Wednesday 25 November 2020

What to do to keep sane with a chronic illnes - Begin Within Today

Hi There..... Are you going insane from all this Corona madness? Or are you trying to keep sane?

You know, I was trying to keep sane long before all hell broke loose. That’s because I am different. No, just kidding, I am not that different from everybody else. The only difference between most of you and me is maybe my chronic illness. 😊

Some have a hard time understanding why I can’t go to work, but blogging isn’t an issue. It’s not just the pain I cope with daily, but also concentration problems because of the pain from my chronic health conditions. 😔

I can’t make my blog posts working a few hours in a row. Let me rephrase that, I can't do anything for a few hours in a row period. I have to break everything up into short time spans. 😞

Some days I am more productive than others, depending on how well I slept and how severe the pain is. Being able to write though gives me the feeling I can still accomplish things. Like I am still worth something and my chronic illness doesn't make me into a total wreck. 😃

If you would like to know more about my chronic illness you could start by reading this blog post. Don't forget to come back after. 😁

That reminds me of how mean I was when I was a teenager, but I wasn’t alone. Our grandmother was always whining about the many things wrong with her. Lucky people without a back, that’s what she always said. She would always complain about the pain in her back. And now I have the same problem as she did. The difference was that she loved to talk about it. If you named a certain disease, you could bet your bottom dollar she had been ill from it too. 😏

I realize now that it isn’t nice but me and both my sisters would laugh at her behind her back. We cooked up a plan to trick her. On our next visit, we were going to tell her a story about a friend that had been ill. Nothing mischievous about that, except that we invented the disease this so-called friend was suffering from. We were giggling in advance already. 😁

I don’t recall which of us 3 told her the story, but what I can tell you is that our trick worked. We had a hard time trying to keep a serious face. Yes, we did still have some decency not to laugh at her right in her face. Must be because she pampered all her grandkids. I have a lot of fond childhood memories about her too. 😍

That is one reason I rarely talk about my chronic illness to my loved ones. I know they would listen without a doubt, but I just don’t want to bore them. There is always this voice in the back of my head ‘not too much, don’t nag’. Oh my, I just told you I hear voices. 🙉

Just skip this paragraph. Pretend I didn't write it. 😱

Maybe it's best to change the subject and tell you about this wonderful daily healing journal I received from Begin Within Today in return for my honest opinion.

This is what her website says about this journal.

Begin Within Today is about Therapy, Life Coaching and Resources meet you, and or your loved one(s) exactly where you or they are, which is in perfect and divine timing. 

As an organization, they are rooted in a foundation of respect, sensitivity, compassion, and understanding, using a holistic approach. 

They believe healing begins from within, focused on the abundant strengths and resources you already have. 
They hope their journals and services empower and support you to find confidence, freedom, balance, joy, peace, independence, and clarity from within.

That sounds like a great place to start 'from within'. 😊

The woman behind this journal, Patricia (Christina) Kantzavelos, specializes in chronic health conditions and trauma, which she understands first hand. 

Chronic medical conditions (i.e. diabetes, dysautonomia, EDS, Lyme disease, Hashimoto’s, mast cell activation syndrome, vasculitis, sickle cell disease, mold illness, etc.) often come with significant challenges, like fear, anxiety, medical PTDS, and may interfere with relationships and daily function. 

She uses various holistic evidence-based treatment modalities and practice-based evidence, contingent on each person’s needs and goals, with an added focus on mindfulness techniques, positive psychology, and strengths-based therapy.

picture by John Hain on Pixabay

I have just started working with this journal, but it looks like a handy tool for anyone with chronic illness. It makes you pay attention to every detail of your day, and it could provide great insight. 

It helps you find the link between what you ate or did, the medication you took, your vitals, and the effect it has on you. The journal lets you write how you feel, your frustrations, successes, and where you think you failed. There even is a small space on what you like about your body. I am all in for body-positivity.

It's a great way to make you feel better about yourself. And that is so important because you really don't want to get depressed. I have been there, and it's not where you want to end up, believe me. 

This journal doesn't only look wonderful, but it’s ECO-FRIENDLY, and last but not least a portion of this journal's sales gets donated to an organization that promotes advocacy, research, and resources to/for the chronic illness community.

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Want to be on my blog next time ??  Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at😊

Saturday 21 November 2020

How to Practice micro needling at Home - Banish 2.0

Hi There..... Do you have severe skin conditions like Acne? Do you have wrinkles, maybe? Do you want to learn how to practice micro needling at home?

I may not have skin conditions like acne anymore, but I have to admit that I have a few wrinkles. Many people have said I look young for my age. Ah, maybe they are just trying to make me feel good but who cares, let them. 😁

I wouldn't mind looking younger though. The question is, what is the best way to do that without the use of plastic surgery. Nah, I don't want to end up botched like some, and it is also far too expensive for me. 😄

That reminds me of a story my mom once told me. It was about a time when she and my dad must have been in their 40s. They were walking down the street and a friend of hers came up to her she hadn't seen for a while. 

Oh my, she said, is that your son? That must have been really embarrassing because my dad was about 5 years older than my mom. But he had shaved his beard and mustache of that day. Can you understand why she never allowed him to do that anymore? 😂

I know, I know, you are supposed to own your age and own your wrinkles. Since they are already mine, I own them already, so what is the point of that expression? People say they tell the story about your life, but I'd rather tell my own life stories. 😋

Can you imagine how excited I was when they asked if they could send me the Banish 2.0 kit to practice micro needling at home, in return for my honest opinion? 😃

First, you might want to know what their website says about this tool?

The Banisher is a micro needling tool that works the natural way to fade the appearance of acne scars. It uses tiny (0.5 mm) Titanium bristles to gently penetrate the skin. These bristles create micro-channels unseeable to the human eye, allowing for better product absorption and faster scar healing power. With each use, the Banisher will stimulate collagen production, over time creating new skin tissue and filling in older scars.

Foremost, the Banish Kit contains vegan and cruelty-free ingredients safe to use in treating skin conditions such as acne scars and hyperpigmentation or even fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, and body scars.

Picture by Sharon McCutcheon on Pixabay 

The Banish Kit works on older scars and is safe for those with darker skin tones. It can help with issues like uneven skin tone or texture, smoothing the appearance of fine lines, rejuvenating the skin, and boosting product effectiveness.

Using the Banish Kit is very simple, time-efficient, and effective in fading the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation. The Banisher derma roller and the Banish Oil help in improving or maintaining radiant and healthy skin, and they can be a significant addition to your skincare routine.

It may seem overwhelming, but using the Banish Kit is super easy! Just follow these steps:

· Sanitize
Before you do anything, make sure you sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. Place the Banisher in the cleaning container or cap and allow it to soak in rubbing alcohol for 5 minutes. Then let it air dry for 2 minutes.  You want to use any rubbing or isopropyl alcohol concentrated at 70%.

Alternatives: If you cannot get rubbing alcohol, a couple of alternatives is to use a denture tablet in water, and follow the instructions of the box.  You can also place the Banisher head in boiling water for 5 minutes, be careful to let it cool fully before use. 

·   Cleanse Skin
While the Banisher is getting sanitized, make sure your face is completely clean! Remove all makeup, cleanse, and rinse. You may even want to put some isopropyl alcohol or witch hazel, which is more skin-friendly on a cotton pad to wipe the surface of the skin. You’ll want a completely bare face when using the Banisher so you aren’t spreading around any bacteria or germs.

Press the Banisher 4-5 times in each area. 
Lift and rotate the Banisher about 90 degrees each time before you press down, don't twist the Banisher while pressed onto the skin
Apply a few drops of the Banish Oil, or Vitamin C Creme right after.
* Use once every 2 weeks.

* Stamp around any active breakouts instead of over it.

Apply Banish Oil
Once you are completely finished using the Banisher, apply 2 to 3 drops of the Banish Oil to the skin with clean hands. A little bit goes a long way! Use it daily or every other day for the best results. You will feel a slight tingly sensation, reminiscent of sunburn. Again, it’s completely normal, especially since Vitamin C is slightly acidic.  After a few minutes, this feeling will go away. Redness in the skin should subside after a few hours. 

Don't apply makeup or cosmetics until at least 8 hours after, or the next morning. 

You’ve just applied bristles all over your skin and you’ll need to re-sanitize your Banisher. Over time, dead skin cells can collect within the bristles and they become dull with repeated use. 

For this reason, we recommend replacing the Banisher 2.0  after 8-10 uses. 

Repeat the steps of sanitizing the Banisher. Make sure to let it air dry before storing it. 

Don’ts for the Banisher :
          - Do not share with another person
          - Do not use over irritated, damaged skin, and active breakouts.
          - Do not use a Banisher with a bent bristle
          - Don’t over stamp, there’s no need to cause unnecessary trauma to the skin
          - Don’t use Banisher over a skin that hasn’t been washed & don’t use the Banisher without cleaning it with alcohol first.
          - Don’t use Banisher if on tretinoin/Accutane.
          - Don’t go out directly in the sun after a few days of using the Banisher & don’t wear makeup until the next morning or at least 8 hours afterward.
          - Don’t recommend using skincare products with ingredients that may cause irritation. 
Examples include acids like beta or alpha hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide cream, and retinoids. Best to use something with natural ingredients because you don’t want harmful chemicals to go deeper into your skin.
Recommended to use masks before using the Banisher.
Do not use Banish products together with other brands to avoid irritation or other skin issues.
Wear sunscreen while using these products since the sun can trigger more hyperpigmentation which can darken spots. The skin may be more sensitive to the sun from using masks that contain AHA's and while using the Banisher.

Our Banishers and other products are safe to use on almost all scars and areas of the body EXCEPT for:
- eyes
- if you have keloid scars
- if you have skin conditions such as rosacea, melasma, dermatitis, eczema it would be best to consult your doctor or dermatologist first 
- if you are taking a prescription medication
- if you are using Accutane 

You may watch this video for reference:

And while you are at it, you really have to read this article on WHAT IS MICRONEEDLING? THE SCIENCE BEHIND IT:

There are so many videos on YouTube about this device, it's incredible how many positive references there are about it.

Aha, of course, you now are curious to know what my experience was. Before starting, I cleaned my face with the African Black Soap I received a few months ago. 

The device feels nice in the hand and is so easy to use.  It doesn't hurt as much as I feared, just a little prickly. My face was red and tender afterward, but that's normal and it goes away after about an hour. 

After using the Banisher, it felt as if I was still pricking myself, but that sensation only lasted a few minutes. As suggested, I put on the Banish oil afterward, and that felt nice and soft. 😊

My face also felt nice and soft in the morning, even though I didn't use my night cream that evening. The Banish 2.0 only came in the mail a few days ago, so it's way too soon to say if it really makes a difference, but I plan on following up in a few months' time. 😍

Hope you like my blog post. Till next time. Have a great day.    Renata (Seadbeady) 

Want to be on my blog next time?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Holiday Gift Guide - 18 Fashionable women gifts - maximum $50

Hi There..... Are you in for another Holiday gift guide? How about some fashionable women gifts this time?

I certainly hope you say yes. Otherwise, I am writing all this content for nobody. Or maybe not, because at this point I have merely written a few lines. 

Maybe I should stop and return when you give me my way and say yes. I could get used to having people give me my way, but who wouldn’t. 😄

The question remains, however, if you actually gave me my way and said yes to this Holiday gift guide of mine? 

I suppose I will have to take my chances and just write the remaining part of my blog post. Just let me know if you said yes, so I don't have to lie awake at night. 😁

Maybe a brief story first to get me going then. Oh, I just love telling you my stories. I'm uncertain if you love them too, but you will just have to cope with them, as I am telling them, anyway. 😂

As a High School student, I really wanted others to see me as a fashionable woman. That wasn’t a simple task because I didn’t get a lot of pocket money. Yes, my mom and dad bought me clothes, of course, but they were relatively cheap. We were a house of 5, so I wasn’t the only one that needed clothes. 😊

That’s why I thought of this genius idea to wear a sweater with a Vneck backward. Back then it was fashionable to have a sweater with a double Vneck. Safe to say that I was the laughingstock of the auditorium that day. 😭

I still remember that moment as if it was yesterday. Our chemistry teacher called me in front of the auditorium that day. Everyone knew he had a soft spot for schoolgirls. All he wanted to do was get a better look at me. Oh my, I was so embarrassed that I left school at noon and remained home for the rest of that day. 😭

No worries, I am totally over it now. It's more than time to show you some incredible women gifts. 😉

Christmas matching couples shirts $22.45

Bemine is a brand by a young married couple and they make matching clothes for couples (underwear, T-shirts, and swimwear). Each of our pieces represents love, joy, and the fact that we belong to each other. They produce every piece from design, cutting to the finished product in Europe.

For everyone who:
Loves happy designs
Loves cuts that fit perfectly
Loves sustainable product made in Europe
Loves cotton (95% cotton and 5% Spandex)
Just LOVE your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or hubby or just want to make yourself happy

Kantha Scarf Tones Warm, India $29.99

Fairtrade, defined simply, is when producers in developing countries get paid a fair price for their work, by companies in developed countries (like the U.S.). At Trade Roots, they love supporting so many talented craftspeople recycling aluminum cans, textiles, and telephone wire to make beautiful and original jewelry, scarves, bags, housewares, and home decor, children's toys, clothing, books, and more. 
Similarly, small-scale coffee growers produce beans that showcase the rich, one-of-a-kind flavors and notes from their particular farm. In all of these cases, their work reflects their cultural identity and is often so different from what we find here. 
Please consider shopping fair trade this upcoming holiday season - by shopping ethically and sustainably, you make a real difference supporting small business owners around the world.  
On behalf of the thousands of artists from Africa to South America, from Asia to Denver, CO who have products at our store, thank you!   

This beautiful two-layer cotton sari scarf features two coordinating fabrics, joined in the center by traditional Kantha stitching and accented with tassel accent ends. Colors and patterns vary widely, so each scarf is unique. 

Black East Side Lunch Bag $35.00

Fit + Fresh designs and manufactures fashionable lunch bags!  They are in Walmart/Target nationwide and on Amazon.  Their bags are perfect for teachers, nurses, kids, neighbors, parents, etc. 

Keep it classy with this buttoned-up lunch bag featuring a zip closure and spacious, insulated interior. There's an expandable side pocket for the included stainless steel bottle and four containers to keep food organized. 

Includes sandwich and snack container with lids that are BPA-free and dishwasher-safe
Measures 11” x 5.5” x 9”
Wide opening for easy cleaning
Top-zip closure to keep contents secure
Vegan leather carry handles
Easy to wipe clean PEVA liner
Insulated to keep your lunch hot or cold
Comes in Black and Navy


Or on Amazon -

Wind Passion makes versatile gifts for your friend, spouse, colleague, relative, parent, sibling, etc. Unique marine style handmade accessories. Bracelets, anklets, key chains made from yachting ropes are in minimalistic and attractive design and will suit any lifestyle and any style because of its clean design.

HANDMADE WITH PASSION – their nautical rope bracelets are carefully handcrafted in Europe, having a passion for the wind in mind;

UNISEX – braided rope bracelet is perfect for both men and women who live an active lifestyle or simply love handcrafts;

TOP QUALITY PRODUCTS – they use a sturdy marine rope for their waterproof bracelets so they could withstand both daily and extreme wear and tear;

QUALITY CONTROL – each of the sailing bracelet passes a strict quality inspection process;

UNIQUE DESIGN – a combination of simplicity and lifestyle fashion, with a patent-pending thimble that distinguishes them and you from other brands

Faux Fur Trapper Hat in White $48.00

Area Stars was founded as a sustainable brand to empower women of all backgrounds, styles, and shapes to feel like a STAR in their own AREA! The design team behind Area Stars takes its inspirations from travels around the globe and interpreting modern and traditional elements into handmade jewelry, handbags, accessories, and ready to wear. The brand works with the most sought-after artisans and factories to ensure that each piece embodies a sense of personal luxury. Area Stars is available at and carefully selected luxury retailers such as Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Rent the Runway, Anthropologie, and the finest boutiques worldwide.

Their faux fur accessories are handmade with the softest synthetic furs. This faux fur hat is the perfect way to warm up the winter blues.

White faux fur made from 100% polyester
Front clip closure at chin
13" Length, 7" Diameter

Star studs $45.00

Charmed by a Cause - Ethically crafted fine jewelry, made in NYC. Woman-owned business. 

With a love of great design, supporting important causes, and fairness in the marketplace, Charmed By a Cause was created to bring these three things together. Our jewelry is designed for the altruistic who are mindful of what they buy and how and where it is crafted. “Made in NYC” means that we know the people we work with and that you can feel good about wearing our jewelry.

Star Studs in Recycled Sterling Silver, 14K Yellow, White, or Rose Gold.

The Star Studs are crafted from Recycled Sterling Silver, 14K Yellow, White, or Rose Gold. The Studs measure 5mm.

Please note 20% of the purchase price goes to the charity of the purchaser's choice. 

"Today's Forecast - Mostly Magical" Unisex Hoodie $40.00 

The Miracles Store is an inspirational apparel & housewares brand that donates 10% of profits to help women & children rise from domestic violence. 

Most of their products are designed specifically with women in mind. 

"Miracles Come In Moments. Be Ready And Willing"

Imagine wearing one of these inspiring hoodies and seeing people around you smile more...

Then you see that you're also smiling more!

Together, we are changing the world one person, one moment, one hoodie at a time.

Add one of these comfy "Today's Forecast - Mostly Magical With A Chance Of Miracles" hoodies to your shopping bag today.

Soft Like Cotton, Strong Like Polyester

Materials: 50/50 Cotton/Poly Blend This 50/50 blended hoodie stays wrinkle-free so you can grab it on the go, and stay comfortable all day long. With the breathability of cotton and the long-lasting durability of polyester, say hello to your new favorite hoodie.

Clay Bead Bracelet $20.00

Shop Hope Global's mission is to help provide dignified employment for Haitian artisans by promoting a line of ethical fashion products.

Handmade Haitian clay beads and brass, hand strung in Haiti. These clay beads are hand-rolled, making each one unique and a small piece of art. 

The clay is dug by hand from natural deposits in Haiti’s central plateau. The raw clay is then broken into a fine powder and the impurities are sifted out. The powdered clay is mixed with water and then dried to remove excess moisture. 

Skilled artisans roll these clay beads in a variety of sizes and shapes, then each piece is hand-painted with glaze. The finished pieces are fired in a kiln which transforms the raw clay into permanent ceramic, and the raw glazes to brightly colored glass. Each piece is unique and one of a kind.

Out of Africa Bag 3 $10.99

Envirosax Designer Reusable Bags - Perfect Gift for the Eco-Warrior
Since 2004, Envirosax designer reusable bags have become synonymous with quality and style. Printed with eco-friendly dyes and using sustainable production methods, Envirosax was one of the first reusable bag brands to bring about the idea of sustainability + style. In 2008, when a journalist coined the phrase "Going Green," Envirosax propelled into the limelight with fashionistas such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Justin Timberlake, Malia Obama, to name a few, toting the bags around town.
A perfect reusable grocery bag, Envirosax also has so many uses, from gym bags, beach bags, and even overnight bags! And what's great is that the wide variety of gorgeous prints ensure there's a design to suit everyone!  
Envirosax are available as singles (perfect stocking fillers!) or as a Pouch (set of 5 complementary designs), so fashionistas have one for each day of the week!

Do you ever get to the store and realize you have forgotten your bags? Or maybe you have a bit of "eco-envy" as you see fellow shoppers walk plastic-free out of the store, with a trendy eco bag.

The Envirosax Out of Africa bag can fix these problems in an instant! As well as being super strong and very stylish, these bags are printed with eco-friendly inks making them super environmentally friendly! And any issues you had with forgetting your bags? Well, not with these little beauties! These fabulous bags roll up to the size of a sushi roll - you can pop one in your handbag or backpack so you are ready to shop plastic-free at a moment's notice!

Super-strong has been load tested to hold more than 44lbs! Made from lightweight strong polyester these eco-bags are built to carry heavy loads. Water-resistant - with reinforced seams.
Folds up really small to a 2" little packet - weighing in at just 1.4oz. Each Open bag measures 19.5 x 16.5 inches. Easy to fold up and carry in your purse, handbag or school bag
In a variety of awesome designs, these eco-chic bags are printed using eco-friendly lead-free non-toxic printing methods and will not fade! Machine washable and made to last and last. Recommend mild detergent and hang to dry.
The perfect multi-use bag - from a grocery shopper, travel bag, beach bag, or even just an everyday tote.


No.49 Handmade Leather Women Wallet

Deep and rich purple color with some violet tones. Semi-matte finish.

Slim design with an interior pocket large enough to fit an iPhone

20.2 cm x 20 cm (7.95" x 7.87") When opened
9.8 cm x 20 cm (3.85" x 7.87") When closed

100% vegetable tanned cow leather
Hand-stitched using waxed polyamide thread
The edges are beveled, waxed, and burnished for a finished look

Show off the perfect accessory for your handbag with this genuine handmade full grain leather women's wallet. With a slim design, it's easy to fit into small handbags or carry around. There are 8 card slots that hold multiple cards in each pocket and 2 interior pockets that can be used for cash money, a checkbook, receipts, or other things. You'll look and feel stylish and sassy next time you go to pay the bill. The option to personalize with initials is available. If you get any stains on your wallet, we've created instructions for how to remove ink from a leather purse.

Crossbody iPhone Case - Rose (Pink) $34.95

Ever lost or dropped your phone? Never again!

Just place your iPhone into the sleek pink crossbody phone case, pull the strap ends to adjust the size, and start wearing your phone crossbody or as a necklace.

Made for those who love to combine style with functionality.  

🌲One Keebos purchased = One Tree Planted🌲

Product Details About Keebos
Size: Keebos comes with an easily adjustable cord. You can choose the perfect size based on how you’d like to style it: classic crossbody or as an edgy necklace!

Cord/ Rope: The premium cord is made with a strong, reinforced core so you never have to worry about it tearing apart. The smooth, luxurious feel of the plush fibers is comfortable even on sensitive skin. The cord is connected to two strong connector rings that keep your phone safe at all times. 

Card Pocket/ Wallet: On those days when you really need only your phone, a credit card, and an ID, use the convenient card pocket on the Keebos’ rear side. The pocket is sealable and oriented sideways, so your cards are safe and secure. 

Finger Grip Loop: On the Keebos cardholder, you’ll also find an elastic strap carefully crafted to help you grip your smartphone. This is especially useful for bigger phones, which are tricky to hold in one hand when taking photos or typing.

Durable Case: Keebos’ 4-corner bumper protection absorbs shocks and impacts to your phone. The case even features a unique, 3mm raised lip to protect your front screen and camera. 

Tigress Sports Bra $39,58

BeReal Wear believes our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the stories, labels, and judgments that we have placed upon ourselves. It is who we naturally are without the masks and pretentiousness.

​They say their Activewear is for everyone who wants to be unique and be real. Because they truly believe everyone is exceptional and unique in their own way and the clothing brand represents that.

This ultimate sports bra will support your every move without compromising on barely-there comfort. This sports bra is made from the most luxurious, buttery soft, stretch fabric. Ideal for gym, yoga, or pilates and to be paired perfectly with their Power leggings for the softest and most unrestrictive active set you will ever own.

Buttery-soft naked touch feel, Lightweight, soft and breathable, Sweat-wicking to keep you dry.

86% Polyester and 14% Spandex

Perfect for yoga, pilates, cardio, and gym training.
Model wears a size S
Colour: Royal Blue 

with promo code Renata10, you will receive a 10% discount.

Inspire in Time Camera Neck Strap $29.97

THE ULTIMATE CAMERA NECK STRAP: If you are looking for an elegant yet durable neck strap for your beloved camera, then we got you covered. They have designed the most durable in time yet sleek and stylish neck camera strap that will satisfy even the most demanding photo shooting needs! Its design makes this camera strap ideal for both men and women of all ages.
100% GENUINE LEATHER DESIGN: Forget all those cheaply made almost plastic camera straps and invest on this truly authentic leather camera strap. It is made from durable leather that allows this shoulder strap to be extremely resilient and ready for some heavy-duty use. It's 100% fine construction along with the strong leather will make this your favorite camera neck strap for the many years to come.
EXQUISITE DESIGN FOR THE DEMANDING PHOTOGRAPHER: Do not compromise with anything less than perfection when it comes to your camera accessories. Invest on this well-crafted comfortable stylish camera strap, add the vintage looking style of this strap to your daily shooting.
ERGONOMIC DESIGN NECK CAMERA STRAP: Inspire In Time has meticulously designed this camera hand strap to be extremely convenient and have an ergonomic design so as to facilitate its use to the fullest. Easy to install you won’t have to break a sweat unlike other camera straps. It has universal interfaces which are compatible with all kinds of film and digital cameras, and also adjustable buckles to regulate the length of the strap according to your needs!
GREAT COMPATIBILITY DIGITAL CAMERA STRAP: This cool digital camera strap is ideal for personal and professional use as well. No more tired shoulders and neck discomfort thanks to its wide and padded neck strap. It is suitable with all kinds of cameras and brands like Nikon, Canon, Sony, Leica, Olympus, Minolta, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Pentax and so many more! It extends from 42 In to 45 In.


Beach’d makes sustainable accessories from natural materials. They work closely with fair trade factories to create ethically produced designs blended with sustainably handcrafted details. The products are made responsibly using globally sourced materials inspired by the New England coast and of course, the BEACH! 
After years of designing for the corporate fast-fashion industry, Jessica Maxcy has launched her small line of handmade bags, jewelry, home goods, and hats. Everything is packed and shipped from her home in New Hampshire. 

Inspired by sailing ropes and hardware, hook this on and wear it all summer long. Dress it up, down, or wherever the wind takes you. 14k gold plated brass mixed with white handmade rope. We think it's great for stacking- just saying'

Small- measures 15.5cm from end to end (6 1/8") This size is for a very tiny wrist, please make sure to double-check.

Medium- measures 17.5cm from end to end (6 7/8") This size is most common! If you are unsure go with medium.

Large- measures 19cm from end to end (7 3/8") This size is a bit larger than medium if you have a wider wrist or want your bracelets loose. 

Measure around your wrist, at the point where you like to wear your bracelets. If you are stacking them, measure a little below your wrist bone.

Black Walnut Bracelet - 1 Tree Mission® $19.99

1 Tree Mission® ( is dedicated to planting trees throughout local U.S.communities and forests, sub-Sahara Africa, Australia, Borneo, and the Amazon rainforest. The effort is funded by sales of distinct, semi-precious stone bead bracelets, each one made by hand using both recycled cord and packaging.  The design of each of the ten styles is inspired by a different tree.  Every bracelet purchased enables a new tree to be planted!  1 Bracelet = 1 Tree Planted!  They carry a retail price of $19.99 each.
They’ve committed to planting 125,000 trees in year one and many more in the years beyond that.  Planting trees helps to combat Global Warming, cleanse our air/water and preserve wildlife habitats. What better gift bag item than one that looks great on a woman’s wrist and helps improve the earth for future generations?

Free gift bag included with the purchase of each bracelet. $5 value. Thank you for helping us reforest our earth.  1 Tree will be planted for each bracelet purchase.

This bracelet represents The Black Walnut Tree, which can grow to over 125 ft tall. The bark, roots, leaves, and nuts all have medicinal properties, and its wood is treasured for its hardness and beautiful grain.

Your Bracelet is made with these Semi-Precious Stone Beads: 

Black Lava - Recycle - Rare Earth Element

Turquoise Agate – Sky – Positive Thinking

Blue Sodalite – Ocean – Emotional Balance

Emperor Jasper – Tree – Ecological Awareness

Join the 1 Tree Mission® today and wear your 1 Tree Mission® Bracelet proudly!  Together we can all make a difference, 1 Tree at a time.


Handmade by Friendship Bridge is an NGO that supports women artisan entrepreneurs in Guatemala by providing education, learning experiences, and economic support for them and their children. They function as an online store that serves as a platform for them to sell their artisan products, often for the first time, retail and wholesale. They create gift cards, souvenirs, accessories for women and men of all ages such as scarves, shawls, handbags and travel bags, necklaces, bracelets, purses, cosmetics, kitchen accessories, centerpieces, wine holders, baskets, etc. handmade with typical fabrics that can be very useful.

One of the most beautiful ikat scarves! 
Handmade in San Juan La Laguna by Elena Ixtamer
Materials: 100% rayon
Measurements: 75”L x 10” W

Cable Knit Headband $49.00

Thistle Farms is a nonprofit social enterprise dedicated to helping women survivors recover and heal from prostitution, trafficking, and addiction. They do this by providing a safe place to live, a meaningful job, and a lifelong sisterhood of support.

Handspun Hope envisions Africa's most vulnerable people transformed into healthy, prosperous, and collaborative communities of social change. They pursue this by reaching out to the most vulnerable people in Rwanda and creating environments where they are empowered to live out their full potential at work, home, and in their spiritual lives.

Handwoven in northern Rwanda to bring economic freedom to women through empowerment, sustainability, creativity, and collaboration.

The lined, stretchable Cable Knit Headband is made from ultra-luxe yarn to keep your ears toasty. 


ABLE is an ethical fashion brand that employs and empowers women as a solution to end poverty. They are deeply devoted to quality – both in the products they make and the quality of life they aim to provide. They invest in, train, and educate women so they can earn a living, break the cycle of poverty, and thrive.

The vision of ABLE is to make a new kind of fashion statement as a responsible consumer. The ABLE mission is to create a sustainable business so that the people are not dependent on charity but a vital part of a developing economy. When you buy an ABLE product, you are ABLE to provide opportunities, and the women who make our products are ABLE to have a new choice

Elegant, sophisticated, and just enough. The Luxe Citadel Necklace polishes off any look.

16-19" 1.1mm gold-filled chain
5x26mm tag with Luxe texture

That's all folks share as much as you want.

Don't forget to take a look at my previous Holiday gift guide for beauty lovers -

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Want to be on my blog next time??  Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at 😊

Saturday 14 November 2020

Holiday Gift Guide - 23 Women Gifts for the Beauty Lover - maximum $50.00

Hi There..... Are you in for a Holiday Gift Guide? How about some women gifts for the Beauty lover?

I know it still is pretty soon to buy your gifts maybe, but it's never too soon to give you inspiration on women gifts.

Pretty soon we will be in December, and with all this Corona craziness around us, it might be better to order your gifts on time. For all we know, this may not be over by the end of this year and we might not be in the possibility to go gift hunting as usual. 

That's why I made a Holiday gift guide already, so you will have more than enough time to order what you need.

I remember last year when I ordered a gift for my granddaughter and the package was delayed because so many people ordered at the same time. That was so stressful, and if you know me, you might know that I don't get stressed easily. 

I kept thinking, would I have to run to the store to go get something else or would my present still arrive in time. I was so relieved that they brought it to us just the day before Christmas. Can you imagine not having a present for a 3-year-old? She was way too young to understand.

So please, don't be an idiot like me and order your presents on time. And if you are stumped, just look at all these beautiful gifts in my Holiday gift guide for women who love to pamper themselves, and get some inspiration. 

AirExpect Makeup Mirror $23

Vanity Compare specializes in vanities and mirrors typically for beauty-related uses such as makeup mirrors.
The hottest gift for beauty bloggers or family members, worth way more than they charge for it.  

Highlighting Features:
  • Boasting 72 LED lights, the AirExpect Vanity Mirror offers a color-changing mode from a warm 3200k light to a more natural 6500k to test your look in any setting.  This feature is activated by a touch-sensor!
  • Tri-fold design + 90-degree rotation ensures you will never miss another angle!
  • The fabric padding paired with the small size of the mirror makes this a perfect traveling companion.


Dawes Custom Cosmetics offers cruelty-free, vegan, luxury custom and ready-to-wear lipsticks and glosses online. 

Up the glamour to your life with Seduction red custom lipstick. A jewel-toned red that's perfect for the holidays with subtle frost, pink champagne* flavor, and light vanilla scent. The balanced undertones make it a vibrant and universally flattering shade while making teeth naturally appear whiter.

Whichever base you choose, the long-lasting, highly pigmented color gives it staying power, making it your perfect partner for all these seasons parties and pictures.

Designed to take your look from day to night or change it up, add glossy finish with Seduction Ready To Wear Gloss so you have the option and versatility to go matte or polished.
Or pump up the volume with the Plumping and Moisturizing Lip Gloss, which can be used either as a base or as a top coat. As seen in 'Total Beauty'. *Non-alcoholic

Ionic Body Brush $44.50

Traditionally Handmade with Love
Ionic body brushes are handmade with pride by skilled artisans using traditional techniques. They have worked hard to produce a unique body brush, unparalleled in function, quality, and aesthetics. As a result, the brushes are of exceptional quality. They are proud to say that this may be the last body brush you buy!

Health Benefits:
Dry brushing has incredible health benefits and is widely recommended by health experts. Dry brushing detoxifies the body, improves circulation, eliminates dead skin cells, exfoliates the skin, improves skin tone, aids digestion, reduces and prevents cellulite, and increases energy and well-being. In addition, dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps eliminate toxins and pathogens that can cause inflammation and illness.

Copper Bristles:
The health benefits of dry brushing are greatly enhanced through the use of an ionic body brush, which has its origin in ancient Ayurvedic practices. These ionic body brushes are made with extra-fine ion-charged copper bristles, which naturally create negative ions that protect your body from free radicals and have numerous other health benefits. In addition, the molecular composition of the unique bristles encourages the direct and immediate absorption of negative ions into your skin, which increases the benefits of dry brushing, including the speed of detoxification.

Premium Quality:
In addition to the health benefits, this ionic body brush (also commonly known as an ‘energy brush’ or a ‘copper wool brush’) is a beautiful work of art. Each brush is handmade from the highest quality and sustainably harvested beechwood, which is then beautifully smoothed and finished with natural wax. The ion-charged copper bristles are made from the highest-quality copper alloy. In addition, they feature an outer ring of bristles made from beautiful all-natural and ethically sourced boar hair.

2020 Holiday Hand Care Bundle $38.00

My Alchemy Skin Care is a clean brand, green, sustainable, cruelty-free, made with safe ingredients, and seen in Forbes, Newsweek, Yoga Journal, VegWorld, UsWeekly, and more. They create formulas with wild and organic botanicals, rewarding you with nutritional benefits and youthful glowing skin.

For the 2020 Holiday Season, they have curated a lovely Hand Care Bundle with 3 everyday staples consumers should keep on hand. Included is a TSA-approved pouch to help keep your essentials organized. They've wrapped this gift with a satin ribbon and added a handwritten card ready to gift or drop in a stocking.

The Best Seller Henna Kit $32.50

Mihenna temporary tattoo kits are an all-in-one experience for your next henna party. Every stencil in this box is going to be a hit with all your friends!

Stencils Included: Atakapa, Dahlia, Dare, Fierce, Jasmine, Passion Fruit, Phoenix, and Stellar

Plus: Ready-to-use henna cone (fills 6 - 8 designs), One vial of coconut oil, Instructions for professional results

We know what you like. Mihenna has compiled its best-selling sticker stencils into one convenient henna body art kit so that you can have all of your faves together. The Best Seller Kit is comprised of various types and styles of henna designs; you'll be sure to get a bit of everything.

You can't go wrong with this selection, so grab any sticker stencil and cut out the henna design to fit your chosen area of application. In the kit, you'll also find a cone of premium henna paste made with only high-quality ingredients that you can apply over the stencil. After the paste has dried between two to twelve hours, remove the stencil and use the included coconut oil to moisturize the area and keep your henna tattoos vibrant for up to two weeks. Now you've got the best of the best!
MASAMI is clean premium haircare with a Japanese ocean botanical for massive hydration. MASAMI is luxurious and high performing without any bad ingredients: no sulfates, parabens, or phthalates. Our debut line launched February 2020 with shampoo, conditioner, shine serum, and styling cream. 

Our travel kit comes with luxury sizes of our shampoo, conditioner, shine serum, and styling cream. All MASAMI products are clean and high performing (salon quality) for hydration and are infused with Mekabu, a Japanese ocean botanical. They are gender-neutral with a light fresh scent.

  • Color safe
  • NO parabens
  • NO sulfates
  • NO phthalates
  • NO animal testing (cruelty-free)
  • Vegan

BIOGLITTER Pack 1 $30.00

Perfect kit combination for adults and kids alike.



Biodegradable Glitter, microplastics free. Bioglitter has been awarded and tested as “OK Biodegradable WATER” by TÜV and Complies with Global Cosmetic and rinse off legislation. It biodegrades in nature!

They have two types of Cosmetic Glitter:
• Pure: which is 100% plastic-free.
• Sparkle: 92% plastic-free.

They have a third type of glitter special for crafts, called Deco, also 92% plastic-free.

They have different sizes and colors for all types.

DAY & NIGHT Sample Pack $30.00

This new skincare brand is called This Stuff Goes Bad because fresh ingredients go bad!

They use zero preservatives in their body butter, so just like a raw jar of coconut oil, it will keep for about 6-12 months. Without chemicals and preservatives, there is so much more room for fresh and powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in this moisturizer.

Ingredients are all sourced from organic and fair trade suppliers, the packaging is all made of recycled materials, and the shipping is completely carbon neutral. Because all women deserve beautiful skin, and mama earth deserves our love too.
DAY: shea butter (get yo vitamins and moisturize), cocoa butter (moisturizes, improves blood flow, and smells like cake), jojoba oil (similar to your natural skin oils, helps to regulate your body's oil production), zinc oxide (sun protection), blood orange essential oil (wake up and smell the oranges), and lemon essential oil (brighten your skin and your senses)

NIGHT: shea butter (get yo vitamins and moisturize), cocoa butter (moisturizes, improves blood flow, and smells like cake), jojoba oil (similar to your natural skin oils, helps to regulate your body's oil production), rosehip seed oil (reduces scarring and evens skin tone), lavender essential oil (calm tf down), and chamomile essential oil (relax your muscles, too)

Brocato Supersilk Smooth Hair Travel Kit $24.99

Beautopia Hair is a professional hair salon care company dedicated to making hair stronger and healthier.  
Many people are hesitant about going to the salon since the pandemic began back in March and they want to offer amazing tools and products for an at-home hairstyle and self-care session.

EXCLUSIVE NANO SILK: Offers anti frizz volume control while smoothing, strengthening, and detangling
SMOOTH AND SLEEK: Sericin silk protein nourishes and protects each strand and gives dry, damaged hair a smooth silky feel
BRILLIANT SHINE: Hydrating and restorative macadamia seed oil leaves your locks shiny and healthy
DEEP CONDITIONING: Silk amino acids supply all types of hair with more moisture for a softer feel
BONUS GIFT SET: Color safe, sulfate and paraben-free leave-in treatment are available in 4 oz., and in a limited time bonus gift set.

Thesis is an organic, vegan, sustainable beauty brand where all products are below $50 (max price is $37).
They'd like to propose one of their bestsellers - an award-winning 100% organic Patchouli Cream.

100% organic Patchouli Cream - a wonderful aromatherapy cream for hands, body, and head to toe application. Relieve holiday stress and feed your skin all at the same time. Based on mostly RAW and fair traded ingredients (shea butter and coconut oil) for superior nourishment and hydration.. 

Exceptionally rich and moisturizing, this organic raw shea butter-based cream features grounding, earthy scent of organic, well-blended Patchouli + Geranium. Absorbs easily, preserves and replenishes skin's moisture, and provides the ultimate, lasting comfort for skin and senses.

YES: 100% Organic Ingredients • Gluten-free • Non-GMO • Preservative-free • Vegan • Hypoallergenic 

NO: petrochemicals, mineral oil, petrolatum, parabens, phthalates, sulfates, detergents, palm oil, synthetic fragrances or dyes - or any synthetic chemicals whatsoever.

Lexi Fleur Argan Body Cream $10.00

Concrete Fleur is an all-natural body care products company.
 The 'Lexi Fleur Argan Body Cream' ($35 - 8oz jar) smells amazing, filled with skin-loving vitamins, and helps with dry and irritated skin. It's a high-end sophisticated scent with coconut oil, argan oil, and essential oils.     

An all-natural luxurious, creamy, lightweight, whipped body cream, that is non-greasy. This is a high-end sophisticated scent for the woman that wants luxury and elegance. 

The top notes of Lexi Fleur Argan Body Creamincorporate Sweet Orange, Crisp Bergamot, and Juicy Grapefruit with a beautiful rose. A heavenly scent is created of pure sweet jasmine, along with tropical litchi, while the base notes carry a combination of minty patchouli, grassy vetiver, creamy vanilla, and warm musk.

This cream is loaded with skin-loving vitamins. It melts onto your skin to improve the softness; you can even use it on your face and your entire body to moisturize. It helps to alleviate dry skin that is dull, itchy, and easily irritated. It is free of Parabens & Urea, free of mineral oil and petroleum.

Non-Toxic + Vegan Nail Polish in 08 Blue Velvet $18.00

Habit Cosmetics, makers of the world’s leading clean nail polish, are thrilled to announce their new line of organic, vegan, and sustainably packaged multi-use colors and highlighters. The new products represent a move to the mainstream for Habit’s green beauty products.
The new line builds on Habit’s massively popular range of clean, multi-tasking nail polishes. Every multi-use color and highlighter is made from certified organic and vegan sources and is formulated with a proprietary blend of seven plant-based emollients for smooth, versatile application and day-long moisturizing. Every element of the line is specifically designed to be multipurpose, and the range of colors reflects Habit’s six years of providing trendy but easily wearable options for women of all skin tones.
“For too long, non-toxic cosmetics have been marketed as fringe products,” notes Habit Founder Aja Frierson, a fashion industry colorist. “That meant settling for outdated colors, sub-par formulations, and thoughtless product design, all because green beauty products were considered alternatives to mainstream cosmetics. But natural beauty has never been out of style. Our new line puts clean, versatile, high-performance makeup where it belongs: at the center of the conversation.”

What is it?
Blue Velvet is a rich and enigmatic dark denim blue. Whether you’re Dorothy Vallens or Lana del Rey, this hypnotic shade will have you channeling your seductive songstress side in no time.

Why you'll love it:
A healthier Habit, our polish is made with a vegan, cruelty-free, toxin-free formula and infused with Myrrh extract to improve nail strength
Guilt-free packaging: Habit polish is the only polish packaged with recycled plastic components, biodegradable bamboo overcaps to keep plastic use to a minimum, and FSC-certified paperboard boxes
Trend relevant yet wearable colors curated by a former fashion industry colorist
Additional info:
Free of Toluene, Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Resin, Camphor, TPP, DBP, Isobutylphenoxy Epoxy Resin, Xylene and Parabens
PETA-certified vegan and cruelty-free, gluten-free
Shimmer finish
Made in the USA

Stocking Stuffer Set $36.00

WHAT IT IS: SNAP! Everyone needs clean hands. SNAP is a luxury hand sanitizer that this brand created after their own struggles of applying hand sanitizer on the go with the gel. 

SNAP Clean Hands is easy to use, easy to apply, and smells great to make all on the go experiences much easier and cleaner at the same time. This bundle has three single applicators complete with each fragrance from our 'Original Collection'. The perfect little gift to share with your friends, family, colleagues, hairdresser, manicurist, or even the mailman. Everyone loves small reminders of your gratitude during the holidays and what better way than keeping them clean & safe.

ALL ABOUT SNAP clean hands
• Unlike other sanitizers, SNAP has a cartridge system. You purchase the easy-to-use applicator that is a SPRAY, not a gel, and then easily change out various different scents.
• To apply, you twist the bottle and with one SNAP, your hands are clean and good to go.
• The ingredients in SNAP clean hands are paraben-free, SLS free with no artificial dyes, and 75% alcohol to ensure 99.9% of germs are eliminated. We have also added in aloe and vitamin E as moisturizing elements.

The gift set comes with our SNAP applicator and two additional scents for the perfect stocking stuffer!

KIskanu Hemp CBD Facial Oil 1oz $40.00


This gentle oil is excellent for all skin types as well as for those with sensitive skin. To deeply moisturize your skin, they use only the finest cold-pressed virgin, organic oils including sunflower, argan, coconut, and jojoba. In their CBD Face Oil, they utilize rose geranium for its wound-healing properties and ability to soothe blemishes and inflammation and calm anxiety and irritation. The anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties of the Face Oil are also useful in fighting acne and other skin irritations. CBD provides pain relief, reduces inflammation, and relaxes muscle spasms.

Hemp and calendula are both antispasmodic and can help with facial tension, headaches, achy jaws, and more. Lavender is a known pain reliever, antifungal, antibacterial, antispasmodic, and aids in wound and blemish healing. Wild carrot is a gentle cell rejuvenator and an excellent first line of defense for supporting aging or environmentally stressed skin.  Finally, their CBD Face Oil is high in Vitamins A and E to promote youthful skin through collagen formation, leaving skin looking lustrous and radiant.

This brand also provides free consultations to customers. Often people do not know how to use plant medicine properly and so they teach on the CBD basics and finds that people have better results. CBD is not one size fits all. 

Organic Revitalizing Night Cream $29.99

Block Island Organics say that having confidence can enhance anyone's well being. They know women feel more confident when their skin looks and feels good. They say that women out there working with their skin glowing makes them feel more powerful. The perfect gift for the woman in your life.

With Block Island’s natural beauty in mind, this night cream is packed with organic ingredients like avocado, rosehip, lotus bean, and more to develop a product rich in botanicals and natural antioxidants. The result is a facial moisturizer dense in vitamin C and vitamin E that deeply nourishes the skin.

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Top Rated Lotion
Rich in Antioxidants like Vitamin C & E to Refresh Skin Through the Night

Organic & Natural Ingredients Keep Skin Healthy and Vibrant
No Parabens, Gluten, PABA, Sulfates, Phthalates, Dyes, Silicone, or Fragrance
Not Tested on Animals, Cruelty-Free
Hydrating Non-Greasy Vegan Formula
2 oz / 60 ml (carry-on travel approved)

EWG Top Rated:
They’re proud to say that the Environmental Working Group (EWG) rates their night cream a low hazard – the best rating achievable. This stamp of approval is a continued sign of their dedication to quality, safe, and effective products.

Organic & Natural Ingredients:
They know ingredients are important that’s why they use only the highest quality ones in their night cream.
From cocoa butter to rosehip to avocado to aloe vera to jojoba and more. Their non-toxic organic ingredients moisturize even the most sensitive skin.
Plus, because your safety and product quality are of utmost importance, it’s also paraben-free, gluten-free, PABA free, sulfate-free, phthalate-free, dye-free, silicone-free, fragrance-free, and never tested on animals.

Moisturizing Yet Lightweight and Non-Greasy:
Developing a night cream that moisturizes while not feeling heavy or overbearing on the face is the Holy Grail.
It’s a delicate balance to achieve by using a proprietary blend of ingredients specifically weighted to be moisturizing yet non-greasy. 
No clogging, Antioxidant, Anti-Aging, and UV Benefits
For your skin’s well being they filled the formula with antioxidants like vitamin C & E using ingredients such as rosehip, burdock, lotus bean, aloe, blueberry, red clover, tocopherol, and more.

Why? Studies show that vitamin C can be an effective anti-aging ingredient while vitamin E protects against the effects of sun exposure after sundown.
That’s why they packed their night cream with these powerful, nourishing vitamins.

Perfect For All Skin Types
The night cream is formulated with even the most sensitive skin in mind. They use gentle organic and natural botanical ingredients to create a non-greasy, yet moisturizing product.
This makes it a great daily moisturizer for normal, dry, oily, or combination skin for both women and men.
It’s truly an all-around product.

Where, When, and How to Apply
Formulated for the face and neck, our night cream is the perfect addition to your evening skincare routine. Its antioxidants like vitamin C and E help revitalize through the night.
It’s also terrific in the morning when combined with an SPF product and can be used as an eye cream as well.
After washing your face, it’s best to apply the cream when the skin is damp to lock in moisture. Apply gently, using your fingertips in a circular motion. Use a dollop about a nickel size and add more if you need it.
Their night cream will have you covered from AM to PM and all the times in between.

CBD Topical Salve (250 mg) $40.00

CBD Topical Salve (250 mg)
The Sisters of the Valley CBD topical cream is a topical or 'rub-on' salve with multiple uses. 
Volume: 2 oz. (60 ml) of CBD topical salve.
Dosage: Contains >250 mg of CBD per jar.

What the Sisters of The Valley CBD salves are made of:
The CBD topical cream is made with hemp-based CBD, coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin E, and the Sister’s special blend of concentrate. 

How the Sisters of The Valley CBD salves are made:
The Sisters of the Valley make all their products by moon cycles, to honor our ancient mothers. They are prepared in a spiritual environment, with prayers for the people sewn into every bottle and jar. 

Product formulation:
This CBD salve contains the following ingredients:
77.2% solid coconut oil infused with hemp
14.5% beeswax
3.8% liquid coconut oil infused with hemp
1.6% Vitamin E oil
1.5% calendula oil,
1.4% lavender oil.  

Is this safe?
These products are not psychoactive. 
They will not get a person 'high'. 
They are not addictive.
They will not cause a person to fail a drug test.

Product guarantee:
All products are lab-tested for potency.
Lab tests available upon request and provided with product shipment.
Handmade by the Sisters of the Valley in cooperation with earth and sun.

Experience the magic of these Sleep and Awake Sheet Masks with this 4 Piece Multi-Pack. Argan Oil, Essential Oils, and other clean skin-loving ingredient join forces to bring you radiant skin.

Tip: Rub the serum down your neck for extra pampering!

What's inside: Argan oil, Provitamin B5, Provitamin B3, Glycerin, Essential oils

This shop does not only have sheet masks but an entire skincare and lip care line that is organic and cruelty-free!

Rejuvenating Cleansers $35.00

Gorgeousrx is created and owned by Dr. Sonya Johnson, a board-certified dermatologist that has had her own dermatology practice in Indiana for over 20 years. Skincare products for all skincare types that are free of cruelty and free of chemicals.  Gorgeousrx is located in Indiana.

Gentle, sulfate-free Revitalizing Cleanser removes makeup, oil, and impurities, while conditioning and soothing sensitive skin with rich botanical extracts.

Contains a rich, anti-aging peptide complex with 11 botanical essential oils and extracts, including Clary Sage, Galanga, and Aloe.
Cleanses, conditions and invigorates sensitive skin leaving it soft, smooth, and visibly younger-looking
Hydrates skin with essential anti-aging nutrients, including Vitamin C and E.
Protects the skin’s natural barrier through light lathering, preventing it from being overly dry.
Cleanses dirt and impurities without irritation.

Apply cleanser over wet face and work into lather. Rinse with water and pat dry. Can be used twice daily or as directed by a physician.

Ingredient Highlights:
Acetyl Octapeptide-3, Clary Sage Extract, Galanga Root Extract, Aloe Extract, Cucumber Fruit Extract, Orange Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Grapefruit Peel Oil, Lime Leaf Oil, Ginger Root Oil.

Inactive Ingredients:
Deionized Water, Sodium C14-16 Olefin Sulfonate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Chloride, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Glycol Distearate, Acetyl Octapeptide-3, Sclareolide (Clary Sage) Extract, Kaempferia Galanga Root Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract,  Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantifolia (Lime) Leaf Oil, Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) Root Oil, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Sodium Hyaluronate, Allantoin, Panthenol, Glycerin, Tetrasodium EDTA, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone

Light Pink Duo $29.98

Our company, Celeb Luxury, is the creator of the color depositing shampoo and conditioner category and is the “1stClean Hair Color” on the market. 

They have a line sold through professionals, salons, and online (Gem Lites/Viral $35-$40), and a newly launched food/drug/mass brand, No Fade Fresh ($14.99). 

The products come in a variety of shades – from traditional browns, blondes, and reds to pastels and vibrant colors from pink to blue. 

All the products contain a bond rebuilder to heal hair, and are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and can be applied in the shower in 2-5 minutes. 
Their products are multicultural.
Refresh & maintain your color tone in 2-5 mins. It’s simple in the shower.
Create color on bleached & color-treated blonde hair in 2-5 mins. It’s simple in the shower.
For browns with bleached highlights. Light Pink color will only show up on highlighted pieces.
For a brighter color re-apply & use daily.

RevitaleyeZ 4in1 Facial Wipes $15.99

Eyitude's focus is biocompatible eye area skincare made with ingredients that only nourish and rejuvenate. Their philosophy is to keep combining science with nature, using cutting edge formulas that are clinically proven - mixing only the best in botanicals and synthetics that are healthy. Their approach is holistic with a firm commitment to using only the “good,” without all the “bad” to continually care for the most delicate part of the face. It's time to show them what you're made of!

Eyitude's do-it-all facial wipes are your solution for: Cleansing + Moisturizing + Rejuvenation + Protection
Why It Works:
Durable enough to lift makeup, dirt, and oil with ease
Biodegradable wipes and solar made packaging safe for you and mother nature
Gentle fibers and ingredients suitable for all skin types - including sensitive skin
Their Promise: cruelty-free, sulfate-free, alcohol-free, vegan, gmo-free, fragrance-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free, gluten-free, peg free, oil-free.

Illuminate Enzyme Mask With Pro-Verte™ Complex $45.00

Named one of five “Hot Derms” by Harper’s Bazaar and listed as one of the top cosmetic surgeons by Town & Country, Tattler, Vogue, NY Times, and More Magazine, Dr. Karyn Grossman is a renowned board-certified dermatologist. Her patients, which include some of the most famous faces in the world flock to her because of her deep commitment to natural-looking results. 

After years of practicing, Dr. Grossman recognized that inflammation is at the root of numerous skin concerns and saw a need for products that address this crucial issue. Her work with some of the biggest names in skincare, like Estee Lauder, inspired her to develop her own line. It was important to her that these products were founded in nature’s potent, yet safe and gentle properties. 

Karyng’s essential products are uniquely formulated and PH Balanced with 90% natural 10% bio-engineered ingredients. Karyng’s active, high-performance ingredients target the key signs of aging: fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, uneven pigmentation, inflammation, and dullness to help deliver a fresh, youthful appearance. 

Rich antioxidants combat and help the skin. Every product in the line contains exclusive Pro-Verte Technology, a naturally based patented proprietary complex designed to maximize anti-aging results. 

Patented Pro-Verte™, a proprietary anti-aging complex combines Papain, a natural brightening exfoliating enzyme derived from papaya and quartz to gently exfoliate the skin, unlike harsh physical exfoliants.  The results are brighter illuminated skin and a more radiant polished skin.

Use: For all skin types: Apply AM and PM on cleansed skin. Avoid the eye area.  To use an exfoliating cleanser apply to face, massage until blue, and then rise off.   For more intense brightening apply to face, massage until blue, and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water. 

All KARYNG™ products strive to avoid controversial ingredients in the products and packaging. Free of parabens, propylene or butylene glycols, phthalates, and BPA. They do not include dimethicone, petroleum, BHA’s, PEG’s, TEA, DEA, or synthetic fragrances. 

All products are gluten-free, vegan, and not tested on animals. In addition, the paper for their cartons is harvested from a sustainable forest.

DEVELOPED WITH INGREDIENTS TO HELP: Brighten and lighten skin, Clear pores, Improve skin, texture, and appearance, Exfoliate dead skin cells, Absorb oils and impurities, Improve sebum control barrier within the skin, Improve skin renewal, Scavenger free radicals, Tighten pores, Sooth skin.

ProVerte™ Complex – A patented natural anti-inflammatory complex combined with the latest innovations in skincare to help repair and restructure the skin.

Papaine- An enzyme isolated from papaya, lightens and smooths skin, accelerating blood circulation, and improving skin function.

Bentonite - A natural purifying and absorbent clay consisting mainly of montmorillonite. It contains a variety of minerals and works to remove toxins, excess sebum, heavy metals, and impurities.

Olive oil - contains essential fatty acids dry skin needs, including oleic, palmitic, and linoleic acids
Swertia Chirata Leaf - Creates a new epidermis faster because of the production of a high quantity of growth factors
Quartz- a natural exfoliant, gently smooths and brightens skin
Beauty Lounge is a family-owned beauty boutique located in Sherwood Park, AB. Crème de la Crème is shaking up the Canadian beauty scene by being the first ever boutique in Canada to offer niche services and products that have been designed, created, and manufactured in house! Artisanal beauty products designed to enhance your look.  

Unique handmade beauty products such as eyelashes, makeup, & nail polish. Made by hand in small batches, their makeup and beauty accessories are a step above the ordinary. They are proud to create unique handmade beauty products, manufacturing our products in small batches with fine ingredients sourced from ethical suppliers all over the world!

Keep your eye shadow crease free and vibrant! Prime RealEYEstate Eyeshadow Base is made with polymer technology for a smooth-buttery application, and it keeps your eye shadow looking fresh all day!

Prime RealEYEstate Eyeshadow Base is made with feather light polymer technology that smooths fines lines, blurs while creating the perfect canvas for your eyeshadow application.

How to use: Gently sweep a thin layer onto eyelids, blending with fingertips until all the product has been evenly distributed on lids. Allow Prime RealEYEstate Eyeshadow Base to set for a few seconds, then follow with your favorite Crème de la Crème eyeshadow.


Lark Skin Co., a natural skincare company focused on empowering women, features completely clean products handmade in St. Louis, Missouri. In an industry that profits off insecurities, Lark Skin Co. stands out with the focus to elevate women through clean products, empowering platforms, and women-supporting community donations.

They’ve created three limited-edition Starter Kits to help you begin your clean beauty journey. Each kit includes a cleanser, toner, and facial oil. Choose the kit that’s right for you and your skin type and get glowing!

Our Normal + Combination Kit (Previously our Normal + Blemish Prone Kit) includes a 3-step regimen to discover all-natural, clarifying-meets-hydrating skincare. Best for everyday use, on-the-go, and travel. This kit contains:

1 oz Neroli + Lavender Cleansing Balm
1 oz Aloe + Lime Purifying Toner
1 oz (full-size) Rosehip + Citrus Facial Oil
Their products are 100% natural + never made with parabens, sulfates, PEGS, phthalates, silicones, or mineral oil. The products are never tested on animals.

To be fair, I have to let you know that I did not test any of these items. These shops work hard to get their products seen, so it may be a good idea to contact them if you have questions about these items. 😍

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Want to be on my blog next time??  Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at 😊

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