Saturday 15 May 2021

What are Tea Tree Oil Benefits - Australian Bodycare - Shaving Kit

Hi There..... Would you like to know more about tea tree oil benefits? Have you ever heard of a shaving kit for women? Do you shave your intimate area?

I trim my edges. It’s not so fashionable to have hairs coming out on the sides of your bathing suit. Shaving is my solution, but you could also choose to solve the problem by walking like a penguin. If you think about it, it’s a double win situation. Their arms are also right next to their bodies so you wouldn’t have to do your armpits either. 😂

Never done a clean shave down there, though, because I don’t want to look like a little girl. The contrast from top to bottom would be too big for me. 😏

During my time in high school, as far as I was aware of, I didn’t have any friends that shaved intimately. Could be because I was in a catholic school, and we were all prudes. We didn’t talk about that kind of subject except with our best friends. For all I know, they may have been fully bold without me knowing it. 😳

Did you know that in the 1450s, British prostitutes shaved their pubic hair for personal hygiene and the combatting of pubic lice? Can you imagine having lice down there? Oh My, I’d rather not. 😲

Let’s talk about more fun things. Australian Bodycare contacted me again to ask me to write a review about their intimate shaving kit. 😍

Who are they?

Australian Bodycare has been a frontrunner for skincare products since 1992. Since then, they have adhered to the same ideas as they were founded on:
Providing the best skincare solutions and helping people achieve a better quality of life.

What's inside the kit?

Inside are 3 products that work against red razor bumps, spots, and ingrown hairs after shaving. The shaving kit contains an intimate wash, a shave gel, and an aftershave balm. All 3 products are pH-balanced and contain natural Australian Tea Tree Oil. The products are made from natural, active ingredients approved by our cosmetic science team.

What is Tea Tree Oil?

The secret behind smooth skin is found in the beautiful, exotic flora of Australia and has been known to the aboriginals through generations. Tea Tree Oil is a 100% natural and pure oil extracted from the leaves of the Australian tree, Melaleuca Alternifolia. Our products only contain the high pharmaceutical grade of Tea Tree Oil from Australia.

What are the Tea Tree Oil benefits?

Tea Tree Oil effectively heals, cleanses, and protects your skin and hair. Natural Tea Tree Oil is known for its powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. Tea Tree Oil restores the natural bacterial flora of the skin and prevents bacteria. Australian Bodycare products contain Pure Tea Tree Oil in different concentrations depending on the product's use.

What does it do in the long run?

Used on a daily basis, the Tea Tree Oil treats various skin problems while keeping the skin healthy. Tea Tree Oil inhibits the growth of unwanted bacteria and fungus. Australian Bodycare develops all of their own products using top‑shelf ingredients and the products are dermatologically tested and have a powerful effect with no compromise made to the safety of the skin.

How to use the Shaving Kit?

Step 1: Use Intim Wash before shaving to remove bacteria that can lead to red spots and ingrown hair.
Recommended use: Every time before shaving or waxing.

Step 2: While shaving use Intim Shave, a specially formulated shaving gel, to minimize red spots and ingrown hair.
Recommended use: For best results use Intim Shave every time you are shaving.

Step 3: After shaving or waxing. Apply Intim Balm with circular movements onto the desired area. Leave it on and allow it to fully absorb, enjoy a complete soothing and smoothing experience.
Recommended use: For best results, use Intim Balm every time after shaving or waxing.

What did I think?

Intimate Wash

This is the largest tube of the 3 because both men and women can use it daily. I wasn't expecting the product to ooze out the way it did, so if you decide to buy this product, be careful when you open it. I am not a big fan of the scent of this product, but it's not that strong and not highly disturbing either. On the positive, it was nice and refreshing. 

Intimate Shave Gel?

The Shaving Gel is transparent and not that tick, which makes the razor glide easily over the skin. I have never tried to use gel for this, but it makes perfect sense, because men never shave their faces dry either. 

Intimate Balm

I can't say that I don't feel my skin has had a shave, but it's a lot less than usual. My skin feels great and significantly calmed.

The entire process takes longer than usual, but I would say it is definitely worth it. If men can have shaving foam, then it's only fair that we get our shaving kit too. 😎

Read my previous blog about them if you are interested to know about their hair care treatment against itchy scalp

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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“I was given a product for free in exchange for my honest review”

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  1. I love tea tree oil, although I predominately use it for breakouts.

  2. I will send this to my sister. She loves this kind of products!

  3. I am fan of Tea tree oil so much!They helped my acne very well.Thanks for the reviews of other tea tree!

  4. Haven't used this product before but we give it a try after reading your post! Thanks for the recommendation :)

  5. Thus is new to product to me. I'm checking it out.

  6. I am a big fan of tea tree oil. It has done wonders for my skin as well as my hair. I may have to give this brand a try.

  7. Looks like some nice products! Will have to check it out!

  8. I love tea tree oil. It's really good for the skin.

  9. Thank you for such informative post and please keep posting like always. As you have mentioned essential oils can be made at home, I would just welcome this amazing idea which is too good. All can learn how to make DIY essential oil. Recently, I have ordered tea tree oil from Olive Gap Organic Farm and I found very good result by using this.

  10. Wow, such a nice topic about essential oils for cleaning and I hope this will be more informative fact for all. Essential oils have lots of anti-bacterial property which is good for skin and hair. By daily use of this oil, we can get more benefits. I am using tea tree essential oil by Olive Gap Organic Farm which has a great impact in my skin I have seen. So I must say that this tea tree oil really works on skin repair.

  11. I didnt know this brand's product:)


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