Sunday 31 January 2021

How to spoil yourself with a special cup of Tea - Tea Flower from Flora Tea

Hi There..... Do you need your coffee in the morning or would you rather sip a cup of tea? One more question. Have you ever heard of a tea flower?

If no, you haven't read my previous post about Flora Tea. Maybe it's not the worst idea to read this one first?

I would go for a cup of tea anytime. I never drink coffee because I just don't like the taste of it. Here is another question for you. Did you know January is Hot Tea Month? 😊

I just don't get that. To me, every month is tea month. 😕

My morning routine starts with having breakfast. Then it's time to hit the bathroom (don't take this literally. I am not aggressive), but before I do, I turn on my tea machine for a nice cup of fruit tea. Then a little later in the day, I prepare myself a cup of green tea with half a teaspoon of honey and 2 large squeezes of my lemon concentrate bottle. 😋

I know, I know, real lemons are so much better, but the concentrate is so convenient. No hassle with squeezing or slicing lemons. I found this great quote from Marcus Sakey, "I like really sharp flavors, and I like contrasts. Something sweet and sour at the same time is a big win.". 😀

What I don't get either is the result from the quiz I took which I found here - The result said I would be a black tea lover and nothing is further from the truth. I hardly ever drink it and when I do it has to be in and out. Hey you, with your twisted mind, this has nothing to do with happy endings. 😂

If you leave the satchel in too long, the tea turns bitter, and I really hate that. I am not a fan of anything bitter, as a matter of fact. When I was a kid, my family always grinned when they saw my cup of tea because it more resembled a cup of pee. Pee, Tea, almost sounds the same. Who can tell the difference, right? 😄

I don't recall drinking any green tea in my childhood days except in the Chinese restaurant. I can still see the sweet little lady from our favorite Chinese restaurant in my mind, even though it has been a long time ago. Her sweet smile is etched on my mind. She even taught us the fun English slogan, "I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice cream.". Haha, yes, I was young, so easily impressed. 😉

The taste of the tea flavors I received from Flora Tea this time also impressed me. They left the choice over to me. My first preference was Lily Fairy because it's the star of their tea flower collection. It was awarded 3 stars at the Great Taste Awards. I can't help being curious by nature. Blame my dad and mum, they made me. You weren't expecting me to blame myself; I hope. 😳

The key ingredients from this tea are green tea, Jasmin, and Lily. As I opened the package, I already picked up a glorious scent, which only got better as the flower developed. 😋

It's also an impressive tea flower to watch unfold, and boy did it taste good, like an angel crying on your tongue. It lingered on my pallet for quite a long time. Such a delicate, soft, but still very pronounced flavor. Definitely my favorite by far. 😍

My second choice was Oriental Beauty, which was also awarded at the Great Taste Awards, but then again all their tea flowers are. I made a small video of this one so you can enjoy the process with me. I created a new YouTube channel, especially to show you. 😃

You can follow me if you like, who knows what I will publish next. Even I don't know. 😁

But you might be curious about what the key ingredients of this tea are. They are Green tea, Calendula, and Jasmine. 

I wasn't as wild about this tea as the Lily Fairy, because for me it was a bit weird, almost as if it had a hint of sweetness to it. This was easily solved though by adding some lemon juice to it. For all I know, you may adore this tea just because of its sweetness. 

My dad taught me that "de gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est." or otherwise said, "there is no disputing about tastes and colors." he only taught me 3 Latin phrases, but I love to use this one. It shows that I am not brainless or that I am a showoff or maybe both. 😲

Flora Tea also let me choose 2 flavors of their pyramids tea-bags. Even though I am not that much a fan, I wanted to give their mint tea a try. Nope, I am not crazy, ok maybe just a little, but my hubby drinks mint tea all the time so I hoped we could enjoy this one together. 😯

There was such a wonderful scent when I opened the package that made me even more curious about the tasting. Regretfully for him, the mint wasn't strong enough but strange enough I loved it just because of that. As I just told you, I am not the biggest fan of mint tea, but this was such a delicate flavor. Weird, right? 😏

Did you know peppermint tea can soothe the stomach or strengthen digestion? It also has a soothing effect and helps against headaches, skin irritation, worries, and menstrual pains. Peppermint relaxes the muscles in the intestines. Enough good reasons to give this tea a try. 😊

The last one I chose was the Japanese Sencha tea.

The first time I left the tea to infuse just a bit too long, which made it just a tiny bit bitter. As they say, a donkey never hits the same stone twice, so my second cup of tea was just perfect.  😄

Did you know that Sencha is a Japanese green tea? The tea leaf is not rolled but crushed and steamed. The word "sencha" means "great tea". 

Just remember this, if you need a moment of rest in the day, some time to relax, a moment to unwind. Get yourself a wonderful tea flower from, and enjoy the wondrous spectacle of the emerging flower in your glass of tea. Within minutes, you have a beautiful flower in your glass. 😎

The people from Flora Tea were so nice to include a special offer for you. With the code SEADBEADY, you pay no shipping costs if you place an order before February 28.

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Wednesday 27 January 2021

Where to find sustainable fashion face masks? A Different Ball Game - Upcycled plastic reusable face masks

Hi There..... Do you like to stand out or would you rather blend in? What if I could tell you more about fashion face masks? Perhaps you are interested in reusable face masks?

The first is a straightforward question for me. I’d rather stand out than blend in with the crowd. What better way to do so than having a reusable face mask to match almost any outfit you have. What would you think if I said that I know of a fashion face mask made of upcycled plastic? 😉

Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? You know there was a time there was almost no plastic used in packaging. When I was young, things like milk, lemonade, or water were all sold in glass bottles. I even remember there being a milk deliverer that would drop off those bottles at your home. 😃

Haha, I know, I am no spring chicken. Still, it’s fun to reminiscence on those kinds of things. So much has changed in 50 years’ time. Some things for better, like technology. Other things not so great, like the wrinkles on my face. 😖

My parents were already busy with taking care of nature, though. I remember they taught me it was a bad thing to drop paper wraps from candy. They would say if nobody cared, the streets would be full of waste. 

I feel more and more people stopped caring about our lovely mother earth and there is a lot of trash everywhere. It’s quite a different ball game now. 😒

That's what today's blog post is all about. The company A Different Ball Game makes the most colorful masks from upcycled plastic. They sent me these lovely reusable face masks, in exchange for my honest opinion. 😊

First, let me tell you what their website says about these masks. They are Re-useable Face Masks, made from Upcycled Plastic.

They save up to 36% Co2, 39% Energy, and 34% Water. That’s on everything they make from Upcycled Plastic. The company works hand in glove with Upcycled Marine plastic and Landfill plastic.

These fashion face masks can be custom made to suit your design/business. They are of a 100% Post-consumer Recycled Polyester, containing Upcycled Marine Plastic.

How can anyone be against upcycling plastic? I wonder if they can upcycle old ladies like me too. 😏

You may wonder how this process works. 

Clean-up programs working with SEAQUAL INITIATIVE clean all waste from the ocean including; PET, PP, PA, metal, rubber, glass and other materials. 

SEAQUAL INITIATIVE estimates that for every kilo of SEAQUAL® YARN, between 600 grams and 1 kilo of marine litter gets cleaned from our ocean.

It then gets turned into flakes, then pellets and sent to the factory in Spain. The pellets get bound into yarn, then made into clothing.

Did you know that plastic stays in our oceans for centuries? The production of plastics is growing exponentially. This year another 400 million tons of virgin plastic will be produced. Only 9% of all plastics ever produced have been upcycled.

Marine debris is harming over 800 species. 40% of marine mammals and 44% of seabird species are affected by marine debris ingestion. Marine pollution also causes biodiversity loss and hampers ecosystem functions and services. 

Different Ball Game works together with the SEAQUAL INITIATIVE waste management and recycling industries to transform marine litter into Upcycled Marine Plastic so that leading brands and manufacturers can create inspiring sustainable products.

I just love that these masks are in such vibrant colors. Even though I have a lot of outfits in darker colors, I also have a lot of pretty colored T-shirts and blouses in my wardrobe. 

All masks have adjustable ribbons on the sides to make them fit your face perfectly. Nothing worse than a sagging mask. 😳

They all have a small metal nose bridge to prevent the mask from moving around on your face. This also prevents hot air from escaping around your nose, which is a significant factor in uncomfortable glasses fog. Plus, it’s better for physical activity like biking or running. 😀

What more could a woman want. 😍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Friday 22 January 2021

The perfect solution for never losing your phone - Bagnetique phone magnet

Hi There..... Are you tired of losing your phone? Have you ever tried a cell phone holder or phone magnet?

Don't you just hate when you misplace your phone and don't remember where you put it? It happens to me more than often. Especially in the evening when I am getting tired, I forget where I left my phone. 😏

What's worse is I have a hubby who loves to tease me. He loves to hide my phone. He says I am addicted to it. I don't agree, but for all I know, I am in denial. The only thing I will admit to is that I am a beadaholic. I love making beadwork jewelry for myself. Nothing wrong with that, right? 😌

Although the last few years, I have been giving a lot of attention to my blog too. Surely you agree, a blog needs lots of love. What would my blog be if I would not put my heart and soul into it? I hate reading blogs that are impersonal. Tell me if I'm wrong. Come on, I dare you, I can take a good critique. 😉

I like to show you I am just like you, not some smart ass. I can do the most stupid things sometimes because I forget or am distracted by something. I am a genuine absent-minded professor. I often need to retrace my steps to remember what I was doing. Maybe I shouldn't say I am just like you, who knows, I could be a lot worse, but I have a great excuse. I am +50. 😁

That's why I was happy to receive this lovely phone magnet from Bagnetique, in return for my honest opinion about it. 😍

Aha, now I have got you interested. You are most likely thinking, is that a cell phone holder? Maybe it's best I tell you what their website says about this phone magnet first. 😊

Bagnetique is a revolutionary new product, born to solve a very common problem that most women go through many times a day. How many times a day does your phone ring and you search and curse and pull out old tissues and sunglasses and receipts until it's too late? How many missed calls? How many little stresses are piling until it's all one big stress mess? 

Here is a fun video from You Tube. I couldn't help it, I just had to share this with you. 😂

Bagnetique is a phone holder magnet device, designed to attach to the interior of your handbag. Once in your bag, it keeps whatever you need always in instant reach. They conceived it to be a cell phone holder, but the phone magnet can also hold keys, lipstick, pepper spray, whatever you need to have in quick and easy reach inside your bag.

Bagnetique will not harm your phone! Your Credit Cards are safe if you keep them in a wallet.

The surface is a soft-touch material that won't scratch your phone (or anything else in your bag), printed with a variety of beautiful designs to go with any bag interior and fit your personal style. Let me show you a few examples.

On the back is a special glue that will leave no residue when removed, and it will not harm your bag. Use the glue backing to attach the bagnetique wherever you want in your bag, or put it exactly on the spot your hand first touches when you reach inside, grab your phone one-handed, and toss it back in again, without even looking at your bag.

Embedded inside the device is a removable clip. Use this as a lever for one-handed removal of your phone when glued in your bag, or use the clip to hang the phone magnet on the pocket of your bag without using the glue. This way, you can also easily move your bagnetique from one bag to another.

As you can see, that's what I did. Especially since I never buy very expensive handbags. You may wonder, why not? This way they don't last more than a year and I can buy myself a new one regularly. 😋

Here is cool video showing all the ways you can use this phone magnet, because you are not restricted to just use it on your handbag.

It's the perfect tool for me. As you can see below, I inserted the clip inside the Bagnetique to put it in my bag. It requires some strength to do this (I had to ask my hubby). At first, I was thinking, am I doing it wrong but if you push hard enough, the bumpy end of the clip goes in. 😃

It could be a handy tool for men too, I think. They could clip it onto their belt, maybe. 

The magnet was much more powerful than I expected. I also tried to stick it on the back of my cell phone and left it on for a while. It took me a bit of strength and some fidgeting, but I got it back off without even a small trace of glue remaining on the back. 😮

I am a fan of the designs this shop offers. It could make a very original gift for someone if you ask me. 😍

Before you go, know that you get a 30% discount when you use the code RENATAFEYEN 😀

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Sunday 17 January 2021

Where can I find men's fashion in The Netherlands? HemdVoorHem

Hi There..... Do you like the look of a well dressed man? 

Yes? Great, because today is all about men's fashion. I know the world just doesn't always revolve around us. Sometimes we have to put our men in the picture, because who doesn't like to look at a well dressed man? 😋

We have to take care of our men. Not that we're not capable to keep them warm in our presence, but especially for times like this when temperatures are going down outside. You never know when he may go outside to do some grocery shopping for us, we have to make sure that he keeps warm. 😉

Talking about cold reminds me of the first time we went to Center Parcs Eemhof. It was freezing, but we didn't let it get to us and we took the boat from the port of the Parc to Spakenburg. We sailed to the botterwerf, which dates from 1750, and is the biggest eye-catcher in the Spakenburg museum harbor. 😲

We had a fun time, though. Lots of people there still wear traditional clothing from the past. There was a small tearoom where we got ourselves a cup of hot tea and some traditional raisin bread. I just love raisin bread. 😋

We also visited a little shop with souvenirs, and at the end of the boatyard, there was a market. As freezing as it was, it still was a delightful walk. You should have seen my nose, it looked as red as a clown's. 😀

I don't know, but maybe you have plans to brave the cold too, one of these days. What if your hubby still needs a nice and stylish sweater? I bet HemdVoorHem has just what he needs, and more. They have great quality men's fashion. Trendy sweaters from top brands like Olymp, Casa Moda, and Profuomo. 😊

In exchange for our honest opinion, my hubby received a vest from Casa Moda, and you just have to agree that he looks sleek. He doesn't want to get too famous, so he is wearing a mask, so you won't recognize him. Haha, no, he is just not a fan of showing his face all over the internet, and I understand as long as he poses for me. 😏

This straight-cut model features long sleeves, a ribbed stand-up collar, rib knitted cuffs and hem, a zipper, and subtle logo embroidery on the chest. Made of soft Pima cotton for wearing wonderfully comfortable.

The fine knit from this vest shows its outstanding quality. These men's sweaters are the most spacious in their range. Ideal for my man, who likes loose-fitting clothes. He also loves that it's 100% cotton because he can't stand synthetics. And you can combine it with so many colors. 😃

If you want one of these, you had better hurry, because they are almost sold out. 

They have a customer appreciation of 9.2, and I understand why. Their clothing is always outstanding quality and they deliver really fast. Our order was registered on Thursday the 14th and they already delivered in Belgium on Saturday the 16th. If that's not fast, I don't know what is. 😉

Here are just a few examples of all the other beautiful garments you can find in their store.

Now hurry to their shop, because they have a lot of items on sale at the moment.

Hope you like my blog..... Until next time..... Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Wednesday 13 January 2021

Interview with Fashion Designer Lauren DeCarli

Hi There..... Are you ready for another Fashion Designer Interview? A view behind the scenes of the Fashion Industry?

I hope you love them as much as I do. I really want to know, because if you like these interviews, I am going to find some more Fashion Designers. Unless they find me, that would be even better. 😄

I think they deserve to be in the spotlight. Don't you agree? 😊

That gives me a new idea. Maybe I should include jewelry designers too. After all, they are also a part of the fashion industry. I have to be careful not to get too many ideas because all those ideas have to translate into blog posts afterward. 😕

Always remember, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.". That's what Jack from The Shining said. If you know the movie, you understand that it's not a good thing to do too much work. Thus, I would suggest to sit back, relax, and read my blog post. 😏

I have to admit that these kinds of posts are easier for me. All I have to do is talk some nonsense, copy and paste the Fashion Designer's answers and do some editing. 😁

After all, as Roald Dahl said, "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." So if there are any of these wisest men reading this blog post, I am sure they will relish my nonsense. Otherwise, too bad. 😂

The designer I am featuring today is Lauren DeCarli. She is the 30-year-old Founder and Chief Creative Office of Paneros Clothing.

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be?

I founded Paneros Clothing, an ethical and sustainable clothing brand that focuses on using smarter fibers & fabrics, responsible manufacturing, quality over quantity, limiting pollution, and limiting waste. 

As a founder of a small brand, I wear a lot of hats, but the bulk of my work is designing our ready-to-wear women’s collection and working on our locally made limited edition upcycled products, content creation, social media marketing, and fulfillment.

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Fashion is very important to me because it allows you to transform yourself, it’s something anyone and everyone can take part in, it’s creative, and it allows you to express yourself and evolve continually. It’s self-expression, which I believe is so important.

What are your successes and how did you achieve them?

Within the last 12 years, I have worked my way up to Senior Designer of a major fashion company and launched my own sustainable clothing brand. I achieved my successes by working really hard, not giving up, taking risks, and learning from others. 

Working in the industry, making mistakes, making connections, having successes, and learning what I wanted to do, and knowing what I didn’t want really helped me to launch my company. 

While designing at my previous company, I never let my status get in the way of learning. There was never a job I felt I was too good for. This helped me learn a lot about the entire process and all the minor details and processes that go into a business. 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

When I was younger, it definitely did. I think I and many people see a brand name as a status symbol. Now, I think of the brand name on a broader scale. 

For example, designer brands are usually of higher quality, nicer fabrics, better garment construction, etc. so now I really look to them for their quality aspect as opposed to a status symbol. 

I look at brand names differently than I used to in terms of what does that brand stand for. I look at their values, their practices before I decide if I am going to purchase from them or not. 

Describe your personal style of clothing?

I have a very eclectic personal style. It all depends on my mood or where I’m going. I really appreciate many styles and like that I don’t have to restrict myself to wear just one style of clothing. 

It’s fun to mix things up and to bring out different feelings. Some days I feel very feminine and I’ll wear a dress with lots of ruffles and other days I feel more tomboyish. 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

I really just shopped what I liked. If I wasn’t into a certain style, I didn’t buy it. I also know what looks good on my body, so I’m not afraid of not following a trend if it doesn’t work for me. I don’t have a signature look; I like to try out fresh looks every day. 

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

I think I have an influence on other’s style on a small scale. My friends and family will often ask for my opinion on their outfits, or what to purchase for a specific occasion. 

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

I think the voluminous, oversized sleeves are a trend that you can’t go wrong with. It’s something that can stay in style forever and can be dressed up or down. I’m also a sucker for a great blazer, whether it be oversized or more fitted. I don’t think you can go wrong with adding a blazer to your look and am loving the suiting trend. 

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

I think the fast fashion trend is one of the worst trends since it’s so bad for the environment. They make the products cheaply with poor quality and poor fit. In most cases, the people making those clothes are not being compensated fairly or working in excellent conditions either. Regarding a specific trend, I think the whale tail should go away for good. 

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

I would say to find out which silhouettes and fits compliment your body and don't worry about being trendy or not. Find quality, timeless, but not basic styles, that look great on your body, and make you feel great and you’ll keep them forever. Fashion is all about how you feel, so don’t get caught up in being the trendiest if they don’t work for you. Stay true to yourself. 

Who is your style icon and why?

Right now I would say Harry Styles because he’s not afraid to break out of the traditional masculine mold. He is having fun wearing different styles and looks and wears what he enjoys. He’s not worried about what others are going to think and he is dressing for himself, not for anyone else. 

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

When you are shopping, I suggest researching the brand to make sure their values align with yours. Are they actually practicing what they preach? Are they just greenwashing consumers? 

I just love those garments. They are so very feminine and romantic, if you ask me. 

I have to admit that I didn't know what this whale-tail fashion trend was, so I looked it up. It's not an actual garment, but it's when the woman's thong is emerging from that garment. I couldn't agree more with Lauren that they should ban that trend forever.

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 10 January 2021

What is a Hashtag? The Best Instagram Hashtag Generator Tool

Hi There.....Do you use an Instagram Hashtag generator? Ah yes, what is a hashtag?

Don't worry, they aren't drugs, and I will not tell you how to cultivate Hash. 😁

I wouldn't even know where to start, to cultivate anything. If there is something I learned in the past years, it's that I don't have a green thumb. Keeping plants alive is something that is really hard for me. 😏

I remember a time though when they didn't die by my hand. About a bit over 10 years ago, I had a cat called Ziggy. He was the sweetest and most tolerant cat I ever had. 😍

Then again, he had a terrible habit of loving my plants a bit too much. So much even he ate them and often just pulled them out of the soil. No matter what size or kind, he just had to destroy them. Even a cactus was not safe. 😂 

To the point of this blog post again. Did you know that they call the # sign on your keyboard a hash mark? Social Media turned this sign into a symbol used with a tag in order to get found better on searches. For example, the hashtag #jewelry allows people to find all the posts made or tagged with this hashtag in it. 😊

Some of you that have been following for a long time may know I already talked about this topic, but I had so many questions on where to find great hashtags, that I decided, just like in fashion, to give this post a fresh look. 😉

So about one and a half years ago, I had the chance to try out Flick, an Instagram hashtag generator tool. It helps you grow your account, business, or influence by reaching new audiences on Instagram. 

So what can this tool do for you?

Find quality hashtags in a matter of minutes.

Drive more impressions, profile views, and follows from untapped audiences.

Includes banned/flagged hashtag checker

40 suggestions for every search

Filter using key hashtag metrics

Works in 20+ languages

The tool splits up the keywords into Low competition, Medium competition, and High competition. I mostly use the ones with Low competition because it is very hard to get found or rank for the higher ones. Since the High competition hashtags are so popular, they are being used by millions of people, so when you use them nobody will notice your post. That's not what you want. 😜

Organize, manage, and copy hashtags with ease.

Create a centralized location for your favorite hashtags and access them from any phone, tablet, or computer.

Dedicated mobile app for Collections

Build and experiment with different lists

No more wrestling with your notes app

You can start collecting the keywords you will use more often. You can sort them any way you like to see what works best for you. Don't use the same hashtags repeatedly, though. It's a good idea to use a variety of hashtags on your posts and stories so your posts can reach different communities and new potential followers. 😃

Uncover which hashtags are performing best.

See where you post ranks on the hashtag feed and receive detailed insights into your hashtag performance.

Build a hashtag strategy on auto-pilot

See the hashtags you've ranked on

Data-driven insights on your hashtag usage

This is such a significant feature of this tool, and I really love it. You can analyze your Instagram posts and see engagement rate, how many hashtags you ranked for, reach, impressions, likes, comments, and saves. This way you can find out if you are on the right path or need to mix it all up again and rethink your strategy. 😕

Never be limited by your location again.

Find new hashtags, or access, edit and copy the hashtags you've already stored in your Collections, from your phone.

Find hashtags on the go

Access hashtags from Collections

iOS & Android App

Another great feature, if you ask me. You can download the app on your phone and access it no matter where you go. 😍

And don't worry that you might find it all too complicated cause they have guided video courses, a comprehensive collection of articles on how to use the platform, interactive tutorials, and a help center. 😊

And you can try it out for free. What more could you want. 😚

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Thursday 7 January 2021

Review about the JouwBox 11 - Natural Products - Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Healthy Lifestyle

Hi There..... Do you like natural products? Do you like Extra Virgin Olive Oil? Would you like a more Healthy Lifestyle?

I think I’m on the right path now. Since my Gastric Bypass, my eating habits have completely changed. 😄

Even though I could often restrain myself, I had some very nasty habits and certainly not the most healthy lifestyle. It was a constant fight between the good and the bad me. It felt as if there was some kind of demon in my head saying ‘Go on, don’t be a pussy, take it if you want it, one won’t hurt you, and nobody will know’. 😧

Then on the other side, the voice of reason was saying ‘Don’t do it, it’s not good for you, you are way too fat already, you are going to get caught’. I know that voice of reason was a bit cruel sometimes. Guess I am lucky nobody knew what was going on in my head or they would have put me in a mental institution. 😂

One of my problems was that I did not seem to have a stop button. There was always room for more. Not that I blame my parents, but they weren’t the best role models on that point. I remember times when we would sit around the table having eaten all so much we had to unbutton our pants to make room for our swollen bellies. Another problem was that my food stayed in my intestine too long and nothing seemed to come out. 😏

Things couldn’t be more different now. It’s as if they have brainwashed me. Oh my, what if they did? 😲

I suppose the fact that you can’t eat any sugary foods in the first few weeks made the difference for me. I have got no more sugar cravings, even better I don’t even like sugary foods anymore. New Year’s eve I joined in to eat a piece of biscuit cake, but I didn’t like it. There are so many things I used to love but just don’t like anymore, and I would be crazy to learn to eat those things again. I may be a bit crazy, but not that crazy. 😁

But if you understand the Dutch language, this blog post might help you. In my JouwBox there was a book from Joël Goudsmit, Reboot Je Gezondheid in 24 uur (Reboot your health within 24hours). What does their website say about this book about a healthy lifestyle?

Reboot your health in 24 hours has become the book the writer was looking for himself but could not find: a book that summarizes everything about your health from A to Z in one cover as concisely as possible. 
You can immediately apply what you read. The book takes you through all kinds of daily habits and morning, afternoon, evening rituals. The writer put on honest and, above all, critical glasses and tried to make you think about which (un)healthy choices you make (un)consciously and what the effect on your health is. 

He has written all the knowledge and practical experience gained in an understandable language; He tries to answer all your health questions; He gives tips and describes fun facts, interspersed with facts, practical checklists, and several handy recipes with which you can, for example, make toothpaste, washing-up liquid or deodorant. Thanks to the tips and handy checklists, you will find out how you can change your daily habits to improve your health and environment.

In the book you will learn:
- Why you should shit squatting
- That you should only wash and care for your skin with natural products that you can actually eat.
- Why you should only eat seasonal fruits.
- To spend less time on your screen.
- How much water you should drink in a day and that 8 glasses of water a day is wrong.
- That you have to exercise in different ways to obtain physical health.
- That the air in your home is often even more polluted than outside.
- How to recognize healthy and unhealthy foods and products in the supermarket.
- Why you should cook with healthy pans.
- Why you should wash with cold water.
- That modern chewing gum mainly consists of plastic.
- How you can clean your house naturally.
- That you should only drink a few cups of coffee a week.
- Why counting calories is a waste of your time.
- Why electro smog could harm your health.
- How to make your own toothpaste, deodorant, and detergent.
and so much more!

If you are open to change, Reboot your health in 24 hours can become your guide on the way to more health with which you will not only make your life healthier but also for your fellow human and the world.

There are a lot of things in this book I didn't realize needed changing. The book makes you aware of everything around you, not just what you eat or use on your skin. 😊

I thought I was rid of most of my bad habits, but this book gives you a completely fresh perspective on life. 
The book contains so many tips and handy checklists on how to improve those habits. Some of them are so straightforward that it makes you think, why didn't I think of that. 😮

The other one I would like to tell you a bit more about today is the Biological Extra Virgin Olive oil from Olive Art. What does their website say about this extra virgin olive oil?

This delicious Greek organic olive oil from Olive-art is of top quality and has already won several international "Taste Awards". The olive oil comes from Crete near Mylopotamos in the province of Rethymnon. Here, the famous Koroneiki olives are grown on a family estate in the best possible conditions, such as soil and microclimate, to produce excellent olive oil. 

That is why this region and the olive oil have been awarded a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status. This oil is cold-pressed and (unlike most industrial oils) not refined. In this way, many valuable substances are retained that would otherwise be filtered out. This ensures fragrant oil that has a soft taste and in which you can still taste the origin. The organic oil is certified by the Organization of Control and Certificate for Organic Cultivation.

 Picture by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay 

I didn't want to use this olive oil for just frying some vegetables or meat, so I used it to pickle my cucumber. I usually do this by slicing the cucumber, adding olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and dried chives. 😋

I had to use a picture from Pixabay because I forgot to take a picture of my cucumber salad, but it looks a lot like mine. I know, but my excuse is that I am getting old and old people forget things sometimes. 😄

You can really taste that this isn't your standard olive oil because of the delicate flavor. I haven't tried it yet but I am thinking of making the famous Italian Aglio e Olio Spaghetti with this oil. I can imagine this being a perfect choice. Ooh, I am looking forward to trying it already. 😋

Check out my previous blog posts about this box

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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