Saturday 12 February 2022

Hoe Bepaal Je Welk Vrouwen Parfum Best Bij Je Past - Beauty Pauze - Geuren Quiz

Hallo daar..... Ben je op zoek naar een nieuw vrouwen parfum? Zou je meer willen weten over de dames geuren quiz die ik gisteren deed?

Aangezien ik gisteren een ontmoeting had met Cara Peeters van Beauty pauze, leek het me wel leuk om wat last-minute Valentine's geschenk ideeΓ«n te delen. Elke vrouw wordt toch graag verwend? Zou ze nee zeggen tegen een nieuw vrouwen parfum als geschenk? Dat betwijfel ik toch. πŸ˜‰

Een deel van mij keek er naar uit om Cara te ontmoeten. Het was de eerste keer dat ik iemand ging ontmoeten met het oog op een blog post. Daarom ook dat een ander deel van mij er helemaal niet naar uitkeek. Oh ja, ik heb een gespleten persoonlijkheid. Nee, natuurlijk niet. Of wel? 😰

Misschien kan ik me beter nader verklaren, de Blogger, Influencer was enthusiast, maar de schuchtere kant van mij, die ik tracht verborgen te houden, keek er tegenop iemand nieuw te ontmoeten. Klein innerlijk conflict, maar de nieuwsgierige ik won deze keer. Is dat niet geweldig? Stel je voor wat er zou gebeurt zijn anders. Ja niks uiteraard. 😎

Wie is Cara Peeters?

Ze is een onafhankelijke partner van LR.
Ze zijn een van Europa's toonaangevende directe verkoopondernemingen. Hun hoogwaardige "Gemaakt in Duitsland" gezondheids- en schoonheidsproducten, evenals hun unieke zakelijke kansen, wekken enthousiasme bij miljoenen klanten en duizenden verkooppartners over de hele wereld.

De ontmoeting

Zodra Cara de deur opende, begonnen we te praten over vanalles en nog wat dat ik niet deel in deze blogpost, maar we hadden het ook veel over dames geuren en vrouwen parfum. Eerst gaf ze me een paper met een quiz. 😊

Afhankelijk van mijn keuzes (A, B, C, or D), kon ze bepalen wel type parfum het best bij mij zou passen. 
Ik was blijkbaar een D type. Een beetje deprimerend als je jezelf altijd als een A hebt beschouwd. πŸ˜‚

 Ok, ik kon 7 dames geuren uitproberen die onder type D vielen. Ze gaf me een boekje met strookjes om eerst op te spuiten vooraleer ik ze op mijn huid zou proberen. Er waren 2 geuren die me het meest aanspraken. Ik deed de ene op mijn linker pols en de andere op mijn rechter. Kwestie van een beetje in evenwicht te blijven. πŸ˜€

Sensual Grace

Fascinerende geur die verleidt tot dromen
Sensueel boeket van pruimen-, heliotroop-, gourmand- en vanillenoten
Geur: bloemig, groen, elegant
Geurkarakter: vrouwelijk, mysterieus
Voor vrouwen met een gevoel voor elegantie en gratie

Een interpretatie van moderne vrouwelijkheid, elegantie en mysterieuze sensualiteit. Sensual Grace is een
fascinerende geur van roos, vanille, sensuele jasmijn en een kostbare, aromatisch-zoete gourmandnoot.
Een betoverend parfum dat je verleidt om te dromen en je sensuele, vrouwelijke uitstraling elegant accentueert.

Mijn mening over de Sensual Grace

Hij kwam wel behoorlijk straf over in het begin, maar dat beterde na enkele minuten. De geur van dit parfum bleef ongeveer 10 uur op mijn pols hangen. Ik was volledig voor deze dames geur gewonnen, maar mijn man vond dit de mindere van de 2 die ik probeerde. πŸ˜•


Geur: Bloemig - Fruitig
Pure betovering met fresia, jasmijn en muskus

LR Classics Santorini Eau de Parfum - als een zonsondergang die de zintuigen boeit.

Het betoverende eiland is de naam voor een geur die met zijn bloemig-warme intensiteit doet denken aan een Griekse zomerdag met turquoise blauwe lucht en kristalheldere zee. Verleidelijke fresia's worden getransformeerd in een weelderig hart van jasmijn, perfect afgerond door muskus.

Mijn mening over de Santorini

Ik hield ervan hoe zacht en bloemig deze geur was. Hoewel deze bij mij op de tweede plaats kwam, kon ik na ongeveer 12 uur nog steeds de geur op mijn pols oppikken, wat een enorm pluspunt is. Een ander belangrijk feit is dat mijn man deze het lekkerst vond. 😍


Dit was zo'n leuke test. Voordat ik echter mijn definitieve beslissing neem, ga ik de andere 5 van type D ook eens op mijn pols uitproberen.

Woon je in BelgiΓ« of Nederland, niet al te ver van Hamme (bij Dendermonde, Sint Niklaas), en vind je het moeilijk om te bepalen welk vrouwen parfum te gebruiken, dan zou ik een afspraak maken met Cara. Je kan gemakkelijk contact met haar opnemen door op de link tree op haar Instagram-profiel te klikken.

Weet je al wat jouw favoriete dames geuren zijn, dan kan je gewoon ook zonder probleem naar haar website gaan.

Ze heeft trouwens naast vrouwen parfum ook een mooie reeks mannen parfums om uit te kiezen. Daar deel ik binnenkort nog wel een blog post over.

Momenteel kan je ook een interessante promotie op haar website vinden voor Valentijn. 
Mix-set van 2 voor 45,99 €
Kies uit onze designer Eau de Parfums.

Voor haar:

Rockin' Romance - Eau de Parfum
Beautyqueen by LR - Eau de Parfum
Harem - Eau de Parfum
Pseudonym - Eau de Parfum
Heart & Soul Eau de Parfum
Brilliant Look - Eau de Parfum
Sensual Grace - Eau de Parfum
Femme Noblesse - Eau de Parfum
Jungle Woman - Eau de Parfum
Voor hem:

Ocean´Sky - Eau de Parfum
Terminator - Eau de Parfum
Jungle Man - Eau de Parfum
Just Sport - Eau de Parfum
Racing - Eau de Parfum
Metropolitan Man - Eau de Parfum

Volg gewoon deze link als je er meer over wil weten.

Hoop dat je mijn blog leuk vindt.....Tot volgende keer.....Geniet van je dag 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Vond je deze blog post leuk? Deel hem dan met je vrienden door de knoppen hieronder te gebruiken of laat me weten wat je ervan dacht in een comment.

Friday 11 February 2022

How to Determine Your Type of Women's Perfume - Beauty Pauze - Scent Quiz

Hi There..... Are you looking for a fresh scent? Would you like to learn some more about the women's perfume quiz I took today?

Since I met up with Cara Peeters from Beauty pauze today, I thought it would be great to share some last-minute Valentine's gift ideas. Doesn't every woman love to be pampered? Would she say no to a new women's perfume as a gift? Somehow, I highly doubt it. πŸ˜‰

A part of me was incredibly excited to meet Cara. This was the first time I would meet someone in person for a blog post. That's why the other part of me wasn't looking forward to it. Oh yes, I have a split personality disorder. Nah, of course not. Or do I? 😰

Let me explain, the Blogger, Influencer in me was enthusiastic, but the shy person, I try to keep hidden, was anxious about meeting somebody new. Minor inner conflict, but the curious me won this time. Isn't that great? Imagine what would have happened otherwise. Duh, nothing, of course. 😎

Who is Cara Peeters?

She is an independent partner of LR.
They are one of Europe’s leading direct sales enterprises. Their high-quality “Made in Germany” health and beauty products, as well as their unique business opportunities, spark enthusiasm among millions of customers and thousands of sales partners worldwide. 

The meeting

As soon as Cara opened the door, we started talking about a million things that I am not sharing in this blog post, but we also talked a lot about scents and women's perfume. At first, she gave me a paper with a quiz. 😊

Depending on what I picked most (A, B, C, or D), she could determine which type of perfume would work best for me. 
It seemed I was the D type. A little depressing if you have always thought of yourself as an A. πŸ˜‚

 Ok, so I got to try out the 7 scents listed under D. She gave me some cards to spray on at first, and there were 2 that stood out for me. I put one of them on my left wrist, and the other on my right. πŸ˜€

Sensual Grace

A fascinating scent that tempts to dream
Sensual bouquet of plum, heliotrope, gourmand, and vanilla.
Fragrance: floral, green, elegant
Fragrance Character: Feminine, Mysterious
For women with a sense of elegance and grace

An interpretation of modern femininity, elegance, and mysterious sensuality. Sensual Grace is a
fascinating scent of rose, vanilla, sensual jasmine, and a precious, aromatic-sweet gourmand note.
An enchanting perfume that tempts you to dream and elegantly accentuates your sensual, feminine appearance.

My opinion on the Sensual Grace

It comes on pretty strong in the beginning but gets better after a few minutes. The scent of this perfume lingered on my wrist for about 10 hours. This one completely won me over, but my husband found this to be the lesser one of the 2 I tried. πŸ˜•


Fragrance: Floral - Fruity
Pure enchantment with freesia, jasmine, and musk

LR Classics Santorini Eau de Parfum - like a sunset that captivates the senses.

The enchanting island is the name for a fragrance that, with its floral-warm intensity, is reminiscent of a Greek summer day with turquoise blue sky and crystal clear sea. Seductive freesias transformed into a luscious heart of jasmine, perfectly rounded off by musk.

My opinion on the Santorini

I loved how soft and floral this one was. Even though it came in second, I could still pick up the scent on my wrist after about 12 hours, which is a huge plus. Another important fact is that my husband liked this one best. 😍


This was such a fun test. Before I am making my final decision, though, I am going to try out the other 5 from type D on my wrist. 

If you live in Belgium or the Netherlands, not too far from Hamme (near Dendermonde, Sint Niklaas), and you are having a hard time figuring out which perfume to use, I would schedule an appointment with Cara. You can easily contact her by clicking on the link tree on her Instagram profile.

If you already know what your favorite perfume scents are, you can browse her website.

By the way, besides women's perfumes, she also has a nice range of men's perfumes to choose from. I will share more on those in another blog post.

At the moment, there is also a special promotion running for Valentine's day.

Mix-set of 2 for 45,99 €

Choose from our designer Eau de Parfums.
For her:
Rockin' Romance - Eau de Parfum
Beauty Queen by LR - Eau de Parfum
Harem - Eau de Parfum
Pseudonym - Eau de Parfum
Heart & Soul Eau de Parfum
Brilliant Look - Eau de Parfum
Sensual Grace - Eau de Parfum
Femme Noblesse - Eau de Parfum
Jungle Woman - Eau de Parfum

For him:
Ocean'Sky - Eau de Parfum
Terminator - Eau de Parfum
Jungle Man - Eau de Parfum
Just Sport - Eau de Parfum
Racing - Eau de Parfum
Metropolitan Man - Eau de Parfum

Follow this link if you want to know everything about it.

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Saturday 5 February 2022

Interview with Fashion Designer Berny Martin

Hi There..... Are you a fan of my Fashion Designer interviews? Would you like to learn more about what they do, and why they started making garments?

I have always been interested in finding out more about fashion designers. Not sure why, maybe because I occasionally make my own garments. Yes, I am very renowned for my skills. I bet you didn't know that about me. Of course, you didn't because it's not true. 😜

Well, I admit the clothing I make isn't always perfect. Sometimes, a piece ends up in my closet for a while, because I don't want to let it get to waste, but after a while, it ends up in the bin, anyway. 😏

If there would have been a possibility for me to study fashion when I was young, who knows what I would have been capable of, or where I would be right now? At home, most likely. 😁

Then again, if I could have had the choice between fashion and art, or performing arts, I am not sure which one I would have picked. 😯

Instead, I ended up having a degree in science. Isn't that the worst combination ever? 😬

No, it's not. You can find on Scientific American's website, they are more alike than different, so who dares to say I can't be creative? I can, and there is nothing you can do about it. 😎

Ok, I have kept you waiting long enough. Who is the star on my blog today? His name is Berny Martin, he is 45, and the fashion designer at Catou. 😊

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

I design clothes or garments for individuals and companies 

What made you decide to become a Fashion Designer?

I would like to think that I was born that way or wired that way, but yet again, I really enjoy the process of designing clothes.

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Fashion is important to me because it is a creative medium that I found can connect positively with people of all ages, races, genders, political beliefs, and classes.

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

Dressing celebrities, I put my garments in a showroom in New York and a stylist came to select my garments for their celebrity clients to wear.
showing my fashion around the world, I partnered with a lot of international production companies all over the world so that they can use my fashion in their production. 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

Yes, a garment brand name is important to me because it tells me a story. It shows me the care and the longevity of the company and how long they are or have been making their products. It is important to communicate with your garment your life purpose because it shows and tells a story about yourself.

Describe your personal style of clothing?

Comfort and intentional because I wear things so that I can create a sense of communication between me and the people that I am going to meet and share my story.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

I found my personal style when I discovered myself on a trip to the continent of Africa. It was one of the most uplifting experiences in my life. I learned the color balance and how to manipulate colors with fabrics of all sorts. My signature look is the scarf or I should say a Vevelle scarf.

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

Yes, I usually allow my clients to find their inner childhood of clothing, which ultimately brings to them the joy of wearing a specific garment.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

The oversize jacket or trench coat.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Wearing too many accessories with a suit. For me, a suit is classic and a person should let the suit define them instead of them defining the suit with way too many accessories.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Wear something that makes you feel comfortable, and that doesn’t make you think about impressing anyone, or yourself. Enjoy the moment of finding things that make you feel good about yourself and tell a story about you.

Who is your style icon and why?

Yves St Laurent - He changed the way people think about fashion and why they should dress more with elegance instead of just class.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Fashion is universal, and it is through culture and influence, and interaction with other cultures we learn our sense of fashion.  

Thank you, Berny, for answering my questions. I think you have some delightful pieces in your spring collection. 😍

If you are in for some more reading, here are the links to two of my previous fashion designer interviews

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Sunday 30 January 2022

Waar Kan Ik Interieur Inspiratie vinden - Nuuw At Home - Wanddecoratie

Hallo daar..... Hou je ervan om je huis op te frissen met wanddecoraties? Misschien kan ik je wat interieur inspiratie geven?

Ik hou van wanddecoraties, en sinds we net verhuis zijn is dit het perfecte moment om iets nieuws te proberen. We zitten met nog heel wat dozen die nog niet uitgepakt zijn, maar alles staat al wel terug in elkaar.  πŸ˜€

Ik ben wel super blij dat we nu in ons bed slapen terug en niet meer op de grond. We hebben ook terug kleren in onze slaapkamerkast liggen. Ok, ik geef toe dat het niet alleen kleren zijn, maar ook een paar zakken met wol en een trui die terug uitgedaan moet worden. 😳

Ik kan er toch ook niet aan doen dat ik ben wie ik ben. Er werd mij niks gevraagd toen mijn moeder en vader mij maakten dus is het ook niet mijn schuld dat ik over creatief ben. Je had toch niet gehoopt dat ik het op mezelf zou steken? 😲

We zijn er nog niet toe gekomen om wanddecoraties te hangen in ons nieuwe appartement. Deze olifant die Nuuw at home me als geschenk zond in ruil voor mijn eerlijke mening komt dus super goed van pas en zal als eerste aan onze muur prijken. 😍

Over NUUW at home

Welkom bij NUUW at home. DΓ© webshop met mooie, vernieuwende eyecatchers voor in huis. Wanddecoratie die met veel passie en liefde door ons bedacht en ontworpen is en door fijne samenwerkingspartners geproduceerd. Ons ultieme doel is om jouw interieur nΓ³g mooier te maken en ervoor te zorgen dat je jezelf helemaal thuis voelt.

Je vindt bij ons voornamelijk decoratie voor aan de muur, maar deze zijn uiteraard ook geschikt om op een wandplank of meubel neer te zetten. Onze items zijn tevens leuk om cadeau te doen aan een dierbare. Neem snel een kijkje in onze webshop en/of bekijk onze inspiratiefoto's om te zien welke wanddecoratie jou het meeste aanspreekt!


Olifant - Ø40cm (15.75 inch)

Into the Wild! Deze olifant uit de zwarte collectie van NUUW at home is een prachtig gedetailleerde wanddecoratie voor in huis. Perfect voor iedere (wilde) dierenliefhebber, die het leuk vindt om dit terug te laten komen in het interieur.
Model: rond 
Materiaal: 3mm acrylaat
Formaat: 40cm 

Styling advies

Deze olifant is uit zwart acrylaat gehaald door middel van lasersnijden, een techniek waarmee materialen met behulp van een laserstraal uiterst nauwkeurig worden uitgesneden. 

Olifanten leven graag in groepen, daarom hebben wij in onze zwarte collectie bijpassende items ontworpen. Dit item is mooi te combineren met bijvoorbeeld de indiaan en de veer. Een zijde van dit item is mat zwart, de andere zijde is glanzend. Zo kun je eens afwisselen of gaan voor de look die het beste past in jouw interieur. Bekijk voor meer inspiratie onze inspiratiefoto's!  

Je kunt deze eyecatcher (in een plaathouder) op een meubel of wandplank neer zetten of ophangen aan de wand. In onze webshop bieden we een aantal mogelijkheden aan om onze wanddecoraties neer te zetten of op te hangen.

Let op

Deze wanddecoratie van acrylaat kan kwetsbaar zijn vanwege de afbeeldingen die er uit zijn gehaald, wees dan ook voorzichtig bij het hanteren en plaatsen hiervan! Deze producten worden tevens geleverd met een beschermfolie, dit om te voorkomen dat het product beschadigd tijdens het transport. Verwijder deze folie voorzichtig alvorens het item te plaatsen.

Mijn opinie over de Olifant Wanddecoratie

Op het eerste zicht dacht ik, oh nee, ik ga een negatief punt van kritiek moeten geven op deze wanddecoratie. Zodra we het uitpakten zagen we dat de voorkant zeer mooi was, maar als we dan naar achterzijde keken zagen we zwarte strepen en iets dat op blaasjes leek. 😱

Dan las ik de informatie op de website nog eens en moest ik lachen. Uiteraard zijn er blassjes en donkere strepen, omdat er een beschermende film op zat. Jonge toch, ik had me opgewonden over niets. Je kan nooit te voorzichtig zijn? Oh, jawel hoor. 😏

We kozen de matte zijde, dus plakten we de zelfklevende strips op de glanzende zijde. Dan duwden we het tegen de muur voor ongeveer 30 seconden, en daar was ie. 😊

Staat hij niet majestueus in mijn gang, en nu kan ik mensen vragen: "Kan je de olifant in de kamer zien?" Zo belangrijk kan wanddecoratie soms zijn. πŸ˜‰

Nuuw at home heeft nog veel meer interieur inspiratie op zijn website zoals wanddecoraties met dieren, de natuur, voor kinderen en zelfs abstract. 

Hoop dat je mijn blog leuk vindt.....Tot volgende keer.....Geniet van je dag 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Saturday 29 January 2022

Where To Find Wall Decoration Ideas in The Netherlands - Nuuw At Home

Hi There..... Do you like to brighten your home with wall decorations? How about I give you some decoration ideas?

I love wall decorations, and since we just moved, this is the perfect time to try out some new decoration ideas. There are still lots of packed-up boxes in our home, but we have assembled everything. πŸ˜€

Still, I am so happy that we now are sleeping in our bed again, instead of on the ground, and that we have a closet with clothes in again. Ok, I admit there are not only clothes in my closet but also a few bags of wool, and a knit sweater that needs to be undone. 😳

It's so not my fault that I am who I am. I had no say when my mom and dad made me, so it's entirely their responsibility that I am over creative. You weren't expecting me to blame myself; I hope? 😲

We haven't gotten around to hanging our wall decorations, so this elephant Nuuw at home gifted me, in exchange for my honest opinion, will be the first. 😍

About NUUW at home

Welcome to NUUW at home. The web shop with beautiful, innovative eye-catchers for your home. Wall decorations that are thought up and designed with lots of passion and love by us and produced by great cooperation partners. Our goal is to make your interior even more beautiful and to ensure that you feel completely at home.

You will find mainly decorations for the wall, but they are, of course, also suitable to place on a wall shelf or furniture. Our items are also delightful gifts for a loved one. Look at our webshop and/or view our inspiration photos to see which wall decorations appeal most to you! 


Elephant - Ø40cm (15.75 inch)

Into the Wild! This elephant from the black collection of NUUW at home is a beautifully detailed wall decoration for your home. Perfect for every (wild) animal lover who likes to have this reflected in the interior.
Model: round 
Material: 3mm acrylic

Styling advice

This elephant was cut out of black acrylic by laser cutting, a technique that uses a laser beam to cut out materials with extreme precision. 

Elephants like to live in groups, so we have designed matching items in our black collection. This item is nice to combine with, for example, the Indian and the feather. One side of this item is matt black, the other side is glossy. This way you can vary or go for the look that best suits your interior. For more inspiration, check out our inspiration photos!  

You can put this eye-catcher (in a plate holder) on a piece of furniture or a wall shelf or hang it on the wall. In our web shop, we offer several possibilities to place or hang our wall decorations. 


This acrylic wall decoration can be fragile due to the images that have been extracted from it, please be careful when handling and placing it! These products also come with a protective film, this is to prevent the product from being damaged during transport. Please remove this film carefully before placing the item.

My opinion on the Elephant Wall Decoration

At first, I thought, oh no, I am going to give a slight critique on this one. As we unpacked it, the front was beautiful, but when I looked at the back, there were dark stripes and something that seemed like tiny bubbles on it. 😱

Then I read the information on the website again and laughed. Of course, there were bubbles on it and dark stripes, because there was a protective film on it. Oh my, I had made a fuss over nothing. You can't be too careful? Oh yes, you can. 😏

We chose the matt side, so we put adhesive strips on the glossy side, pressed it against the wall for 30 seconds, and there he was. 😊

Doesn't he look majestic in my hallway, and now I can ask people, "Can you see the elephant in the room?" That's how important wall decorations can be sometimes. πŸ˜‰

Nuuw at home has all kinds of other beautiful decorations with animals, nature, for the kids, even abstract. 

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Wednesday 26 January 2022

Where To Find The Finest Cozy Blanket- Sunday Citizen - Soft Throw Blanket

Hi There..... Are you looking for a cozy blanket? Perhaps I can tell you some more about my new soft throw blanket?

Ah, snuggling under a cozy blanket is one of the best things, isn't it? 😎

That reminds me of a story from at least 10 years ago when I last went to a congress. To be sure it was not only interesting but fun also, we went together with a few colleagues. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" as Jack Nicholson said in The Shining. If it goes for Jack, it definitely goes for me, too. 😏

We stayed in bungalows for 8, each having our own bedroom. Women and men separate, of course. There was only one living room. It had been a long and tiring day, so we thought it a great idea to go to our bungalow and watch something on television. Boring, right? 😞

No, not at all. I still remember the program. We watched Trinny and Susannah's series "What not to wear". We had so much fun together, but since it wasn't very warm, we took a large cozy blanket and all snuggled in together. πŸ˜ƒ

It wasn't half as beautiful and soft as the one Sunday Citizen gifted me in exchange for a blog post. 😍

About Sunday Citizen

We’re a fourth-generation textile family with one mission: create moments of joy through comfortable things.

Affordable luxury

Our materials and manufacturing are of the highest standards, but as a direct to consumer, we keep our operation lean and pass on the savings to you.

How we do things

Not all fabrics are created equal. Not all companies work the same.
We make our own fabric blends so that they are radically soft, durable, fine, and practical. They aren't just comfortable; they create comfort.
We work directly with manufacturers to develop unique fabric blends and have full control over quality.
We skip the middleman to provide the best prices and customer experience.
Every item is tested to make sure it can withstand the nuances of modern life and be loved for years and years. 

Sustainable at heart

We strive to keep our production sustainable and eco-friendly. Our packaging is made from recycled cardboard to keep waste to a minimum.

Casablanca Throw

She’s beauty, she’s grace, and she’ll be your favorite throw ever and forever.
Soft-to-the-touch fabric in pretty, earthy colors contrasted with white creates a blanket that decorates and makes you feel oh so warm and delicious.
Made with two layers of our signature snug fabric blend to keep you warm and super chill (metaphorically speaking).


easy on all skins

double knit

extra fluffy and cozy


so you never get cold feet


keeps your body temp just right
100% Microfiber.

My opinion on the Casablanca Throw

When Sunday Citizen asked me if I would be interested in their soft throw blanket, I thought sure. We were thinking of having a dog or cat in our house soon, but when my package arrived, it was very clear that this was way too good to be used for cats or dogs. 😲

Ah yes, they would welcome this cozy blanket for sure, but there are far better uses for it. If you ask me, it is perfect for sitting on your terras outside after a nice sunny day, when you keep chit-chatting with friends. It's beautiful, soft, and big enough to snuggle in it together with your boyfriend or hubby, or maybe you had better keep it all to yourself. 😁

I suppose I had better hide it when my daughter comes over for a visit, though, because she might want to steal my soft throw blanket since she is highly allergic. Nah, of course, she wouldn't do that, or would she? 😳

On their website you can also find things like pillows, loungewear, sleep masks, and bedding, so let me hold you no longer. 😊

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Sunday 23 January 2022

Best Tip on Valentine Gift Ideas - Joyamo - Trendy Jewelry

Hi There..... Would you like some Valentine gift ideas? Do you like trendy jewelry?

Ah yes, only a few weeks and it’s Valentine’s day again. Not that you have to know, but if you are curious about the origin, in Wikipedia, you can find that there are several martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to February 14. πŸ˜€

The custom of sending cards, flowers, chocolates, and other valentine gift ideas came originally from the UK, but nowadays people celebrate it all over the world. 😊

We have been married for a long time, but I still get flowers on Valentine’s day. The first thing I do is to stick my nose into the bouquet. It's good that flowers don't sting like cactuses, because I wouldn't want to run around with a red nose. 😜

It’s weird sometimes I can pick up scents others can’t. I found out that it comes with the territory of being highly sensitive. We’re more sensitive to smells, lights, sounds, and textures. Isn’t that wonderful? 😁

Uh, not always, because I also pick up when someone went too heavy on the perfume. Ooh, I so hate that. Did they get it for free, perhaps? Are they trying to mask that they haven't washed in a while? Ah, I know, they want to make sure nobody crowds their space. πŸ˜„

Today, however, is not about perfume, but about trendy jewelry. Joyamo gifted me 2 of their Valentine’s collection best-sellers in exchange for my honest opinion. 😍

JoyAmo – Who are they?

After the overwhelming international success of our jewelry business, we created a new brand to cater to the needs of younger customers looking for contemporary and trendy jewelry designs.

This is how JoyAmo was born, a combination of the words Joya (Jewel) and Amor (Love), both in Spanish.

JoyAmo delivers superb-quality products, with a twist of coolness and fashion trends. Of course, JoyAmo also offers vintage motifs and patterns but reinvented to fit the personality of today’s women.

JoyAmo’s inspiration when designing their new trendy jewelry are mothers, lovers, best friends, and families. You can add your personal touch and story to any item, by choosing the number of charms and the special love message you want to engrave (name, date, or phrase)

We are proud to be a part of your life’s special moments and to see the happiness our jewelry brings to your life.

The satisfaction of what we do makes us do it better for you!

Picture by Seadbeady

JoyAmo – How does the magic happen?

Your choice of jewelry begins its creation process as soon as it arrives at our factory.

Your item is handmade by our expert artisans and checked thoroughly by our QA Team, before being delivered to you. In this way, we make sure that all our products are of high-quality metals and have a perfect finishing.

We create new collections on a monthly basis to give you an up-to-date look according to the latest fashion trends. On JoyAmo’s site, you will find all the necessary tools to create your own intimate keepsake by engravings names and dates, and adding your favorite stones.

Explore JoyAmo unparalleled fully customizable designs and wear a piece of your unique story close to your heart.

Picture by Seadbeady

Infinity 2 Names Necklace

Family bonds are endless as this impressive Infinity 2 Names Necklace. If you are looking for a piece of trendy jewelry to give to your wife on her birthday, this name necklace with 2 engraved names will be her favorite jewel.

Please note that the names will be engraved in cursive font with the first letter capitalized.

Size: 5 different chain sizes for your choice - 14'', 16'', 18'', 20'' and 22''


AVERAGE LENGTH : 45cm / 18''
METAL: 18k Gold Plating
SKU: 4065613-2

Infinity Pendant

LENGTH : 1.7cm / 0.67"
WIDTH: 4.4cm / 1.73"
METAL: 18k Gold Plating

My opinion on the Infinity 2 Names Necklace

This necklace is available in 925 Sterling Silver, 18K Gold Plating, and 18K Rose Gold Plating. There is something about Rose Gold that makes it hard to resist for me, so how can I do anything else but love this piece of trendy jewelry? 😍

The names aren't that big, but that's just perfect for me. I don't know, but I doubt I would still like it that much when the names would be bigger. It's the thought behind it that counts. I and my hubby are now united in a never-ending loop. Almost like a fairytale, isn't it? 😁

Men’s Leather Bracelet With Oval Name Beads

Because it is time to give back all the love and protection your dad or husband makes you feel, get him this bold Men's Leather Bracelet with Oval Name Beads from JoyAmo.

You can customize this leather bracelet in a few shades of black, brown, and blue with up to 10 name beads.

Size: One Size Bracelet

This personalized Men’s Leather Bracelet with Oval Name Beads is a great gift for everyone and for any occasion.

All JoyAmo jewelry is made of high quality and available in several types of metals such as:

3 types of metals:
* Black
* Blue
* Brown


LENGTH: 21.6cm / 8.5''
SKU: B393016AF


LENGTH : 0.5cm / 0.19''
WIDTH: 1.2cm / 0.47''
THICKNESS : 5.1mm / 0.2''
METAL: 316 Stainless Steel

My opinion on the Men’s Leather Bracelet With Oval Name Beads

My husband is a sucker for anything in black, so I didn't have to think twice about the color of this bracelet. The leather and clasp are of great quality. You can easily put it on and off, and there is no need to fear because it doesn't open when you wear it. The beads are a nice extra detail which makes it more personal. 😊

Both pieces come very well packed and in beautiful boxes, so they could both be great Valentine gift ideas if you like trendy jewelry. 😍

There is one thing I still want to tell you. I am not an affiliate and have nothing to gain by you clicking on the brand links. That's just the way I like it, and this applies to all my blog posts, so go on and be free to click as much as you like. 😎

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady)

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