Saturday 21 November 2020

How to Practice micro needling at Home - Banish 2.0

Hi There..... Do you have severe skin conditions like Acne? Do you have wrinkles, maybe? Do you want to learn how to practice micro needling at home?

I may not have skin conditions like acne anymore, but I have to admit that I have a few wrinkles. Many people have said I look young for my age. Ah, maybe they are just trying to make me feel good but who cares, let them. 😁

I wouldn't mind looking younger though. The question is, what is the best way to do that without the use of plastic surgery. Nah, I don't want to end up botched like some, and it is also far too expensive for me. 😄

That reminds me of a story my mom once told me. It was about a time when she and my dad must have been in their 40s. They were walking down the street and a friend of hers came up to her she hadn't seen for a while. 

Oh my, she said, is that your son? That must have been really embarrassing because my dad was about 5 years older than my mom. But he had shaved his beard and mustache of that day. Can you understand why she never allowed him to do that anymore? 😂

I know, I know, you are supposed to own your age and own your wrinkles. Since they are already mine, I own them already, so what is the point of that expression? People say they tell the story about your life, but I'd rather tell my own life stories. 😋

Can you imagine how excited I was when they asked if they could send me the Banish 2.0 kit to practice micro needling at home, in return for my honest opinion? 😃

First, you might want to know what their website says about this tool?

The Banisher is a micro needling tool that works the natural way to fade the appearance of acne scars. It uses tiny (0.5 mm) Titanium bristles to gently penetrate the skin. These bristles create micro-channels unseeable to the human eye, allowing for better product absorption and faster scar healing power. With each use, the Banisher will stimulate collagen production, over time creating new skin tissue and filling in older scars.

Foremost, the Banish Kit contains vegan and cruelty-free ingredients safe to use in treating skin conditions such as acne scars and hyperpigmentation or even fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, and body scars.

Picture by Sharon McCutcheon on Pixabay 

The Banish Kit works on older scars and is safe for those with darker skin tones. It can help with issues like uneven skin tone or texture, smoothing the appearance of fine lines, rejuvenating the skin, and boosting product effectiveness.

Using the Banish Kit is very simple, time-efficient, and effective in fading the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation. The Banisher derma roller and the Banish Oil help in improving or maintaining radiant and healthy skin, and they can be a significant addition to your skincare routine.

It may seem overwhelming, but using the Banish Kit is super easy! Just follow these steps:

· Sanitize
Before you do anything, make sure you sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. Place the Banisher in the cleaning container or cap and allow it to soak in rubbing alcohol for 5 minutes. Then let it air dry for 2 minutes.  You want to use any rubbing or isopropyl alcohol concentrated at 70%.

Alternatives: If you cannot get rubbing alcohol, a couple of alternatives is to use a denture tablet in water, and follow the instructions of the box.  You can also place the Banisher head in boiling water for 5 minutes, be careful to let it cool fully before use. 

·   Cleanse Skin
While the Banisher is getting sanitized, make sure your face is completely clean! Remove all makeup, cleanse, and rinse. You may even want to put some isopropyl alcohol or witch hazel, which is more skin-friendly on a cotton pad to wipe the surface of the skin. You’ll want a completely bare face when using the Banisher so you aren’t spreading around any bacteria or germs.

Press the Banisher 4-5 times in each area. 
Lift and rotate the Banisher about 90 degrees each time before you press down, don't twist the Banisher while pressed onto the skin
Apply a few drops of the Banish Oil, or Vitamin C Creme right after.
* Use once every 2 weeks.

* Stamp around any active breakouts instead of over it.

Apply Banish Oil
Once you are completely finished using the Banisher, apply 2 to 3 drops of the Banish Oil to the skin with clean hands. A little bit goes a long way! Use it daily or every other day for the best results. You will feel a slight tingly sensation, reminiscent of sunburn. Again, it’s completely normal, especially since Vitamin C is slightly acidic.  After a few minutes, this feeling will go away. Redness in the skin should subside after a few hours. 

Don't apply makeup or cosmetics until at least 8 hours after, or the next morning. 

You’ve just applied bristles all over your skin and you’ll need to re-sanitize your Banisher. Over time, dead skin cells can collect within the bristles and they become dull with repeated use. 

For this reason, we recommend replacing the Banisher 2.0  after 8-10 uses. 

Repeat the steps of sanitizing the Banisher. Make sure to let it air dry before storing it. 

Don’ts for the Banisher :
          - Do not share with another person
          - Do not use over irritated, damaged skin, and active breakouts.
          - Do not use a Banisher with a bent bristle
          - Don’t over stamp, there’s no need to cause unnecessary trauma to the skin
          - Don’t use Banisher over a skin that hasn’t been washed & don’t use the Banisher without cleaning it with alcohol first.
          - Don’t use Banisher if on tretinoin/Accutane.
          - Don’t go out directly in the sun after a few days of using the Banisher & don’t wear makeup until the next morning or at least 8 hours afterward.
          - Don’t recommend using skincare products with ingredients that may cause irritation. 
Examples include acids like beta or alpha hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide cream, and retinoids. Best to use something with natural ingredients because you don’t want harmful chemicals to go deeper into your skin.
Recommended to use masks before using the Banisher.
Do not use Banish products together with other brands to avoid irritation or other skin issues.
Wear sunscreen while using these products since the sun can trigger more hyperpigmentation which can darken spots. The skin may be more sensitive to the sun from using masks that contain AHA's and while using the Banisher.

Our Banishers and other products are safe to use on almost all scars and areas of the body EXCEPT for:
- eyes
- if you have keloid scars
- if you have skin conditions such as rosacea, melasma, dermatitis, eczema it would be best to consult your doctor or dermatologist first 
- if you are taking a prescription medication
- if you are using Accutane 

You may watch this video for reference:

And while you are at it, you really have to read this article on WHAT IS MICRONEEDLING? THE SCIENCE BEHIND IT:

There are so many videos on YouTube about this device, it's incredible how many positive references there are about it.

Aha, of course, you now are curious to know what my experience was. Before starting, I cleaned my face with the African Black Soap I received a few months ago. 

The device feels nice in the hand and is so easy to use.  It doesn't hurt as much as I feared, just a little prickly. My face was red and tender afterward, but that's normal and it goes away after about an hour. 

After using the Banisher, it felt as if I was still pricking myself, but that sensation only lasted a few minutes. As suggested, I put on the Banish oil afterward, and that felt nice and soft. 😊

My face also felt nice and soft in the morning, even though I didn't use my night cream that evening. The Banish 2.0 only came in the mail a few days ago, so it's way too soon to say if it really makes a difference, but I plan on following up in a few months' time. 😍

Hope you like my blog post. Till next time. Have a great day.    Renata (Seadbeady) 

Want to be on my blog next time?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊


  1. Very interesting, thanks for sharing your tips and experiences with us!

  2. I had heard of micro needling but not in details. And the fact that it can be done at home with your tips is awesome.

  3. Whoa. I have no talent for this so I think I'm gonna have to stick with the professionals on this one.

  4. Luckily I don't have acne or acne scars but I think this product is good and I am sure my sister will love it.

  5. Interesting DIY. I think this would be valuable to anyone suffering from acne!

  6. This looks like a wonderful product for acne. This could be really beneficial.

  7. I'll have to try this on my acne scars! You would think at 34 breakouts would stop!

  8. Ik heb weleens zoiets gezien als roller met micro naaldjes eraan, maar ik vind het persoonlijk best een eng idee.

  9. Mijn jongste dochter heeft hier last van, misschien is dit wel wat voor haar.

  10. Wat fijn dat dit nu ook thuis kan, al zou ik het zelf niet goed durven haha.

  11. I need this one definitely. My face is full of scars and acne.

  12. I don't have scars but if this product helps then it's great to have it and use it at home.

  13. Oh wowsers! I have never heard of this but it certainly sounds beneficial. Does it hurt at all?

  14. Ik ken het niet en ik zou het ook niet durven :)

  15. Ik heb er wel eens van gehoord maar durf niet xo goed

  16. Ik ken dit inderdaad wel. Heb zelf weleens zo'n rollertje gebruikt met kleine naaldjes, maar vond het niet zo prettig helaas.


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