Isn't taking pictures of the things you enjoy in life the best thing..... I think it is..... I can so enjoy going through pictures of my youth, holidays, the kids..... All kinds of things..... Especially in these times of quarantine..... Pictures from better days..... The days when we were free to go wherever we pleased 😎
Don't worry about it too much..... Those days will come back..... We may even laugh about all this someday..... And the pain from losing someone will fade..... I can tell you about it..... But these things do take time..... But the memories will be there forever.....Especially those you were able to capture in a beautiful photograph 😘
That is something I wanted to talk to you about today because I just received some prints of my pictures from I know you may think I am old fashioned but I still love to get my pictures on prints..... Ah good old fashioned me hehe 😉
They have some great options for your pictures to try out..... I tried their Retroprints option..... Here is a link to it..... ...... You never know when it may come in handy 😊
And I was so happy to see how my pictures turned out..... Great quality and I especially love the black and white one..... It's a picture of me when I was still a kid..... Ages ago 😁
Pretty cool..... Don't you agree..... They are all pretty good..... Must be because I took them myself..... No, no I can't fool you now, can I..... Of course, I didn't take them all myself 😏
The website has a lot of other great options to choose from..... Let me show you a few
Stapled photo book A5 Landscape
Postcards Double square 14 x 14
Picture in frame
Photo Calendar 21x21 square
Diary Deluxe A5 Portrait
Passport photo's
Merci chocolates 400g
Magazine A4 Portrait
Wouldn't you love that..... Making your own magazine or sending some personalized chocolates..... You can always send them to me 😋
Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day
Renata (Seadbeady)
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