wrong move away from a spectacular crash. 😎💥

Picture by Seadbeady

Capris Skirted Leggings With Pockets

Introducing our timeless Capris length 2-1 Skirted Leggings, designed to seamlessly transition from the court to everyday life with style and comfort.

Crafted from luxuriously soft, yet durable fabric, these 2-1's offer both functionality and flattery. With their compressive nature, they provide all-day comfort, ensuring you feel confident no matter what life throws your way.

Featuring our signature shaping waistband, these leggings offer a slimming fit that enhances your silhouette. Plus, our 2 Sly Side pockets are deep enough to hold all your essentials, from your phone and keys to tennis balls and more.

Available in a range of beautiful and timeless colors, these customer favorites are sure to become your new go-to for adding a touch of fun to your sunny days.

Skirt Length: 13.5 inches
Legging Inseam: 18 inches (for all sizes)
Material Composition: 79% Polyester, 21% Spandex

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the Capris Skirted Leggings With Pockets

These just might become my next big fashion crush. I mean, think about it. 🤔👗

They offer the best of both worlds: the comfort of leggings and the flair of a skirt. It's like finding the perfect balance between practicality and style. 💼💃

Trust me, I've tried it all. From the sturdy jeans of my youth to the stretchy embrace of leggings, and even the sleek silhouette of jeggings, I thought I'd seen it all. Now, these skirted leggings? They're a whole new ball game. 🎉👖👗

I can't help but imagine all the outfit possibilities they open up. From casual weekends to more dressed-up occasions, these cool leggings seem like the ultimate wardrobe multitaskers. 😮💭👗

But let's be real, diving into a new fashion trend is always a bit of an adventure. Will they live up to the hype? Will they become my new go-to piece? 🤔🤞

Only time will tell, but I have a feeling these skirted leggings and I are about to embark on a stylish journey together. ✨👖💃

Oh, I nearly overlooked mentioning something quite significant. The delivery was swift, and it arrived in a recyclable bag, a detail I consider highly important. ⚡🌱

High time to tell you a 15% discount awaits you when using the code: SOLCOOL. 💰🎉

If you're still uncertain about whether these stylish skirted leggings or womens skorts would suit you, take a look at this blog post of theirs  😉📝

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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