Saturday, 18 April 2020

Are you new at beading? Start beading with this Free Peyote Triangle Pattern

Hi There.....Have you ever done beadwork?

I have done quite a lot..... And I still have to do a lot..... You may be thinking..... Why? Simple because I have a closet full of beads..... Those little buggers are so very addictive 🙃

But I thought to myself..... Why on earth should I go through this alone..... Why not rub it off on a few others here..... That's an evil plan, I know..... But I just can't help it..... I blame my mom and dad..... They are the ones that made me..... I had no say in it 😈

So if you are a bit like me..... Evil..... Come and join me in spreading this addiction..... And start by trying out this pattern to make this Magical Triangle 😋

Here is an example of what we will be making
Picture by Seadbeady

Pattern Peyote Triangle

I always use Toho or Miyuki Delica beads because, in my opinion, they get the best results..... To make it easy it is best to work with 2 different colors of beads..... We will call them A and B

Step 1 

On a comfortable length of thread pick up 3 beads A and go through them again to make a ring as shown on the drawing below

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 2

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead. I have made the beads from the previous drawing light grey and the newly added beads black.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 3 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.
Picture by Seadbeady

Step 4 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.
Picture by Seadbeady

Step 5 

Now we need to step up to the next round by going through the first A bead added in step 2.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 6 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 7 

Pick up one bead B and go through the next A bead. From here on the newly added B beads will be red and the ones from previous rounds will be pink.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 8 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 9 

Pick up one bead B and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 10 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 11 

Pick up one bead B and go through the next A bead.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 12 

Step up to the next round as you did in step 5

Step 13 

Pick up 2 beads A and go through the next A bead.

Step 14 

We will add 2 beads B instead of one now.

Picture by Seadbeady

Step 15 

Repeat this for the rest of this round and step up to the next round as you did before

Step 16 

In the next round we will add 3 beads B instead of 2 and so on

Step 17 

You can make it as big as you want - to end it you make a round by just adding one bead A on the 3 corners.
There is a lot you can do with these..... You can make them into earrings or make several triangles and put them together to make a bracelet 😃
But was is most important is that you have fun making them..... Show me yours when you finished it..... Your triangle of course 😁
One more thing..... Don't come crying to me if you get addicted..... I did warn you 🤣🤣
Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day
Renata (Seadbeady)
Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 
Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Where can I get some great prints from my photographs?

Hi There..... Do you like taking pictures?

Isn't taking pictures of the things you enjoy in life the best thing..... I think it is..... I can so enjoy going through pictures of my youth, holidays, the kids..... All kinds of things..... Especially in these times of quarantine..... Pictures from better days..... The days when we were free to go wherever we pleased 😎

Don't worry about it too much..... Those days will come back..... We may even laugh about all this someday..... And the pain from losing someone will fade..... I can tell you about it..... But these things do take time..... But the memories will be there forever.....Especially those you were able to capture in a beautiful photograph 😘

That is something I wanted to talk to you about today because I just received some prints of my pictures from I know you may think I am old fashioned but I still love to get my pictures on prints..... Ah good old fashioned me hehe 😉

They have some great options for your pictures to try out..... I tried their Retroprints option..... Here is a link to it..... ...... You never know when it may come in handy 😊

And I was so happy to see how my pictures turned out..... Great quality and I especially love the black and white one..... It's a picture of me when I was still a kid..... Ages ago 😁

Pretty cool..... Don't you agree..... They are all pretty good..... Must be because I took them myself..... No, no I can't fool you now, can I..... Of course, I didn't take them all myself 😏

The website has a lot of other great options to choose from..... Let me show you a few

Stapled photo book A5 Landscape


Postcards Double square 14 x 14

Picture in frame

Photo Calendar 21x21 square

Diary Deluxe A5 Portrait

Passport photo's

Merci chocolates 400g

Magazine A4 Portrait

Wouldn't you love that..... Making your own magazine or sending some personalized chocolates..... You can always send them to me 😋

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Where can I find Honey? Where can I find great Honey products?

Hi There..... Do you like honey?

No, no..... Not your honey..... I mean honey made by bees 😋

Did you know that there are stories about honey being used to treat a lot of ails dating back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians? Traditional Indian medicinal practices and Chinese medicine also made use of honey.

Another thing I found on Wikipedia is that the oldest know remains were found in Georgia dating about 5000 years back..... It seems that people in those days were buried with several types of honey to accompany them on their journey into the afterlife.

I don't know about you but I always am curious about those kinds of things..... Ah yes I have to admit that I am the curious type 😊

There is no point in denying that honey has a lot of benefits..... And on top of that, it is very tasty as well..... Surely you must agree on that 😋

So you can imagine that I was happy to test a few products from

Did you know they sell honey..... Haha of course they do..... But not just that they also have a lot of other things like beauty products, candy, delicacies, candles and so much more.

I was allowed to choose what I wanted to try out..... I found that pretty hard..... They have so many great choices..... But because I wanted to try out different things this is what I picked 😃

The first one I tried out was the honey lollipop..... This is what the site says about it..... They are lovely lollipops made from cane sugar, glucose obtained from wheat and they contain 10% honey..... Here is the link to the product

My own findings of these lollipops are that they are not overly sweet..... Which for me is a good thing because I really don't like things that are very sweet..... Except for my granddaughter..... I love it when she is really sweet haha..... I did like the lollipops but I wouldn't have minded for them to have some more honey in them 😉

Secondly, I tried out the biologic Hair Conditioner..... This is what the site says about the product..... It's an organic hair conditioner from Propolia® that combines honey with reinforcing wheat proteins and cider vinegar to bring out the smoothness and shine of your hair. A haircare product with sweet scents that complement the natural beauty of your hair..... Already one of their favorite products..... Silicone free and Quarts free..... It is suited for people that could use a natural boost for their hair and to make it tangle-free after washing it with shampoo..... Here is the link to the product

I actually was really excited to try out this conditioner..... I tend to hide my grey..... Or actually white hair in my case..... Like most women, I color my hair..... Why wouldn't I .....Blondes have more fun..... Or that's what I like to think 😏

And of course, it doesn't change my date of birth but I can only hope it makes me look somewhat younger..... But coloring does make my hair even drier than it already is and therefore it looks somewhat dull and brittle 😵

My own opinion on this hair conditioner is that it does exactly what it promises to do. I am definitely gonna use this again. It doesn't have an overpowering smell and my hair feels nice and soft afterward and I can comb through it easily 😃

The third item I tried out was their Fruit Honey..... This is what the site says about it..... It is less sweet in taste than other honey types and as the name says itself a bit fruity in taste. It is light in color. The crystallization of this honey is slower which keeps it liquid for a longer time. The honey is collected by bees in the fruit orchards..... Because it stays liquid for a long time, this honey is well suited for tea or cake..... Here is the link to the product

You may know it or not but I actually hate coffee and am a fervent tea drinker..... You do not want to know how many kinds of tea I have in my pantry..... So you can understand why I picked this type of honey 😀

So what is my opinion on this type of honey..... I just love it..... It is so easy to use..... no need to scrape the honey from the pot..... Just go in it with your spoon and it solves almost instantly in your tea..... It takes away the bitterness of the tea.....Some teas can turn really bitter when they cool down..... I hate bitter 😖

They have a lot of other great products on their site..... Here are a few more that I wanted to share with you 😊

Real raw honey

Honey ginger wine

Propolis drops – tincture

Pure Beewax

Honey Soufflé Blueberries

Honey power

Bees- and insect hotel medium

And I have something special for you too this time..... If you use the code beehappy5 you get a 5% discount on your purchase..... Cool isn't it 😁

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day

Renata (Seadbeady)

Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊

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Saturday, 28 March 2020

Where to find some great kids craft materials

Hi There.....Are you in lockdown? Do you have kids?

I am not gonna talk to you about this lockdown situation.....I think people already are informed enough about that through messages from their governments or other blog posts 😵

I was thinking more practical..... In terms of creativity for your children..... Did you know that arts and crafts help to support their fine gross motor skills and things like hand and eye coordination? 

You did? Great..... If not you know now 😁

If you put your kids in front of the screen all day..... Be it television or Tablet..... They will not have the chance to develop more hand and finger strength..... Learning and practicing how to use scissors and cutting, modeling clay, painting and coloring can help them with this.

Creative activities also help them to think differently..... It will improve their imagination and concentration..... Your kids will have to figure out their own solutions to the problem at hand  😊

I thought that this could be the perfect time to bond with your kid without them having the pressure of doing it right..... Because in creativity there is no right or wrong..... Just let your child's imagination lead the way 😎 

Maybe I am a bit subjective..... I am a creative soul and can only recommend it from my own point of view..... Creativity has helped me get through some very bad times..... Maybe it can help your kids in the same way to get through these hard times 😚

I found a great quote from Isabel Allende for you 

"We all have an unsuspected reserve of strength inside that emerges when life puts us to the test"

I would not be myself if I would not present you with some shops on Etsy that provide creative craft materials for kids 😍

1pc OWL DIY Art Fabric Painting Colors Pillow

zen creativity kit, mothers day gift

Lot of 2 Creative Kids Ck Crafts Cross Stitch Fun

Painting By Number Frog, Easy Paint By Number

Metallic film sheet Selection, Sewing, Card Making

DIY kit, make your own raggy heart key chain or bag charm

SPACE Stencil & T-shirt Starter Kit

3D Wood Construction Kit Set -Tesla

Sew Cool - Tailor Set, Sewing for Kids

Jumbo Lolly Building Sticks Colour Pack 260

So what do you think..... Does this inspire you to get creative with your kids 😘
Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Poem - Will there be a tomorrow

Hi There.....How are you feeling today?

I sure hope you are alright.....I am not sick just a bit down because of all the restrictions because of the virus. 

I cannot see my kids and granddaughter for a few weeks or months maybe.....I Can't say that things like that make me thrilled 😭

I am happy in a way though that my parents don't have to go through this.....I lost my dad when I was only 22 and my mom died 2 years ago. But I can very much understand that people worry about their moms, dads, or grandparents.

So what better time than today to make a poem for you 😊

But first, it would be best to take a book and read a bit or take your phone and play a little game.....Give me some time to still make this poem.....That way I can go get a cup of tea.....But be sure to be back in time 😋

So here it comes.....

Will there be a tomorrow
Birds still fly outside my window
Outside the sun is still shining
Doesn't every cloud have a silver lining
In my heart I know that is true
Then why am I feeling so blue
I know this craziness all will pass
Kids will go back to class
We will not have to stay in anymore
Life will go back to what it was before
But the question is who will I miss
That I so still wanted to kiss
Will we feel  empty inside
Eyes red from the tears we cried
Or will we go out of our mind
For those who were left behind
So for all people around the globe
I send you all strength and hope
That we get through these times of sorrow
And that there will be a tomorrow

You weren't expecting that now were you.....Me being able to write a serious poem  😋 
I haven't done that for a while and it made me have to dig deep.....I have a bit of a problem now.....I am going to have to ask my hubby to fill up the whole now.....My back hurts from all this digging  😖  
Come on now.....Did you really think I could stay serious forever?  😂  
Hope you like my poem.....Until next time.....Have a great day
Renata (Seadbeady)
Want to be on my blog next time?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me an email😊

Saturday, 14 March 2020

What is the best product for dry eyes?

Hi There.....Do you have problems with your eyes?

I don't mean things like being farsighted or shortsighted.....But more things like regular eye infections.....having a burning sensation or painful eyes 😢

I get that easily.....I, for instance, am very vulnerable for eye infections and have the feeling as if there is something grainy or sand in my eyes. It's somewhat a vicious circle because when I get that feeling of having something sandy or grainy in my eyes.....I tend to rub my eyes to get it out.....Obviously, that doesn't work.....The only effect it has is that my eyes get infected and red.....I know it's so stupid.....But hey that's me haha 😁

But have you ever heard of the dry eye syndrome?

It is associated with symptoms like irritation, redness, discharge, and easily fatigued eyes.....Sometimes it can cause Blurred vision too.

If you are the curious type.....Somewhat like me.....You might wonder what causes it 😕

You can get dry eyes when the eye does not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This could be the result of wearing contact lenses, allergies, old age, medication sometimes and numerous other reasons.....It's an extensive list 😦

I had the symptoms actually a long time before I knew where it came from.....Knowing it is one thing but it also seems to be hazardous for your eyes.....It can lead to tiny wounds on the surface of the eyes......So I thought it would be best to do something about it.

Recently I had the opportunity to try out the Similasan Dry Eye Drops

What the product promises to do.....Takes effect rapidly.....Hydrates, Calms, and Sooths.....Once opened they are sustainable for 3 months.....Only the best natural ingredients.....Your vision stays clear.....Easy drip head without the use of other tools.....It can be used in combination with contact lenses.....High-end Swiss quality.

Sounds great doesn't it 😃

So what did I think of this product.....Oh my, such a relief.....They really deliver on that promise.....When I put them in my eyes the sandy feeling is instantly gone and I have no allergic reaction to the drops whatsoever.....Once a day usually does the trick for me.....Maybe one little downside is that it is hard to get the drops out in the beginning.....But I found the trick to get them out alright.....I hold the bottle steady with my left hand above my eye and tap on the side of the bottle until the drops come out.....There is a solution to all problems.....Ok so far for my motivational quote for the day haha 😂

They have a lot of other products and not only for dry eyes.....Here are some other products you can find on their website 😊




Hay fever eye drops from SIMILASAN

Red eyes eye drops from SIMILASAN

SIMILASAN cleansing wipes NR. 1 for PINKEYE



So if you are suffering from one of the above.....Don't hesitate to try them out.....They are of a very fine quality😄

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day

Renata (Seadbeady)

Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊

Thursday, 12 March 2020

What are some great cities to visit in Europe?

Hi There.....Do you like to travel?
I love traveling but I hate airplanes.....Ok, I admit I am scared in an airplane.....But I have been on them a few times just because it is so much faster and on some occasions cheaper even 😁
Actually, I would love to go on vacation by train for once.....Just sitting on the train and watching the landscape is something I would really enjoy.....And I wouldn't have to conquer my fear of flying 😊
So there is a good chance that we might go to the south of Spain by train at the end of this year.....Although there is something that might spoil the party.....My husband has to go to his doctor next Friday to get the result of his foot scans.....He might need to get new surgery on his foot and then we won't be able to go 😱
The positive about this is that we don't spend the money and can save it as an extra for our next trip.....You see every negative has a positive somehow.....All you need to do is find it 😋
I do have a few trips on my bucket list though.....I would love to go to Lisbon Portugal one day.....It has centuries of history and tradition and it is said to be one of the most captivating cities in Europe.....And the weather is great there too 😀
picture from skitterphoto on Pixabay
But it does have a big negative for me.....It is called the city of seven hills.....They say no matter which way you go it always feels as if you are walking up.....That is a big problem for me because of my knee prosthesis.....My knee never went back to the way it used to be 😧
Another city that is on my list is Paris.....I went there on a school trip when I was about 14 years old.....It seems like ages ago.....Must be because it was in the previous age 😂
But there are a lot of things I still remember from my trip.....Going to the Louvre, The Gardens of Versailles and also Montmartre that was my favorite and something that really inspired me.....Especially the Painter's Square.....It's a place where a lot of artists come together to sell their paintings or maybe make a painting of you while you are there 😊
Picture from yongyong park on Pixabay
There is still one more city on my bucket list and that is London.....I also went there on a school trip the year after I went to Paris....I still remember a lot from that trip too.....Like going to the museum of Madame Tussaud where you can see the wax figures of a lot of famous people from history or films.....I also very much remember the museum of science and going to the theatre.....But the one thing I still want to experience is London shopping.....From the luxury shops to the retail or outlet shops and to the market for a few bargains.....Who doesn't love a good bargain 😋
Picture from snowyraphael on Pixabay
So tell me what's on your travel bucket list 😀
Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day
Renata (Seadbeady)
Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me an email 😊