Wednesday 30 September 2020

Tips On Where To Find Some Great Fall Recipes - Home Cooking Part 2

Hi There..... Are you hungry for some great fall recipes? 😋

I hope you like home cooking because that’s what today’s blog is all about. Ha, I didn’t beat around the bush this time. Usually, I let you simmer some more and have you guess a bit what my post will be all about. As you can see, that’s not today. 😀

Last week I shared my first part of fall recipes, but there are plenty more where those came from. You absolutely have to read the first post I made on this topic. 😉

If you haven’t read it, know that I am not that fond of cooking. I only cook when I have to, and I have to admit that nowadays my hubby spends more time in the kitchen than I. 😊

But that’s not just because I am no avid cook. He often prepares all the vegetables for me because it’s painful for me to peel and chop them. The destruction of the cartilage in my hands is getting to be more and more of a problem. Soon there will be nothing left of me but a pile of bones. Maybe I can give them to my granddaughter then so she can play with them. 😂

Did you realize that the earliest known written recipes date to 1730 BC, and they were discovered in Mesopotamia? Other early written recipes date from roughly 1600 BC and come from a tablet from southern Babylonia. Can you believe I find those kinds of things interesting? I suppose you can, but would you still believe it if you knew I hated history in school? 😁

Ah, I bet you weren’t suspecting that. If you are eager to learn everything about this subject, you can find more information on this page of Wikipedia.

But I am certain people will have passed their family inherited home cooking recipes a lot earlier. I bet you have some of those up your sleeve. That doesn’t mean I can’t give you some extra inspiration. Everyday meals can be great on a regular day during the week. 😊

Most of us have kids at home that have to get their dinner on time, and these meals have to suit a tight budget. Then there are days when you get some more time in the kitchen and squander just that bit more. Here is my second selection of great fall recipes for those special days. 😍

Recipe For Mushroom Soup

1 onion
250 grams of mushrooms (or another type of mushroom)
olive oil 2 tbsp
25 grams of wheat flour
vegetable stock, 500-1000 ml depending on how creamy you want it
dash of white port
(soy) cream to taste
Pepper and salt to taste
some rosemary for garnish

Sweet Potato And Pak Choi Stew With Crispy Portobello

700 grams of sweet potatoes
500 grams of floury potatoes
2 bushes of pak choi
2 portobello mushrooms
80 grams of panko
protein from 2 eggs
4 tablespoons of flour
4 tablespoons of sunflower oil
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon chili flakes

Sweet Potato Sauerkraut Mash

600 gr sweet potatoes (weigh before peeling)
2 cloves of garlic
0.5 tablespoon of fennel seeds
a good dash of olive oil
sea salt

1 bag of sauerkraut (520 gr)
4 cloves
good splash of white wine (or water)

Cheerful Autumn Pumpkin Soup

One and a half kilo of pumpkin (ask the farmer for a tasty variety if there are several varieties, if not butternut squash is always good)
1 liter of vegetable stock
1 large winter carrot
1 small leek
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
2 generous teaspoons of curry
1 teaspoon of cumin
150 ml of cooking cream
Olive oil

Have fun cooking and enjoy your meal 😋

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Just send me a message.

Saturday 26 September 2020

Where To Find Handmade Sustainable Fashion Items

Hi There..... Are you looking for Handmade Sustainable Fashion Items?

Does it also make you happy to find that there are more and more shops that make sustainable fashion items? There would be a time that people didn’t care much about the how and why. Well, at least that is how I remember it from my past. People weren’t that much aware that things like Sustainable fashion mattered. But have I got a secret for you. It does. 😀

Today we have to take into account not only how we style ourselves but also what shops select to make their clothes off.

The problem for me is that before I can do that, I will first have to find my perfect fashion style. I dropped a lot of weight these past few years and that makes me lost again. Can you see the giant pile of fat behind me trying to keep up? 😂

No, seriously, my head still hasn’t adapted to my new body. Sometimes I still see myself as that chubby woman I was for so many years. 😉

Would you like to know more about my weight loss journey? Maybe you should read the blog I made on that a few weeks ago.

Although I have to say, there is one disadvantage of getting skinnier at a certain age. When your face gets less round, the wrinkles get more visible too. I hate that part, even though people say I look younger now. I shouldn’t be unhappy though because people still estimate me about 5 to 10 years younger. 😍

It has to be something I inherited from my dad. I still remember my mom always wanting my dad to grow a beard. Without his beard, he would look so much younger. My mom said that one time when they were having a walk. People would mistake my dad for my mom’s son. Impossible because I had no brothers. Ok, at least not that I am aware of. 😂

So here I am, still looking for that perfect dress for me. The most important question is what kind of dress fits my new body type best.

Wikipedia’s classification talks about 5 different body sizes.

V-shapes have smaller buttocks, bigger chest, and wider shoulders. This is a more male shape and doesn’t fit me one bit.

Hourglass shapes are significantly narrower in the waist than in the chest region. Nope, that is not the one I resemble either.

The Apple shapes have a wider stomach region than their hip section. Also, more of a masculine figure, so I pass on this one too.

Then there is the Pear, Spoon, or Bell figure with a wider hip section than the upper body. This may be a more feminine shape, but it is not mine either.

Last but not least, the Rectangle, Straight or Banana shape with relatively similar hip, waist, and shoulder sections. I almost thought there was nothing in it for me, but this is the one. 😍

Ok, I have bored you enough with chitchatting about myself. Time to tell you something about this Etsy shop I came across a few days ago. I was so impressed by their clothes I asked them if I could write a blog post for them. 😄

They believe that all women have an Inner Muse, and that’s why their shop name is LeMuse. It’s a family business that was born years ago. They are proud to be a part of sustainable fashion and are glad to be using natural fabric in their creations. Their passion is all about making natural, comfortable, and minimalist clothing. They want to make women feel wonderful, radiating, and elegant without harming our precious environment.

Let me show you some pretty things they have in their store 😊

Women Winter Dress, Black Sweater Dress

Women Red Top, Long Sleeve Top

Wool Sweater, Loose Sweater

Deep Blue Dress, Sailor Dress

Women Cardigan, Teal Cardigan

Those are my picks for today..... So tell me what you think about them..... Do you love them as much as I do? 😍

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Behind every unique handmade piece is a lot of hard work. It's a labor of love and every piece you buy will make someone's day a happy day. 

Want to be on my blog next time ??  Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at 😊

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Cooking Tips On Where To Find Some Great Fall Recipes

Hi There..... Do you enjoy cooking a little? Or maybe a lot? Do you have some great fall recipes up your sleeve? Or did you come here to get some cooking tips?

Sorry to say so, but I am not the most avid cook..... I can’t say that I ever was..... Safe to say that I do not have any blog posts on great fall recipes of my own 😄

That reminds me of the time I was a teenager..... We all enjoyed helping mom making special things for the Holidays..... We would, for instance, make our own potato croquettes..... First, my mam would prepare the mashed potatoes and we would dip them in egg white first and then in some breadcrumbs..... And afterward, we would roll them all by hand 😋

Did you ever make potato croquettes from scratch like that? I bet you didn't 😉

Those were literally about the only times you would find me in the kitchen..... Only on special occasions when we would try out new things or new recipes..... Simple everyday meals didn’t really interest me that much..... My sisters would always do their part and help mom out with cooking throughout the year..... But I hated ordinary meals so badly that I would always try to escape 😖

That’s why my mom invented a stupid new rule..... If you wanted to take part in the cooking on special occasions..... You would have to have cooked at least 10 meals during the year..... Ooh my, that really didn’t make me happy, not the least bit 😞

Some years I didn’t even make it to 10 cooks..... I know, hard to believe, haha..... 10 times a year doesn't seem that much..... But it was way too much for me 😂

Well, at least now you know why I don’t have a food blog..... But that doesn’t mean I am going to deprive you of great recipes or cooking tips..... As Jim Rohn said, ‘To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?' 😁

Thus I solved the problem at hand..... I asked some of my Blogger friends for recipes and before I knew it I had too many of them..... So I am probably going to do another blog post like this soon..... I have always had a problem with turning people down..... Why would you turn them down if you don’t have to? And I am not the only one who seems to think this way..... Steve Wynn said, ‘Money doesn’t make people happy. People make people happy.' 😎

So here are the first fall recipes I picked to share with you today..... They are Dutch recipes, but I will translate the ingredients for you..... You can always use Google Translate if you want to know more..... And if you are really stuck, you can always ask me for help 😋

Risotto With Mushrooms And Eggplant

250 grams of risotto
cup of mushrooms
1 bag of dried porcini mushrooms
1 eggplant
1 bell pepper
2 onions
0.8 - 1 liter of broth
leftover peas
dash of red wine (about 1 deciliter)
1-2 tablespoons of Italian herbs
chorizo (or chicken, tasty too!)
bag of parmesan cheese

Vegan Aubergine Stew With Chickpeas

bel pepper
garlic (2 cloves)
4 carrots
250 grams of chickpeas (fresh have to be soaked for at least 8 hours)
100 grams of mushrooms
50 grams of pearl onions, drained
2 onions

Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto With Parmesan Cheese

Lots of olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 liter of vegetable stock
200-gram risotto rice (we used spelt risotto)
1 small butternut squash, peeled, and cubed
5 carrots, grated
75 grams of Parmesan cheese, grated
125 milliliter white Chardonnay wine, optional
40 grams of unsalted butter
A nice pinch of salt
Black pepper to taste
Fresh thyme

Chestnut Soup With Mushrooms And Thyme

340 grams of chestnuts with skin (+/- 300 gr peeled chestnuts)
300 chestnut mushrooms
100 shiitakes
1 onion
150 gr leek (1 large or 2 small)
1 vegetable stock cube
1 - 1.5 liter of boiling water
1 tablespoon dried or fresh thyme leaves
for garnish: some extra shiitake mushrooms with garlic and salt (we used about 50 g per person)

Ok, that's it for today..... I sure hope I inspired you to do some cooking 😍

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Want to be on my blog next time ??  Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at 😊

Saturday 19 September 2020

Where to find Natural Solutions for your Problems - doterra Essential Oils

Hi There..... Did you know today is eat an apple day?

Found it on my handy calendar..... What calendar?..... Ah, that's my secret 😁

I always look up some history on Wikipedia to see if I can find something interesting to share..... At first, I came on the page about the Apple Corporation..... Not so interesting if you ask me..... But did you know that the apple is the most widely grown species..... Not that surprising, I suppose..... What I found surprising is that it originates from Central Asia 😮

There are so many things you can do with an apple..... In Belgium, we use it in a lot of dishes..... Like in combination with red cabbage..... Or you can make applesauce and pair it with chicken and fries..... But we also make a lot of desserts with apples..... Apple pie, Apple turnover, Apple crumble,... 😋

I remember when I was in elementary school we would yearly have an apple day..... On that day we all got an apple..... And I remember always being so happy about it..... It had a label on it saying 'Snoep verstandig, Eet een appel' or in English that would be 'Eat wise, eat an apple'..... Am not 100% sure but it was something like that 😀

Ah, don't you just love the scent of freshly made applesauce with cinnamon in it..... Cinnamon and apple a match made in heaven 😇

But there are a lot of other uses for cinnamon..... Like in doterra essential oils, for instance..... And that's where I was going today..... I know that was quite a detour..... But I did get there in the end..... I have a dear friend that has a shop called wellnessisessential..... She has always supported me and that's why I wanted to make her the lucky one today with a blog about her shop 😎

Some of you may wonder what the ... Essential oils are..... Feel free to fill in the dots 😂

They are the essence of a plant..... Distilled and prepared out of roots, seeds, flowers, or bark.....They are highly potent chemical compounds.....Essential oils give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination.

Obviously, you also want to know what Doterra Essential oils can do for you 😄

When you open a bottle of pure, undiluted essential oil..... Even from a distance, it fills your senses with its potent aroma..... Every Essential oil varies in its natural makeup..... This means the aromas and benefits are unique to each of them..... Taken internally, it can support immune, nervous and digestive systems and aid in healthy cellular function..... They have dozens of benefits for the body and mind.

Here are a few I selected for you to give you an idea of what her shop has in store for you 😍

Veráge® Skin Care Collection


DigestZen Digestive Blend is specially formulated to support healthy digestion.* This doterra essential oil blend can be taken internally or massaged topically to soothe occasional stomach issues.

doTERRA On Guard®

doTERRA On Guard essential oil blend boosts immune and respiratory system function,* especially during cold, winter months. It purifies the air and is a favorite for diffusing, thanks to its welcoming citrus-spice aroma and many beneficial properties. This blend helps keep you healthy so you can pursue your passions and care for your family.

DDR Prime® Oil

DDR Prime is a proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils that help protect the body against oxidative stress to cellular DNA.*

Thyme Oil

With a specific chemistry that supports a healthy immune system when used internally,* Thyme oil is a potent, warm essential oil that holds powerful cleansing and purifying properties.*

ClaryCalm® Oil

ClaryCalm is a proprietary blend of the doterra essential oils specifically chosen for women. When applied to skin, Clary Calm provides a cooling and soothing effect.

Yarrow|Pom Collection

Yarrow|Pom Collection delivers a powerful three-layered approach to beauty inside out for healthy-looking skin and a youthful head-to-toe glow.

doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack®

The doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack is formulated as an optimal daily nutritional supplement program for a lifetime of health and wellness.* Together these supplements provide maximum nutrition for energy, focus, relief from discomfort, and well-being.

Slim & Sassy® Oil

Designed to help boost your metabolism and manage hunger cravings when ingested, Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend can be used as part of a weight management plan when combined with exercise and healthy eating.*

Bone Nutrient Essential Complex

doTERRA Women Bone Nutrient Essential Complex is a blend of vitamins and minerals that are essential for bone health in women beginning in adolescence and continuing through menopause.*

So what do you think..... Have you used Doterra Essential oils before? 😍

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day

Renata (Seadbeady)

Follow me on Instagram

Want to be on my blog next time? Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Where To Find a Course How To Become An Influencer - Micro Influencer Course

Hi There..... Are you a micro influencer? Do you want to learn how to become an influencer?

Do you even know what that is 😎

Wikipedia says it can be compared to a celebrity..... Specifically for a certain niche group of users on a social media platform..... 

They often present themselves as public figures using technologies like video, blogs, and social networking sites..... Oh yes, I am such a celebrity too..... Or at least I try to be 😁

Picture by Seadbeady

This is me, for instance, as an influencer promoting a mask for The Little Magic Shop 😃

That's why I was happy the other day they asked me to review a Micro Influencer Course - The Supreme Guide To Becoming A Micro Influencer

So what does their website say about this course..... It is the supreme strategy to get brand collaborations and earn an income from your social media platforms, even with a small following.

The course contains not just What to do to become a successful micro influencer, but How to do it..... You can find out the biggest mistake many of us make and what is much more important for you to focus on than just gaining followers. 

Remember, social media is not meant for collecting people, but for connecting people..... Discover the reasons brands want to collaborate with YOU in particular, no matter your location or niche..... They give you the psychological triggers you must use in your content to make it unforgettable to your audience and leave them wanting to hear more from you..... In this course, you will also learn what to charge for an ad or sponsored post. Find out how much you are worth, based on the number of followers you have and your engagement rate..... They give you Deep, practical, actionable content that you can start using straight away.

Doesn’t this sound interesting..... I would say it does 😊

Picture by Diggity Marketing from Pixabay 

After 3 years of blogging, I guess it’s safe to say I have had some experience in this field..... And I am eager to always learn more..... I try to read up on things to improve myself 😄

And I can honestly say I learned a lot of things out of this course….. Things that I hadn’t heard before..... They organize it in distinct steps..... You can read it and get back to a certain step later..... They explain everything very well and complement this with examples, questions you could ask yourself, and exercises..... They even give you an extensive list of Influencer Marketing Platforms 😍

Picture from Gerd Altmann via Pixabay 

If you would like to know what I think about it..... I would say this is a great course for beginning influencers..... But seasoned influencers could learn new things from it as well 😄

Do you feel there is still a lot to learn? Or do you feel there is room for improvement? Be sure to check out this course - - and let me know how you feel about it 😍

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Follow me on Instagram

“I was given a product for free in exchange for my honest review”

Want to be on my blog next time ??  Would you like me to review your product?? Just send me a message 😊

Saturday 12 September 2020

Different Types Of Jewelry Findings And Their Uses

Hi There..... Are you in for something new?..... I sure hope so because someone asked me to make a guest post on my blog..... And I agreed..... So this post is not written by me but by Melissa Hamler..... If you like it you can follow her blog on

If you are a novice at jewelry making, you might not be entirely sure about what are the different types of jewelry findings and what you can use them for. These are just the components that help the pieces to join together in order to form your jewelry. A few examples are eye pins, headpins, connectors, jump rings, clasps, and bails. You can find these components in metal finishes like gunmetal, copper, antique brass, antique silver, silver-tone, gold-tone, etc. Let us now take a look at some of the common jewelry findings and their uses. 

Bead Caps

These are decorative jewelry findings that you can attach at the end of the beads. These are made up of different metals and you can find them in different shapes and sizes. You can use them to cover both sides or just cap one end of the bead, like an earring dangle. A bead cap will vary considerably in appearance depending on the size and shape of the bead of your choice. You can also use these findings with beaded tassels and beaded ropes in order to hide threads and knots. 

Crimp Beads and Crimp Covers

Crimp beads allow you to attach the beading wire ends to other findings like earring wire, clasp, and jump ring. You can find these jewelry findings in two shapes - cylindrical crimp tubes and rounded crimp beads. Usually, you have to use pliers or a special crimping tool to close them. You need to select a crimp of appropriate size based on the size of the wire. 


Clasps are essential jewelry findings that allow you to fasten your bracelet and necklace designs. You have the option of choosing from these hooks, carabiner clasps, bolt rings, magnetic clasps, screw fasteners, and toggle clasps. You need to use jump rings in order to attach the clasps.

Cord and Ribbon Ends

Some people don't want to tie their cord and ribbon jewelry together, and for the cord and ribbon, the ends are perfect. This finding allows you to introduce a metal fixing to your jewelry project. While ribbon heads are mostly flat, you will find the barrel and round-shaped cord ends more interesting. The ribbon ends often have teeth that help in securing them to the material.

Eyepins and Headpins

These jewelry findings feature a wire material and you can use them to dangle beads and connect the different components of handmade jewelry. Headpins can be of two types and while one variety has a ball at the end, the other one has a flattened circle. You can connect these eye pins to other findings and components or add dangles to them by using the round loop at the end. Other varieties include spiral headpins and paddle headpins, and they are fitted with decorative embellishments.

Jump Rings

These jewelry findings consist of metal loops that can be used to join together different jewelry components such as beaded components and ear wires, clasps and chains, etc. You can also make a chain maille out of these jump rings.

Wire Guardians

A crimp cover is a C-shaped decorative metal with a hollow center that you can close around a crimp, thereby making it appear like a bead. You can find them in a variety of metals and sizes and can fasten them by using pliers.

These findings are used to protect threads and prevent the stringing material brushing against the findings and protect it from getting damaged. You just need to feed your thread through the wire guardians and thread out your jump ring, necklace end, or fastener over the top. That’s it.

Now that you are aware of some of the findings that can help you with your jewelry-making projects, you can buy the ones based on your requirement. Hence, choosing the right findings will ensure the longevity and quality of the piece of jewelry.

That's all for today folks..... If you like this I might consider doing other blog post exchanges in the future..... They say it's a good way to expand your reach..... So let me know how you feel about it..... By the way..... You can find what I wrote on her blog this time..... Be sure to pay her blog a visit 😃

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Want to be on my blog next time ??  Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at 😊

Saturday 5 September 2020

My chronic illness and Last Reviews for the JouwBox edition 10

Hi There..... Would you like to learn more about my chronic illness and the new gift box I received?

Did you know that every September is Happy Cat Month?  😍

I am a huge cat lover..... They are so darn cuddly and cute..... It’s actually very hard for me, I cannot keep one at the moment..... Well, it’s a long story actually..... We moved 4 years ago to an apartment due to my chronic illness..... My cartilage is of very poor quality….. As a result, it is breaking down bit by bit all over my body 😟

Momentarily, I already have a hip and knee prosthesis on my right side….. But my left knee is giving me more and more problems every day now too….. Wish I could say that this was my only problem….. The disks in my back spine are slowly degenerating too….. And those of my neck were more than happy to join in on the fun 😜

Ooh no, I still haven’t finished….. My shoulders are becoming more blocked and more painful….. Probably a result of walking on crutches a lot in the last few years….. And then there are my wrists and thumbs pains….. Mostly because of some abnormal bone depositions….. I have those in different places all over my body….. I suppose they also wanted to join in on the fun 😜

Can you imagine that some people envy me….. Just because I am not working anymore 😲

What they don’t see is how many painkillers I have to take in daily…… They get me through an average day….. But there are limits to what my body can do….. And if I cross those limits, I will have to pay for it….. The result is that I have to cope with 2 or 3 days of severe pain….. Sometimes I even can’t straighten my back anymore….. And then I haven’t told you about my muscles yet….. They are fed-up with it and overreact….. Resulting in blockages 😢

You may call me crazy, but I really don’t get what they are jealous of 😵

Great..... Feels good getting that off my chest 

Let's get back to more fun things..... Like reviewing..... I think it's fun 😁

There were still 2 things in my Jouwbox left that I haven't told you about..... If you did not see the previous ones..... Here is a link to them

The first one still on my list is the Mudmasky Leave-me-on Autumn mask..... What does their website say about this mask..... It's a gel-based and oil-free ultra calming formula..... It rebalances and rehydrates your skin after a hot summer.....The mask reduces sunspots to a minimum after using daily after 2 till 3 weeks..... Without the use of popular bleaching chemicals like hydroquinone..... Fragrance-free

Sounds pretty cool..... Don't you agree 😉

As the name already suggests you can just put it on and leave it..... Still, I really have to read it twice to believe..... As the French say 'Simple come Bonjour' (translated as simple as saying hello)..... No hassle with rinsing it off afterward..... As I was rubbing it in it became rather sticky for a few seconds but that feeling disappeared..... And now my skin is almost as soft as a baby skin..... Did you know that your skin loses a lot of moisture in the summertime..... Especially in a hot summer like we had this year..... It may seem pretty expensive but you don't need much..... So the tube will last for a long time.....To me, this mask is the perfect solution..... As Maira Kalman said 'I truly believe there's always a solution to every problem 😎

The last product to review is the Okinawa minerals from the Health Factory..... What does their website say about these minerals..... They are the basic minerals from nature..... These minerals consist of calcium and magnesium as in the natural ratio of our body of 2 to 1..... They are unique in the sense that they contain 76 essential and ionic minerals and trace elements..... The Health Factory pack their products in high-quality dark violet glass, which only transmits infrared and ultraviolet UVA light.... Resulting in a much longer shelf life and vitalizing..... Following is a list of reasons why everyone should use these minerals

Okinawa minerals have a proven absorbability of 80% within 20 minutes..... A multivitamin contains all vitamins, but not all minerals and trace elements. Therefore, use the minerals daily as a multimineral..... the lack of minerals and trace elements in the farmland was already identified and reported by the US Senate in 1936. Their advice for every American was therefore to replenish minerals and trace elements daily. Eighty years later, it is still not generally known how big the shortages are in the soil, in food, crops, and therefore in humans..... Behavioral problems, learning difficulties, psychological complaints, and disorders are increasingly common and are partly caused by mineral and trace element deficiencies. Deficiencies can already arise in the womb..... It is the purest and most mineral and trace supplement, sourced from Sango Coral from Okinawa, an island near Japan. It is the only coral, of the 2.500 species in the world, whose composition is almost identical to that of human bone. Surgeons around the world even use this coral for bone grafts..... Water to which Okinawa minerals have been added has a pH value of 10 and is, therefore, more deacidifying than fruit and vegetables.

That is quite an extensive list..... Don't you agree 😮

But I can understand why they want to give this much information..... Especially given the fact that most people don't realize that they might be lacking these minerals..... I can't say for sure that I do or don't need them..... I would dare to think not because I have been taking supplements twice a day since my Gastric Bypass..... But I did try them out in a glass of water one day and in a glass of fruit juice the other day..... Here is a picture from my water experiment 😋

Almost looked a bit like milk..... Weirdly it hardly has any taste..... I only tasted the graininess from the substance..... Solving it in fruit juice worked better for me..... It solves well and the fruit juice didn't taste any different as far as I could tell..... I am not that much of a fan of Yoghurt but I am thinking that could work even better.....  😍

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

Follow me on Instagram

“They gave me a product for free in exchange for my honest review”

Would you like to be on my blog next time ??  Want me to review your product?? Just send me a message at 😊

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Tips on some handy gifts for Travelers - JouwBox edition 10 - Gift Box

Hi There..... Do you like gift boxes? Are you looking for some handy gifts for travelers? 

Here in Belgium, the 1st of September is always the first school day..... So did you go on vacation..... Did you have a good time..... I am actually glad the vacation is over..... That's when the fun starts for us..... We are free to go whenever we want.... Our kids have left home a few years ago..... So we always wait till others get back to work..... The less crowd the more fun for us 😁 

Ah..... Are you thinking where on earth this conversation is leading to this time..... I just love to keep you on hold..... I am a mean woman..... Aren't I 😂

Maybe you read my previous blogs about this 'JouwBox' (Gift Box) I was lucky to receive..... Here are the links to them if you still haven't read them..... High time you did 😀

The products I am reviewing today could be handy gifts for travelers..... It's always good to share tips on some handy products for Travelers..... Right..... But my tip could also be great for people who only travel once a year..... Maybe you should just read on to understand where I am going to 😉

The first one today is the Shampoo bar & conditioner with Jasmin and Propolis from Bee Honest Cosmetics..... Let's have a look at what their website says about this Shampoo bar..... It is in the form of a bar of soap and is especially for your hair..... It works the same as a liquid shampoo..... It ensures that your hair becomes clean and gets volume and shine without drying out your hair..... It is very economical in use..... 1 bar corresponds to 3 bottles of shampoo..... Beside nectar and pollen..... Bees collect resin from all kinds of trees and plant buds..... They add various enzymes from their salivary glands to this, resulting in propolis..... Bees use propolis to strengthen their beehives and protect their colonies against viruses, bacteria, and fungi..... Because of the many antioxidants in propolis, it helps neutralize cell-damaging free radicals from for example air pollution particles and UV radiation..... The jasmine oil gives the bar a lovely fresh, light floral scent..... The shampoo bar has a regenerative capacity thanks to the propolis..... Suited for dry and damaged hair.

For those who care about the environment..... I have to include that they pack the soap bar in a cardboard box..... They don't apply any plastic..... Can't be against this now, can we 😍

There's a first time for everything and also my first time to use this kind of shampoo bar….. You can imagine me being curious to try it….. And I have to say It was a pleasant surprise….. Straightforward to use, and my hair felt nice and soft afterward….. If you ask me, it does not compare to using separate shampoo and conditioner….. I think this could be the perfect product to take with you on your holiday….. It is handy to pack and for those of you who like to fly….. It is not liquid and thus won’t pose any problems at airport security….. Unless they think you stashed some drugs inside your soap bar 😂

My second pick for today is the African Black Soap from Natural Heroes….. Let’s have a look at what their website says about this piece of soap….. It is 100% natural and vegan..... Saponification process through cocoa pods ash..... Can help strengthen your skin..... Suitable for your body and hair..... Free from colors, fragrances, and preservatives..... It is packed with vitamins A and E and an absolute benefactor for your skin..... Vitamin A helps your skin to produce collagen, keeps your skin firm, and prevents premature skin aging..... Vitamine E moisturizes and improves the texture of your skin..... Made from the ashes of local plants and barks such as plantain, cocoa pod husk, and palm tree leaves..... The leaves and barks are first dried in the sun and then roasted in a pot at a constant temperature, which is important to get the color and texture right..... Then they add water and oil (coconut oil, palm kernel oil, shea butter) and the mixture gets stirred for at least one day..... They then store the soap for two weeks before it is ready for usage..... Storage tip - keep it in a wooden box.

Doesn't it almost look like a piece of cake..... I was almost tempted to take a bite from it 😁

No, of course, I didn’t….. But I tried the soap and instantly fell in love with the scent….. It reminded me of the one we used when I was a child….. Don’t ask me its name because that I can’t recall….. So I cleaned my face with it as the site suggests you should….. I honestly don’t like to wash my face with soap because it makes my skin feel all dry….. But if you want to be a reviewer, you just have to try things out….. That is if you want to be an excellent reviewer….. And as you can see I survived….. My skin felt slightly dry but not as bad as I dreaded….. I can even say that it hasn’t felt this soft for a long time….. And who doesn’t want a more tight skin….. I know I do for sure 😋

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

“I was given a product for free in exchange for my honest review”

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