Tuesday 29 November 2022

Where To Find Unique Jewelry - Melano - The Jewelry Brand That's Interchangeable

Hi There..... Have you been looking for unique jewelry?

Picture by Seadbeady

Perhaps Melano, the jewelry brand that sent me these bracelets for my honest opinion, is what you are looking for. 😃

Don’t you just love to accessorize? I have always found it hard to resist a gorgeous piece of jewelry. 😅

Not that I have always had the funds for it, but each time I pass a jewelry shop, my legs always seem to bring me to the shopping windows to spot some unique jewelry pieces. I honestly hate it when that happens. 😖

Oh my, did I just say that? Are you crazy? I love window shopping. You never know when you might encounter some amazing new jewelry brand. 😲

A girl can dream, right? Yes, wrong, I am well aware of that. I’m far from a spring chicken, and without a doubt, not a little girl anymore. 😏

See if I care what you think. This autumn, or if you wish, even winter chicken still loves spotting unique jewelry, like the interchangeable jewelry from Melano. 😍

Picture by Seadbeady

About Melano

Melano is about making the ordinary unusual, quirkiness over unity because every personality is entitled to unique jewelry.

Melano is the coolest jewelry brand in the Netherlands. Why? Good question! We make sure that every piece of jewelry you want to wear always suits you perfectly. You are 100 women in 1, and we make jewelry for all your personalities. 

Our jewelry fits every moment, every outfit, and every style. We are colorful in everything we do. With our stones, you can combine endlessly and make unique, beautiful combinations. Today you can go for color, tomorrow for black and white, go for it! 

Picture by Seadbeady


Melano strives to inspire every woman to her own taste and personality to show herself every day as she is in this rapidly changing but increasingly uniform world. 

We offer a suitable piece of jewelry for every occasion, style, and character thanks to its interchangeable concept and countless combination options. By prioritizing quality, sustainability, and affordability in the development of our jewelry, we offer unique jewelry that every woman can adapt to her own taste for life. 

Melano focuses on a wide community of women worldwide through her playful concept, authentic storytelling, and stylish appearance.

Picture by Seadbeady

Melano Friends Mabel CZ Oorbellen

The Melano Friends Mabel CZ earrings are sparkling and subtle. They come in all the colors of the rainbow, so you can alternate every day. The Mabel CZ earrings are 5 mm wide and are available in a silver, rose gold or gold plating.

Picture by Seadbeady

Melano Twisted Check On You Bracelet Set Rose-colored

The Melano Twisted Check On You bracelet set is very stylish! This closed bracelet comes into its own in rose gold-colored plating in combination with the large Facet Bold stone in Crystal. The Check On You bracelet set in rose gold plating consists of: 

Twisted Taya bracelet and the twisted Faceted Bold Stone in Crystal 12 mm.

All stones from the Melano Twisted collection are interchangeable and fit the Taya bracelet.

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the bracelet and earrings

I only had to wait for two days to get my package, so no complaints there. I love they packed every piece separately. 😍

It took me a while to find out how to open the bracelet, but you just screw off the stone and push it down to open. 😉

What I absolutely love about this jewelry brand is that I can change my set depending on what I am wearing. 😀

If I want to wear something red, I just screw the red stone on my bracelet and take the earrings with the red stones to make it into a set. 😊

When I feel like any other color, I use the crystal for the bracelet and the crystal stone earrings to make me another unique jewelry set. The choices are endless as long as you pay attention to buying matching pieces. 😎

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Thursday 24 November 2022

Fashion Stylist Interview With Anne Wilke

Hi There..... Have you ever considered an individual color analysis by a fashion stylist?

Picture provided by Anne Wilke

I haven't done a color analysis yet, but if someone would offer, let's say in exchange for a blog post, I wouldn't hesitate. That would be fantastic, except I am sure I'll never get that kind of offer. 😉

Ah, perhaps it's my fault because I could try to contact people and ask for it, but that's not my thing. I only apply to campaigns and never contact brands myself. 😊

Then again, I have a wonderful hubby who's excellent at picking the right clothes for me, so I could say I have my personal fashion stylist. 😁

Not that I always listen to his advice. If he comes to the dressing booth with something I don't like, it's hard to say no, but I still do. 😄

Once I went shopping with my husband and put on a pair of jeans that were a little torn, thinking they would last until I buy myself a new pair. When we arrived at the shopping center, we first went for a drink. 😊

As I went to the restroom, my pants ripped further, leaving me with a large hole in my pants. I was ever so glad my coat was long enough to cover it up. 😂

Enough about the stories. Let's see how our fashion stylist of today answered my questions. 😍

Picture provided by Anne Wilke

What is your name, function, and the company you work for?  

Anne Wilke
Owner/ Personal Color and Style Consultant

How old are you?


What kind of work do you do?

I work with women and men to gain confidence through the use of color and style. I offer my clients a variety of classes, such as a color analysis class, a private color class, a style class, or all-in-one-day color and style analysis classes. Through these classes, we can determine what colors look best on my clients so they can shine in their everyday life. I also help them develop their personal style, making shopping a breeze. 

What made you decide to become a Fashion Stylist?

I worked as an executive in high tech for over 25 years and experienced how much more confidence I had when I felt like I was wearing an outfit that made me feel good. When my daughter graduated from college, as a treat we both had our colors done by Karen Blanc with House of Colour. 

This turned out to be an amazing and life-changing experience. I loved how House of Colour processes are based on the science of color and unique body architectures combined with individual personalities. When House of Colour, a UK company, branched to the USA, I purchased a franchise. 

By this time, I had left the high-tech world to take care of my aging parents. Being a House of Colour consultant allowed me the flexibility I needed to take care of my personal life while also impacting other people's lives positively. 

I wanted to share with clients how they can look and feel good in what they wear with some color and style guidelines that are unique to them. This is ultimately what led me to be a House of Colour consultant, and I am never looking back!

Is fashion important to you? Why?

Personal style is important to me; not fashion, per se. I have always struggled with fashion, as so much of it does not work for me. I am broad-shouldered and tall, so I have always struggled. Even when I was young, I felt I was too tall and too skinny. 

House of Colour has helped me to find my personal style, learn how to accessorize, and be comfortable in what I wear. I realized a lot of the clothing I would pick out did not flatter me in the way I wanted it to, and I could never quite understand why. After finding out I was a Spring, I found it so much easier to shop for pieces I actually felt good about. 

Personal style is so impactful to me because of the way it can make someone feel. So many of my clients say they got comments about looking tired all the time or hating how they looked in photographs. They hadn’t had people tell them that anymore after my classes and felt so much better on camera! 

Personal style also involves investing in yourself- something so many of us forget to do! Once you invest in yourself, it is amazing how it can affect your career, your mood, and your personal life choices. Feeling good in your skin changes you for the better. 

What are your successes and how did you achieve them?

Using the House of Colour processes, it is fun to see the ah-ha moments my clients experience. 

Some examples:

Clients see how in-focus and beautiful they are with the correct colors
Clients see how the wrong colors can make them look tired
Clients see they are photogenic in the correct colors
Clients learn why some fashion trends work for them while others do not

As the first House of Colour franchisee in California, it took some work to get a client base. I have done this with planning and strong word of mouth from my wonderful clients. It is so important as a business owner to make each experience so impactful that my clients feel good about telling their loved ones about the service. I consider every referral an enormous success. 

Picture provided by Anne Wilke

Is the name of a Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

No, I have never been a name-brand shopper. In fact, I shy away from branded clothing, as I do not want to be a walking advertisement. That being said, there are some name brands I will purchase if the style works with my body shape. For example, if I find a store that caters to my style and I have had a lot of success in finding significant pieces, I will continue to shop there. 

The same goes for the quality of the clothing. If I have a piece that holds up well over time, I am more likely to frequent that place again. Do I care about the company name being embossed for everyone to see? Not so much… Functionality, comfort, and flattering pieces are all more important to me! I think this is a great message for my clients because I don’t want anyone to feel they need a ton of funds to look and feel good- you can find great pieces, and have even more options available to you once you find your style and best colors. 

Describe your personal style of clothing?

California casual with a glamorous vibe. Being in Southern California, it is usually in the 70s for most of the year. This affects my style because I like light layers and breathable fabrics. I do love to wear bold colors because I am so passionate about how my WOW colors affect me and the impact it has on my mood. 

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Before House of Colour, I accessorized little. I would wear a chain necklace and small earrings. I have learned that I need larger-scale accessories and bold pops of color. Now I wear a scarf with multiple necklaces and larger earrings. This layering makes me feel put together and beautiful. I also really love flowy clothing because it is so comfortable and perfect for Southern California weather. However, when it comes down to it, I think my signature look is having a bold statement necklace and bold rings. 

In what way do you influence other people’s clothing style?

During a Personal Style Analysis class, I look at my client’s body architecture and proportions so we can determine how to give the optical illusion of balance. But body architecture is not the only factor we consider. We also take into consideration the client's personality- do they want drama or a more understated vibe?

With the body architecture and personality factors, I provide my clients with guidelines on how to dress: which necklines look best for them; what size patterns are best; which patterns are best; where they should wear a belt; what type of skirt and what length… Finding your personal style is a process and with these guidelines, clients learn to be comfortable and confident with their clothing choices.

I think the biggest way I influence other people’s clothing styles is by encouraging them to be courageous and seek something they haven't tried before. Many clients come in only comfortable in neutrals and leave with a new love for bolder colors that honestly suit them better. Making my clients feel comfortable and like they are in a safe space to discuss making these big changes is so important to me. 

Picture provided by Anne Wilke

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

With people going to a hybrid work schedule between home and the office, there is a hybrid of work/leisure trend taking place. Luxe leisure wear with a smarter vibe. Suits are made to be comfortable: soft and slouchy with thicker, high-quality fabrics. Athleisure wear is also a cool thing to come of this- the idea of looking sophisticated enough to work, but then being able to go workout or pick up your kids in the same outfit is a really cool concept. 

We are also seeing items with more embellishments - beading, embroidery, sequins, or crystals. This is a fun way for you to add your personality to your style. Add bling with a brooch to your fall knit scarf.  

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

I really dislike slips as dresses no matter what age you are. If you choose to, that is totally up to you. This is just my personal preference. 

I dislike all the articles on how you can be too old for certain items. Some people need their skirt hems to be above the knee no matter how old they are- just based on their body's architecture. I also have clients say they are too old to wear royal purple even if it makes them look amazing… I would love to get rid of the idea that some clothing pieces are only made for some age groups!

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Invest in learning what colors look best on you and what types of clothing complement your body. Your body is perfect; clothing is not. Too many women and men keep an old pair of jeans from 10 years ago in their closet that every time they try on it makes them feel bad because it doesn't fit right- get rid of the jeans, learn what looks flattering on you, and feel GOOD in your skin in clothing that makes you feel good! 

Find an excellent tailor. Sometimes you find that perfect piece but it needs to be shorter or taken in… buy the piece and don’t be afraid to alter!

Don’t worry about the label size - I currently have four different-sized pants in my closet and they all fit great. All brands are different and what matters is that you feel great. 

Is there something else you would like to share with us about any upcoming fall/winter trends?

With sustainability being on so many shoppers' minds, gently pre-owned pieces of clothing will continue to be big. It is fun to see these “vintage” items modified to look modern. Personalities come out with a mix of old and new. I would encourage people to not shy away from vintage items, and tailoring is always available if necessary.

Picture provided by Anne Wilke

Thanks, Anne for answering my questions. I love your statement, "Your body is perfect; clothing is not" Couldn't agree more. 

If you feel like reading some more, here are a few more of my recent fashion stylist interviews: 

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Sunday 20 November 2022

Interview With Fashion Model Taylor Ava Smith

Hi There..... Isn’t this a great day to start something new? How about an interview with a fashion model who loves streetwear style?

Picture provided by Taylor Ava Smith

Surely, you can’t say no to that? Ok, I suppose you can, but why would you? There is nothing wrong with a fresh perspective on things. 😲

People have a tendency to stay in their comfort zone because getting out of it makes them uncertain, and that uncertainty makes them feel anxious. Come on, what have you got to lose this time except for a few minutes of your time? 😉

Unless you are afraid that this interview will be mind-blowing. Ooh, I can understand you might not want your brain splattered all around the room. 😬

That would be quite a headline: “This morning a strange accident occurred. A woman’s mind blew up after reading a fashion and lifestyle blog.” 😂

Oh my, I hope they won’t mention the name of my blog in the paper, because I don’t want to lose my faithful readers. 😱

Still, I think my first fashion model interview turned out to be an interesting read. Just read on and you’ll see. 😍

Picture provided by Taylor Ava Smith

What is your name? How old are you?

Taylor Ava Smith
15 Years Old

Are you on Social Media? How many followers do you have?


Instagram (@tayloravasmith) 4,838
Facebook (/tayloravasmith) 13,143

Do you work Full-time or Part-time as a Fashion Model?

Per diem

What made you decide to become a Fashion Model?

I have a passion for styling outfits, sneakers, and streetwear style. I’ve been working to build a name for myself in women’s soccer and felt it aligned with being a fashion model. 

My parents have been enormous support in helping me take the steps required to become published and with opportunities to work in the modeling industry.

How many hours do you spend modeling?

It varies by brand and what’s needed. Right now, I have routine social media shoots that usually require 4-6 hours every few weeks.

Is fashion important to you? Why?

I believe fashion is a creative outlet, it’s a mode of self-expression and art.

Picture provided by Taylor Ava Smith

What are your successes and how did you achieve them?

Right now, my biggest achievements in the industry are the brand work I do and the publications I’ve received with Seaav, The Robb Report, and so on.

I achieved them with the help of my parents and the marketing team.

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I would love to work with larger brands and become endorsed by a few sports brands for soccer gear.

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you model clothing?

I believe the vision and purpose of the brand are more important than the name. I prefer brands that align with my values and interest. Size doesn’t matter so much. That is the point of working together — mutual growth.

Describe your personal style of clothing?

I would describe my style as being a mix of femineity and modern streetwear style. I love basic pieces paired with something to grab attention.

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look?

I’m versatile with continuous looks. Most of my styling is for warmer weather, being that I live in Florida.

Picture provided by Taylor Ava Smith

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

I would like to think so. I do some affiliate marketing and aim to connect with other young women to inspire their day-to-day style choices.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

The tailored minimalist streetwear style is my go-to. I love the mini purse fad. I’m also a big fan of the newest Nike sneaker releases. Jordan 1s or air force ones.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

You won’t catch me in plaid or sequins. Both seem to make a comeback and I have yet to find any pieces I like.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Go with what you feel most yourself in. You can tell when someone is wearing something outside of their comfort zone and it tends to dim how they look. Your confidence in an outfit must be matched.

Who is your style icon and why?

I love Kendall Jenner. Her style is simplistic yet can grab the attention of the entire room.

Picture provided by Taylor Ava Smith

Thank you so much, Taylor, for answering my questions. Love your pictures, and I hope you land some big brands in the future. 😍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Thursday 17 November 2022

Where To Find Spiritual Healing Jewelry - Mythical Lotus - Moonstone Bracelet

Hi There..... Are you into spiritual healing? I wonder, would you like to know more about the moonstone bracelet Mythical Lotus sent me in exchange for my honest opinion?

Picture by Seadbeady

I suppose I can’t say I am into spiritual healing because that would be a lie. Then again, I am not saying it’s fake. You never know until you try, right?  😉

No, I will not try to convince you today, because that is not me. No one should persuade people into any belief if you ask me. Hey, but who am I to advise you not to influence anyone, since I, myself, am an influencer? 😂 

What I can tell you already is that I believe gemstones are precious, and it would surprise me to find a woman who doesn’t like to get the occasional piece of jewelry with a lovely gemstone in it. 😎

They have been sneaking into the men’s world, too, so who am I to say no to this amazing-looking moonstone bracelet? 😁

Picture by Seadbeady

About Mythical Lotus

At Mythical Lotus, we commit to helping you heal and recalibrate your energy through exquisite pieces of jewelry that will empower you on your life's journey. 

We make them by hand in New York with gemstones sourced from all over the world. Our jewelry is filled with healing properties, seeking to become your new favorite accessory. Check out our astonishing accent pieces.

Find the mala or bracelet that satisfies your taste, or extend your collection with a jewelry box and a candle designed to warm up your space and lift your healing vibration.

We take considerable pride in our work quality and customer service as a team, striving to help you enjoy a fulfilling life experience dressed up with unique accessories.

Picture by Seadbeady

Handcrafted Accessories That Feed Your Soul & Inspire Your Mind

For adorning your neck and wrist, you need more than just a lovely piece of jewelry. You want an accessory that breathes authenticity, inspires passion, and uplifts your mood with its unique energy.

At Mythical Lotus, we have designed a collection of spiritual healing, lifestyle jewelry, and curated tools made with the deepest healing intentions. From mala and bracelets to journals, tarot cards, jewelry boxes, and candles. 

We handcraft all our products using thoughtfully sourced gemstones and materials from across the globe, infused with sacred mantras, ancient drumming, traditional incense, and many more.

Picture by Seadbeady

White Moonstone Bracelet

Tuned to the crown chakra, the white moonstone helps attract healing energies to those who need it.

The Crown Transformation Bracelet is a dainty 7.5-inch bracelet characterized by white moonstones and a butterfly pendant, the latter of which is a chic pearly pink.

Butterflies represent transformation, growth, and patience that will work in harmony with the power of the white moonstone.

The result is the attraction of abundant transformative healing energies that will pour through you to your core.

Whether you use your bracelet during meditation, wear them to remind you of your intentions, or solely for their exquisite beauty, we hope you enjoy and cherish them for years to come!

Since stones and crystals absorb energy from you and your surroundings, we recommended you cleanse and charge your bracelet every now and again. You can use any type of incense, a quick dip in the ocean, a hole in the earth, light from the sun or moon, or any sonic vibration. 

Gold-filled accents should not fade but can be cleaned with a jewelry cloth & cleaner for a nice shine.

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the Moonstone Bracelet 

As you can see in the picture above, their packing is impeccable, so their items would certainly make splendid gifts. 😃

I think the moonstone bracelet is absolutely gorgeous. The bracelet is exactly as expected and professionally made. The butterfly is the cherry on the pie. I love it! 

There is just one slight problem I might encounter, though. What if my 6-year-old granddaughter sees this? She's not old enough for it now, but I might lose it in a few years because she also loves butterflies. 😨

Picture by Seadbeady

It is definitely unique and looks different from the standard bracelets you can find in other stores. The seller is warm and friendly and I liked her pleasant style of communication. 😍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Saturday 12 November 2022

Interview With Makeup Artist Fiona Taylor

Hi There..... Have you ever had your hair and makeup done by a makeup artist? 

Picture provided by Fiona Taylor
I had my makeup done once when I was about 17. My mom taught me a few things about hair and makeup, but not that much, so it was a real eye-opener for me. 😊

I absolutely wanted to learn because my best friend asked me if I wanted to start classes at a dancing school with her. I said yes, of course, so we enrolled in style dancing classes. 😎

The school held dance evenings for youngsters on Sunday evenings, so you can imagine I wanted to look my best to have enough boys ask me to dance. You never know when you might meet Mr. Right. 😏

Then again, there were always the ones you didn't feel like dancing with or the times when they played "La Bamba". Those were the moments when you would find everyone on the dance floor. 😉

Our favorite moment of the evening where everybody would stand in an enormous circle and the one in the middle would get to choose a person to give 3 kisses to. 😁

Doesn't that sound superb? Eek, no, of course not. It was the perfect time for us to head to the restroom and wait for the song to end to come out again. 😂

Oops, I've done it again. I wondered so far off. Today was supposed to be about another makeup artist, not about me, so let's find out what Fiona answered to my questions. 😍

Picture provided by Fiona Taylor

What are your name, function, and the company you work for?

My name is Fiona Taylor. I own a special events company, Faces by Fiona, and a beauty essential company, Beluxxia Beauty. 

We provide on-site beauty services to luxury clients. Our service offering ranges from makeup, hair, and on-set styling to providing touch-up essential cosmetics and accessories for clients attending events.

How old are you?

I am 38 years old.

What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be?

I provide artistic creations related to special events and the fashion industry. Clients have me transform them into either a red-carpet version of themselves or The Avant-Garde character for a themed party or photoshoot. My specialty is hair design and makeup artistry with a background in fashion design.

What made you decide to become a Makeup-Artist?

I’ve always loved how uplifting, empowering, and feminine a makeup transformation makes you feel. I found a natural place in the beauty industry after realizing a perfect way to fuse fashion trends and beauty together. 

Using my craft to give people encouragement to live through their alter-ego is inspiring! Sometimes it’s just helping someone feel more confident and assured by living out the dream version of who they envision from within.

There is power in beauty and how one presents themselves when they look polished. I intend to use my skills to not only make clients look amazing but also feel like they can take on what life throws at them… beautifully!

Is beauty important to you? Why?

Beauty IS important because it can shift a person's mood and feelings of self-worth, empowering you to follow your inner fierceness. 

How people perceive you matters as we, unfortunately, are often judged on how we look. I like to think of my services as a way to instill positive self-confidence so that you show up to succeed and make a positive impression on those who are important to you.

Beauty is important to me because it allows me to help clients develop and transform into stronger, more beautiful versions of themselves.

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

They have featured me on several platforms as a top makeup artist in Dallas. LUXLife Magazine awarded my company "The Best Beauty and Glamour Team North Texas", and I received WeddingWire’s "Couples Choice Award."

I believe my achievements come from my drive to level up my skills. I always jump at the opportunity to advance myself and push my limits and barriers.

I try to listen carefully to clients as they explain what they wish to achieve, then identify any gaps where I could possibly assist a future client with a similar need. Also, I am a very competitive person. I’m continually evaluating processes, my skills, and my company's offerings to ensure I’m giving the best version of my services in my industry.

I listen carefully to the fears of others for my dreams, ideas, and devotions. Hearing someone express their dislike or discomfort makes me question what makes them feel insecure about my ability. I use that energy to push myself to overcome negative feedback and achieve success beyond what people believe I could do.

Picture provided by Fiona Taylor

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I’d like to see myself become a published author of self-help books related to the beauty industry. I’m currently working on completing an ebook bridal guide that will dive into how brides can look dreamy for their big day, with topics that discuss skincare and haircare prep, different bridal makeup styles, and more!

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy make-up?

It really is about the quality for me. It doesn’t have to be a super expensive brand to be of high quality. I look at other factors when buying makeup, such as longevity, quality of the ingredients, and their benefits.

Describe your personal make-up style?

My personal makeup style is a modern classic Hollywood beauty. I can’t live without my red lipstick! I love red lips so much, I put one in my company logo!

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look?

The photo-ready red carpet look is a classic I love! I would say I’ve tried out different styles, from vibrant and bright to dramatic to artistry, and I never tire of seeing my prime look on my face. I like to define the features of my face that pop the most and look clean, polished, alluring, inviting, mysterious, and classy.

Regarding makeup for others, I use a similar approach. I try to elevate what features are the most striking naturally and create a beauty look that makes the wearer look like the best version of themselves without wearing an entirely unfamiliar face. I put careful attention into the wardrobe colors and mood of the event, which allows me to create a cohesive hair and makeup look.

Do you have an influence on other people’s make-up or clothing style?

I would hope so! My clients request looks from my portfolio of past clients. They tell me they appreciate how authentic, beautiful, and realistic they appear. They often wish for the same aesthetics.

Picture provided by Fiona Taylor

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

Softer more natural brows, diffused soft lips, and winged eyeshadow looks. These are all amazing for defining your natural beauty in a trendy, non-harsh way.

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

Over highlighting the nose, over contouring the nose, the bleached-out blonde eyebrow, and graphic liner. These trends pull away and distract from people's faces. They are sometimes harsh and out of place. 

Many times, clients tell me excessively chiseled noses where it looks painted on turn them off. Excessively applying a shiny highlighter stripe down the nose bridge that ends with a nose tip that glows in the dark is sometimes humorous. I’m a fan of using trends with modification.

You should modify the intensity of trends so that it doesn’t pull away from your best features, but accentuates them.

What kind of beauty advice would you give us?

Start with a prime look that uses techniques that elevate your best features. For a more dramatic approach, take those techniques and intensify them by adding more or using a bolder makeup application in those areas. 

Also, it is important to find a focus point of energy within your face. If you love your eyes, start there. The other features should fall back and be softer around your eyes. One feature of the face doesn’t need to fight the other for attention. They should live in harmony and maintain balance and color with each other.

Who is your style icon and why?

I love Marilyn Monroe. She was classy, sexy, glamorous, powerful, and inspiring through her style. A timeless beauty.

Is there something else you would like to share with us?

Thank you for your time!

Picture provided by Fiona Taylor

I would like to thank you too, Fiona, for taking the time to answer my questions, and for the tips on hair and makeup. I checked out your BeluxxiaBeauty website, and am a fan of those hair accents.

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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Thursday 3 November 2022

Interview With Jewelry Designer Esme Rogers

Hi There..... Do you sometimes wonder what I am going to write about?

Picture provided by Esme Rogers

Well, I have to admit, so do I. 😂

Finding a subject isn’t hard. It could be an interview with a jewelry designer, fashion designer, fashion stylist, or a new interview with a makeup artist. 😊

At other times, it's a review of an item, and then there are my occasional beauty and fashion gift guides. 😃

That’s the straightforward part, so if you didn’t know what you can find on my blog, now you do. 😉

The hardest part is writing something interesting as an intro. How do you pull in the reader so that he doesn’t run? 😨

That’s crucial for me because I am not a fast runner. My 6-year-old granddaughter runs faster than me. 😂

I suppose the most important about writing an intro is that you don’t make it too lengthy, get to the point. 😊

Then again, what is not too lengthy? Mr. Google says it’s about 100 to 200 words, so how long have I been blabbering today? 😦

Aha, perfect Wordcounter says 184 words and 981 characters, so after this super interesting intro, it's time to see what our jewelry designer has to say. 

Picture provided by Esme Rogers

What are your name, function, and the company you work for?  

I’m Esme Roger Evans and I’m the founder of Duxford Studios.

How old are you?


What kind of work do you do, or what are you studying to be? 

I’m a jewelry designer and maker working with ethically sourced precious metals and gemstones.

What made you decide to become a Jewelry Designer?

I was brought up in a creative household and went to uni to study Fine Art Sculpture. While studying, I experimented with different materials and often got frustrated by the excess waste, so I knew I needed to find a medium that was more environmentally friendly. 

After uni, I traveled through New Zealand where I found a jewelry-making course. The versatility and reusability of precious metals really excited me and I knew I’d found my thing! 

After NZ, I moved to Vietnam, where I taught myself wax carving, sat at my coffee table using cosmetic tools and nail files and I carried my creations on the back of a motorbike to be cast with the help of my translator. Although I was plagued with back pain and a badly marked coffee table, I’ve never been happier!

Jewelry design enables me to explore and satisfy my creativity by hand-making timeless and tactile wearable art for my customers. My work is concept-driven and inspired by contemporary culture and conceptual art. 

It’s important to me to promote the ethical materials I use to educate and encourage people to make conscious decisions when buying new products. 

Picture provided by Esme Rogers

Is fashion important to you? Why? 

Totally. To me, fashion is the simplest form of personal expression. It’s a way of communicating with the world around me without having to say a thing. 

It excites me to go to new places and unpick the local cultural vibe by seeing what choices people make with the clothing and accessories they pick.

What are your successes, and how did you achieve them?

They have featured me in Vogue Italia and Tatler magazine recently, which has felt like a massive achievement. Tatler approached me to be a part of a jewelry editorial which was a huge honor, and I worked with a fantastic photographer named Lauren Miksys, who I commissioned to take some beautiful shots of my jewelry, and one photo from our collaborative shoot got accepted by Vogue Italia. 

More recently, I have got my work listed on Harvey Nichols online, which I’m so thrilled with. 

I’m part of an ethical marketplace for jewelry and accessories called Seekd, and we’ve worked really hard to make this partnership a reality. 

What’s something you might want to do in the future?

I would love to research and find an ethically run gemstone mine to work with exclusively. Human slavery and exploitation, unsustainable mining practices, and CO2 emissions are issues traditionally exacerbated by the jewelry industry and, as a result, I only buy from reputable British suppliers. 

In the future, I would like to work more closely with the individuals working in the mining industry so that I can have a greater impact on ethical working practices. 

Is the name of the Brand important to you when you buy clothing?

I have brands that I enjoy buying from but the name of a brand isn’t the most important thing to me. I like to buy quality 2nd hand clothing when I can because there is so much waste in the fashion industry which has a hugely detrimental impact on our planet. 
When it comes to jewellery, I’m very careful to read up on the materials used by a designer before deciding to buy. Luckily, there are so many other fantastic British designers using ethically sourced materials, I often feel spoilt for choice!

Describe your personal style of clothing?

I would say I have a relatively relaxed style. Generally speaking, I focus on one stand out piece and pair it with more understated items. So maybe I’d pair a striking 80s jacket with a simple top and jeans. Being a jewellery, accessories always play a big role in my outfits too.

Picture provided by Esme Rogers

How did you find your personal style? Do you have a signature look? 

Through experimentation over the years. While I was at uni, I was obsessed with vintage and charity shopping and that’s never really left me. I’m a total sucker for an 80s jumpsuit!

Do you have an influence on other people’s clothing style?

I think I dress quite differently to my close friends. I wouldn’t say I influence them in how they dress as they all have their own unique styles, but we definitely enjoy seeing what we’re all wearing when we meet up.

What are in your eyes the best trends at the moment?

There’s a big push towards ethically made clothing and accessories at the moment, which I think is a fantastic and very necessary change in our culture. 

What are in your eyes the worst trends at the moment?

I’ve noticed that fringing has started to make a bit of a comeback which I find can look very fussy if it’s overdone.

What kind of fashion advice would you give us?

Buy a few good quality show stoppers that can be worn in combination with lots of different things. And always accessorise!
Who is your style icon and why?
I absolutely love Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen. Authentic creativity seems to pour out of their work and they both have/had a punk rock rebellion which I totally identify with.  

Picture provided by Esme Rogers

Thank you, Esme, for working with me on this interview. I love you are trying to find an ethically run gemstone mine, and hope you can accomplish that soon. 😍

Hope you like my blog.....Until next time.....Have a nice day 

Renata (Seadbeady) 

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